The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 165: Finale (3)


"No, Ah Chu, I have no regrets, and I have no regrets in my heart. Although the mother concubine is the daughter of the Ye family, she escaped from the Ye family because she was dissatisfied with the Ye family and wanted to package her as the emperor's new favorite. Ye's people chased him until he finally fell off the cliff. When the prince's father was traveling, he met his father and was brought back to the capital by his father. However, the mother and concubine never knew that she belonged to Ye's family. As a prostitute, she only relies on her whole body for her father. The people of the Ye family don't know that the mother and concubine are already by her father's side unintentionally and coincidentally, but the father secretly learned of the identity of the mother and concubine. I also know what happened back then, but..."

However, Emperor Yongye was infatuated with Concubine Yue's beauty and gentleness, and took the risk to keep Concubine Yue by his side, and made Concubine Yue never remember her past memories. Terrified.

Especially when Murong Yuan was a child, he was like a child prodigy, overly intelligent. In this way, he was born with precocious wisdom just like Ye's descendants.

As Murong Yuan grew up, his performance became more and more obvious, so Emperor Yongye didn't like it.

"Although the mother concubine is the successor of the Ye family, but the Ye family is ruthless to the mother concubine, I have no guilt in my heart. After the mother concubine passed away, the Ye family knew that the mother concubine was already by the side of Emperor Yongye, and gave birth to me. , and Mrs. Ye was originally determined to compete in the world, so he also had other thoughts about me. The assassination of Yiyang Palace that day was the best example. "

When talking with Wang Zi'an, Su Yunchu knew it. Just as Wang Zi'an said, there would be other things that made Murong Yuan finally decide to fight back to the capital instead of being good. go back.

At that time, what did Mrs. Ye think was the biggest handle in her hand?

"Huaiqing?" Seeing his ups and downs at the beginning, Su Yun understood that perhaps he knew about it and how to create momentum afterwards, and felt uneasy.

"Ah Chu, if I hadn't fallen off the cliff back then, I might have brought you back to the capital, and in the end..."

Bringing her back to the capital, Murong Yuan can't imagine what will happen to her after she goes back, but if Su Yunchu makes any mistakes, Murong Yuan will definitely take action.

"Huaiqing, it's okay, at this moment, we are still fine..."

Su Yunchu could only comfort him.

On the side of the two of them, the whispering was afraid of disturbing Murong Ye who was sleeping soundly. Everything was a huge conspiracy. After Mrs. Ye knew that Concubine Yue had entered the palace and had a son Murong Yuan, it started. Every time he watched Murong Yuan step up to the peak of Daxin's God of War Lord, he took advantage of the opportunity to put him on the throne.

In comparison, Yuanzheng looked much better.

Su Yunchu sighed softly, "Compared to this, Master Yuanzheng, who is a real royal from the previous dynasty, is not so persistent. However, Huaiqing, since Master Yuanzheng is from the previous dynasty, why did he choose you?" A person with Ye's blood on his body? And what does all this have to do with Mrs. Ye?

"Grandmaster Yuanzheng and the Ye family are two different groups of forces. It must be impossible to restore the former dynasty, but, but, take a step back, if it is done by the Ye family, it is not impossible, and, Ah Chu, really Do you think Yuanzheng is not persistent?"

"what for?"

"Ah Chu, I know why there is no news of me in September. Master Yuanzheng rescued me obviously, but no one knows why."

Hearing this, Su Yunchu slightly frowned.

Murong Yuan continued, "When the people sent by Murong Zhi came to Suining Mountain, Master Yuanzheng also set off, but after all, he was one step behind Murong Zhi's people. When I finally fell into the Death Valley, I didn't I didn't really fall, but fell on a protruding stone wall in the cliff of Death Valley. Master Yuanzheng took me away from that place. Later, the reason why Ah Chu didn't hear from me, This is exactly what Yuanzheng was thinking. If I were gone, Ah Chu would definitely raise troops in Beiliang. At that time, with Ah Chu's ability, Beiliang would perish sooner or later. However, after Beiliang's demise, would Ah Chu Want to return to Dah Sing and avenge me?"

Murong Yuan understood Su Yunchu.

When he said this, his heart ached slightly.

Su Yunchu did not deny it, "If Huaiqing comes back, after giving birth to Ye'er, after everything is settled, Aze will lead the Northern Expeditionary Army back to Beijing under the pretext of being "on the side of the Qing emperor". Murong Zhi, I will not let it go."

Murong Yuan sighed softly, and took Su Yunchu's hand, "This is exactly what Master Yuanzheng intends."

"Healing my wounds and not releasing the news is actually because he wanted to use Ah Chu's ability to let me appear after Ah Chu fought back to the capital. At that time, everything has become a certain situation. At that time, I will sit back and enjoy the success, and there will be no bad words for me. If the world argues, it will only argue about whether Ah Chu is wrong. One stroke, how can the world talk about Prince Jing?"

After hearing Murong Yuan's words, Su Yunchu was already amazed.

But she still has doubts in her heart, "Why does Master Yuanzheng think that Huaiqing will definitely be able to do it? Huaiqing has spent his whole life for Daxin's country, even if he becomes emperor, he will not restore the previous dynasty."

"Ah Chu, it doesn't matter whether the previous dynasty is restored or not. The important thing is that half of my blood belongs to the Ye family, and half of my blood belongs to the former royal family."

Therefore, the continuation of the blood, the continuation of the noble blood, is the source of all paranoia.

Su Yunchu was not at peace.

What kind of conspiracy is this? However, Yuan Zheng really made the right bet. Those are all things Su Yunchu would do.

These people, whether it is Yuan Zheng or Ye Shi, actually have only one purpose, that is to try their best to make Murong Yuan ascend to the seat of the Ninth Five.

"Where's Master Yuanzheng?"

Su Yunchu opened his mouth, if Yuanzheng's goal was to do this again, then how could Murong Yuan come back easily.

Murong Yuan pursed his lips lightly before saying, "He passed away to detoxify me..."

Su Yunchu remained silent.

Yuanzheng became a monk in this life because of his thoughts about the previous dynasty in his heart, paving the way for Murong Yuan wholeheartedly, and finally...

Not to mention sad.

However, until now, Mrs. Ye has not appeared, so Su Yunchu couldn't help being surprised.

"Mr. Ye... Ah Chu, since the identity of concubine mother has been revealed in advance, Mrs. Ye, there is no reason for Murong Zhi to be indifferent."

Su Yunchu immediately understood.

After thinking about it for a while, he continued, "Huaiqing, before coming to Bianli, I went to the capital, what did I find?"

Speaking of that trip to the capital and the palace, Murong Yuan's expression became a little more serious.

Su Yunchu continued, "My concubine brought me a veil that was stuck with my father's medicinal residue... Murong Zhi made a move."

The corner of Murong Yuan's mouth was slightly sarcastic, "Ah Chu, the earlier plan on the side of Qing Jun will start to be implemented after bringing that kid to the full moon."

Su Yunchu was not surprised, this day will come sooner or later, I really don't know, did Murong Yuan also plan to use the excuse of the Qing emperor to return to Beijing?

"Murong Zhi is not from the blood of the emperor..."

The sudden words made Su Yunchu even more surprised.

However, in the accident, it seems that many things can be explained clearly, why Emperor Yongye was in a coma, why Concubine Shu was in a coma, why Murong Zhi prescribed medicine to Emperor Yongye, and if Murong Zhi was not the son of Emperor Yongye, then only one possibility.

Many things suddenly became clear in an instant with the knowledge of Murong Zhi's identity.

Murong Yuan and Su Yunchu shared the news they had learned in the palace for a few days, including how they found King Yuan after returning to Beijing, how they entered the palace, and how they got the news from Bu Xin.

After hearing this, Su Yunchu had already gotten out of the news that Murong Zhi was not the son of Emperor Yongye, but another question arose in his heart.

"If this is the case, why did Murong Zhi choose this method instead of letting his father's soul return to the west?"

In doing so, wouldn't it leave many hidden dangers behind?

"Ah Chu, Murong Zhi is actually a complicated person. To his father, he does not lack the thoughts of a courtier and a son. Besides, this time, it is not without harm for him to ascend the throne in the future."

Su Yunchu understood that it was hard to say what Murong Zhi's character was like. He used to be Pian Pian, but as the son of an emperor, how could he not have ambitions? He has means and ability, but...

In fact, after getting along with Emperor Yongye for many years, Emperor Yongye had high expectations for him, and in the end... precisely because of this level, his inner feelings for Emperor Yongye must have become as complicated as it is now.

Similarly, in the face of Concubine Shu's matter, he could make Concubine Shu unconscious forever, but he would not kill the mother who made him hate him. This action, but in fact, gave Concubine Shu a relief, after all, she herself She knew the effect of the developed medicine.

"But, since that's the case, how can Bu Xin tell you everything?"

"Ah Chu, to Bu Xin, Concubine Shu is much more important than Murong Zhi."

"It's the word love again..." Su Yunchu sighed, Bu Xin loved Concubine Shu so badly, even if she had already entered the palace as a concubine, even if she had been deeply poisoned, he was still willing to stay in Concubine Shu's place without dignity. around.

Having said that, many things have been clarified.

Hearing Su Yunchu's exclamation, Murong Yuan didn't say anything. For a while, the atmosphere in the room was slightly heavy, but there was a sense of gratitude in the heavy.

Fortunately, if you don't look at Ye's conspiracy, and don't look at Yuanzheng's plan, those people have already stepped off the stage, and Murong Yuan is intact.

At this moment, Murong Ye suddenly let out a cry, and pulled the two of them back who were lost in thought. Su Yunchu reacted the fastest, and when the cry sounded, he had already quickly left for the cradle.

Su Yunchu hugged Murong Ye and coaxed him softly. This child has never had a history of crying after waking up. I don't know what happened today, or is the child too sensitive to feel the change in the atmosphere in the room?

Murong Yuan, who was only standing aside, frowned slightly, "Ah Chu, I'll hug..." He was so heavy, Su Yunchu's arms would get tired.

"It's okay, he's not heavy." Su Yunchu naturally understood what Murong Yuan was thinking, he had complained more than once that Murong Ye was too heavy, for fear that she would be tired.

But every time, Murong Yuan took a long time to coax Murong Ye. In the end, the crying made the little man's nose twitch, and she was heartbroken. In the end, she decided to do it herself.

Murong Yuan was depressed.

Today's conversation did not bring much change to the two of them, and the following days will continue as usual, Yan Yishan naturally did not become Murong Ye's godfather, after all, the emperor's grandson is not what he wants to be a godson. What's more, there is Murong Yuan who protects the calf.

As time goes by, Murong Ye grows more and more, inheriting Murong Yuan's beauty and Su Yunchu's temperament, the two are soft and soft together, more and more endearing, even a pink child is already endearing, At this moment, it was even more lovable, causing Yu Zhu, Shi Pei'er and others to surround Murong Ye every day, especially Shi Pei'er, who was even more curious.

When Murong Ye was full moon, he did hold a full moon banquet. The generals in the army and many soldiers received the benefits from Murong Ye's full moon banquet. Murong Ye blesses.

Li Junze and Liang Guangxi also returned to Jiangnan after Murong Ye's full moon banquet. Murong Yuan has already returned, so they don't need to stay in Bianli City, and Murong Yuan must not be too happy to see them.

When Liang Guangxi and the others left, Murong Yuan saw them off in person. Although he didn't want to see them, he was with them during Su Yunchu's most difficult time, and it was fortunate to have them who were sincerely thinking about Su Yunchu. There is gratitude, but between men, this kind of friendship can be understood without saying much. Jiang Nan will not participate in the next plan, so after confirming that the two of them are safe, Liang Guangxi and others returned to Jiangnan.

And just ten days after Murong Ye's full moon banquet, the Northern Expeditionary Army was ready to go. After making some arrangements, they left soldiers and horses to guard the northern places, and Murong Yuan also prepared for the journey back to Beijing.

But returning to the capital was not about leading the troops back safely, but, on the grounds of the Qing emperor, with Yan Yishan as the vanguard, leading a group of Northern Expeditionary troops who had not yet taken off their hats as rebels, and fought back to the capital. He didn't use the excuse that Murong Zhi is not a child of the royal family, and it is not appropriate to bring it up to the public because it is a taboo in the palace.

After the battle in front of Xuanmen Pass stopped for two months, it unexpectedly broke out again like this.

The Northern Expedition was in full swing. This time, Murong Yuan had made up his mind that he would not simply return to Beijing. This was a decision he had already made when he came out of the mountain behind Shangyuan Temple.

In the past, Murong Yuan hadn't come back, and the battle was only going on at Suining Pass, and it was still the soldiers in Beijing who went to attack the Northern Expeditionary Army, but now the situation is reversed. Of course, only Murong Zhi was left.

When the courtiers heard the news, they were panic-stricken. However, compared to the panic of many courtiers in the court, Murong Zhi seemed much calmer. He let the courtiers in the hall below make noise, but he sat on the top. , it seems that it has nothing to do with him.

Seeing that many courtiers in the court, especially his confidant ministers, were very anxious, but it was useless to be anxious. As for Murong Yuan's action to fight back to the capital, Murong Zhi had already guessed in his heart that after hearing the news that Murong Yuan had returned He had been waiting for this day when he was there, and there should still be a contest between them.

It was midsummer, and under the leadership of Murong Yuan all the way, the Northern Expedition Army quickly let Xuanmen Pass approach the capital soldiers who came to conquer the Northern Expedition Army. It would take at least half a year to reach the capital. However, many city guards or officials even opened their doors to welcome Murong Yuan when they learned that Murong Yuan was about to arrive.

It wasn't that these people were so afraid of Murong Yuan that they rushed to surrender, but because of Murong Yuan's courage and the momentum of the Northern Expeditionary Army, in the current court, when Emperor Yongye was critically ill, only two princes were most likely to be on the throne. Dabao, with the revelation of Concubine Yue's identity, Murong Yuan's chances will be much smaller, and even loyal and veteran members of the Murong family will not be able to accept it or become dissatisfied with Murong Yuan. However, when the Northern Expeditionary Army was detained as a rebel It is thought-provoking when Murong Yuan has already played the slogan on the side of the Qing emperor, and when Prince Jing, who has died but returned, immediately marched into the capital at such a speed.

And these officials can be confused or smart in some aspects, but which one is not careful and which one is not transparent. Murong Yuan's actions clearly show that there was a rift between him and Murong Zhi earlier. Who is the slogan for? These people dare not say, but they all feel in their hearts that it is more for Murong Yuan himself.

However, no matter what others are like, history has always been about winners and losers, and there are many contests between people.

After giving birth to Murong Ye, they marched all the way. Although Su Yunchu also followed, Murong Yuan took care of the two of them to the extreme, and he could not be wronged. Su Yunchu hardly paid attention to many military affairs. I don't know what Wang Zi'an and Murong Yuan said in the study. In the end, Murong Yuan didn't do anything to Wang Zi'an. Wang Zi'an still stayed by Murong Yuan's side. Even now, more things are left to Wang Zi'an. Wang Zi'an is now regarded as Murong Yuan's confidant, therefore, Su Yunchu's journey is only to accompany Murong Yuan back to Beijing.

In two months, from Xuanmen Pass all the way to the south, the Northern Expedition army was like a broken bamboo. Under the leadership of Murong Yuan, it took only two months to attack Hecheng, a hundred miles away from the capital. Chen Bing Hecheng , waited for the opportunity, and went to the capital.

Two months, this speed is too fast.

Many courtiers in the court were already feeling panicked. If this posture continued, even though Murong Yuan could send troops to the imperial city, the capital would have no resistance against the ever-growing army following the way of the Northern Expeditionary Army.

In Hecheng, even in this day and age, even though the Northern Expeditionary Army has almost gone smoothly all the way, they are still proud, and under the leadership of Murong Yuan and Yan Yishan, they are ready to attack the capital at any time .

However, when the soldiers in front were fighting, a woman wearing a veil entered He Cheng.

Liu Ruxu wanted to meet Murong Yuan for a long time. When she first heard that Murong Yuan fell off the cliff and died, she didn't know how to describe her feelings. It seemed that she still had this magnificent man in her heart. At that time, I also thought that I would be willing to die because of him, but at this moment, after going through many changes, I realized how precious life is, and anyone can die for that.

Now, when she entered He Cheng, she just wanted to take a look at the man who she had given a girlish heart to when she was a young girl.

The woman who appeared in Hecheng with a veil would not attract much attention. Murong Yuan was busy with the military, but the prefect's mansion in Hecheng has now become their temporary "home".

I found the prefect's mansion along the way. The place where Su Yunchu and others lived was naturally heavily guarded. Liu Ruxu didn't intend to go in, but just looked at the nearby terrain and found a multi-storey tea house not far from the prefect's mansion. , sitting on the teahouse, looking at the gate of the prefect's mansion from a distance.

This sitting lasted for half a day, and it was not until the afternoon when the sun was about to set that Murong Yuan came back from the outside on his horse.

And the timing was very precise, when Murong Yuan got off the car at the gate of the mansion, Su Yunchu happened to be waiting at the gate of the mansion with Murong Ye in his arms.

Liu Ruxu was on the city gate, watching from a distance, even though it was far away, she could still see the scene in front of the prefect's mansion. Liu Ruxu didn't remember how long it had been since she saw Su Yunchu, but at this moment, she saw Su Yunchu. For this woman, this woman who was by Murong Yuan's side and had already given birth to him, a layer of hatred and anger rose in Liu Ruxu's heart. Without Su Yunchu, everything would be different.

Thinking of this, the expression on her face became darker, and then, looking at the gate of the prefect's mansion, the man came back eagerly, and when he got off his horse, he met the woman who came to greet him at the gate of the mansion. He wanted to take the bag from Su Yunchu's hand Child, however, Su Yunchu didn't give it, but he still had a gentle face, with a smile on his face, and entered the gate of the mansion with Su Yunchu in his arms.

The two disappearing figures disappeared from Liu Ruxu's eyes.

In the past two years, Murong Yuan hasn't changed much, except for those blue eyes, the blue eyes that he remembered when he saw him for the first time have changed, everything else is the same. No change.

As time passed, Liu Ruxu felt that she no longer had any love in her heart. However, when she saw that figure, she still felt that her breathing was stagnant.

In the prefect's mansion, Murong Yuan was dissatisfied, "Ah Chu, why did you hold this kid in your arms during the daytime, put him in the cradle and let him sleep by himself."

"I hugged him just now, but I talked to Yingli about something, and he fell asleep in my arms, so I hugged him."

"Let me do it."

"You smell of dust all over your body, go back and change your clothes first, so as not to get it on Ye'er."

Su Yunchu still refused, Murong Yuan had just returned from the outside, and he looked like dust, so it was not suitable for him to hold a child.

Murong Yuan was dissatisfied on the face.

Su Yunchu originally wanted to carry Murong Ye back to rest, but when he saw Murong Yuan came back, he greeted him at the gate of the mansion. Besides, before that, she had just heard a message from Ying Li.

After placing Murong Ye in the cradle, Su Yunchu looked at Murong Yuan who had already changed his clothes, and gave him a sideways glance, "My lord, I heard that an old friend entered the city today."

this breath...

Murong Yuan frowned, "What old friend?"

He was not in the city all day today, Wang Zi'an was handling the affairs in the city, he just came back now, and he didn't understand anything with Wang Zi'an, so when Su Yunchu said this, Murong Yuan felt bad.

"Naturally, it's the prince's old friend. This person loved the prince so much back then."

Speaking of Liu Ruxu, after listening to Yingli talk about Liu Ruxu entering the city, he looked at the city lord's mansion from above the teahouse. Su Yunchu never cared about people who never cared, but After all, this woman used to be so obsessed with Murong Yuan, besides, the matter of Concubine Yue must have something to do with her, so Su Yunchu would not let her have fun, but at this time, he couldn't help but want to see Murong Yuan's reaction.

Having said that, Murong Yuan still didn't react, more than Su Yunchu's indifference, Murong Yuan just ignored it, and ignored it perfectly.

Seeing his expression, Su Yunchu immediately felt happy in his heart, "Forget it, if you don't know, then you don't know. Let Yingli and the others handle this matter."

Since Su Yunchu had already let it go, Murong Yuan naturally wouldn't insist on bringing it up as a joke. Looking at Su Yunchu's expression and tone, he knew it must be something bad. Since it wasn't something good, why should he care about so much, just let the people in charge of the city Just pay more attention.

And just after Murong Yuan and Su Yunchu entered the prefect's mansion, Liu Ruxu on the teahouse, before taking back the strong unwillingness and hatred in the eyes of Liu Ruxu, Ying Li had brought someone and appeared in front of Liu Ruxu. Behind Xu.

"you… "

There was a miserable look on Liu Ruxu's face.

Sighing lightly, she suddenly laughed mockingly, "It really is Su Yunchu, and I still can't hide anything from her."

Ying Li was noncommittal, and waved her hand, Liu Ruxu was taken down without any struggle. The moment she planned to come to He Cheng, she had thought about such an ending.

Murong Yuan ignored this matter from beginning to end. Liu Ruxu was taken to the dungeon of the City Lord's Mansion. The moment she entered, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Ying Li, "I want to see Su Yunchu."

Ying Li didn't answer her, but after two days, he still told Su Yunchu about Liu Ruxu's request.

After hearing this, Bi Suyunchu let out a soft snort, "See me, at this point, what else can I say?"

"If the princess doesn't want to go, then don't go, just kill her directly."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if I go and see you."

After all, Su Yunchu still went to see Liu Ruxu. It was Su Yunchu's first visit to the prison of the prefect of Hecheng, but no matter where the dungeon was, it was actually the same. Liu Ruxu was sitting alone in his cell Among them, when she came in that day, she only said once that she wanted to see Su Yunchu, and she didn't make any urging, as if she knew that Su Yunchu would definitely come to see her.

When Su Yunchu stepped in, he saw Liu Ruxu sitting on the wall of the cell, as if he didn't care about everything here, raised his head slightly, thinking about something.

Without provoking it, Su Yunchu approached the cell, "I heard that you are looking for me?"

Liu Ruxu raised her eyes, "Only you?"

"Your purpose is to see me, but Huaiqing?" Su Yunchu raised his eyebrows.

Liu Ruxu turned to look at her, still sitting on the ground, neither denying nor admitting, "Why, don't you even have the courage to come in and talk to me?"

Su Yunchu snorted lightly, but did not respond, but the expression on her face, in Liu Ruxu's view, seemed to be mocking her current appearance.

"Dangtang Princess Jing, as his woman, dare not even approach her rival in love?"

For some unknown reason, Liu Ruxu just wanted to stimulate Su Yunchu.

However, compared to the anxious look gradually flashing on Liu Ruxu's face, Su Yunchu was too plain, "Rival in love?" A rhetorical question, full of sarcasm, how could Liu Ruxu be called Su Yunchu's rival in love? Murong Yuan has never looked at her seriously.

But it was also Su Yunchu's soft questioning, with a sarcastic tone, that hit Liu Ruxu's most vulnerable nerves, and she suddenly became emotional and growled, "Su Yunchu, I love him, No less than you!"

"Is it?"

Isn't it one point less than her? Su Yunchu looked at her with mockery, but she didn't have any mood to compare with Liu Ruxu, because this person is not worth it at all.

"You don't dare, dare not compare with me, because you don't love him enough. If you loved him, why didn't you jump into the valley of death with him?"

Liu Ruxu seemed to be looking for an answer, and also seemed to be looking for a great affirmation of her love for Murong Yuan. However, Su Yunchu's flat expression, disdainful face, and cold tone were all in the direction of the future. The feeling she had managed by herself was shattered one by one. Su Yunchu is like a victorious and arrogant winner, making her always feel small in front of her, and will never be seen by others.

She stood up suddenly, wondering if she was really stimulated by Su Yunchu's calmness and disdain, she didn't even have the qualifications to compare with Su Yunchu, and she couldn't get involved in the affairs of Su Yunchu and Murong Yuan, across the cell, she He growled at Su Yunchu again, "If you really love him, why didn't you go with him when he fell off the cliff?"

She wanted to try her best to deny Su Yunchu.

Su Yunchu looked coldly at the agitated Liu Ruxu in the cell, watched her growl at him, and suddenly understood that what Liu Ruxu said was actually just unwillingness.

The corner of his lips curled up, "No, you don't love him, otherwise, you wouldn't have told Murong Yan about Concubine Yue, you're just unwilling, or jealous."

Her calmness in front of Liu Ruxu will reflect Liu Ruxu's unbearable.

Liu Ruxu suddenly seemed to have lost all her strength, and all the dreams that had been woven were suddenly cut into pieces by Su Yunchu, all in pieces.

No one in this day's cell will remember that she almost frantically wanted to prove that everything she had for Murong Yuan was love, but compared with Su Yunchu who calmly watched her crazy, all the proofs seemed too much Powerless.

Su Yunchu didn't stay in the cell for too long, and when he came out, Liu Ruxu had already fallen into a sluggish state from madness.

Perhaps, at this time, Liu Ruxu's spirit was no longer normal.

When Su Yun first came out, Ying Li saw that she didn't feel any discomfort on her face, so she didn't worry too much.

"Princess, what should I do with her?"

"There's no need for us to deal with it, Liu Ruxu doesn't have much time left."

Should be incomprehensible.

Su Yunchu didn't say much, just sighed softly, "It's just a poor person."

She is indeed a poor person, thinking that Liu Ruxu had been staying in the mansion of Prince Yan some time ago, and Murong Yan didn't treat her very specially. Now Liu Ruxu doesn't know that she has been drugged by Murong Yan, and there is not much time left. , and gradually became the madman he is today.

Otherwise, how could she easily appear in He Cheng after cooperating with Murong Yan.

There is no need for her to take care of these things.

Now, the Northern Expeditionary Army has been going south all the way, constantly conquering the troops in various cities. At this time, Murong Zhi can really be said to be a loner. The capital is a place that can be attacked at any time. The slogan on the side of the Qing Dynasty has been shouted until now, Probably everyone doesn't quite remember anymore, the final essence of this contest is actually just a competition between you.

In two months, the sea has changed, and the situation has changed.

And this year, the ending of this massive action on the side of the Qing emperor, which can be described as a tragic ending, will definitely be recorded in the annals of Daxin's history.

On nights in late summer and early autumn, the starry sky was shining brightly. The closer to the capital, the more courageous Murong Zhi's troops resisted. Moreover, no matter what the slogan on the side of the Qing emperor was, Emperor Yongye was still in the imperial city. The guards in the city will resist Murong Yuan, this is where the blame lies.

And on this night in September of this year, Murong Zhi's troops finally couldn't resist. Murong Yuan finally approached the city and broke through the east gate. Behind him, he led many generals and veterans to attack the Golden Palace where Murong Zhi is now. kill and go.

On the Golden Luan Hall, at night, there were no courtiers, and only one lamp was lit in the huge Golden Luan Hall.

At this moment, Li You was the only one who followed Murong Zhi. Those courtiers who were usually called confidantes had already dispersed and left when Murong Yuan's soldiers approached the city. A hand-picked supervisor of the country.

He seemed to be waiting for Murong Yuan's arrival, too calm.

In two months, it took Murong Yuan just two months to reach the capital from Xuanmen Pass. Murong Zhi thought it was impossible for him to do this. Ever since he was a child, he knew that Emperor Yongye favored him. , Therefore, the learning of the emperor's art has already begun before other people are enlightened. However, after staying in the capital for a long time, even if there are military books learned, most of them are just on paper. Murong Yuan, who has experienced many battles in his upper body.

A group of generals followed Murong Yuan in, and only saw Murong Zhi alone in the dim Golden Palace.

He is not afraid, nor does he have the embarrassment of a loser, "Old five, you are here."

Standing at the door of the main hall, looking at Murong Zhi inside, the expression on his face remained unchanged.

"You came earlier than I thought, but it's not unexpected."

He said, walked down the steps, and walked towards Murong Yuan at the door.

The generals behind Murong Yuan moved, fearing that Murong Zhi would do something unfavorable to Murong Yuan.

Seeing this, Murong Zhi chuckled, "I'm a loser now, so why should I be so nervous, fifth child, this is not like you."

When he walked halfway, he didn't continue to move forward, because in the middle of the hall, two chairs and a tea table had been placed, and he sat on one of them, and said to Murong Yuan outside the door. , "Old five, we two brothers have been fighting for so many years, fighting openly and secretly, fighting openly and secretly. In the early days, you were not for that chair, but there were many people who supported you. Later... yes For a person... Now, not only for a person, but also for that chair, but now it seems that whether it is a person or a chair, it is actually yours, hehe, a failed person is not enough to talk about thoughts."

He chuckled lightly, and seemed to talk a little too much. He looked towards Murong Yuan, but when he didn't see the figure he wanted to see, he sighed, "Didn't she come with you tonight? That's right, It seems like it's time to settle down in the mansion, how could you let her be tired from walking in vain."

The she that Murong Zhi said was always Su Yunchu.

Murong Yuan didn't like him talking about Su Yunchu, seeing him sitting there, speaking without any other emotion, "Now, no matter how much you talk, it won't help, you have no chance."

"Fifth, come in and sit down. It's the last good talk between us brothers. It's the best time. Have we actually had a good talk?" He couldn't see the real look, but in his eyes, it was clear that Murong Yuan would definitely come in, and the corners of his lips curled up, let Murong Yuan understand that he had to come in.

Murong Yuan glanced at him indifferently, then turned his head at last, and said to everyone behind him, "Leave all, walk down the Golden Luan Hall!"

Everyone didn't know why, but they refused to leave, they wanted to stop Murong Yuan, "My lord!"

"This is a military order, go down! Don't come up without my king's order."

After listening to such a solemn order, everyone was even more worried, but Murong Yuan's unquestionable expression finally made them obey the order and not allow them to come up. Could it be that they are not allowed to make other preparations?

After everyone left, Murong Yuan stepped into the Golden Luan Hall.

Murong Zhi who was inside gave a light laugh, and in the smile, he didn't know whether it was mocking himself or Murong Yuan.

Sit down on another chair prepared by Murong Zhi, and said in a deep voice, "Speak."