The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 134: Stone gambling contest (3)


Lin Luo and Han Xinyuan were not in a hurry to bid, but started discussing in a low voice.

"This piece of jade looks pretty good. It should weigh three kilograms. The market price is around six or seven hundred thousand. If necessary, we can sell it for eight hundred thousand." Han Xinyuan made an assessment based on the condition of the jade he saw. .

Lin Luo nodded slightly, "This piece of material should be able to extract two high-grade elemental liquids, and if someone snatches it, it can be worth 850,000 yuan."

"Okay." Han Xinyuan agreed and joined the bidding process, "I'll offer 700,000 yuan!"

Originally, the bidding has almost slowed down at this time, and the current highest bid is 680,000. The person who was bidding thought that his company was sure about the jadeite, but he didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to come out halfway.

"720,000." The man hastily raised the price again.

However, Han Xinyuan didn't hesitate for a second, and directly quoted, "750,000."

The man became anxious immediately, and looked fiercely in Han Xinyuan's direction, but when he saw Han Xinyuan's iconic handsome face, his expression slowly changed.

Pengcheng Energy Company has become the leader in the current energy industry. Han Xinyuan is a celebrity and the manager of the stone gambling department of Pengcheng Energy Company. It is impossible for people in these energy companies not to know each other.

Seeing Han Xinyuan's appearance, the people from these energy companies suddenly complained in their hearts. As long as it is the jadeite that Pengcheng Energy Company likes, they will never be able to grab it. This company also has faults, and even if they are losing money, they have to compete with them for clarification!

How did they know that Pengcheng's energy liquid extraction has long been mechanized, and the profit margin is much larger than that of ordinary energy companies, so they naturally have confidence when asking for prices.

"Seven to seven hundred and sixty thousand..." The man gritted his teeth and announced the final price.

"770,000." Han Xinyuan was not stupid. Seeing that the man hesitated when he raised the price, he knew that he had almost reached his bottom line, so he didn't raise the price so aggressively.

As expected, the man shook his head dejectedly as Han Xinyuan had expected, and this high-ice-species bright sun-green jadeite was easily taken into Han Xinyuan's pocket.

When Lin Luo and Han Xinyuan returned to their calculus machines, the wool they bought was basically untied, and the betting rate was astonishingly high. Perhaps they had selected all the good materials at that booth.

There were also people who wanted to come over to buy, but as soon as they showed that they were employees of Pengcheng Energy Company, those people had to leave disappointed.

These jadeites were collected by Lin Luo into the space button, and then everyone returned to the accommodation area together.


Soon, the Stone Gambling Contest officially began. The first one started was the knockout round for junior players. There were more than 3,000 contestants.

The stone gambling area has a total area of several thousand hectares and is divided into twelve areas. Millions of pieces of wool are densely piled up on the ground, and contestants can freely choose which area to enter.

Non-competitors and staff members in the stone gambling area are not allowed to enter, and the competition process will be broadcast live through high-definition aerial cameras.

Lin Luo and the others were all watching the live broadcast together in the room. Although they were mentally prepared, they would still be shocked by the endless sea of gambling stones.

On the first day, nearly half of the players in the junior ranks were eliminated. Logically speaking, it is not too difficult to choose two pieces of wool and gamble to increase one, but the players in the junior ranks are usually participating in the gambling for the first time Shi Da, as soon as he entered the arena, he was stunned.

The dense sea of gambling stones dazzled them, and after a day, people were stunned. After all, choosing stones in competitions is different from choosing stones in woolen shops. No one will classify woolen materials into high, medium, and low for them, and the price obtained by scanning the code cannot be used as a reference.

All contestants can be selected from 8:00 in the morning to 8:00 in the evening, and then take the selected wool to the calculus area dedicated to the competition for calculus. Each stone-breaking machine in the stone-breaking area is equipped with surveillance cameras to record all their stone-breaking process. After they finish their stone-breaking, they will notify the supervisors of the competition to check the results.

Basically, the night is the peak time for the contestants. The Jieshi area is full of people. For fear of chaos, ordinary spectators are not allowed to enter the competition-specific Jieshi area. Only employees of energy companies can use their ID cards to enter. Enter.

Naturally, Lin Luo and the others would not let go of such a good opportunity. Basically, they would go to the Jieshi area every night and gain a lot.

On the second day, many more people were eliminated. Some players will be smart. For example, after screening the wool yesterday, they wrote down the approximate location and planned to go to pick it today, but they were told not to enter the same stone betting area repeatedly, which made their calculations come to nothing and had to start over from the new area. .

The competition on the third day is the most intense. This day is the last day of the knockout round. The final top ten will be ranked according to the points gained during the competition, which means that this day is their last chance.

The remaining players are already considered to be the top players in this tier, so they will be more cautious in the selection.

On the morning of the fourth day, the overall ranking and the top ten finalists will be announced.

In the afternoon of the same day, the two-two duel was directly drawn by lottery to determine the top five.

On the fifth day, the championship competition will be held in the central square, and all spectators can go to the scene to watch and witness the moment when the champion is born.

Due to the large number of people, Xing Mo and their task force must join the ranks of maintaining order with the local garrison.

After that, there will be the knockout round of the intermediate ranks. The difficulty of the intermediate ranks is higher than that of the primary ranks, and the competition will be more intense. Once you make a mistake, you will face elimination.

When it comes to the competition of the advanced ranks, the difficulty has risen to another level. Everyone has to choose five pieces of wool every day, and they have to gamble up to three yuan. The time is tight and the pressure is high. For every player, it is very difficult to overcome. difficulty.

He Kun, Xu Jian, and Zhao Xiaolei are all high-level players. Although they have made great progress this year, Lin Luo has repeatedly comforted them, but on the day of the competition, they still have difficulty. Get rid of tense emotions.

At the end of the first day of the competition, all three of them survived without any risk, but they were all sweaty from fright, as if they had just been fished out of the water.

He Kun's performance was the best among the three. On the first day, he gained four yuan in gambling, and one of them was a big increase. The points he got reached double digits in an instant.

Although Xu Jian didn't have as many points as He Kun, he won four out of five dollars. In comparison, Zhao Xiaolei is more dangerous. He has lost two pieces of wool, which puts him under even greater pressure.

On the second day, Zhao Xiaolei's situation was still not optimistic. Although he was not eliminated, he still failed by two pieces. It is conceivable that his points ranking should not be high.

In order not to let him lose confidence, several people helped him replay the game content of the past two days, and helped him analyze some things that he tended to overlook.

On the third day, Zhao Xiaolei's condition improved a lot, and he played steadily. There was a big increase in the bet, and his points increased a lot.

On the fourth day, the ranking was announced. He Kun ranked fifth in total points, Xu Jian was eighth, and Zhao Xiaolei was tenth. The three of them squeezed into the top ten together. It can be said that it was not easy.

In the two-two duel, Zhao Xiaolei was eliminated and stopped in the top five. He Kun performed exceptionally well and came second, while Xu Jian was fifth.

He Kun and Xu Jian have the qualifications to participate in the professional level competition, which is already a great improvement for them.

Although Zhao Xiaolei is disappointed, he is still happy for his two good friends. He knows that his ability is not as good as them. Even if he barely enters the next competition, it will only increase the pressure on himself. Anyway, he can get the top ten in the advanced ranks Good grades are already very good.

Everyone went out to have a big meal together as a celebration. And all the emeralds they gambled in the competition were sold directly to the company.

For He Kun and Xu Jian, there is still a tough battle to be fought, and we just hope that they will not be eliminated too quickly.

Han Xinyu will also participate in the professional level competition with them. He is trying his best to enter the top five. He wants to have the opportunity to compete with his brother and Lin Luo.

However, it is very difficult to gamble up to four yuan for five yuan. The strength of the players participating in the competition cannot be compared with those of the previous ones, and the competition will only become more intense.

On the day of the competition, the three of them came to the stone betting area on time. After verifying their identities, they entered different areas and began to choose stones.

With the help of mental strength, Han Xinyu observes very carefully. After judging that the bet can go up, he will directly make a choice. It only took half a day to choose five pieces of wool.

This made Han Xinyuan and Lin Luo, who were watching the live broadcast, frowned slightly. Han Xinyu was still too young after all, and he was a little eager for success.

It is not difficult for Han Xinyu to pass the knockout rounds in the first three days. What is rare is to get enough points to enter the top ten. The other players are not that weak, and the stone selection time every day is a very precious opportunity.

However, these words can only be said to Han Xinyu after the first day of competition is over.