The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 130: Return to Capital Star


In the middle of the night, the cruise ship was on its way back, and everyone was resting in their respective cabins, but the optical brain in Xing Mo's hand shook slightly.

Xing Mo immediately sat up, quickly pressed a series of commands on the light screen, and connected to the monitoring center of the cruise ship, but the screen was completely dark, because someone deliberately turned off the monitoring system.

However, Xing Mo didn't show any surprised expression, obviously this kind of thing happened within his expectation. He pressed a series of new commands on the light screen again, and the monitoring screen appeared after a while.

What appeared in the picture was the corridor in front of the confinement room. This camera was an infrared monitor specially installed by Xing Mo. He suspected that someone in the patrol team was conspiring with them before, but he hadn’t found out who it was for the time being, so just in case First, Xing Mo secretly installed this infrared monitor. Once someone approaches the brig, a silent alarm is triggered.

It can be clearly seen in the picture that the door of the confinement room has been opened, and the people in the confinement room are nowhere to be found. The group of wanted criminals were held in the confinement room, apparently they had escaped with the help of the traitor.

Xing Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't expect these people to move so fast, he forced to restart the cruise ship's main system with his highest control authority, and after the restart was completed, he would be able to fully control the cruise ship.

The restart was completed soon, and Xing Mo turned on the whole ship alarm of the patrol ship.

The loud beeping immediately resounded throughout the patrol ship, and all the patrol members who were still sleeping woke up instantly, and rushed out of the room with their weapons.

"Attention all members, attention all members, fugitives have escaped from the confinement room, fugitives have escaped from the confinement room! I have closed all the gates and are checking the monitoring. All team members immediately stand under the nearest monitoring and report their positions to me. I will check one by one later. They must not be allowed to escape in the dead corners of each area! I repeat..." Xing Mo's voice spread throughout the cruise ship through the system broadcast. What you do is catch the turtle in the urn.

Xing Mo knew that it was absolutely impossible for these fugitives to escape by themselves. They must have been helped by people from the patrol team, and they had just come out of the confinement room, and they must not have run far. He closed the gate and blocked their way out.

The reason for the team members to report their location is very simple. The rest cabins of the team members are on the upper floor, and the confinement room is on the lowest floor of the patrol ship. He has given orders before, and they cannot approach the confinement room without his permission.

Therefore, at this time, if someone is on the lower floor or does not stand under surveillance to report his position, then he is a traitor.

Xing Mo maximized the monitoring screen, the person in charge of duty was on the main bridge, the two people in charge of patrol were located on the upper floor, and the other team members were basically in the rest area, except for two people.

"Gu Siyan, what are you doing on the lower floor?" Xing Mo saw Gu Siyan standing under the surveillance of the stairs on the second floor, and immediately initiated a call request to Gu Siyan.

Gu Siyan explained eagerly, "Captain! I'm not a traitor! I couldn't sleep, and suddenly heard a slight noise next door, so I went out to have a look, only to find that Li Tian was sneaking out of his cabin , I followed him here! He is on the lower floor now!"

Xing Mo believed Gu Siyan's words, because Li Tian was the one who hadn't reported his location for a long time.

"Are you sure he's still down there?"

"I'm sure! I didn't dare to follow too closely, so I waited here and didn't follow. I kept looking in the direction of the stairs, but he didn't come up." There are four floors below, and Gu Siyan was worried that Li Tian would hear He deliberately kept a distance from him because of the sound of footsteps. Before the alarm sounded, he had been standing on the second floor for a few minutes, and he planned to go down to find out what happened when Li Tian was unprepared.

"Since there is suspicion, why not report it immediately?!"

Gu Siyan bit his lip, but did not answer.

In fact, Xing Mo can guess without him answering. Gu Siyan must have also guessed that Li Tian is a traitor, so he captured Li Tian with his own hands to avenge his teammates who died innocently.

"You wait where you are, I'll bring someone down right away."

"Yes, Captain."

Xing Mo left the room, assembled the team members one by one, and then headed towards the lower floor together.

At this moment, Xing Mo's optical brain suddenly rang. He took a look and found that the person requesting communication was Gu Siyan.

"What's wrong?" Xing Mo accepted his communication request.

"Captain! I heard the sound of fighting below. The situation has changed. I request to go downstairs immediately!"

Xing Mo was stunned when he heard the words, he didn't expect them to fight, he didn't know what happened...

"Wait where you are, we'll be there soon!"

"team leader!"

"Obey the order!" Who knows if this is a trick of those people, if Gu Siyan goes downstairs alone, he is likely to be taken hostage by them, and the situation will be very passive.

"Yes..." Although Gu Siyan was very reluctant, he still had to obey Xing Mo's order.

Xing Mo and the others rushed to the negative second floor as quickly as possible, and indeed they heard the sound of fierce fighting.

"Go!" Xing Mo propped up the energy shield and rushed to the front of the team.

On the negative third floor, two groups of people were fighting fiercely, or to be more precise, Li Tian was fighting with five fugitives, and one fugitive fell to the ground unconsciously.

Li Tian's energy gun had already been knocked into the air, and it was all supported by the protective shield of the combat suit, otherwise how could he have fought the five of them for so long by himself. But despite the shield, he was still bruised and swollen at the moment.

"Don't move at all." Xing Mo said loudly, and he and the team members behind him raised the energy guns in their hands.

The few people who were fighting stopped immediately.

Xing Mo raised his hand to signal the players behind him to stop, then he walked forward unhurriedly and asked, "Li Tian, why are you here?"

"Captain! I found someone hacking into our system. I felt something was wrong, so I went down to check, and found that they had escaped. I wanted to stop them, so..."

"Fart!" He Ling suddenly interrupted Li Tian's words, and said with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, "This kid is from our employer, and he came here on purpose to let us go, but seeing his whereabouts exposed, he wanted to kill me again Let's keep silent, if I hadn't been vigilant, I'm afraid you will only see my body when you come down!"

"He's talking nonsense! Captain, you can't believe what he said!" Li Tian shouted anxiously.

"Arrest them all." Xing Mo didn't talk nonsense, and directly ordered the team members to arrest them all.

"Captain?" Li Tian looked at Xing Mo in astonishment.

Xing Mo didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, put them all in shackles, and escorted them back to the confinement room together, including Li Tian.

"Captain! Captain, I was wronged! Captain, please listen to my explanation..." Li Tian continued to shout persistently, but unfortunately no one answered him.

The fugitive who fell on the ground has been confirmed dead. He was shot through the brain from behind. It seems that what He Ling said that Li Tian saw that something was wrong and wanted to kill them to silence them in order to protect himself was true.

Xing Mo was very satisfied with finally catching the black sheep hidden in the team.

Without the ghosts and moths, the next return journey went very smoothly.

In the evening three days later, their patrol ship arrived at Capital Star. The military department specially arranged people to escort those wanted criminals and Li Tian.

Li Tianyu wanted to argue unwillingly, but no one was going to pay attention to him. The infrared monitor installed by Xing Mo outside the confinement room took pictures of Li Tian opening the door of the confinement room and taking the fugitives out. It can be said that the evidence is conclusive and cannot be denied.

In the eyes of the soldiers, this Li Tian is even more hateful than those assassins. Although he did not do this assassination himself, he betrayed his teammates for profit, single-handedly contributed to this incident, and sent them to the executioner. Under the knife, Li Tian's hands were also stained with their blood.

Betrayal and betrayal are completely unforgivable things for soldiers who demand absolute loyalty. One can imagine his fate after being brought back to the military headquarters.

"Thank you!" Lieutenant General Cheng Nuo, who was in charge of escorting these important criminals, extended his hand towards Xing Mo.

"It's not hard work, it's what I should do." Xing Mo stretched out his hand neither humble nor overbearing.

The two shook hands lightly, and then got on the suspension vehicle to the military headquarters. This incident required Xing Mo to submit a written report and add some details. Gu Siyan got into the car with them. Although he was certain that he was innocent, this incident had something to do with his family, so he still needed to cooperate with the investigation.

These five surviving fugitives are all serious criminals wanted by the empire for many years. They have been doing evil for many years, and they were finally captured until this time, so the military department attaches great importance to it.

After a whole night of surprise interrogation, the military finally got the information they wanted.

It was Gu Changying from the Gu family who hired them to kill. There was nothing wrong with him. Apart from the first time, there were many other families involved in him. It was these families who protected them for many years and allowed them to escape the pursuit of the imperial army, and they became these In the hands of the family, it is a knife dedicated to eradicating dissidents.

The military department immediately ordered to arrest Gu Changying and other family members involved.

The military department did not cover up the arrest in the slightest, and even specially held a press conference to disclose the truth of the matter to the public, so that the public can clearly see the true colors of these so-called aristocratic families.

The 131st Year's Covenant (Revised)

When he came out of the military headquarters, it was already dawn. Xing Mo hadn't slept all night, and was so sleepy that he was about to take the suspension car back to the hotel he had booked to rest, when he saw a familiar figure standing at the gate.

"Little Luo?"

Hearing Xing Mo's shout, Lin Luo turned around and smiled sweetly towards Xing Mo.

Only the smile of his lover remained in Xing Mo's eyes, and he ran over quickly, hugged him into his arms, and kissed him lightly on the lovely dimple on his cheek, "When did you come? Have you been waiting long?"

"It didn't take long..." Lin Luo said with reddened cheeks.

"Why didn't you wait long? As soon as he received the news, he immediately dropped what he was doing and rushed over. Knowing that you were conducting a surprise interrogation, he has been waiting outside. If you don't come out again, he will stand here as a watchful eye." It's my husband's stone." Yin Ye, who was completely ignored, said coolly at the side.

"Ah, you're here too?" Xing Mo saw that Yin Ye had also come at this moment.

Yin Ye rolled his eyes to the sky speechlessly, and the three of them stood talking and laughing for a while, then got on the suspension car and left together.

Gu Siyan, who happened to also walk out of the military headquarters, looked sadly at the direction they left.

Some things, it seems, should really be let go.

Under the operation of Yin Ye and the military department, it didn't take long for a public trial for the assassination. In addition to the hired wanted criminals and Li Tian, the defendants also included Gu Changying and other powerful people from several big families.

In this assassination incident, a total of seven soldiers were killed, and the impact was extremely bad. It is already a felony for these hired criminals to flee for many years. In addition, they have committed multiple killings, and they are punished for several crimes and sentenced to death. They knew that this time they couldn't escape by any means. In order not to let Gu Changying and others be alone, they finally confessed Gu Changying and others who were behind the scenes, and handed over evidence that could convict Gu Changying and others.

Evidence shows that these hired killers, in addition to this assassination, were also assigned by Gu Changying and others to help them eradicate dissidents many times, and many unsolved unsolved cases were related to them.

Under the conclusive evidence, these powerful families with ulterior motives were irrefutable and were also sentenced to death. Among these people, Xing Shang and Xing Zhengyuan were also included. They repeatedly tried to attack Xing Mo and Lin Luo but were unsuccessful. After being suppressed, they not only did not reflect on themselves, but turned to murder. This time, they also participated in buying murder The murder, the evidence is conclusive, and the crime is unforgivable.

Xing Shang's fiancée, Xue Ning, took advantage of her position to sell the military's confidential information to Xing Shang. Although she did not participate in this vicious incident, she still could not escape punishment. .

As for Li Tian, as a soldier, he knew the law and violated the law. He betrayed his comrades for profit, and tried to evade guilt afterwards.

For some people, living is more painful than dying.

In addition, the military department also followed the vines and found out from within the army the black sheep who were inextricably linked to these people, all of them were expelled from the army, and sentenced according to their crimes.

Afterwards, meritorious deeds were rewarded. Xing Mo, as the biggest hero in this incident, was unanimously recognized by the upper echelon of the military department, and was awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel, becoming the youngest school-level officer. From captain to lieutenant colonel, it only took a little over a month, and his promotion was not unpleasant.

The other members of the patrol team also received awards to varying degrees for their outstanding performance in this incident, including Gu Siyan.

Although Gu Siyan is from the Gu family and has an extremely close blood relationship with Gu Changying, but at the critical moment, he made the right choice instead of covering up evil people, so he was also affirmed by the military department, and he was promoted from second lieutenant to lieutenant.

On the day of the award ceremony, Xing Mo was wearing a straight military uniform, with broad shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. He looked extremely handsome, making people blush for him.

Those people who specially came to watch the awarding ceremony shouted Xing Mo's name loudly, and there was endless applause.

After the award ceremony, Gu Siyan quietly went to Xing Mo. "Lieutenant Colonel Xing... Can I have a word with you?"

Seeing Gu Siyan, Xing Mo felt a headache, but due to the occasion, he could only patiently say, "Lieutenant Gu, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm sorry, I caused trouble to you because of my inappropriate behavior before." Gu Siyan finished speaking sincerely, and bowed to Xing Mo.

Xing Mo didn't expect Gu Siyan to apologize to him, so his attitude relaxed a lot, "It's okay."

"Maybe you don't believe me, I really like you, I have liked you since I was a child." Gu Siyan's eyes were slightly red, "But the Gu family and the Xing family have terminated the cooperative relationship due to some things, and the elders in the family do not allow me to look for you again. You sent me to study and live in other star fields for a period of time. I didn't meet you until I was admitted to the military academy... I just... couldn't let go... "

"I'm sorry." Xing Mo could understand his feelings, but he would not give him any hope because of this.

Gu Siyan smiled wryly, "I wish you and Mr. Lin happiness, you really match each other."

"Thank you." It seems that after this incident, this once proud and stubborn young man has finally become mature and sensible.

"Goodbye." Gu Siyan took a deep breath, turned and left resolutely.

Thanks to the successful completion of this mission, they all had a period of vacation. Xing Mo decided to go back to spend time with his relatives, and Gu Siyan should go back to his family to help.

The Gu family's loss of Gu Changying, and those who helped Gu Changying to help the tyrants, somewhat shook the foundation of the Gu family. Gu Siyan, as the direct blood of the Gu family, can only shoulder his own responsibilities at this time.

The Xing family lost its head, and the energy company could no longer operate. The members of the Xing family were in a hurry. They had sent people to contact Xing Mo and Xing Fu many times, and wanted them to go back to take charge of the Xing family, but both father and son were against Xing. I'm not interested in the mess at home at all. The faces of these people who made trouble at the time are still vivid in my memory, and I will only be afraid of myself when I go back.

After Xing Mo sternly warned them several times, they finally gave up the entanglement.


As the so-called Xiao Biesheng is newly married, they have only been separated for more than a month, but Xing Mo and Lin Luo miss each other very much, and wish they could stick together all the time.

Now that the company has brothers Han Xinyuan and Han Xinyu to help, he doesn't need to stay in the company every day.

Father Xing and mother Xing were very happy to see that they had such a good relationship. Mother Xing quietly called her son into the room and asked him if it was time to put the marriage on the agenda. The two elders already wanted to have a grandson .

These days, same-sex marriage is no longer a big deal, and even having children has no gender restrictions. The husband and wife only need to go to the embryo culture center, provide sperm and DNA, and they can get an embryo with their common genes. Embryos are housed in an artificial womb that the couple can take home to grow until the embryo successfully grows into a healthy child.

"It's still too early..." Xing Mo said hesitantly, unexpectedly, that his parents would tell him this.

"Why so early? Xiao Luo is such a good child, what are you not satisfied with?" Xing Mu immediately raised her eyebrows.

"I don't have any dissatisfaction, I like everything about Xiao Luo! But... I just think that Xiao Luo is too good, and I don't think I'm good enough for him now." Xing Mo said with a frown.

"Stupid boy, what stupid things are you talking about? Look at how outstanding you are now? Your dad and I are proud of you!"

"But if there is no Xiao Luo... I would not be who I am now... I hope that when I become stronger and stand taller, I can propose to Xiao Luo again." Xing Mo paused and continued, "I Hope the best for him.”

"You silly boy..." Xingmu sighed.

"I performed well this time. Admiral Cheng Zhong wants me to join the special operations team. Although I will perform some more dangerous missions, I will accumulate military merit the fastest. I hope that I can propose to Xiao Luo when I become a general officer. "Xing Mo felt that only when he became a general of the empire with the right to speak, could he be worthy of such an excellent Lin Luo.

"Okay, don't let the child wait too long, be careful that he is abducted by others!" Zhizi Mo Ruomu, Xingmu knew Xing Mo's temper, knew that he couldn't be persuaded, so she had to accept it.

"Mom, I see." Xing Mo replied with a serious face.

However, as soon as Xing Mo went out, he saw Lin Luo standing at the corner of the stairs with a dazed expression. He suddenly remembered Lin Luo's extraordinary hearing, his expression changed immediately, and he hurried forward to hold him back.

"Xiao Luo, did you hear that?"

"I..." Lin Luo seemed a little dazed.

"Xiao Luo, don't get me wrong. I love you, and I only have you in my heart! I just want to give you something better. You wait for me for another year. In one year, I will definitely work hard to stand on a high ground, and You walk side by side." Xing Mo didn't know how much Lin Luo had heard, worried that he might misunderstand, immediately reached out and hugged Lin Luo tightly, as if afraid that he would run away.

Lin Luo was blushed by Xing Mo's confession, he buried his face in Xing Mo's arms, and whispered, "I will wait for you."

"Xiao Luo! You agreed?" Xing Mo asked in disbelief.

"Yeah." Lin Luo nodded vigorously, "I also want to give you the best."

One year is just right, and he also wants to get a good result in the stone betting competition, and then marry the youngest general in the empire.

Hearing this, Xing Mo felt that his chest was burning. He leaned over and kissed Lin Luo's soft lips gently, and used his tongue to pry open the gap between his slightly opened teeth, and found that shy and soft little tongue intertwined lingeringly. .

It wasn't until they heard footsteps behind them that they parted reluctantly.

Father Xing walked upstairs with a cup of hot milk, and when he looked up, he saw his son and his future daughter-in-law standing on the stairs. Seeing that both of them had slightly red faces, and Lin Luo's red and swollen lips, Immediately felt a little embarrassed.

If he had known that these two children were doing that, he wouldn't have gone upstairs...