The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 35: Challenge - on


As expected of a professional construction team, Lin Luo's workshop was built in only five days. The interior of the workshop uses high-grade sound-proof materials, and the exterior is deliberately built according to the style of the main house, which looks very matching.

Xing Mo moved over the rock-breaking machine he received a few days ago, just in time to untie the wool they brought back from the warehouse.

They are all high-quality high-quality jadeites, including a piece of full-green hibiscus jadeite. These jadeites should be enough for Yin Ye's next auction.

Just as they were untying the last piece of wool, the optical brain on Lin Luo's wrist suddenly vibrated, reminding him that he had received a message. After clicking on the message, he found that the message was sent by the Stone Gambling Association, and he was challenged by a man named Chen Zhigang.

"Why does this person challenge me?" Lin Luo was a little stunned, he didn't know the person who challenged him at all.

"Let me see." Xing Mo leaned over to take a look, and found a link at the bottom of the message. After clicking on it, he entered the official website of the Stone Gambling Association, which listed the list of contestants for next year's Stone Gambling Competition. This list has a total of 97 pages, and Lin Luo's name is on the last page of the list. Click on his name to see his registration information.

[personal information]

Name: Lin Luo

Sex: Male

Age: 21

Record: 1 win, 0 draws and 0 losses

Winning rate: 100%

Duan: Elementary

Points: 10

Rank: 9732

Registration time: July 4, 1522 in the interstellar calendar

The Stone Gambling Competition is a large-scale event at the empire level. All the stone gambling masters in the entire empire will participate in this stone gambling feast. Due to the large number of participants and the uneven levels, the entire competition adopts a ranking system , divided into five levels—beginner, intermediate, advanced, professional, and master.

Participants can gain rank points by challenging opponents of the same rank or higher ranks. When the points reach a certain value, they can consume points to upgrade their ranks. During the Stone Gambling Competition, they can participate in the competition of this rank.

And if you are defeated in the challenge match, you will be deducted the corresponding points. If the points are lower than the minimum limit of the tier, you will be forced to downgrade, and you can only participate in the lower tier competition.

Competitions of different ranks have different gold content and winning rewards.

For example, the primary and intermediate level competitions, for the stone gambling world, are actually just entry-level competitions for rookies, and the participants are usually amateurs of stone gambling. Even if they win the championship, there is nothing to be proud of .

The advanced level and above is the field of professional level stone gambling masters. If you can get a good ranking in the competition, you will definitely be able to gain both fame and fortune.

The person who challenged Lin Luo was a contestant in the junior tier. His tier points were 95 points, and his record was 13 wins, 1 draw and 4 losses, with a winning percentage of 72.22%. As long as he gets 5 more points, he can be upgraded to the middle rank. It seems that he wants to gain points by challenging Lin Luo, so that he can advance to the rank.

The persimmons are soft, and the challenge is of course to challenge novices to be more confident.

It's a pity... Lin Luo is not that soft persimmon that is easy to pinch.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Luo chose to accept the challenge.

Soon, the Stone Gambling Association sent a new message, informing Lin Luo that he would go to the Kippola Star Stone Gambling Association branch to participate in the stone gambling battle at two o'clock in the afternoon three days later.

Because Lin Luo was the challenged one, Kippola was chosen as the venue for the challenge, and the Stone Gambling Association gave both parties three days to prepare.

Although there is nothing to prepare for Lin Luo, who has special abilities, he still studies the knowledge related to stone gambling very hard. After all, he really likes the stone gambling business, not just for fame or profit.

Three days passed in a flash, and soon it was the day of the challenge.

The two arrived at the door of the Kippola Star Branch of the Stone Gambling Association in a suspension vehicle. Although it was only a branch, the building of the branch was also very majestic and majestic.

After the two registered their identity information at the door, someone immediately came out to guide them to the location specially prepared by the branch for the challenge.

The place is deliberately arranged to look like a ring, surrounded by auditoriums, and a stone-breaking machine is placed on the left and right high platforms, where the contestants can complete the stone-breaking without being affected.

As an escort, Xing Mo could only sit in the auditorium, and there were already dozens of people sitting in the auditorium at this time. Lin Luo never imagined that such a novice-level challenge would have people come to watch on purpose.

In the center of the arena, there are hundreds of pieces of wool that have just been mined from the same emerald vein. The two need to pick out two pieces of wool within 30 minutes. After unlocking, the emerald with higher value wins. .

These wools come from the same vein, so the performance of the leather shells is similar. In addition, they have not been screened and placed together randomly. It can be said that there are no rules to follow. For the contestants, it is very difficult to choose , The gambling is very big.

Like the stone gambling battle, in order to ensure the fairness and justice of the challenge, this match will also be broadcast live in holographic mode on the website of the stone gambling association.

In 30 minutes, it is easier said than done to choose two pieces of wool that can bet on emeralds from hundreds of pieces of wool. In addition to excellent eyesight and rich experience as auxiliary judgments, contestants also need a certain amount of luck.

The arbitrators and supervisors of this challenge are still the chairman Wang Xun and the vice-chairman Qian Sen of the Stone Gambler Association's Kippola star branch.

"Junior level Chen Zhigang challenged junior level Lin Luo. The winner can get 10 points, and the loser will deduct the corresponding points." After Wang Xun finished speaking, he looked at the two of them, "Have you clarified the rules of the competition?"

"Yes." The two replied at the same time.

"Now I announce that the challenge begins!" Wang Xun said loudly.

The huge timer on the wall started counting down, and Lin Luo and Chen Zhigang walked towards the wool pile at the same time.

These wools should come from the deep layer of the earth's surface, and the leather shell is less oxidized, so the color is relatively dark, basically brown, dark red and gray-black.

This kind of dark wool is not conducive to observing the performance of the leather shell. In such a short period of time, it is easy to miss some hidden performances on the leather shell.

Lin Luo took a fancy to a piece of wool with a black leather shell. There is an obvious green pine flower on this piece of wool. At first glance, it looks pretty good. When Lin Luo was about to reach out his hand towards the black leather shell, he was suddenly blocked by someone.

"I'm sorry, little brother, I've taken a fancy to this piece of wool." Chen Zhigang had already taken the woolen material into his arms. Although he said it politely, the sarcasm on his face showed that he was actually doing it on purpose. of.

Lin Luo was not angry, but just reached out and patted the woolen material, and said with a smile, "Then I'll leave it to you."

After finishing speaking, he stopped looking at Chen Zhigang, and walked towards other woolen materials instead.

Half an hour passed quickly, and both of them had chosen their wool for the challenge.

Lin Luo chose a red sand leather shell and a black gray leather shell, while Chen Zhigang chose two jet-black leather shells, one of which was the one he snatched from Lin Luo. It's a pity that the piece of wool is actually not as good as it looks on the surface. Lin Luo used special abilities to spy on the inside of the wool before. It must be a piece of wool that must collapse.

"The time for selecting stones is over, please start analyzing stones now!"

Lin Luo and Chen Zhigang each took their selected wool materials and stepped onto the ring, ready to use the stone-cleaning machine to untie the wool materials they had selected.

What Lin Luo first solved was the woolen material of the red sand leather shell. This woolen material looks nothing special from the outside, but its gravel is relatively fine, and there are some inconspicuous pine flowers, indicating that the green Very likely. The performance of the piece of wool that Chen Zhigang chose to untie first was not bad. There were also a lot of pine flowers on the python belt. Some color of pride.

Because Lin Luo's piece of wool is not big, he directly chooses to rub the stone from the place where there are pine flowers.

The wool of the red sand leather shell is usually relatively thin, and most of them have no fog layer, so Lin Luo directly wiped the green.

"My God! It's green!"

"The bet has gone up? Isn't this luck too good?"

The audience who were closer to Lin Luo's ring had already started to exclaim. From the window that Lin Luo wiped open, one could see the green color coming through, but this green didn't look very bright, but had a gray tone Although the dark color is not bright enough, the transparency is not bad. It should be the melon rind green of oil green species. If there are more jadeites in this piece of wool, it will be no problem to sell for more than one hundred thousand.

At this time, Chen Zhigang also wiped out green, which is the mint green of the hibiscus plant. Although the color is a little lighter, the water head is very good. Judging from the performance of the window, he has risen more than Lin Luo.

"Wow, hibiscus is a mint green, it seems that the young guy is a little bit overwhelmed!"

Because the result of the competition is judged according to the value of the emerald, so now it depends on who solves the bigger emerald.

In the end, Lin Luo successfully solved a piece of about two catties of green jadeite with oily green seeds and melon skin, worth about 80,000 credits.

The mint green lotus seed that Chen Zhigang solved was slightly smaller than Lin Luo's, and its value was around 100,000. Therefore, judging from the current situation, Chen Zhigang is still ahead.

But the charm of stone gambling lies in its uncertainty. Until the end, no one knows who the victory will belong to.

Of course, except for Lin Luo and Xing Mo...

Lin Luo could be said to have predicted the result of the game in advance because of his special ability against the sky, while Xing Mo simply trusted Lin Luo, and he believed that the victory must belong to Lin Luo.