The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 69: Reinforcements arrive


Everyone was shocked by the huge fleet that suddenly appeared in front of them, and they didn't know how to react for a while.

Xing Mo's spirit was also highly tense. He speculated that the warships and mechs that appeared in front of him should be the main force of the Star Thief Group. Otherwise, they would not be able to remotely activate the main system of the warship, launch the positioning and open the space transmitted.

If the leader of the star thief group finds out that the people in their battleship are not star robbers, but imperial people, then they will be in danger...

"Boss, what should we do now?" Xie Dong looked nervously at Xing Mo.

After Xing Mo demonstrated his absolute strength, everyone respected and feared him, as if they regarded him as their leader. In a hurry, Xie Dong directly called him the boss.

Xing Mo didn't waste time correcting Xie Dong's address, he asked after a while of contemplation, "Is there anyone who can speak Federal language?"

Everyone looked at each other, and after a while, a tall, thin middle-aged man came out. His name was Wang Chang. He was a businessman and had business contacts with the Federation people for many years, so he deliberately learned some Federation languages, although he did not learn It is very comprehensive, but in terms of general communication, there is no big problem.

"Okay, those star thieves are likely to contact us in a while, and you will be in charge of the call. Those who have protective clothing and star thieves masks will stay, and the rest without protective clothing and masks will hide in the inner cabin. Don't come out."

He believes that after these star thieves complete the space transition, the leader of the star thieves will definitely contact them. At that time, everything in the main control room will be exposed to the other party, so they must prepare in advance.

Everyone reacted very quickly. In just a few minutes, they completed the task according to his instructions. All irrelevant personnel retreated to the inner cabin. The people in the main control room all maintained uniform attire, dressed up as star robbers.

Wang Chang stood at the forefront, Xing Mo stood beside him, Xie Dong and Chen Yi grabbed two real star thieves and stood behind them under the cover of the crowd. To answer the question, there are at least two real star thieves who can help resist it.

After the space rift was fully opened, dozens of GX warships and hundreds of new mechs began to jump. Xing Mo seized the time to dig out some information about the star thief group from the mouths of the two star thieves, and Briefly talked with Wang Chang about how to deal with it.

After the transition of the Star Thief Group was completed, the GX warship controlled by Xing Mo integrated into the large force of the Star Thief Group.

As Xing Mo expected, the battleship's system control platform directly opened the video communication with the main ship, and a blond man wearing a dark blue mask appeared on the big screen. His long and narrow eyes showed indifference and alienation. It seems that he should be Nelson, the leader of the Star Thieves.

"Where is Brent?" Nelson asked coldly after scanning the people in the main control room.

Brent should be the name of the little leader wearing the red mask. Wang Chang replied according to the words Xing Mo taught him before, "Brent died in battle..."

"What did you say?!" Nelson's pupils shrank slightly, and a bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, "Brent is a third-level fire-type superpower, how could he be killed so easily? What's going on?!"

Brent is Nelson's confidant. Nelson not only trusts him, but also has great confidence in his strength. Otherwise, he would not let him lead the team on the mission alone.

Robbing a civilian cruiser should have been an extremely simple task, but Nelson never imagined that such a simple task cost him a general.

"There was a multi-line ability user on that shuttle ship. Brent was defeated by him, and we lost many brothers. In order to let us evacuate, Brent detonated the bomb installed on the shuttle ship, We will die together with that multi-line power user."

"What? Multi-line abilities? How is this possible?" Nelson didn't want to believe this fact at all.

"Where's the thing? Did you get the thing?!" Suddenly, a fat body squeezed into the screen, revealing a somewhat familiar fat face.

It turned out to be that fat man! ! !

Xing Mo couldn't help frowning. If this inexplicable attack came from Fatty Ma's instructions, then everything would make sense. It seems that his guess was correct. This gang of star thieves was aiming at Lin Luo They came, or more precisely, they came for Lin Luo's priceless piece of purple-gold jadeite made of glass!

"Ask you?! The emerald I wanted! Did you get it?!" Fatty Ma shouted impatiently when he didn't get an answer.

He doesn't care whether that person named Brent is dead or not, what he cares about is the priceless top-quality emerald!

"No... We couldn't find the target person. We don't know where he is hiding, but he should have been blown into ashes together with the shuttle ship by now." Wang Chang replied in a low voice.

"Trash! A bunch of useless trash..." Fatty Ma cursed angrily.

"Shut up!" Nelson suddenly and unceremoniously slapped him severely, interrupting his curse.

"How dare you hit me?!" Fatty Ma looked at Nelson in disbelief.

"If it weren't for the sake of... you would be a dead person now." Nelson said coldly.

After meeting Nelson's disgusting eyes, Fatty Ma finally realized that Nelson was not something he could easily provoke, so he closed his mouth, shrank his neck obediently and stepped aside.

"What's your name?" Nelson looked at Wang Chang.

Wang Chang swallowed nervously, "My name is Tommy."

Tommy was one of the star robbers captured by them. He was tied up in the inner cabin at the moment. He was about the same size as Wang Chang. He was wearing a mask and protective clothing, so he shouldn't be able to tell the difference.

"Tommy?" Nelson narrowed his eyes and looked at Wang Chang. "Then, since Brent is covering your escape, why didn't he leave you the control password of the main system?"

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on Wang Chang's forehead. He couldn't think of a suitable reason for a while, so he could only bite the bullet and answer, "The situation is critical, maybe it's too late to explain..."

"Oh? Really?" Nelson suddenly sneered, and the communication stopped abruptly.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

However, the next moment, the lights inside the entire battleship suddenly went out, and even the sound of the propeller engine suddenly disappeared, as if someone had shut down the system of the battleship, and they could only see the outside situation through the observation screen.

A black mecha suddenly flew in front of their battleship, raised its forearm equipped with a photon cannon, and launched an attack on them.

With a bang, a photon cannon hit the stern of the battleship, causing the entire battleship to vibrate violently, and the stern of the ship even burst into flames.

Everyone in the battleship was caught off guard and fell to the ground one after another.

No matter how Xing Mo knocked on the console, the auxiliary system of the battleship did not give any response, and even the indicator lights did not light up.

Obviously, it was Nelson who used the main system control authority to completely shut down the operating system of this GX warship, turning this new type of warship that should have strong combat effectiveness into a useless metal box, and they are like The prey was trapped in this metal box by Nelson as a hunter.

"What's going on here?! Is there something wrong with what I did, did he find out?!" Wang Chang was startled and frightened, and his legs were a little weak.

"Everyone, don't panic. After lifting the shielding state, I have sent a distress signal and located it to the people in the military with my optical brain. There should be reinforcements coming to rescue soon. Xie Dong, go to the arsenal at the back Let's see if there are protective suits and oxygen masks."

"Yes!" Xie Dong ran away immediately.

At this time, another photon cannon hit the flank of the battleship, causing the battleship to vibrate violently, making it difficult for the people trapped in the battleship to maintain their balance.

Nelson seemed to be deliberately torturing them, unwilling to give them a good time, just like a cat would tease a mouse before killing them, and kept attacking their warships with photon cannons, but did not completely destroy them.

Obviously he could directly use the control of the main system to activate the self-destruct device of the battleship, but he chose to use this method to torture them mentally and let them deeply experience the fear of death.

The battleship has been attacked again and again, causing multiple damages, and flames are everywhere. It only needs to be attacked once or twice before it is completely destroyed.

"It's time to end." Nelson gave the final instruction.

When the black mecha aimed at the battleship again and replaced it with a large-caliber energy cannon to give them the final blow, more than 20 silver-gray mechas suddenly appeared behind the star thief group. Bears the emblem of the Imperial Army.

"It's the army of the empire! Our reinforcements have arrived!" The hanging hearts of the people in the battleship finally fell to the ground, and there was a faint sobbing sound from the inner cabin, and they were all crying with joy.

Xing Mo also breathed a sigh of relief. The empire had already made sufficient preparations to resist the star robbers. As soon as Ling Wenhua received the news, he said he would come immediately. He knew that the first mechas to arrive were the advance troops sent by the military department, and the large troops should still be behind.