The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 66: Interstellar Pirates


Lin Luo was also awakened from hibernation, but when he sat up, he saw only darkness, only the emergency lights were on. The animal gene in his body was quickly activated, his pupils gradually dilated, became round, and quickly adapted to the darkness.

"Brother, what happened?" Lin Luo crawled out of the hibernation cabin and looked towards the door vigilantly.

"I don't know, I'll go out and have a look, don't move here!" Xing Mo said, then walked towards the door.

After opening the door of the cabin, a puff of thick smoke rushed in. In the passage outside, the lights had been completely extinguished, and there was a burning smell everywhere, as well as electric sparks bursting from the damaged circuit.

"Star Bandit! It's Star Bandit! Star Bandit has boarded the ship!" Someone screamed and ran in the thick smoke.

Xing Mo frowned immediately, unexpectedly the Star Thief really came and attacked the shuttle they were on.

According to the information given by Ling Wenhua, the Star Bandit should be eyeing the gambling stone company, and now they are attacking the shuttle ship, maybe it is because of the purple-gold double-color emerald

Xing Mo turned on the optical brain, and found that the signal was blocked as expected. He suddenly looked serious, not daring to let Lin Luo be alone again, "Xiao Luo, come with me."

"Okay!" Lin Luo immediately walked out of the cabin quickly, followed closely behind Xing Mo, and the two of them walked carefully along the passage together.

Xing Mo was vigilant about the movement around him, while calmly thinking about how to get out.

They took a civilian shuttle ship with a length of 440 meters, a wingspan of 470 meters and a height of 120 meters, which can carry about 2,000 people. The law and order of the empire has always been stable, and there has never been a star thief attacking a civilian shuttle. Therefore, the civilian shuttle usually does not carry large offensive weapons, and only a small arsenal is equipped with some weapons for the ship's staff to defend themselves.

They are now located in the middle cabin of the shuttle ship, and the top floor is the main library and cockpit of the shuttle ship, but according to the almost paralyzed state of the shuttle ship, that should be the place where the star pirates attacked first, and the automatic defense system of the shuttle ship has now been blocked. The star thief was destroyed.

These star thieves blocked the signal of the star network, and the military may not receive the alarm that the shuttle ship was attacked. However, there is an automatic positioning device on the shuttle. Every hour, a signal will be sent to the cruise center. When they find that the shuttle has lost contact, they should take immediate action.

It's just that during this period of time, no one can say what will happen, so the top priority, he must protect Lin Luo's safety, and then look for opportunities to escape.

He remembered seeing the structural diagram of this NR27 civilian shuttle when he was in the military academy. On the lowest level of the shuttle, there was an emergency escape cabin equipped with RCS pulse thrusters, which could be manually activated and separated from the main ship.

If they can enter the escape pod, they can be ejected instantly. The reaction speed of these star thieves is definitely not that fast. As long as they can get out of the signal shielding range, they can get in touch with the imperial military through the optical brain, so that the people on Wilmi star Ling Wenhua and the others immediately drove the mech to rescue.

Xing Mo immediately took Lin Luo along the passage to the No. 1 elevator. The elevator is located at the intersection of the three left, middle and right passages. Xing Mo and the others took the leftmost passage.

Just as they reached the end, only a few steps away from the elevator, Xing Mo suddenly heard a rush of footsteps, and he immediately pulled Lin Luo back into the shadow of the passage.

I saw a figure running quickly from the passage on the right, and at the same time he kept shouting, "Don't, don't kill me! Ah!"

The light of the energy gun flashed by, and the man let out a short scream, and then fell to the ground. Lin Luo could clearly see the blood slowly flowing out from under his body.

Two people in protective suits and masks with the star thief's emblem came out. The two pushed each other, as if they were blaming each other for not shooting.

The short man squatted down, turned the man over, took a light on the man's face with the lighting tool in his hand, and then turned on the light brain. Although the short man turned on the private mode, others could not see the content on his screen, but looking at his actions, it seemed that he was comparing the appearance of the man with the information displayed on the optical brain.

Finally, the short man shook his head, kicked the man's body aside, and got up to continue searching.

Seeing this, Xing Mo's pupils shrank slightly, and he keenly captured two pieces of information from the movements of the two star thieves.

First, these star thieves came prepared, and they seemed to be looking for someone. Xing Mo has reason to suspect that the person they are looking for is Lin Luo.

Second, these star thieves are indeed as vicious as the legends say, and they don't care about other people's lives at all. Once they fall into their hands, it will be very dangerous.

Sitting and waiting to die is not in line with Xing Mo's personality.

Xing Mo shook his head slightly towards Lin Luo, Lin Luo understood immediately, and obediently stood still against the wall without making any sound.

The figures of the two of them completely merged into the darkness, and the two star thieves seemed to plan to check each passage in order. They walked into the middle passage with lighting tools, completely unaware that they were only a few steps away, hiding Two people.

Just when they were about to enter the middle passage, Xing Mo suddenly exploded. His figure was extremely fast, and he rushed behind the two of them in an instant. His left hand glowed with a cold white light, and he grabbed the tall man's throat. And his right hand was wrapped in a layer of metal at some point, and it hit the short man's temple fiercely.

Unprepared, the short man received an iron fist, his temples were sunken, and he fell down before he even had time to snort.

The tall man's throat was frozen by a layer of frost, his whole face was flushed red, struggling in pain, at the same time he raised the energy gun held in his right hand, trying to attack Xing Mo.

However, Xing Mo graduated from the Imperial Military Academy with the first place in their class, and his combat ability should not be underestimated. With an elbow that reacted very quickly, he knocked down the energy gun in the tall star bandit's hand, and then punched the tall man on the temple.

The tall man rolled his eyes and fell down too. In less than a minute, the battle was resolved.

Xing Mo beckoned Lin Luo to come over, put on the protective clothing taken off from the two star thieves, put on the mask, hid the bodies of the two, and then they entered the No. 1 elevator.

Instead of carefully hiding in Tibet, it is better to pretend to be a star thief, which can move more freely and make it easier for them to approach the escape pod.

The No. 1 elevator sent them to the main bridge on the 12th floor. They needed to go through the long main passage, take the No. 2 elevator, and go down to the 24th floor at the bottom.

Sure enough, as Xing Mo guessed, they walked in the passage unimpeded, and those star thieves with energy guns regarded them as their own, and did not doubt them at all.

Probably because they think that these unarmed people on the civilian shuttle ship can never pose a threat to them...

When Xing Mo walked to the boarding gate in the middle of the main bridge, he saw a small GX warship docked at the docking port of the deck.

The size of the GX warship is only one tenth of that of the shuttle ship, and it can carry only 60 people, but its performance is much stronger than that of the shuttle ship. Not only is it fast, it is highly flexible, and it is equipped with sufficient firepower.

If he remembers correctly, the propellers of the GX battleship are also RCS type, so even if they successfully use the escape pod to eject, the GX battleship can still catch up.

Looks like they need a new plan...

"What are you doing standing here?! Search quickly! Make sure to find that person!" A star thief wearing a red mask who looked like a small head yelled at them.

He spoke in Federal language, and fortunately the masks they wore were equipped with translators, and he spoke the man's words in Imperial language again.

Xing Mo nodded, and pulled Lin Luo quickly towards the other end.

When they passed by a passage, they saw two star thieves kicked open the door of a cabin, dragged out a man and a woman from inside, the man firmly guarded the woman behind him.

Star Bandit pressed the energy gun on the young man's forehead, and asked fiercely, "What's your name!"

The young man stared coldly at Star Bandit, obviously unwilling to answer his question. The star thief looked at the optical brain on his wrist, and seemed to check with this person's face again, before he was ready to pull the trigger without hesitation.

After Xing Mo saw this scene, he immediately kicked out the energy gun in the star thief's hand, and then raised his hand to shoot. The energy beam pierced through the star thief's unbelievable gaze. Through his eyebrows.

The other star thief immediately realized that something was wrong, raised his gun to shoot at Xing Mo, and opened his mouth to shout. However, the young man turned back with an elbow, which just happened to hit his throat, and there was a crisp click, and the star thief fell down clutching his throat in pain.

Judging by the neat movements of this young man, he should be a military cadet.

"Hurry up and put on their protective clothing and masks." Xing Mo said to the young couple.

The young man and woman immediately understood what was going on, and quickly changed into the clothes of the star thief according to what Xing Mo said, and then dragged the body of the star thief into the cabin, posing face down.

The author has something to say: By the time everyone saw the update of this chapter, I was already on the plane to Macau~~~ That’s right, I went out again_(:з」∠)_ but I was just playing When the time comes, we will also take care of the update, don't worry everyone~! My food, here I come! !

Seeing that many friends are curious about Andre's identity, I can only say that Andre is a good banker ╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭ not an interstellar pirate. As for his identity, the next chapter or next The chapter will be revealed~~