The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 126: Steady development


"Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to participate in today's auction..." After saying a few simple words, Yin Ye took out the box he had been carrying in his hand, which contained a bunch of translucent The energy liquids are all extracted from glass jadeite with energy converters, and the word 'Pengcheng' is printed on these vacuum liquid tubes, which explains their production company, "Take this opportunity, I just happen to be My company does some publicity. These are the energy liquids that Pengcheng Company will launch soon. They are divided into four grades: the highest level, the highest level, the middle level and the lowest level. The new mecha will be used for at least one month. At present, the four grades of energy fluids are open for order, and there is a 5% discount for one-time bulk purchasers. Interested customers can directly go to the official website of Pengcheng Company to place an order."

The extraction of energy liquid is no different from the extraction of elemental liquid. It takes the same amount of time and energy as an energy engineer, but it is not as valuable as elemental liquid. People cannot do without it in their daily lives, so it is relatively useless. thing.

Therefore, when general energy companies recruit, in addition to mid-level energy engineers, they will also recruit a group of low-level energy engineers. Mid-level energy engineers are responsible for extracting elemental fluids, while low-level energy engineers are responsible for extracting energy fluids.

There has never been an energy liquid above intermediate level on the market, let alone one that can be purchased in bulk!

Although low-level energy fluid is cheap, it consumes very quickly, and it is very troublesome to buy it all the time. Many people think that it is a good way to buy more at one time and store it away.

As for those people from aristocratic families and high-level supernatural beings, they are even more excited. Who doesn't have guards and combat mechas? The energy of the high-grade energy fluid is abundant, which can make the battle time of the mech last longer, the firepower and defense will become stronger, and the safety will be greatly increased.

These people couldn't wait to leave the auction hall, and they couldn't wait to turn on their optical brains, and went to the official website of Pengcheng Energy Company to snap up energy liquid.

Compared with other energy companies with only a few hundred stocks, the total inventory of Pengcheng Energy Company has exceeded five figures, and all of them are in stock, which can be shipped directly after payment. What's more, the price is almost 20% cheaper than other energy companies. Anyone who doesn't buy it is a fool!

In addition, the official website of Pengcheng Energy Company also sells three kinds of elemental liquids, namely high, medium and low. Although the quantity is not very large, it can meet the needs of most people. As for the highest-grade elemental liquid, it is obvious that only Lin Luo can extract it, and it is a customized product.

After the auction, Lin Luo said that if there is no one who bought the elemental liquid today, he can bring glass jadeite to him to help extract it. He will set aside two days a month to process these custom orders.

This time the special auction was very successful, and the effect far exceeded expectations. Those aristocratic families all rushed to make friends with the Yin family and Lin Luo, and the custom orders placed one by one were directly queued to the next year.

All in all, from this day on, Pengcheng Energy Company has completely established its reputation and successfully entered the ranks of the first-line brands of Imperial Energy. Whenever people mention energy liquid and elemental liquid, the first word that people think of is Pengcheng. In the hearts of the imperial people, Pengcheng Energy Company represents high quality and high output.


The company's business volume has increased and its development has improved. Of course, more people have to be recruited. Not only energy engineers need a lot of recruitment, but even stone gambling consultants are the same. In the past, Lin Luo personally interviewed and assessed the talent recruitment in this area, but Lin Luo is now the person in charge of the company, with many responsibilities and affairs on his shoulders. With this fact, there is no way to continue to do it by himself.

Fortunately, at this time, Lin Luo had two more good helpers, the Han brothers.

After being shocked by Lin Luo again and again, the Han brothers discussed with their family members that they wanted to join Pengcheng Energy Company. They think that Lin Luo's ability to be so good at gambling stones may have something to do with his outstanding mental power. They want to stay with Lin Luo and learn more from his experience.

After discussion, the Han family agreed to their proposal. Lin Luo is now gaining momentum, and being friends with such a promising genius is beneficial but harmless. He will stay with Pengcheng Energy Company and Lin Luo's side. It is also a kind of learning and tempering for the two brothers.

Lin Luo couldn't wish for the Han brothers to join him. Both of their brothers are psychic power users. Although they have not been certified as energy masters, thanks to the frequent application in stone gambling, their mental power is actually very good. Technical talents who are good at all aspects are hard to find even with a lantern, so he naturally agreed to such a good thing delivered to the door.

After the Han brothers joined Pengcheng Company, the first thing they did was to participate in the qualification certification of energy engineers and passed the examination smoothly. Like Lin Luo, Han Xinyuan also got the qualification recommended by the examiner and became a Intermediate energy engineer.

Afterwards, the two brothers of the Han family became Lin Luo's right-hand man. When Lin Luo was not in the company, the two of them were in charge of the company's stone gambling department and energy department. Sometimes Lin Luo would let the two brothers go to the review before storage, so that the two of them grew up quickly.


Compared with Yin Ye and Lin Luo's smooth development, the situation on Xing Mo's side is much more difficult.

The twelfth star field that Xing Mo is in charge of is a chaotic area. There are many desolate stars here, and fugitives often appear here. The patrol team he led was in charge of security and security tasks in the 12th Star Region. It was dangerous to a certain extent, but it was also the easiest place to accumulate military merits.

With Xing Mo's current strength, it is not too difficult to lead such a team.

But there happened to be a person who shouldn't have appeared in Xing Mo's team.

"Report!" A blond young man with outstanding looks appeared at the door of Xing Mo's room.

"Say." Seeing the person coming, Xing Mo frowned slightly unconsciously.

"Captain! An urgent notice has been received that a wanted criminal has appeared within our star field, and the target's coordinates and information have been sent to your optical brain." Gu Siyan looked at Xing Mo's handsome profile with burning eyes.

Feeling his gaze, Xing Mo's face became more and more impatient, "Understood, you go and tell the other team members to gather at the main bridge of the shuttle."

"Yes!" After receiving the order, Gu Siyan reluctantly left.

Xing Mo pressed the center of his eyebrows wearily. This Gu Siyan joined his team through his activities after learning that he had entered the army.

When Xing Mo saw this former 'rotten peach blossom' appear, he had a bad feeling.

Xing Mo wanted to find an opportunity to remove Gu Siyan from the team, but after Gu Siyan joined the team, everything he said and did was in line with the code of conduct for soldiers, and he rushed to do all the dirty work, except for watching Xing Mo Except for the hot eyes, which are a little too much, there is no excessive behavior.

It made Xing Mo very irritable, he couldn't use the reason that he was always staring at himself to drive people away, could he

Gu Siyan was good-looking, although he had a bit of a temper, but it didn't hurt, and he was diligent enough, so the members of the patrol team quickly accepted him, and he gradually gained a firm foothold in the team.

Xing Mo never pretends to him, but he still doesn't let go of any opportunity to get in touch with Xing Mo, and tries every means to talk to Xing Mo.

Just like this briefing mission, he was not in charge of duty today at all, probably he was transferred with someone else.

Whenever Xing Mo saw Gu Siyan, he felt irritable from the bottom of his heart. He had already talked to him twice, and he had decided that Lin Luo would not be interested in other people, but Gu Siyan continued to go his own way as if he couldn't understand people's words.

Sometimes Xing Mo really wants to just give up the mission and go back, and is too lazy to entangle with Gu Siyan, but when he thinks that his little lover is growing rapidly, how can he give up lightly

Xing Mo glanced at the personal information of the most wanted criminal displayed on the optical brain. He is a criminal who has committed many crimes, including robbery, murder, and rape. If he can successfully catch this fugitive this time, maybe he can be escorted The other party had the opportunity to go back to Capital Star for trial and meet his little lover.

Thinking of Lin Luo, Xing Mo's heart was full of fire. He put on his military uniform and hat, and strode out of the temporary station.

The cruiser was ready to take off, and when Xing Mo came to the main bridge, all members of the patrol team were already sitting in their seats.

"Report the situation." Xing Mo sat down on the command chair.

"The coordinate setting has been completed, the spaceship is moving forward at full speed, and it is expected to arrive at the destination in 20 minutes." They are now on the patrol ship,

Xing Mo nodded, "Get ready for battle."

"Yes, Captain!" All the members said in unison.