The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 97: The sensation caused by the wheel of fortune


Ye Fei never dreamed that the system would give him such a big gift, a complete collection of Sichuan cuisine with second-level authority. This made Ye Fei so excited that he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night.

By the time I fell asleep, it was almost dawn.

In one breath, Ye Fei slept until half past eleven in the morning before Ye Fei got up.

After washing up, he quickly turned on his computer and entered his live broadcast room without having time to get something to eat. He wanted to see if the platform could help him get a lucky wheel.

After opening the result, Ye Fei was happy.

I saw something like a disk in the upper right corner of the live broadcast room. The disk was divided into many small spaces. Each space had an ID. A red pointer pointed directly above. In the middle The location is a red button with the words "lucky disk" written on it.

"Yes, that's it."

Ye Fei is still very satisfied with the work efficiency of the Qiuqiu platform. Being able to develop the lucky disk and implant it in the live broadcast room overnight is definitely not a small workload. Maybe those in the platform technology department simply don’t have enough work overnight. Close your eyes.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei was somewhat moved in his heart. Some people had nothing to do with the world and just tried their best to work well. Such people should not be unemployed, let alone be treated unfairly.

The Qiuqiu platform should not be collapsed.

While Ye Fei was thinking about it, many people had already entered the live broadcast room.

The person who came in just now was an audience member named Ant Riding a Turtle. Seeing this name, Ye Fei smiled. Ant Riding a Turtle, can you still ride twenty meters in an hour

As soon as this person came in, he saw that the live broadcast room was different from usual.

"Hey~~ Ye Shen's live broadcast room has been revised? Why is there an extra lucky plate?"

Those who came in before him were also discussing.

"Everyone, what does it mean that there is an extra thing in Ye Shen's live broadcast room? A lucky disk? Does Ye Shen also do fortune telling during the live broadcast?"

"Pfft, is the brain upstairs exploded? I've figured out fortune-telling and divination."

"Then what else do you think you do?"

"I don't know, but Ye Shen should say it during the live broadcast later."

Not only were the people in the live broadcast room curious, but even the staff on the Qiuqiu platform were confused.

Backstage, other department staff saw this thing as soon as they arrived at work.

"Hmm? The live broadcast room of our platform has been revised?"

"what happened?"

"Look, there's an extra lucky wheel in our singing and dancing live broadcast room. What's this for?"

"Let me take a look, hey, it's true. How did this happen? I haven't heard that our platform is going to be revised. In the past, if there was any action, an internal notice would be sent out. Why is there no news at all? "

"We also have an eloquent live broadcast room in the language section."

“All of our live broadcast rooms for outdoor sports are available.”

“All our live broadcast rooms in the fitness category are also available.”

"What's the use of this thing?"

"I don't know, I'm still looking innocently confused."

"Is this a prank by the technical department?"

"How is it possible, unless the people in the technical department were kicked in the head by a donkey, would they dare to joke about such a big thing?"

"Then what do you think is going on?"

"How did I know? The platform should send out a notification soon. Wait and see."

Food section.

The staff in this department are all Ye Fei's biggest fans now. The first thing they do when they go to work is to go into Ye Fei's live broadcast room to take a look.

As soon as Liu Ping entered Ye Fei's live broadcast room, he found the lucky wheel. The guy shouted: "Oh, Maida, Ye Shen's live broadcast room has been revised? Why is there an extra lucky wheel? What is it for?"

In one sentence, everyone rushed into Ye Fei's live broadcast room, and then they all saw the lucky wheel in the upper right corner.

"Lucky wheel? It's easy to understand the name of this thing. It should be a wheel that brings luck to people."


"Xiao Min, you explained it very well, very aptly and appropriately."

"Just wait and see, otherwise what do you think it is for? It wasn't there yesterday, but it suddenly appeared today."

"How would I know? The company has not issued an internal notice. Let's wait and see. It will become clear soon."

At this time, Feng Tian arrived.

Liu Ping hurriedly called him: "Supervisor, supervisor, come here quickly. Something big has happened on our platform. Take a look at this thing."

Feng Tianlai was confused, thinking something big happened on the platform? I do not know how

"Liu Ping, what's wrong?"

"Supervisor, the live broadcast room page of our platform has been revised. Look at the extra lucky wheel here. Who made this thing?"

Feng Tianlai: "... Damn it, the technical department is so fast? Did they come up with this thing so quickly?"

When everyone heard what Feng Tianlai said, they knew that he must know the situation.

Tang Xiaomin: "Supervisor, do you know that this thing is going to be added to our platform?"

"Supervisor, I haven't seen you in a meeting yet. Why don't you tell us? What's the use of this thing?"

Feng Tianlai was depressed and said to himself that I really wanted to say it during the meeting, but this thing was indeed not the idea of the company platform, but Ye Shen's idea. How could I know what Ye Shen was thinking.

"This... ahem, the purpose of the lucky wheel is this. This wheel can display the IDs of all viewers in the live broadcast room at any time. Click on the three words "lucky wheel" in the middle, the wheel will rotate, and then the names of the viewers in the live broadcast room will appear on the pointer. Wherever you point, whoever the pointer points to, then this viewer is the lucky viewer who can interact with the anchor."

Everyone: “….”

"Damn, this is such a good idea, so TM666."

"Oh, if we had done this before, the customer traffic on our platform would have increased a lot. This thing is so interesting."

"Yes, the lucky viewers who are drawn can interact with the anchor. This is too attractive for a die-hard fan of the anchor."

"Everyone wants to have closer contact with their idols. Even if we can't meet in person, it's good to talk on the phone."

"This idea is really a great one. The people in the technical department didn't expect such awesome people to exist. No, I have to give them a thumbs up."

"I ordered 32. It can be said that just this small carousel will definitely cause an explosive increase in customer traffic on our platform in a short period of time."

"Director, this is such a great idea. I think the colleague from the technical department who came up with this idea must be very awesome."

Feng Tianlai looked at a group of subordinates who were excitedly discussing the lucky wheel, coughed twice, and said: "Actually, this idea was not thought up by the technical department."

"Ah? Didn't the technical department come up with it? How is this possible? The existence of the technical department is to constantly improve and improve the live broadcast room of our platform. If they didn't come up with it, then who was it?"

Feng Tianlai showed a mysterious smile and said, "Think about it with your smart little heads. Who would have such a great idea?"

"Manager Zhao, it must be Manager Zhao. Manager Zhao has a lot of ideas."

"Yes, I think it's also Manager Zhao."

"Ahem, you are all wrong. Didn't you see the mysterious smile on the supervisor's face just now? He must have come up with this idea, right, supervisor?"

"Eh~~Yes, supervisor, you are unreasonable, you have such a good idea and you hide it from us."

"I got a lot of bonuses for this idea, right? Supervisor, I want to treat you to a treat after get off work today."

Feng Tianlai's mouth twitched sharply, and he cried out that he was wronged. This idea has nothing to do with me. If I have such a smart head, why should I still be in the position of supervisor? It is estimated that he has already entered the company's senior leadership circle.

"This really wasn't something I thought up, nor was Manager Zhao. It was Ye Shen's idea. Yesterday Ye Shen contacted me and said he wanted to implant a lucky wheel in the live broadcast room to increase interaction with the audience. Then we applied for it, and we didn’t expect that our platform technology department was so fast and built this thing in one night.”

Everyone: "..."

"What? Ye Shen came up with it?"

"Holy shit, shit, shit, this idea is actually Ye Shen's? This is so awesome."

"Ye Shen is indeed my male god. His head is indeed different from ordinary people."

"Ye Shen's live broadcast is so clever. I didn't expect that there are endless golden ideas. It's amazing, my god."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? You can also tell from Ye Shen's live broadcast method that he is a unique person. Others who do food live broadcasts just eat and drink. How rude and incompetent. Look at it. Ye Shen, doing food live streaming is just cooking all kinds of delicious dishes in front of the camera, so polite and meaningful."

"I... Damn, is it really okay for a man to use such a friendly tone and such ambiguous eyes when talking about Ye Shen? It's so dirty."

"Can't men like Ye Shen? Let me tell you, Ye Shen is also my male god. I just don't know if he has a boyfriend."

"I@#¥%, your sister, stay away from me. I have goosebumps all over the floor. I really can't stand you."



(End of chapter)