The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 67: Rescue and counterattack - on


A few people simply covered up the scene, and then quickly left here.

"Thank you for saving us. My name is Xie Dong. She is my girlfriend Chen Yi. We are third-year students at the Stilla Imperial Military Academy." Arriving at a safer place, the young man rescued by Xing Mo He thanked the two of them, and they were, as Xing Mo guessed, students of the military academy. "I feel like they are looking for someone, and they have been searching everywhere."

"No matter who they are looking for, we have to find a way to get out. Don't forget, star thieves never leave alive." Xing Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, no matter whether these people came for Lin Luo or not, he would It is impossible to put Lin Luo in danger.

"You're right." The expressions of Xie Dong and Chen Yi suddenly became solemn. Both of them are military students, so they naturally know how murderous these notorious star robbers are. If it wasn't for Xing Mo and the others just now Appearing in time, the two of them might have turned into two cold corpses.

"I found that my optical brain can't connect to the star network. Maybe the military department hasn't noticed that we have been attacked by star thieves." Although Chen Yi is a girl, she still looks very calm at this time.

Xing Mo nodded, "Yes, these star thieves came prepared and adopted surprise tactics. First, they used the shielding device to block the signal of the star network, and then launched an attack on the shuttle ship with lightning speed. The power system and defense system of the shuttle ship are all destroyed now, and the alarm cannot be sent out at all. Although the shuttle ship is equipped with a positioning device, the military department will definitely take action immediately after discovering the abnormality of the shuttle ship, but I am not sure , Will we be able to last until then?"

"Escape pod! This shuttle ship must have an escape pod! We can use the escape pod to eject and escape." Xie Dong also thought of a way to use the escape pod to escape.

"It's useless, the star thief is using a GX battleship." Although the escape pod is made of special materials, if it cannot get rid of the pursuit of the GX battleship and is continuously bombarded, it will still be blown up.

"Then...then what should we do?" Xie Dong also realized the speed advantage of the GX battleship, and scratched his hair irritably.

"Hit while dragging." Xing Mo said slowly.

Although the GX battleship piloted by the star thief is powerful, it can carry a limited number of personnel, so he guessed that the number of these star robbers should not be large, at most dozens of people, scattered inside the shuttle. These star thieves are not closely connected with each other. In fact, it is very easy to destroy them one by one. Their only advantage is that they have energy weapons and combat protective clothing, which can crush these unarmed passengers on the shuttle ship. But if they can get the weapons in the arsenal on the twentieth floor and organize the surviving people to fight back effectively, even if they can't defeat these star robbers, they can at least delay them until the army's rescue arrives.

"You are so right!" Hearing Xing Mo's plan, Xie Dong's eyes lit up immediately, "We will do it like this!"

"The star thief has already destroyed the power system and defense system of the shuttle ship, and the automatic defense system of the weapon warehouse should also be invalid. If we go down now, we should be able to directly enter and get the weapons." Chen Yi also approved of this plan.

The four of them did what they said, and planned to take the special elevator for the staff to the 20th floor. Since the 20th floor is where the armory is located, only the staff can take it. Although the star thieves destroyed the power system and defense system of the shuttle ship, they did not have the elevator control system, just to facilitate their own actions, and now it is also convenient for Xing Mo and the others. Now that the defense system is disabled, they can use the elevator without verifying their identity.

However, when the elevator door opened, they saw seven or eight corpses lying in a pool of blood. These people were all wearing staff uniforms, and they probably wanted to go down to the twenty-story armory to get weapons after being attacked. But without success...

"Should we... still go down?" Chen Yi's voice trembled slightly, and Xie Dong couldn't bear to look away.

"Always go down and have a look first." Xing Mo sighed, "Let's take the stairs, there should be an employee passage behind."

The button on the twentieth floor was still stained with some blood, which should have been pressed by a staff member before he died, but unfortunately, they didn't last long enough to get the weapon.

Sure enough, the door of the employee passageway was not locked. The four of them quickly reached the 20th floor and followed the passageway to the armory. Doesn't seem to be taken away.

After all, this shuttle ship is only of civilian use. The weapons in its arsenal are not many, and they are not the latest models. There are only a dozen energy guns with insufficient energy, two miniature bombs, and four or five sets of floating protective suits. For those star thieves, these things may not have much value, so they stayed here.

"Barely enough, let's go." Xing Mo and the others didn't dislike them, put all these things into the space button, and then walked upstairs together. Since these star thieves are searching for people layer by layer, they will also save people layer by layer.

"Why did you guys come here? The boss said, we searched this floor!" When they reached the nineteenth floor, there were two star thieves squatting on the ground and groping for several corpses lying on the ground. After seeing Xing Mo and others coming from the other end of the passage, they immediately said displeased.

Xing Mo and the others didn't answer. After all, they don't speak the Federal language, and they will reveal their secrets as soon as they open their mouths.

"Get lost! Go back to your own floor! There is nothing here for you to loot!" A star thief said while wearing a ring-shaped space button that had been removed from a corpse on his hand.

It seems that the reason for these star thieves to search separately is not only to find people, but also to search for the territory.

"Fuck! You four don't understand human language, do you? If I want to fight, I'm not afraid of you!" The two star thieves saw that they refused to leave and refused to speak, thinking that they were deliberately trying to find fault with them , rolled up his sleeves and rushed over.

Xing Mo sneered in his heart, and when the two approached, he shot at a very fast speed, punched one of them on the throat, and kicked the other far away with a whip.

Before the star thief who was kicked into the air got up, Xie Dong shot and killed the man.

"Go, see if there are any survivors on this floor."

They found a family of three in the bathroom of a room. After seeing Xing Mo's and others' outfits, the father rushed forward to fight them desperately, while the mother rushed over and hugged herself. The child wants to resist the attack from the star thief for the child.

Xing Mo grabbed the father's wrist, stopped his attack, and then explained in imperial language, "We are imperial people. We killed a few star thieves and robbed them of their clothes. We are here to rescue you .”

The family of three stunned for a long time in disbelief before hugging each other and weeping with joy. They really thought they were dead just now, "Are you soldiers? When will the army come to rescue us?"

"No, we're not..." Xie Dong shook his head, "There's not much time to explain, the star thieves outside have been killed by us, you put on their protective clothing, and then continue to hide here, probably not Someone else came to search."

The three members of this family do not seem to be highly combative, especially since they have a child with them, it is not suitable to act with them, it is better to hide. So Xie Dong gave them an energy gun and let them continue to hide here.

Xing Mo has no objection to this either. Not everyone can fight a counterattack. It is better to have a little fighting power.

In order to save time and save more people as soon as possible, the four of them split up. Xing Mo and Lin Luo were in charge of the single layer, Xie Dong and Chen Yi were in charge of the double layer, and killed all the star thieves they saw. The protective clothing and masks on the star thief can effectively camouflage and paralyze the enemy, so in order to ensure the integrity of the protective clothing on the star thief, they all directly attack the head of the star thief, striving to kill with one blow.

"Damn! It's almost time! Come back and assemble!" Hoarse Federal language came from the shuttle ship's radio.

By the time Xing Mo and the others returned to the main bridge, their number had increased by twelve people, all of whom had combat experience, and ninety-seven people were rescued by them. Either they were killed, or they hid. After all, this civilian shuttle ship is too big. If you really want to hide, it will be really hard to find for a while.

"Damn it, I don't know where that kid is hiding! He couldn't find anyone!" The star thief who looked like a little boss wearing a red mask cursed.

"But we're not at a loss! My floor is full of rich people, and I snatched seven space buttons!" A star thief with a fat body and a fleshy face laughed loudly.

"Okay, the boss said, they can't wait for too long, and the people from the empire should be here soon! Let's retreat quickly!" The little boss said to everyone, "Have the bombs been installed?"

"Put it away!"

"Hahaha, blow up this broken ship, I want to see where that kid can hide!" The little boss laughed loudly arrogantly.

Xing Mo and the others were taken aback. They didn't expect these star thieves to be so frenzied that they installed bombs on the shuttle ship, trying to blow up everyone!

Can't wait any longer, must do it now!

That bomb should be a time bomb, but it can also be manually activated. As long as you catch the little boss, you don't have to worry about them detonating early, and then ask the location of the bomb to see if it can be dismantled. If it can't be dismantled, they will still Get into the escape pod and maybe escape in time.

If it doesn't work, just grab the GX warships of these star thieves!