The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 60: Hidden bid auction


Since there were many people around, Lin Luo lowered his head to hide his expression, then secretly wrote down the serial number of the piece of wool, and pulled Xing Mo to the other side.

The quality of wool in the hidden bid area is indeed very good, and Lin Luo later found a few pieces of fabric that can bet a big price, but more and more people in the hidden bid area, and gradually some people noticed Lin Luo, who has been in the limelight these days. lo. Some people started to follow them and didn't come up to talk to them, just observed their every move from a distance, but Fan Linluo looked at the piece of wool a few more times, and after they left, he would immediately go forward and fight each other To observe the piece of wool, what's more, he directly took out the electronic bid and filled in the number of the wool.

Lin Luo was so disturbed that he could only hastily end the bidding this time.

But on the way back to the hotel, it was still not peaceful. There were always people trying to talk to Lin Luo, so he had to avoid them. Lin Luo was really annoyed by these people.

"Otherwise, you will turn into a beast shape, and I will carry you away, and they will not find you." Xing Mo said to Lin Luo with a light smile.

When Lin Luo heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded his head as if smashing garlic, and agreed, "Okay, okay!"

The two found an alley, and Lin Luo quietly changed back to the animal form.

A fluffy little head emerged from the fallen clothes, and then softly yelled at Xing Mo.

Only when Xing Mo squatted down, Lin Luo couldn't wait to jump up from the ground, quickly climbed onto his body, got into Xing Mo's neckline familiarly, and fixed his body with two small claws. Only a small head was left outside.

Xing Mo rubbed his soft head with his chin in a funny way, "You are too conspicuous like this, why don't you get into my pocket?"

He was already conspicuous as a tall man of about 1.9 meters walking on the road. Wouldn't it be more conspicuous to have a leopard cat's head poking out of his chest? Moreover, Lin Luo's animal shape was also exposed in front of people during the live broadcast of the friendly match, and it would be bad if he was recognized.

The coat that Xing Mo wore today happened to have two large pockets on the side, and Lin Luo's animal shape was not too big, so it could just fit inside.

"Wow..." Lin Luo whimpered in frustration, then obediently let go of his claws, and slid down his clothes.

Worried that he would fall, Xing Mo deliberately held his soft butt with his hands, transferred him into his pocket, and put the scattered clothes on the ground into the space button.

"Don't make any noise for a while, let's go back quietly."

Lin Luo nodded her head vigorously, and shrank it obediently into Xing Mo's pocket.

Xing Mo kept his hands in his pockets, and while smoothing the hair of the little guy in his pockets, he walked slowly towards the hotel, and no one really noticed anything.

But walking halfway, Lin Luo suddenly smelled a good fragrance, and I don't know where it came from, it was so tempting.

Lin Luo couldn't help patting Xing Mo's legs twice with his claws, and let out a low whimper.

Xing Mo also smelled the fragrance, and found that it was a few newly opened stalls, which seemed to be selling delicious snacks.

Because of the opening of the gambling stone public market, the area around the public market is overcrowded. Those businessmen who are engaged in food business have also found business opportunities, rented stalls one after another, and sold snacks around the public market, whether they are hungry, thirsty or hungry. If you are tired, you can buy something to eat and drink here, or take a rest. These foods are all made of natural ingredients, otherwise they would not be so fragrant. The price of such food is definitely not cheap, but people who will come here to participate in the stone gambling market will not be stingy with this little money, so these stalls It can be said that the business is very hot.

Xing Mo is naturally aware of his little lover's greedy little problem, so he nodded his little head with his finger in a funny way, and said in a low voice, "There are too many people, it's not easy to squeeze in with you, I'll send you in first." You go back, and I'll buy it for you later."

"Aww..." Lin Luo sat back contentedly.

After Xing Mo sent Lin Luo back to the hotel, he went out to buy delicious food for Lin Luo. As a lover, he must satisfy him unconditionally for this cute little hobby of his little lover.

Going back to the hotel too early, Lin Luo had nothing to do after transforming into a human form, it was too stupid to just sit and wait for food. After thinking about it, Lin Luo simply took out the heart of the ocean and prepared to extract some water elemental liquid.

The heart of the ocean is worthy of being a kind of glass, and its energy is extremely pure and thick. After Lin Luo extracted a 100ml water element liquid, not only did he not experience mental overdraw, but he could even vaguely feel the growth of his mental power. No wonder energy masters want to buy high-quality jadeite, which can not only extract high-quality energy liquid, but also is very good for improving spiritual power.

Not long after he extracted a bottle of water elemental liquid, he heard the sound of the door opening. Lin Luo happily jumped off the bed, and gave Xing Mo the 100ml of water elemental liquid that he had just extracted, "Brother Xing Thank you for your hard work! This is for you!"

"Thank you." Xing Mo took the blue elemental liquid with a smile, bowed his head and kissed Lin Luo's forehead, then pulled him back into the room, and took the hot snack he just bought from Take it out from the space button.

Many of these snacks are unique to Wilmi Star, such as a pink fruit juice, a soft and elastic dessert, and some fragrant and delicious exotic animal meat. Xing Mo deliberately bought some of each kind and filled the whole table.

Lin Luo cheered and rushed over, picked up the snacks and ate them up.

Seeing Lin Luo eating happily, Xing Mo was also happy in his heart.

"Brother Xing, it's delicious! Try it too!"

"good… "

After the two of them ate all the food they bought together, Lin Luo felt sleepy when he was full. With his slightly distended belly, he lay directly on the sofa and snored.

Xing Mo laughed and carried him to the bed, and took a nap with his arms around him.


Standing out is one thing, but you can't stop bidding for fear of being noticed, right? Leaving aside the matter of earning money or not, even the points he can get after relieving stones, he is reluctant to give up...

In desperation, he could only bite the bullet and continue to participate in the open bid auction.

On the fourth day of the bidding, Lin Luo took another two pieces of wool, and bet out 7 million worth of sun green ice and boxwood hibiscus. Fortunately, someone gambled a piece at the wool stall outside the public market The glass species diverted the attention of the crowd for him, but it also made the enthusiasm of the people who came to participate in the fair even higher.

Walking on the road every day, there is a feeling that there are people everywhere.

Since Lin Luo acquired the new skill of transforming into a beast shape to avoid the attention of others, it has become more handy to use. He even let Xing Mo cover it, and secretly used the animal shape to look at the wool in the dark mark area several times, which can be described as very witty.

Soon it will be the last day of the open bid auction, which also means that the hidden bid auction is coming to an end, so Lin Luo must bid on the hidden bid wool.

Lin Luo filled in the serial numbers of the pieces of dark-marked wool he liked on the electronic bidding form. After careful consideration, he filled in the appropriate price according to his own estimate.

Because of his special ability, Lin Luo can see the energy color inside the jade, and make a rough estimate based on the color he sees. Although it is not necessarily accurate, it can at least be close. Those wool fabrics that perform well are likely to be favored by others. The price he filled in on the bid list is based on his own estimated price, which is slightly lowered by 30%-40%. earn.

As for those wool fabrics with average performance, the competition is not likely to be too great, so the price he filled in will be lower.

The only special thing was the piece of carbonized wool. Just in case, Lin Luo directly filled in the price of 20 million.

Ordinary people may not be able to discover the special features of this piece of wool, so in terms of the performance of that piece of carbonized wool, this is a very high price.

To his surprise, he met Andre before the hidden bidding box.

"Andre? Are you here to bid too?" Lin Luo looked at the electronic bid in Andre's hand in surprise, wondering why he, a wool merchant, still participated in the hidden bidding.

"I'm here to stop the bid." Andre didn't hide anything, and directly explained his purpose.

"Stop the bid?" Lin Luo didn't quite understand the meaning of the word.

It turns out that wool merchants will also participate in bidding in order to prevent their wool from being sold at a price lower than their ideal price, so that other people who want to buy his wool must bid higher than him.

"So that's it!" Lin Luo nodded vigorously, and then he suddenly thought of a possibility, and asked anxiously, "Andre, what is the general price of carbonized wool over there?"

The prices and stone gambling standards of the Federation and the Empire may be different. If the Federation wool merchants value carbonized wool very much and fill in a high price to block the bid, it will be bad.

"It depends on the performance, right? The pieces of wool I brought this time are all of the best quality in my hand, so I put in a price of no less than 10 million. But this time the federal wool merchants who came to participate in the bidding can I'm not the only one, I think they should put a higher price than me." Andre paused and said, "What? Do you have any carbonized wool that you like? Then I suggest you put a higher price. Some."

"Thank you!! Andre!" Lin Luo hurriedly took out a few more electronic bidding forms, quickly filled in the new price on them, and then threw them into the bidding box.

Fortunately, I met Andre. If someone blocked the bid because the price was low, he would cry to death.

If it wasn't for fear of being too conspicuous, he really wanted to just fill in 100 million and forget it. Even if it was a loss, he would still be willing to take it.

He had to take down that piece of charred wool no matter what, and he really couldn't afford to take any risks with that piece of wool...

The author has something to say: I wish everyone a happy white day O(∩_∩)O

[The Little Theater on Moshang]

Lin Xiaoluo: The blue one is called the heart of the ocean, so what was the name of the former Huang Fei? Heart of the Earth? etc! I have a bold idea!

Xing Xiaomo:? ?

Lin Xiaoluo: It is said that collecting all the colorful hearts can summon something amazing, let's try it.

Xing Xiaomo: Good.

After collecting all the seven-color emeralds, a "goddess" with colorful hair, colorful eyes and colorful skin came slowly in colorful clothes: Stupid mortal, you summoned me? Tell me, do you want me to make you as beautiful as me, or as beautiful as me

Lin Xiaoluo: Ah~~~ The evil spirits are gone!

Xing Xiaomo: It's really something amazing.

[Small Theater with Wood Fuso]

Fatty Ma [screaming]: You can't beat me.

Lin Luo: Since you stretched out your face.

Fatty Horse:? ?

Lin Luo: I'll just slap it back reluctantly. (Speaking, he took out the heart of the ocean)