The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 9: Super dark horse


In front of everyone is a small display screen. At the top of the display is a row of props classification tables, then at the end is the total, and at the front is the name of the online anchor.

Now, the first person in line is an anchor named Unstoppable. The props behind him read: 300 applause, 500 flowers, 10 bicycles, 5 electric vehicles, 3 sports cars, and 1 RV. The total is 25,500 Chinese coins.

The second place was a guy named Little Greedy Cat, and he was rewarded with props totaling 20,000 Chinese coins.

The third place is the one named Qi Tong Shan He. This guy is going to challenge the record today, so his results are also good. He has already earned 18,000 Chinese coins.

The results of the following anchors vary, with rewards ranging from over 10,000 yuan to tens of yuan.

But these are not the things that attract a group of statisticians. What really attracts these people is the name of a new person who just registered at around 11 o'clock last night - Ye Fei!

Just an hour ago, no one had seen Ye Fei's name at all, which meant that Ye Fei was not even qualified to be on this list.

But within this hour or so, this name was like a rocket, rocketing up the list like crazy.

"Eight thousand? More than a bun."

"Damn it, nine thousand? That's more than Superman."

"Uh~~~~Are you mistaken? Twelve thousand? How many breaths have you taken?"

"Fifteen thousand?"

"Eighteen thousand? He actually killed Qi Tunshanhe? The third one?"

"Uh~~ No, right? Twenty thousand? The little greedy cat has been tortured? Is there any mistake?"

When it reached 20,000 Chinese coins, Ye Fei's name finally stopped.

But even this frightened a bunch of statisticians. Ever since their gourmet section started broadcasting, there has never been such an unbelievable person. In just over one fucking hour, one of them didn’t even make the rankings at the beginning. A newcomer who is not qualified to be on the list suddenly rockets to the second place in the food section rankings, on par with the veteran master Xiao Mao. Damn it, is this still a human being? How did he do that

"Huh~~ Damn, you scared me to death. Who is this god? Isn't it too scary?"

"Ye Fei, didn't you see his online name? But I highly doubt that he is using his real name."

"This is too exaggerated. Damn it, I'm even sweating. This person is so crazy."

"This is a big deal. Report it to your supervisor immediately."

At this time, a person behind everyone spoke: "No need to report, I saw everything."

Everyone hurriedly looked back and saw their supervisor Feng Tianlai standing there, but Feng Tianlai had a smile on his face and it was obvious that he was very excited.

"Supervisor? Our section is about to turn around." A female statistician shouted excitedly.

Feng Tianlai nodded and ordered: "Yes, Mrs. Ku is finally coming out. You must pay close attention to this newcomer named Ye Fei. By the way, give him a recommendation every week."

"Ah? One recommendation every week? Supervisor, do you want to be so cruel? You must know that the recommendation indicators of our food section are pitiful. Even the great gods like Greedy Cat and Qi Tunshanhe sometimes can't arrange it. This newcomer every time I recommend it every week, will you..."

Feng Tianlai snorted and said: "If they can achieve Ye Fei's results on the first day, I will also arrange weekly recommendations. Stop talking nonsense and do as I tell you."

After saying that, Feng Tianlai was about to leave, but before he could turn around, everyone suddenly started screaming again.

"Fuck, did you move again?"

"Emma, this is the rhythm of flying. There are three thousand more at once. Let me go, it's twenty-five thousand?"

"Xiaomei, pinch me, am I dreaming?"

"Why don't you pinch yourself?"

"I can't do it."

This time Feng Tianlai directly separated the crowd and squeezed to the front, staring at the screen with his eyes.

As soon as he saw Ye Fei's name, he jumped directly to the first position like a triple jump, killing the veteran celebrity in the food section.

"I... Damn, it's so fierce." Feng Tianlai said to himself in shock.

Behind him, a group of statisticians were completely stunned. They had seen newcomers become gods, but they had never seen anyone become a god at this pace. Didn't this guy come here on a rocket? Not to mention the food section, even the new gods in the singing, dancing and language categories do not have this speed.

Feng Tianlai didn't know how to express his inner shock. He suddenly turned around and ordered a statistician, saying: "Send an announcement in the company headquarters, saying that a new god has appeared in the food section. I am going to see the manager now. This new guy is named Ye Fei. God we must keep him no matter what the cost.”

After saying that, Feng Tianlai left in a panic.

The programmer who was ordered was called Liu Ping. He hurriedly came to the computer and sat there doing nothing. He took a few deep breaths and calmed his mind. Otherwise, he would not be able to type at all and his hands were trembling. .

After a long while, Liu Ping finally calmed down, and then he clicked on the company's main group, only to see a group of people chatting happily in the group.

"Everyone, our reward for singing and dancing props has reached 20,000 yuan. Haha, this is almost breaking the record of the God of Song. There is still a few thousand to go."

"We have a reward of 19,000 for the eloquent language props. Liu Tao, you have to be careful when singing and dancing."

"Damn it, you really won't let our departments survive. Can you give us some hope?"

"Haha, you can also discover new people."

“Although we have a lot of people in the fitness category, it’s really not easy for new gods to appear.”

"Yes, our outdoor sports are the same. We all have a lot of fun running outside, but our popularity is not increasing."

"I say just be satisfied. Our number one shopping guru's reward today is less than 20,000 yuan."

"Haha, don't be discouraged. There are foodies to support you. You can't make up for it."

"That's right, the food category is at the bottom every day. It's unbeatable."

Just when everyone was burying the food section, a message suddenly appeared.

"The new god Ye Fei has appeared in the food section. The registration time was 11:10 last night. It has been an hour and 20 minutes since the live broadcast started. The prop rewards have totaled 25,000... No, the latest news I just got is that the prop rewards The reward has been accumulated to 30,000."

Everyone: "..."

"Holy crap, it's impossible!"

"Liu Ping, you have a fever, aren't you? This is the company headquarters, can you please stop making such jokes?"

"You want to say that I still believe in the great god of singing and dancing, but you want to say that you are the new god of food? I just don't know."

"Haha, this news makes me laugh to death. Are you gourmets crazy about making gods? Xiao Pingping."

"If a newcomer gets so many rewards, I wonder how many kilograms of food he has eaten in one hour."

"Pfft~~~Food anchors are all big eaters, it's scary."

Feng Tianlai stood in front of manager Zhao Sen and said seriously: "Manager, everything I said is true."

Zhao Sen squinted his eyes, leaned on the sofa chair, and said, "What do you want to do?"

Feng Tianlai said: "Recommendation position, I need recommendation position, home page recommendation, at least a month."

Zhao Sen said nothing.

At this time, Feng Tianlai's cell phone rang. He took it out to look at it, then put it in front of Zhao Sen and said: "The latest news, Manager Zhao, just now, the total amount of Ye Fei's rewards has reached three 20,000 Huaxia coins, and the duration of his live broadcast was only one hour and forty minutes."

Zhao Sen picked up Feng Tianlai's cell phone and looked at it. He suddenly laughed, returned the phone to Feng Tianlai, and said, "I agree."

(End of chapter)