The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 21: Not the plague


At the moment, Su Yunchu didn't say anything more, but checked the symptoms of these people one by one. Most of them were like this. The sores on their bodies had festered, so most of them must have gathered here, plus The environment is not good, the weather is hot today, if you are not careful, the wound may become inflamed and suppurated.

Sometimes it's not the plague that's scary, but the appearances that appear under the plague, the intuitive and hideous things, are often more likely to cause people to panic.

Su Yunchu looked at the wounds of these people, and asked them about some symptoms, "Did you ever have a fever before?"

"I have, I once had a fever for two days."

"I haven't."

Two people have different opinions.

"When did you have a fever?"

"A few days ago, when my wound started to fester, I had a fever. Later, as the wound rotted, I cut off the carrion with pain. Later, for some reason, the symptoms of fever gradually disappeared."

Su Yunchu nodded, thinking that the reason for the fever was the symptoms caused by wound ulceration, "So, when the plague first appeared, didn't you all have fever symptoms?"

"nothing… "

"So, have you ever experienced dizziness, vomiting, inability to swallow, or anorexia?"

"Doctor, don't say it's anorexia, how can we despise it if there is food?"

In other words, none of these people have appeared in the initial appearance of the general plague

Su Yunchu inquired carefully about the situation when the plague first occurred. These are people with serious illnesses. If you ask them, you will get a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the situation.

After this questioning and understanding, Su Yunchu learned something. It turned out that when the plague first occurred, it did not appear in the three counties of Hongchuan, Lianghui, and Chen Zhi, but in the middle of the three counties. During the period, it first appeared between several towns in the intersecting places, and this symptom came in a strange way, without fever, and it appeared slowly as a physical discomfort, and then slowly, strange scars began to grow on the body Generally speaking, no one has some scars on his body, let alone ordinary people. Therefore, at the beginning, everyone didn't care much, and they still did what they should do until more and more people The same symptoms also appeared on the body, and some people died because of the scars on their bodies that festered and festered. They didn't realize the severity of the scars, and they also began to panic.

It was also at that time that people from several towns fled to the three counties of Chenzhi, Hongchuan, and Lianghui. In the end, the county was full of people infected by the plague. It caused panic among the people on a wider scale. However, the several small towns at the intersection of the three counties have become truly uninhabited places.

But Su Yunchu also noticed the words of these people, that is to say, those people who were infected with the plague were actually residents of those small towns, and the real people were not residents of these small towns, even Some people were infected with the plague, but there were very few people, and even the symptoms were not very serious, so they were all placed in the mild disease area.

This phenomenon is indeed somewhat strange.

After Su Yunchu treated the scars on the people in the critically ill area, she came out with Chen Jing. In some cases, she still needed to follow Chen Jing to ask for clarification.

"Master Chen, besides the people in those small towns who were infected with the plague, are there more people who have contracted the plague?"

Chen Jing was in charge of this matter, and naturally he was more concerned, "Although there are, but not many, and the number of people infected is not particularly large, but this symptom is also coming slowly, and now from time to time some people go to the hospital. The direction of the symptoms of the severe epidemic changes relatively slowly, and there are more people infected with the plague here than the people who scattered and escaped from the three small towns."

Su Yunchu nodded, but Chen Jing didn't understand how she would ask this question, and was also puzzled at the moment, "I don't know Mr. Yun, but what clues did I see?"

Su Yunchu didn't answer but continued to ask, "Now, where do the food and water sources in these three counties come from?"

"In the past, food and water were sourced from the wells in the city and the water from the river outside the city. Later, after Prince Jing came down, he said that in order to be safer, he transferred water from other places. Now the water is from the flood water. The water in Cangluo, Chuanpang County is also the source of water in the upper reaches of the Lijia River running through Lianghui, Hongchuan and Chen Zhi." Chen Jing told Su Yunchu about the situation, and at the end, he seemed to understand something, "Mr. Yun , but there is a problem with the water source?"

Su Yunchu shook his head, "I can't be sure about anything now, I'm just asking about the situation, and I need to make further confirmation. Did you check the water source of the Lijia River and the water quality of the wells in the three counties before? Inquire about the water and food usage in Majian, Ruansha Mountain, and Ai Township, where the plague first occurred among the three counties?"

"This..." Chen Jing shook his head, "Since we arrived in the three counties with His Highness King Jing, we have started to deal with the problems here. This is always the case with plagues, but we haven't had time to investigate this."

Su Yunchu nodded to show that he understands the situation. People tend to fall into the misunderstanding, thinking that this kind of situation is the outbreak of the plague, but they have not broken through from other places, and have not thought about it. Maybe these are not the outbreak of the plague.

At that moment, Su Yunchu also bid farewell to Mr. Chen, saying that tomorrow he would go to inspect the three counties, Majian, Ruansha Mountain and Ai Township.

Chen Jing couldn't stop him too much. After all, Su Yunchu was not a doctor under his restraint.

When she left again, Ying Li followed her, "Young master is really going to investigate in three towns."

Su Yunchu nodded, with a serious expression on his face, "I suspect that this is not a plague at all."