The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 91: I can fan your little face through the air (1)


Inside the conference room.

Hong Shuangxi and Lu Wei were chatting away.

"Chairman, everyone, I think as an anchor, you must have the minimum quality. You can't deceive the audience just for a little result. The audience is not a fool. You can deceive them once or twice, but who will deceive them more times?" Will you believe me? I definitely don’t agree with Ye Fei’s approach. Although he has achieved great results in the past few days, I think it will only be a flash in the pan. You will see next. I am very satisfied if those viewers don’t criticize our platform."

"What Manager Hong said is very good. I think so too. Cheating is the most shameful thing, especially in front of so many people. So I think people like Ye Fei should not be on our platform at all." If he appears, I suggest that he be banned and let this rat turd get out of here, so as not to ruin a good pot of soup."

The managers of several other departments did not express any opinions on the words of Hong Shuangxi and Lu Wei. In fact, everyone knew very well that these two guys just couldn't stand the rise of the food section, and would even surpass them in the future. They were stepping on the food section. Woolen cloth.

Let’s not talk about whether Ye Fei deceived the audience or not. Even if it is, it is the matter of Zhao Sen, the manager of the food section. Why are you so anxious? It is obvious that you are jealous of someone who has a great anchor and are afraid that you will Your first and second positions were taken away, so you got angry and attacked others.

Ma Qingyun knows everything about Ye Fei. Although Ye Fei directly lost his face at the beginning, since Ye Fei did not leave the Qiuqiu platform, it means that he is still helping him secretly. Regarding this, Ma Qingyun I didn’t say it out loud, there were some things that everyone just knew in their hearts.

Now that he saw Hong Shuangxi and Lu Wei teaming up to deal with Ye Fei, he felt a little strange. Could this guy's existence really threaten the status of these two sections

If it is true, then I can't let Ye Fei go. One person can shake up the two most popular live broadcast sections. This ability is not something ordinary people can have.

Just when Hong Shuangxi and Lu Wei kept criticizing Luo Yefei, the door of the conference room opened, and Zhao Sen walked in happily from the outside. Everyone could see clearly that in Zhao Sen's hand he was holding A document bag.

Zhao Sen said hello to everyone, returned to his seat and sat down, then solemnly placed the document bag in his hand in front of him, and wiped it lightly as if there was dust on it. .

After doing this, Zhao Sen smoothed his suit, then straightened his tie, and finally touched his hair on the temples, coughed twice, then put his hands on his legs, Sit up straight.

Everyone was a little confused when they saw Zhao Sen's series of actions. They thought, what is wrong with this girl? You're stroking your suit, wiping your tie and stroking your hair. What's going on

Seeing that no one was talking, Zhao Sen looked around and saw that everyone was looking at him. He made an invitation gesture towards Hong Shuangxi and Lu Wei and said, "You two, continue."

Hong Shuangxi: “……….”

Lu Wei: “…….”

Damn it, continue? What should we continue? Your series of inexplicable actions have confused us all, how can we continue

Ma Qingyun looked at Zhao Sen with a smile, then his eyes fell on the document bag in front of Zhao Sen, and asked: "Manager Zhao, what is in this bag?"

Zhao Sen snorted and said: "Chairman, it's just a little data from Ye Fei. Just now Lao Feng said he would send it to me. I said oh, it's just Ye Fei's data, why are you sending it to me?" , it’s not like I haven’t seen it before, but Lao Feng insisted on giving it to me and said it would give me a surprise, so I took it over. When I saw it, there was no surprise at all. It was all data that everyone could think of. ,Hey~~"

When everyone saw Zhao Sen say this, the corners of their mouths twitched.

Damn it, data that everyone can think of

You're so funny. Just Ye Fei's data a few days ago, you can't even imagine it.

When Ma Qingyun heard that there was Ye Fei's data in the bag, he immediately became energetic and said, "I'm also very curious about Ye Fei. Manager Zhao won't let me tell you what's going on."

Zhao Sen waved his hands and said: "Chairman, everyone, nothing is going on. It's just that Ye Fei started the live broadcast at four o'clock this afternoon. Here are the data of his live broadcast."


Just after he finished speaking, Hong Shuangxi almost laughed and said, "Manager Zhao, are you really making us happy? Ye Fei starts the live broadcast at around four o'clock in the afternoon?"

Zhao Sen nodded, looked at Hong Shuangxi with a puzzled expression, and said, "Manager Hong, what's wrong?"

Hong Shuangxi laughed loudly and said: "Everyone, what did I just say? This is a newcomer. He doesn't know anything. An excellent anchor must not only have one skill, but the key is to be able to grasp the time of broadcasting. When are the most people watching the live broadcast? Noon and evening, these are the two prime time periods. Can you see which master does not start the broadcast during these two time periods? Ye Fei actually chose to start the broadcast at around four o'clock in the afternoon, his head Was it caught in the door?"

Lu Wei also smiled and said: "This person still lacks experience."

Ma Qingyun also shook his head. He didn't expect that Ye Fei would start the live broadcast at about four o'clock in the afternoon, but that was wrong. Wasn't this guy spending time with his daughter today? Is there still time for a live broadcast

"Manager Zhao, what's going on? Please tell me and don't make everyone anxious."

Zhao Sen then said with a serious face: "Chairman, our meeting has been held since you came here at about 11 o'clock in the morning, so we don't know about some things outside. This is what happened to Ye Fei, His daily live broadcast time is actually very normal, it is around 12 noon, but today he did not start the broadcast at that time, saying that he had something to do and could not start the broadcast. Everyone can understand this, who would not? It was an emergency, right? So no one paid attention, but at this moment, a very strange thing happened. "

Zhao Sen said this and stopped immediately.

This made a group of people want to rush up and beat him up. Did you do it deliberately to appetize? You want to talk about this very strange thing. Why did you stop

"Oh? What happened?"

Ma Qingyun didn't know whether things were strange or not, but he only knew that he felt strange about Ye Fei now.

Zhao Sen cleared his throat and continued: "What about this strange thing? It's like this. Didn't Ye Fei start broadcasting on time at 12:10 a few days ago? Today, we decided to stop broadcasting temporarily, which caused many viewers not to receive the news. , and then they went to Ye Fei’s live broadcast room and waited there for an hour or two without seeing Ye Fei coming.”

Lu Wei sneered and said: "Manager Zhao, are you exaggerating a bit? Ye Fei has never shown up, and his fans are just waiting in the live broadcast room? How is this possible, let alone Ye Fei, a new anchor? Even a fan of a gold star anchor cannot be so loyal."

Hong Shuangxi also laughed and said: "Where did Manager Zhao hear this? It's simply ridiculous."

Zhao Sen looked at the two people and said with a smile: "I don't know if it's funny or not, but I know that I really can't laugh at what happens next."

"What's going on?" Everyone asked almost in unison.

Zhao Sen was very satisfied with everyone's performance. Well, you should ask together, otherwise my storytelling will be a failure.

"When Ye Fei's fans didn't wait for him, someone tipped Ye Fei? And they tipped a luxury plane!"


This time, everyone was not calm. Ye Fei was not here, but someone rewarded him. What does this mean? This is an empty reward. How long has it been since the platform has had an empty reward? Everyone is the head of the department and knows the same thing.

Therefore, when I heard that Ye Fei's space had empty rewards, I would be damned if I wasn't shocked.

"An empty reward?" Ma Qingyun asked.

Zhao Sen hummed and said, "Yes, it is indeed an empty reward."

Hong Shuangxi sneered and said: "It's just an air reward for one plane. If I remember correctly, the company's air reward record is still held by Prince Shuinen, the master of our singing and dancing section. The air reward he received at that time was also five thousand Chinese coins. Now he is a third-tier star, singing and releasing albums, and having a successful career, but no matter what, it is still worthy of joy that Ye Fei can tie the record of our platform, everyone applauds!"

As he said that, this guy really slapped his hands.

Lu Wei also started taking pictures.

Others didn't, and they were all shocked. They didn't expect that someone would get an empty reward again a few years later. What does this mean

It shows how much his fans affirm him!

It shows that his live broadcast is very exciting!

Seeing that no one agreed with them, Hong Shuangxi and Lu Wei stopped taking pictures.

Zhao Sen looked at the two people like clowns and said, "Manager Hong, I haven't finished speaking yet. Your applause comes too early."

Hong Shuangxi was stunned and said, "What do you mean?"

Lu Wei also felt a slight thump in his heart, and he had a vague feeling of badness.

Sure enough, Zhao Sen continued: "Someone rewarded Ye Feikong with a luxury airplane. This was just the beginning. Later, his fans rewarded him endlessly, including luxury airplanes and sports cars. These were even more dazzling. In the end, Ye Fei The empty reward I got much do you think it is?"

Damn it!

When everyone saw Zhao Sen talking like this, they all wanted to rush up and beat him into pieces.

We haven't heard about this, so we're just guessing.

Seeing everyone looking crazy, Zhao Sen stopped teasing them and said: "Chairman, everyone, the empty reward Ye Fei got this time is 357,347 Chinese coins!"






… … ….

(End of chapter)