The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 30: Auction - Up (Catch Bugs)


The auction of Yin's Auction House started at 7:00 p.m. on the second day. Lin Luo hadn't participated in the auction yet, so he was very curious, so Xing Mo brought him here early.

However, they came early, and the others came even earlier. The entrance of Yin's Auction House was already crowded with people. The two of them were blocked fifty meters away, unable to squeeze in.

"Why are there so many people? This Yin's Auction House has shut down the online bidding terminal, right? I don't know what they are doing!" Someone couldn't help complaining.

"Hey, brother, you don't know yet, do you?" As soon as he finished speaking, someone next to him answered the question.

"Know what?"

"Today's auction, the finale lot was replaced."

"Replaced? I came here just for those two pieces of ice seed sungreen! Why did you replace them?!" The man's voice suddenly rose, and there was a little anger in his tone, as if he had suffered Deceiving in general.

"Hey, brother, don't get excited, you don't know what the finale lot has been replaced with?"

"What did you replace it with? Tell me quickly!" The man was obviously impatient, and asked impatiently, "Could it be possible to replace it with better jadeite?"

"Isn't that right! Today's auction finale was replaced with a piece of glass-type supreme yellow jadeite! That's a rare and rare jadeite in a hundred years!"

"real or fake?!"

"Of course it's true! Last night, there was an announcement with a huge banner on the official website of Yin's Auction House, and there was also a push from Star Network. Didn't you see it?"

"No, I had something to do yesterday, so I didn't go to Starnet." The man shook his head and said, "Then why are there so many people here? You can directly participate in the online auction through Starnet?"

"Hey, that's the ultimate supreme yellow, who doesn't want to see it with their own eyes? If you can't afford it, it's good to have a look!"

"It makes sense, it makes sense." More and more people around them participated in their discussion, and the topics almost all revolved around the Supreme Yellow.

Lin Luo was delighted to hear that, it was the emerald he gambled!

Xing Mo was also very happy in his heart. Everyone paid a lot of attention to that piece of jade, and the final bidding price must have been high. The balance on his account could finally go up.

It's not that Xing Mo cares so much about money, it's that he is too short of money recently.

The meteorite rain that hit the Kurta star mining area caused Xing Mo a lot of trouble. Whether it was the reconstruction of the mining area or the resettlement of the suffering miners, none of them cost money.

His savings were spent like flowing water, and until the mining area was able to resume production, he would not have any funds to receive, instead he had to keep sending money to the mining area.

Later, Lin Luo was taken to the best private clinic in Capital Star for treatment. The series cost more than one million, plus the five million credits for purchasing the advanced genetic enhancement liquid, it was another big expense.

Not to mention the cost of purchasing a multi-function tester and wool later, Xing Mo almost spent all his savings over the years.

But he is not worried at all, because he knows that the money will be earned back sooner or later.

Ever since he discovered that Lin Luo likes to eat meals made of natural ingredients, Xing Mo asked the housekeeping robot to prepare meals made of natural ingredients for every meal. The price of natural ingredients is not comparable to a nutrient solution of 100 credits, and a meal often costs tens of thousands of credits.

Eating so well may be a bit of a luxury for ordinary people, but Lin Luo is different. For Xing Mo, Lin Luo deserves the best.

Just waiting outside like this is not an option, Xing Mo thought for a while, and sent a message to Yin Ye, who then sent someone down to pick him up.

The person who came to pick them up was a young man with a cute baby face. He walked up to the two of them with a smile on his face and said, "Mr. Xing Mo and Mr. Lin Luo, I am Mr. Yin's assistant , my name is An Zihao, please follow me."

"Okay, sorry for the trouble."

An Zihao led Xing Mo and Lin Luo in through the side door of the auction house.

After the two entered the auction house, they found that the interior of the auction house had been specially decorated for tonight's auction. The floor of the hall on the first floor is covered with a soft red carpet, extending into the auction hall.

"Assistant An, can we go in and take a look in advance?" Looking at the closed door of the auction hall, Lin Luo was a little curious about what it would be like inside, so he asked An Zihao.

"Of course, but Mr. Yin has prepared a room for the two of you in the VIP room on the second floor. From there, the view will be better."

"Thank you so much!" The two followed An Zihao up to the second floor.

There are 1,000 bidding seats and a 4-5-meter-high auction platform in the auction hall. The bidding seats are fan-shaped and facing the auction platform. There is a huge high-definition projection screen directly behind the auction platform, which allows the seats to be relatively far behind. People can also clearly see the appearance of the auction items.

There are ten VIP boxes on the second floor, located on both sides of the auction platform, just at the same height as the auction platform. Not only can you clearly see everything on the auction platform, but you can also have a panoramic view of the entire auction hall, with an excellent view.

Yin Ye arranged room No. 6 for them, which is worthy of the VIP-level treatment. This room is very spacious, with a soft and large sofa, no matter whether the guests in the room want to sit or lie down, they can do so.

There are also some drinks and snacks in the room, all of which are made of natural materials and taste very good.

On the front of the room is a huge window, facing the direction of the auction table. Through a one-way mirror, guests in the room can clearly see everything on the auction platform. Because it is a one-way mirror, only people in the room can see the outside, and people outside can never see the inside, thus ensuring the privacy of VIP guests.

Soon, it was half past six, and the guests who were waiting outside could finally enter. Not long after, the huge auction hall was already full of people, and many people had to stand because there were no seats, making the auction hall even more crowded.

Xing Mo saw several staff members hurriedly walking outside, presumably to inform the people outside not to let anyone in again.

The attraction of the supreme yellow jadeite of glass species cannot be underestimated.

At seven o'clock, the auction officially started.

A beautiful and capable female auctioneer walked onto the auction stage, and greeted the guests with a smile, "I've kept you waiting, I'm Liu Yan, the auctioneer for this auction, thank you for coming Yin's Auction House, I hope everyone can buy their favorite lot today. Now, I announce the official start of the auction."

On the big screen behind the auction stage, the first lot of the night appeared immediately, and then a robot came to the auction stage holding a wooden tray covered with a red cloth.

"Today's first lot is a piece of bean-like shallow water green jadeite. Although the seed water and color are only mid-range, it is not small in size, with a net weight of twelve catties. The energy liquid and elemental liquid that can be extracted are absolutely No less, the starting price is 100,000 credits, and each increase must not be less than 10,000 credits." Liu Yan uncovered the red cloth, and while slowly introducing this piece of jade, she turned the tray, letting all participants All the bidding guests can see the whole picture of this emerald through the big screen behind them.

"Now, the bidding begins! Customers who are interested in this piece of jade can pick up the auction device on the right side of the seat and bid."

On the big screen, the bidders' numbers and quotations began to scroll under the emerald. When it reached 400,000 yuan, the scrolling of the screen finally slowed down. Only numbers 007 and 1041 were still bidding.

No. 007 is obviously the guest in the No. 7 VIP box participating in the auction, and his identity is obviously unusual, while No. 1041 should be the guest who entered the venue later. He can still enter the venue and get a bid even when the venue is full of 1,000 people. Device, obviously the identity is not so ordinary.

"The final offer, customer No. 1041 bid 470,000, is there any customer who has not bid?"

"Once for 470,000. Twice for 470,000. Three times for 470,000!"

"Okay, let us congratulate this guest. Please complete the payment online through the bidding device, and you will be able to receive your lot after the auction is over."

In the end, it was No. 1041, which bought this bean shallow water green jadeite at a price of 470,000.