The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 125: The auction starts


Those reporters who wrote false reports immediately sent an apology letter to Lin Luo. They are all reporters from small news agencies that are not popular, otherwise they would not have gone to the Energy Management Bureau to stay outside.

Did they really think Lin Luo would lie about this kind of thing

In fact, this is not always the case. They write this more for the sake of news popularity and exposure.

The most unlucky person in this matter is probably Gu Qiuyang. He was already aggrieved enough in this exam, but he was scolded by the netizens because of those reporters.

When the reporters wrote that he was the youngest senior energy engineer, they didn't intend to flatter him, but they were waiting at the entrance of the Energy Management Bureau early in the morning, and they did a simple interview with every candidate who entered the venue. Only Lin Luo climbed in through the wall, so they didn't know that Lin Luo also participated in this assessment.

Although Lin Luo's being hacked seems to have nothing to do with Gu Qiuyang, some netizens still believe that when the group of reporters praised him as the youngest senior energy engineer, Gu Qiuyang did not respond, but he No explanation was given either. Looking at the examination records, it is clear that Lin Luo took the examination together with him, and the two of them passed the examination together. He must know Lin Luo's grades. If he tells about Lin Luo's passing the examination, he will not There is a series of things behind.

However, no one paid attention to the follow-up of this matter soon, and everyone's attention was attracted by the upcoming special auction held by Yin's Auction House.

At this special auction, more than a dozen 100ml tubes of the highest-grade elemental liquid will be sold, all with a purity of more than 80%, which can be described as unprecedented. The invitation letter for the auction has already been sold at a sky-high price, but there is still a price but no market.

Countless people with supernatural powers and people from aristocratic families rushed to Kippola Star from various planets in the empire. There was an endless stream of hover cars coming out of Starport, and almost all the high-end hotels on Kippola Star were fully booked.


Kippola Star, Yin's Auction House.

Today is the day when the special auction will be held, and all the people who received the invitation letter of the auction have been waiting outside the venue early.

He Kun and the Han brothers were also crowded in the crowd. The Han brothers originally wanted to visit Lin Luo's new company on Kippola and learn more about stone gambling from Lin Luo, but Lin Luo has been too busy recently. So it fell on He Kun to take them to visit the company and wander around the Kippola planet.

Han Xinyuan didn't want to disturb him, but after learning that Lin Luo was going to take the senior energy engineer assessment, combined with the auction, he had a guess in his mind. This guess was confirmed after Lin Luo passed the examination and was awarded the qualification of a top energy engineer.

Han Xinyuan was shocked by Lin Luo's outstanding talent in betting stones and energy. He couldn't help but wonder whether Lin Luo's powerful ability in betting stones had something to do with his mental power

Han Xinyuan wanted to ask Lin Luo to verify this matter, but he also knew that Lin Luo was really busy these days, so he planned to wait until the auction was over, but he didn't expect that Lin Luo would reserve the auction for the two of them. Invitation card. The invitation letter was sent to them by He Kun, and the suspension vehicle was also prepared.

Han Xinyuan naturally didn't want to miss such a rare event, so he and Han Xinyu followed He Kun over.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and half an hour before the auction was about to be held, the door of the auction house finally opened.

The staff and security personnel filed out, separated a safe passage, and guided every distinguished guest with an invitation letter to enter.

This time, Yin Ye specially renovated the auction hall on the first floor, making it more spacious, grander and more luxurious. The auction seats still have the thousand seats, but each seat is the softest and most comfortable sofa chair, and the gap between each seat is larger. be careful.

There are still ten VIP rooms on the second floor, and the people who can get a seat in the VIP room this time are all extremely extraordinary.

Soon people began to take their seats according to the seat numbers written on the invitation letter. The seat numbers of He Kun and the Han family brothers were very high. It seemed that Lin Luo specially arranged for them.

The lights gradually dimmed, and Liu Yan, a beautiful and capable auctioneer, stepped onto the auction stage again.

"Hello, everyone. I am Liu Yan, the auctioneer of this special auction. Thank you for your support to Yin's Auction House. I hope you can buy your favorite lot today. I announce that this auction will officially begin."

As Liu Yan's voice fell, a robot came to the auction stage holding a wooden tray. A piece of red cloth was spread on the tray, and a black box was placed on top of the red cloth.

On the big screen behind Liu Yan, a close-up of the black box appeared. The workmanship of the box is very bright, and it is also painted with beautiful cloud patterns, which looks exquisite and beautiful.

"Today's first auction is a piece of wood element liquid with a purity of 82.7%. The starting price is five million credits, and each increase should not be less than 100,000 credits." Liu Yan said as she stretched out her hand and opened the box. The lid reveals a green elemental solution and a test certificate.

Liu Yan pointed the test certificate at the camera on purpose, so that all the guests could see the content written on the test certificate through the big screen.

The words with a purity of 82.7% are very eye-catching, not to mention that Lin Luo's name is filled in the column of the extractor.

There were pumping sounds one after another in the arena, such high-purity elemental liquid was very rare.

Such an elemental liquid is very important for both low-level and high-level abilities.

It is possible for a low-level ability user to directly upgrade with this elemental liquid, and a high-level ability user may also use this high-concentration elemental liquid to break through the bottleneck.

"Now, the bidding begins! Guests who are interested in this elemental liquid, please pick up the auction device on the right side of your seat and start bidding."

Almost as soon as Liu Yan finished speaking, the numbers on the big screen began to scroll quickly. The speed is so fast that it is dizzying.

The bidding broke through the 10 million mark in almost two minutes, and it continued to rise, and finally it was sold at a price of 14 million.

"The next thing is the second lot. It's a 100ml bottle of the highest-grade wood-based elemental liquid, with an energy purity of 82.9%. The starting price is five million, and each increase should not be less than one hundred thousand. Let's start now!"

Everyone didn't expect the second one to be even more pure than the first one, and the bidding became more active. This time, it was sold at a price of 15 million.

Then came the third and fourth branches. The purity of each elemental liquid was higher than the previous one. People began to realize that these high-purity elemental liquids in front of them were not the highest level of Lin Luo. The discovery made the atmosphere of the auction more and more enthusiastic.

In the office on the third floor of Yin's Auction House, both Lin Luo and Yin Ye were paying attention to the situation of the auction.

There are a total of thirteen pieces of the highest-grade elemental liquids in this auction, including seven wood-type elemental liquids, four earth-type elemental liquids, and one each of water-type and fire-type elemental liquids. They are arranged in descending order, with the highest purity. The one that reached a staggering 86%.

In fact, Lin Luo didn't want to auction off the last two elemental fluids of water and fire. After all, Xing Mo needs to use them to upgrade. Department of powers must absorb the same amount of energy to upgrade. Xing Mo has already absorbed the gold element liquid that Lin Luo extracted from the purple-gold double-color jade before. Without the gold element liquid, no matter how much water and fire element liquid he absorbs, it will have no effect. It is better to put it in the auction At the meeting, attract more people to attend.

Xing Mo also meant the same thing. Anyway, with Lin Luo around, he didn't worry at all that he would not have the elemental liquid to use. Under the insistence of the two, Lin Luo had no choice but to agree.

Starting from the fifth bottle of elemental liquid, the guests in the VIP box also began to join in the bidding. Boxes No. 1, No. 3, and No. 6 each bought a piece of elemental liquid, and the average transaction price for each bottle was around 18 million.

The starting price of the next earth-type elemental liquid was 1 million higher than that of the wood-type, and the transaction price directly exceeded 20 million.

Yin Ye watched the total turnover displayed on the optical brain soar all the way, and the auction had just passed halfway, and the amount was about to break through 200 million.

"It seems that this time I have gained quite a lot." Yin Ye picked up the wine glass on the table and raised it towards Lin Luo, "This time is thanks to you."

Thirteen elemental liquids, the funds harvested are much higher than the auction of jadeite, it can be said that it is a profitable business with no loss.

"Where, I still want to thank you for your help."

"Come on, let's stop being polite to each other, we are all friends." Yin Ye said with a smile.

"You're right." Lin Luo couldn't help laughing.

"Let's go, let's go down and give them another surprise." Yin Ye picked up a big wooden box on the table and walked out of the office with Lin Luo.

The two walked through the staff passage and entered the backstage of the auction hall. At this time, the auction had come to an end. What was being auctioned was the last fire element liquid with a purity of 86.1%. The price had already been called 40 million. The two VIPs The box bidders were still deadlocked, obviously no one wanted to give up.

In the end, it was bought by the guests of Box No. 10 at a price of 44 million.

"Congratulations to the guests in Box No. 10, please stay still, our boss and Master Lin still want to say a few words to you."

Everyone knows that the owner of Yin's Auction House is Yin Ye, and that Master Lin is Lin Luo, who has just won the title of Top Energy Master. No one would want to make friends with the two of them.

The crowd applauded immediately, expressing their welcome to the two.

Yin Ye and Lin Luo, both in formal attire, appeared amidst the applause of the crowd. Lin Luo had already worn a golden badge on his chest. The outer ring of this badge was thorns, and there was a crown in the middle, representing the other The distinguished status of a top energy engineer.