The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 110: dare not fight


Hearing this, the woman with delicate makeup immediately changed her complexion, and hurriedly approached the man's ear and started talking with him in a low voice. As she spoke, the two seemed to be arguing.

The woman seems to want to persuade the man to give up the gambling stone wool, but the man is unwilling.

"Hmph, I'm not one of your rock betting circles. You said that if you want to fight, you have to take it? Don't be ridiculous! I like these two pieces of wool, and I'm going to make it!" The man sneered, with a tough attitude He rejected Lin Luo's request to bet on the stone war.

He looked at the stall owner, stretched out his wrist wearing an optical brain, and said coldly, "Hurry up and trade."

The stall owner's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, hesitating whether to complete the transaction or not.

The man frowned and said something to the stall owner in a low voice, and the stall owner hurriedly completed the deal with the man, seeing Lin Luo and Xing Mo getting more and more annoyed.

But at this time, people from the organizer of the stone gambling rally arrived, and they sent people over immediately after receiving Xing Mo's complaint.

The people who came were two staff members, one tall and one short. After seeing the situation at the scene, the short man walked up to Xing Mo and asked, "Mr. Xing? Was it you who submitted the complaint just now?" We are the Market Inspectors who are responsible for coming over to investigate this matter."

"It's me." Xing Mo was a little surprised that they could recognize him at a glance, but he didn't think too much, he just thought that they had read his personal information, so he opened his mouth and briefly described what happened.

The two staff members recorded his narration, and then walked up to the couple and asked them whether Xing Mo's narration was true.

"Huh, it's not what they said, we are a normal transaction, and the transaction has now been completed, these two pieces of wool already belong to me!" After the man finished speaking, he showed a malicious smile at Lin Luo Come.

"If the transaction is not in compliance, it can be canceled even if the transaction is completed." Unexpectedly, the tall staff replied to him lightly.

"What's not in compliance?! Don't talk nonsense without evidence!" The man choked on his words, and roared angrily, "Do you know who I am?! I'm the boss of Yinhe Energy Company!"

Xing Mo saw that the faces of the two staff members changed a little after hearing the words Yinhe Energy Company, but it was not fear or fear, but... disgust

"No matter which company you are the boss of, the rules are the rules." The tall man was too lazy to deal with him, and turned to look at the earth-colored stall owner, "Stand owner of booth 0256, do you have anything to add about this matter? "

"I, I..." The stall owner's eyes flickered, and he didn't dare to look at him, obviously guilty.

"Please hand over the recorder, otherwise we will call the regional surveillance." The tall man pointed to an inconspicuous decoration hanging on the wall of the nearby building. No one would have guessed that it turned out to be a micro-monitor.

In order to promote the development of the fifth star field, the security maintenance of the Gambling Stone Gathering is the top priority. In addition to dispatching sufficient manpower for 24-hour patrols, there are also multi-party monitoring to prevent any accidents, such as today. It may seem like a trivial matter, but its impact cannot be ignored.

In particular, the guest who submitted the complaint this time was Xing Mo, a national hero who has recently become famous on Xingwang. He and his lover Lin Luo were both on the special invitation list of the organizer, so they received their complaint After that, it immediately attracted the attention of the organizers. It was their luck that they directly retrieved the surveillance records closest to the incident site. There was a high-definition surveillance recorder on the left wall of the booth, which recorded all the incidents. It is obvious that Xing Mo's complaint was not Not aimlessly.

The stone gambling rally is just a small-scale stone gambling activity. The organizer hopes that after the reputation is established, it will also be turned into a stone gambling public market in the future, attracting more tourists and wool merchants, so that it can make a lot of money and develop better. If this incident ruins their reputation of the stone gambling rally, the consequences will definitely be very bad.

But don't look at Xing Mo and Lin Luo who are young, but their influence is extraordinary. Didn't you see how amazing the number of fans on Lin Luo's personal social platform is? Not to mention that they are friends and partners with the eldest and youngest of the Yin family! So no matter which aspect they consider, they absolutely cannot sit idly by and ignore this matter.

Before the two market supervisors came over, they had received instructions from their superiors to handle the matter impartially. Based on their observations after arriving at the scene, the situation of this incident was already obvious. It was the stall owner and the It broke the rules of stone gambling gatherings for men and women. As the saying goes, there are family rules at home, and there are rules at home. Gambling stones is not a vegetable market. If you like it, you can just grab it. Whoever reads the material first will not be able to snatch it until others say no.

If Lin Luo left the booth after looking at the piece of wool, it can be assumed that he gave up the piece of wool. But it was obvious that Lin Luo wanted this piece of wool. He not only asked for a price, but also stood not far away after the stall owner asked him to wait. The male and female couple, together with the stall owner, forcibly bought the wool that Lin Luo had already taken a fancy to, which had already broken the rules of the Gambling Stone Fair.

"Hurry up, after the monitoring is called, it will be too late for you to hand it in." The short man also added.

The stall owner never expected that in addition to the recorder on his body, the organizer also installed more monitoring recorders in the market. And there is a surveillance recorder behind him, I am afraid that everything just now has been recorded, and it is useless for him to struggle and quibble now. Now his plan to lie about not carrying the recorder was completely ruined. If he continued to resist now, the market supervisor would punish him more severely.

Although full of reluctance, the stall owner reluctantly handed over his own recorder under the pressure of two market supervisors. The stall owner's recorder is different from the monitoring fixed-point recorder, which is worn on their own body.

The organizer asked the stall owner to carry the recorder in order to protect the interests of the stall owner when customers want to buy and sell by force, but now it has become evidence to record his violation.

The tall man played the contents of the stall owner's recorder, and the pictures recorded from the stall owner's perspective looked more impactful. All the conversations of the few people have been recorded, including Lin Luo's inquiry, the impatience of the stall owner, and the low-pitched conversation between the man and the stall owner just now, all of which can be clearly heard.

It turned out that before Lin Luo and Xing Mo arrived at this shop, the stall owner and the owner of the Yinhe Energy Company were discussing cooperation matters. The man saw that the woolen materials on the stall owner were large in size and good in quality, and thought his source of goods Very good, so I plan to cooperate with him and buy a batch of wool directly from him, otherwise the stall owner would not take the risk of breaking the rules and stand on the side of men.

"Hurry up and complete the deal with me, otherwise all the things we talked about before will be lost!" It was these words that put the stall owner under pressure and made a deal with him.

However, the stall owner, who is blinded by profit, does not know that the young man he has offended inadvertently is not as simple as it seems.

What happened is already very clear. The owner of the Yinhe Energy Company is called Lu Chun, and the woman accompanying him is his current girlfriend, Cui Xueli. Cui Xueli has read the report about Lin Luo on Xingwang, so she recognized Lin Luo. , then urged Lu Chun to grab the gambling stone that Lin Luo was looking for. She is not an insider and doesn't understand the rules of stone gambling, so she doesn't know that this is a means of breaking the rules. However, as the boss of an energy company, Lu Chun could not be ignorant of the rules, but he has also heard of Lin Luo's reputation, and knows that he is best at betting Gao Cui from this kind of ugly betting stone.

Lu Chun came to participate in the stone gambling rally this time, mainly because of the stone gambling team he hired. He just came out with his girlfriend to play casually. He has no talent in stone gambling. But he just likes to gamble and wants to make a big profit all day long. That's why at the instigation of his girlfriend, he focused on Lin Luo's gambling stone. He is the boss of Yinhe Energy Company, and Lin Luo's Pengcheng Energy Company is in a competitive relationship with him, so he has no embarrassment in taking things from competitors. And in his opinion, Lin Luo's appearance doesn't seem to be aggressive, and he has a good temper and a soft look. He is probably a person who doesn't like to make trouble. There are so many gambling stones here, Lin Luo has no reason to insist on fighting with him. This one is estimated to have no choice but to give up in the end.

Who knew that Lin Luo was not as easy-talking as he looked on the outside, and he directly confronted them, and even insisted on a stone betting battle with them. How could Lu Chun have the guts to start a stone betting battle with Lin Luo? Of course it was rejected immediately.

But just as he was trying to get out, the market watchdog came...

After the tall man communicated with the headquarters, he made a final judgment, "This matter is an illegal transaction between the stall owner and this Mr. Lu, which damaged the rights and interests of Mr. Lin. The stall owner was disqualified from participating in the rally and immediately packed up his stall and left Bo. Li Xing. As for this Mr. Lu, the illegal transaction between you and the stall owner is invalid. Please return the gambling stone you obtained illegally from Mr. Lin, and the stall owner will refund the money for the gambling stone Here you are. If you make the same mistake again, we will directly disqualify you from participating in the stone gambling rally."

The result of such a judgment is not without harshness. The stall owner almost burst into tears, and Lu Chun's expression was extremely ugly, but he had to follow the organizer's request. After all, the organizer is actually the government department of Star Polis. If they don't obey the judgment of the two market supervisors, it may be the garrison of Star Polis who will come after a while.

"Wait for me!" Lu Chun gritted his teeth and returned the Thunder Stone to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo didn't want to talk to this kind of person, and transferred 600,000 yuan to the other party directly according to the previous quotation from the stall owner, and left with Xing Mo with the gambling stone.