The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 45: Absolutely mighty army


But I heard Su Yunchu continue, "There is such an army, the number of which is not large, even the current number of Lanying is less than half, but it is expensive and not expensive. This group of soldiers can do a lot of things. Among them, capable men and good men, each with their own strengths, learn from each other, give play to their strengths, and complement each other. Soldiers have extremely high physical requirements. In addition to being able to learn how ordinary soldiers fight, they also have more special abilities. Whether it is in harassment and sabotage, reconnaissance behind enemy lines, stealing intelligence, analyzing intelligence, emergency rescue, psychological propaganda, subversion, anti-terrorism, anti-sneak attack, or fighting wild beasts in the wild, identifying food, and testing water quality, they can be unique. Assassination, fighting, infiltration, blasting, assassination, kidnapping, make-up means disguise, foreign language dialect, contact and communication are all military elites, no matter what kind of harsh environment, no matter in the wild no man's land or in the deep mountains Among the old forests, they can get into the state as soon as possible, and when performing tasks, they only have tasks in their eyes and nothing else, they are loyal and absolutely powerful!" ①

What Su Yunchu said were special forces.

And the blue eagle in Murong Yuan's hands seemed to have some prototypes of special forces, but it was far from enough.

Hearing what Su Yunchu said, Yan Yishan opened his mouth in astonishment, "This is omnipotent, Yunhan, are you talking about the army? I think it's a devil."

Su Yunchu said with a smile, "They are not devils, they are the best soldiers in the world."

When she said this, she was full of yearning and a feeling of deep nostalgia, as if, that was her root.

When Murong Yuan listened to Su Yunchu's words, he kept paying attention to her expression. He could conclude that all that Su Yunchu said was real, and that there were really a group of people who could do all of this.

Well, if all this exists...

The look in Murong Yuan's eyes was unclear, the ice blue eyes gleamed with shimmering light, dim and unclear, "If such an army really exists, the existence of the Blue Eagle would have little meaning."

However, Su Yunchu shook his head, "In today's world, it is extremely difficult to train such a group of troops. It is impossible to be born under the current ability. And the army in the hands of the prince, as far as it is concerned, is already very good."

There are too many constraints, whether it is the level of ability of this era, or the difficulty and system of training, it is difficult to achieve, it can only be said that it is constantly approaching.

Yan Yishan muttered to himself, it's just good, not the best, this Su Yunchu really dared to say it.

But Murong Yuan looked into Su Yunchu's eyes and said, "Since there is nothing in the world, I don't know how Miss Su San knows this?"

"As the prince said, the world is so big that there are no surprises." Su Yunchu said to Murong Yuan without avoiding those breathtaking eyes.

The corner of Murong Yuan's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't want to worry about it any more. He just looked at Su Yunchu and said, seemingly unintentionally, "Miss Yisan is so curious, what aspects do you think the current Lan Ying needs to improve?"

This seemingly unintentional remark stunned Yan Yishan and Su Yunchu. Murong Guan seldom talked about important matters in the military, especially about Lanying, but now, he asked Su Yunchu in such a way. He was still a woman...

The slight surprise on Su Yunchu's face was only fleeting, "Your Highness is a good general who leads troops, why ask me, I'm afraid I can only talk nonsense when it comes to the training of soldiers."

Murong Yuan didn't seem to care, "You can talk nonsense, it's just a normal conversation now."

Su Yunchu Hou Zhong choked up, "It's an important matter in the military, the general conversation of the prince is really extraordinary!"

Murong Yuan's eyes flickered slightly, "Tell me."

At this point, Su Yunchu didn't have much scruples anymore, "My lord usually trains soldiers, focusing on practicing skills, using knives and guns, teaching tactics, understanding formations and so on?"

Murong Yuan nodded.

"If the prince really wants me to say it, I think, in addition to this, strengthen the physical training and knowledge and ability training of the soldiers, such as judging the location, environment, food and water sources, independent combat, cooperative combat, and the fastest way to harass and transfer large quantities of troops. Material capabilities and the like can be added in.”

Su Yunchu didn't want to say more, because it was really difficult to do all of this, and the cost was too high.

Murong Yuan listened, and only looked at Su Yunchu, who frowned slightly at the end of the sentence, the corners of his mouth curled up inexplicably, "Miss San's military talent really makes this king curious."

Su Yunchu smiled lightly, and the two of them stopped talking about it.

But Yan Yishan felt great curiosity following what Su Yunchu said, and pestered her with questions all day long.

Two days later, Su Yunchu returned to the Su residence, and with Yingli's help, he returned to Shuiyunjian.

It has been more than a month since she went out, Yu Zhu and Fu Ling were taken aback when they saw her.

Su Yunchu was a little funny, "Why, I haven't seen you for more than a month, so you don't remember me?"

Yuzhu and Fuling rushed towards Su Yunchu together, "Miss, you are back." Fuling was the most exaggerated, she had already hugged Su Yunchu, as if she would leave again.

But Yuzhu calmed down a little more, and asked, "The plague in the three counties has long been over, why did the young lady come back at this time, making the maid so worried."

Su Yunchu smiled lightly, "Why worry, am I fine?"

But with these two sentences, Yu Zhu and Fu Ling made some discoveries, and Fu Ling was the most outspoken, "I think Miss has changed a bit since she came back from going out."

"Really? What changed?" Su Yunchu was puzzled.

Yuzhu also nodded, expressing her agreement, "It is true that it has changed. The former lady seemed to be higher than the clouds, untouchable, indifferent, calm, and moderately rational. Although the current lady is still like this, it makes people feel more Something real."

Su Yunchu smiled lightly and said nothing, why didn't she feel it.

Of course she didn't notice it herself, but the people who had been with her all the time did, especially Yu Zhu and Fu Ling, who felt the most powerful after seeing each other for a month.

Ying Li had noticed early in the morning, that is, after following Murong Yuan into the military camp, Su Yunchu's changes were obvious.

However, Su Yunchu just felt that these two girls probably had an illusion after not seeing her for a long time.

Sitting down and taking a sip of water, Su Yunchu asked, "For more than a month, nothing happened between Shuiyun, right?"

After hearing this, Fu Ling turned her head and snorted coldly.

Su Yunchu asked Yu Zhu, "What happened?"

-----Off Topic-----

Note: ① The knowledge of special forces from Baidu, for textual research and professionals should not delve into it.