The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 70: exploded?


As soon as Ling Wenhua's mechas arrived, they immediately fought with the Star Thieves.

"Damn it! It's the army of the empire!" Nelson didn't expect the reaction of the imperial army to be so fast. He narrowed his eyes and decided not to play games with Xing Mo and the others anymore. The GX battleship blew itself up.

However, what he didn't expect was that the battleship was too badly damaged. After being completely shut down by him, it can no longer be opened by remote control...

"Fuck!" Nelson couldn't help cursing, and wanted to fire at the battleship again, but under the strong attack of Ling Wenhua and others, he had to temporarily give up continuing the attack and command the Star Thieves to resist Ling Wenhua's attack.

"Boss! Shall we retreat first...?"

"Why withdraw?! Their large troops didn't come over so quickly. When their reinforcements arrive, we will have time to withdraw again! If we can kill one more, we will kill one more!"

"yes… "

When everyone on the battleship saw that Ling Wenhua and the Star Thieves fought and did not attack them again, they all showed joy, "Great, when the big troops come, I will definitely be able to kill these damned Star Thieves." Kill them all!"

However, they only guessed the beginning.

Xing Mo soon received a communication request from Ling Wenhua.

"Sorry, we're late." Xing Mo rarely saw such a serious expression on Ling Wenhua's face.

"It's okay, you have come here very quickly. The star thief deliberately blocked the signal so that you could not get the alarm."

"Are all the survivors on that battleship of yours?" Ling Wenhua asked.

"Yes, we are all on this GX battleship that is on fire. The battleship is seriously damaged. The main system is controlled by the star thief and has been shut down. The battleship may explode at any time. We need to evacuate immediately." Xing Mo quickly sent them Tell Ling Wenhua about the situation here.

"Okay, Xing Mo, listen to me. A few hours ago, the Star Thief Group was mobilized and launched a surprise attack on the planet Wilmi. All the forces of the army went to meet the Star Thief. We never expected that they would deploy Troops are coming to attack you. I have brought people to the rescue as quickly as possible, but there is no way to mobilize more troops from the planet Wilmi. We have already requested support from the garrisons of other planets, but I am afraid it will be too late for them to arrive. It will take a while…”

Hearing this, Xing Mo's heart suddenly sank. Although Ling Wenhua and the others are all supernatural beings and can be regarded as the elite of the imperial army, it is still very difficult to fight when the enemy is outnumbered. They want to support the reinforcements Arriving may be difficult.

"But it doesn't matter. I think the attack rhythm of the star robbers is a bit chaotic. They probably thought we were the advance troops. They were afraid that reinforcements would arrive from behind. They had some scruples, so we took the opportunity to quickly cover your evacuation. How many people are there in total? Each of our mechs is equipped with a miniature escape pod, which can squeeze three people, and the GX battleship also has a small escape pod, which should be able to seat a dozen people."

"There are 97 non-combat survivors, most of whom are wearing protective clothing and oxygen masks. In addition, there are 12 combat-capable personnel, all of whom have combat-type protective clothing. There are also 14 star robbers, a total of 123 people."

"Okay, let people without protective clothing and oxygen masks enter the escape pod of the GX battleship immediately, non-combatants with protective clothing and masks take our mech miniature escape pod, and those star robbers let them stay in their own Get on the battleship." Ling Wenhua roughly estimated the number of people, and quickly made arrangements, "I will open the directional wormhole at the designated location in fifteen minutes, and you can set the directional launch for the escape pod according to the coordinates I gave. .

The escape pod is specially used for escape, so it is not controlled by the main system and only needs to be activated manually.

"Okay." Xing Mo immediately agreed. Although the situation is severe, as long as they are fast enough and cooperate in a timely manner, safe evacuation should not be a big problem.

Xing Mo conveyed Ling Wenhua's words to everyone, and everyone took action immediately. There were 17 people who did not wear protective clothing and oxygen masks. In fact, they already exceeded the number of people in the escape cabin of the GX warship, but among them were the elderly, women and children. , so barely squeezed out. It is not intentional not to distribute protective clothing and oxygen masks to these vulnerable people, but because they are the first to evacuate, the remaining people are more dangerous and need these when they evacuate.

According to the coordinates given by Ling Wenhua, Xing Mo set up a directional launch for the escape pod. After the wormhole is opened, their escape pods will be ejected directly to the corresponding position, and they will go through the wormhole and return to the vicinity of Vermi, where the imperial army is there to ensure their safety.

Ling Wenhua and the others will try their best to contain Nelson's firepower and buy time for others to enter the miniature escape pods. These miniature escape pods will also be teleported through the wormhole.

But the duration of wormholes is very short, and their speed has to be fast enough.

The seventeen people soon all entered the escape pod of the GX battleship, while Ling Wenhua and the others were trying their best to distract the star thief group, and then took turns to drop miniature escape pods near Xing Mo's starship. The miniature escape pod is an escape equipment specially designed for mecha warriors, so it has an invisibility effect and can only be seen within a certain distance. Beyond the distance, it cannot be captured by electronic equipment. Protective clothing and oxygen masks can protect them from living in the universe for an hour, so they sneaked out of the holes in the battleship one by one, and when they got into the miniature escape cabin, they were completely unnoticed by the Star Thieves.

Fifteen minutes later, Ling Wenhua used the negative ion launcher to open the directional wormhole.

But fifteen minutes was too short, and it was too difficult to complete the transfer of nearly a hundred people without being noticed by the enemy.

"Quick! Quick! Quick!" Xing Mo and Lin Luo got into the last miniature escape pod together with the last survivor after sending out survivors one after another.

After the wormhole was opened, the escape pod of the GX warship ejected first, followed by the other miniature escape pods, flying towards the wormhole at high speed.

Nelson knew what they were trying to do when he saw the wormhole suddenly open.

"Want to run?! No way!" Nelson's reaction was also extremely fast. He raised the mech's photon cannon, aimed it in the direction of the wormhole and started shooting crazily.

But just at this time, a mass of fire rushed towards his mech. In a vacuum, the only thing that could still burn was the supernatural flame condensed with supernatural powers. With the support of the armor, even steel can burn through. Nelson didn't dare to neglect, so he had to control the mecha to dodge, and missed the best attack opportunity, while the escape capsule of the GX battleship successfully passed through the wormhole.

"They want to run! Everyone! All aim at the wormhole!" Nelson shouted angrily.

All the star thieves immediately aimed at the direction of the wormhole and started attacking.

And Ling Wenhua and the others reacted extremely quickly, and immediately used their abilities to cover their evacuation. For a while, the sky was filled with sand and dust, the water curtain was gurgling, and the lightning flashed.

At this moment, the soldiers of the empire supported a safe area for the people of the empire in front of the wormhole, and tried their best to protect them from evacuating.

Ling Wenhua and the others are all supernatural beings, their physical fitness and responsiveness are much stronger than ordinary people, and they use supernatural mechas specially designed for supernatural beings, so that their supernatural abilities can cooperate with the mechas, greatly increase their combat effectiveness. It was also because of this that Ling Wenhua and others were able to fight the Star Thieves for such a long time with the strength of more than 20 people, but now, they are also somewhat exhausted.

"Team Lin! I've been hit! I've been hit!" Powers are not omnipotent after all, and no matter how many powers are exhausted, let alone such a large-scale use, soon there will be one The mecha was hit by the enemy's energy artillery, and the damage rate reached 68%, making it impossible to continue fighting.

"I'll cover you! You withdraw too!" Ling Wenhua replied immediately.

"Yes..." Under the cover of Ling Wenhua, the mecha quickly passed through the wormhole.

The enemy's artillery fire was too dense, and many mechas were hit one after another, and they had to evacuate.

The eyes of the rest of the mech fighters were all fixed on the direction of the wormhole, and when they saw the last miniature escape pod arrived in front of the wormhole, their tense nerves relaxed a little.

It's just... it's too early for them to relax...

The continuous three photon cannons suddenly pierced through the dust covered by Ling Wenhua, and hit the escape pod that Xing Mo and the others were riding in. The violent explosion and flames hurt Ling Wenhua's eyes.

"No!" Ling Wenhua yelled with his eyes tearing apart.

"Hahahahaha! It's not easy to run away!" Nelson showed a bloodthirsty smile.

"Damn it!" If possible, Ling Wenhua really wanted to rush up and fight them, but there are only seven or eight mechas left that can still fight. It is not easy to fight so many star thieves.

"Team Lin... the wormhole is about to close, let's retreat too..." a team member said softly, his voice was full of forbearance and anger, but it was useless to let him get angry, now they were at an absolute disadvantage, no matter how To stay is just to make unnecessary sacrifices.

Ling Wenhua closed his eyes forcefully, and after taking a deep breath, he reluctantly ordered, "All retreat..."

The rest of the mechas all flew towards the direction of the wormhole.