The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 108: take a stroll


When He Kun and the others saw this, their eyes lit up, and they immediately squatted down and checked the two pieces of old wool.

They didn't question Lin Luo's judgment, but wanted to seize this learning opportunity and try to see if they could see something like Lin Luo. After this period of time, they have been convinced of Lin Luo's ability, and they just want to learn more from him.

Out of curiosity, Han Xinyuan and Han Xinyu leaned over to take a look, but after all, they had more experience in betting on stones, and they also had the assistance of spiritual power, so the two brothers quickly retreated, and then He exchanged a tacit smile with Lin Luo.

He Kun and Xu Jian rummaged through it for a while, and they also saw a little doorway. The smaller piece of wool on the left is well-proportioned and has a strong sense of three-dimensionality. A little green pine flower is slightly exposed from the leather shell, which looks very attractive. The price is indeed very high, but because of its small size and dark pine flowers, the price of 6 million is a bit high. Considering the cost performance, they will not choose to buy it. As for the piece on the right, they couldn't see the problem.

"Xiao Luo, we can see the problem with the small piece, but why can't we take the big one? Tell us about it?" He Kun and the others put down the wool, and moved to Lin Luo's side to ask.

"Let's talk as we go." The stall owner is still there, and it's really against the rules to say that his wool is not good in front of him, so it's better to walk away and talk.

After walking a certain distance, Lin Luo said in a low voice, "You should have seen the small piece of material just now. Although it looks passable, but the price/performance ratio is too low, it is really not worth buying it. As for the big piece , have you seen the white mist?"

"I see! I see!" The mist layer is the product of weathering and diagenesis of jadeite gravel after deposition. For the white salt sand shell wool, the white mist layer is not easy to distinguish, but they are stone gambling experts after all. , I can't even see this white mist, can I

It's just that the white mist represents the good news that there is jade inside. The high price of this piece of wool is naturally inseparable from the layer of white mist. However, judging from what Lin Luo meant, why does it seem that the problem lies in the white mist

"So have you seen the white cotton in the white mist?" Lin Luo asked with a smile.

He Kun and the others froze immediately, not because they didn't pay attention to observation, but because the white cotton was really difficult to distinguish. This piece of wool itself is the shell of white salt sand, plus the layer of white mist, three kinds of white are mixed together, it is really too difficult to distinguish white cotton from it.

Different from white mist, white cotton refers to the impurities that are often seen inside jadeite, and its existence will greatly affect the price of jadeite.

He Kun and the others looked at each other, and ran back to the booth as if they were on fire, ready to look for the white cotton hidden in the white mist layer.

Lin Luo shook his head amusedly, found another booth nearby, and began to look around.

I don’t know if it’s because this is the first day of the Gambling Stone Market. The quality of the wool on the stalls is relatively average. Most of the materials are still made from new pits. They are all marked with high prices and placed in the most conspicuous position of the booth to attract customers.

"Boss, how do you sell this piece of wool?" At this time, Han Xinyu suddenly asked the stall owner the price of one piece of wool.

The piece of wool he was looking at was a piece of bayberry sand leather shell wool that had been opened, but the performance was not very good. There were some black dots on the shell, and there was no green on the cut surface. It was a layer of faint red mist, which greatly reduced the value of this piece of wool.

Now it is piled at the bottom of a pile of wool, and I don't know how Han Xinyu dug it out.

The stall owner looked up at Han Xinyu's too young and fair face, and asked the price, "One hundred thousand."

Hearing this, Han Xinyu frowned slightly, "Boss, isn't this price a bit too high?"

As we all know, red mist is easy to pollute the ground, and it likes to run away, so the knife to open the window is equivalent to cutting a small piece, reducing the value of this piece of wool. Coupled with the black dots on the leather shell itself, this material is not a material that can greatly increase.

"Boss, give me a real price. I'll buy it for my brother to practice." Han Xinyuan also said.

The stall owner thought about it for a while before reluctantly opening his mouth and said, "Okay, the minimum price is 80,000 credits, no less."

The two brothers teased the stall owner for a while, and finally bought it for 70,000 yuan.

It's not that the Han brothers care too much about the little money, but judging from the current performance of this piece of wool, it is worth that much at most. Although they have money, they are not here to take advantage of others.

"Congratulations." After their transaction was completed, Lin Luo came forward with a smile and said.

"Thank you." Hearing this, Han Xinyu's eyes lit up.

Lin Luo's words are equivalent to saying that he is also optimistic about this piece of wool.

If red mist and scattered black ringworm appear on a piece of wool at the same time, then the possibility of losing the bet is extremely high. But the problem is that the black spots on the surface of this piece of wool are actually not black ringworm, but leprosy spots.

Leprosy is a kind of small black spot on the block, which grows in the center of the green. It has some similarities with ringworm. For example, they are all black and follow the green, so they are often mistaken for black. Ringworm.

But in fact, ringworm is black-blue, and leprosy spots are black-green. Ringworm is less transparent, and leprosy spots are more transparent. Ringworm has various shapes, and leprosy spots are basically small round spots. Ringworm may not be attached to green, but leprosy spots are produced by green. That is to say, the betting stones with leprosy spots on the skin have a higher chance of rising.

There is even a saying in the industry that "scarred spots produce high greenness", which also explains the benefits of scabies.

Just now, Han Xinyu first noticed the red mist on the cut surface, and then noticed the leprosy spots suspected to be black ringworm, so he became interested in this piece of wool.

The price offered by the stall owner showed that he did not see the real value of the piece of wool, but treated it as an ordinary wool, but when someone asked the price, he habitually called a high price, and after some haggling, the final deal was made, both parties Everyone is happy.

The Han family is also a family with some background, so Han Xinyuan also has a space button. He put his younger brother's wool into the space button, and planned to untie it together in the stone-dissolving area after shopping.

At this time, He Kun and the others also came back.

"Xiao Luo, we are really convinced!" Sure enough, just as Lin Luo said, they found white cotton in the white mist. The same is to look at the woolen material. Lin Luo found the problem after a few glances. They looked at it for a long time, but they didn't see any clues.

"Look more, learn more, and you will get better slowly." Lin Luo said with a smile.

What he said was not to comfort them, but to tell his own experience seriously. It's just that he has one more special ability than them, and he can immediately test his judgment after reading the wool. Every time he looks at a piece of wool, it is equivalent to unraveling a piece of wool, so his progress is so fast.

Although he has been in the industry for a short time, the experience he has actually accumulated is no less than that of others who have been in the industry for several years.

Lin Luo had roughly seen all the woolen materials on this booth, and chose two pieces for inquiry. Except for the piece of wool that Han Xinyu bought, basically there is no material that can greatly increase the price. The two pieces he chose were only hibiscus and oil green. Not in the mood to buy it.

"Let's go, let's go to other stalls." Lin Luo said to the others.

"Okay." Naturally, He Kun and the others had no objection. Since Lin Luo had already seen this stall, it was impossible for them to catch any fish that slipped through the net. They might as well try their luck at other stalls.

A few people didn't go far, and a stall owner greeted the brothers of the Han family.

"Gentlemen, would you like to take a look at this piece of woolen cloth?" The stall owner just saw that they bought a piece of woolen cloth with red mist blooming at the stall over there just now, and thought they were the kind that likes the haze. Players, let them sell his materials.

What he is holding in his hand is a piece of rust leather wool, the surface is rust-colored, this kind of wool is also an old pit type, but most of the bottom ash, if it is high color, it can beat the bottom, it is a kind of material with a lot of gambling. This piece of wool was also cut open, exposing a black fog layer, which increased the risk of this piece of wool a lot.

"Two gentlemen, what do you think? This material was mined in the old field. Although it is black mist, the black mist may also produce high green! Not to mention that the pine flowers on the surface are as different as the python belt. If you want it, you can take it for only 80,000!" The stall owner is really good at business, and he bragged about this piece of wool with a lot of tongue.

However, the two laughed and said nothing. It is good that there are pine flowers on the surface of this piece of wool, but it is indeed ant pine flowers. Ant pine flowers are distributed on the leather shell in intermittent lines with slender particles, just like ants are marching. This kind of pine flower means that the jade inside it is likely to exist intermittently, so it is not a bonus item at all, and it can only fool those novice players.

On the contrary, Lin Luo came up to take a look with interest, then looked at the Han brothers with a smile and asked, "Don't you want it?"

After hearing the meaning of his words, both of them were stunned.