The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 71: Hand torn armor


Seeing Ling Wenhua and others preparing to escape through the wormhole, Nelson immediately sneered, "Hmph, want to run?"

Nelson tapped his fingers on the operating table quickly, manipulating the mech to chase after it, and while flying rapidly, he switched to the most damaging pulse light energy cannon, preparing to teach these imperial people a profound lesson.


[Dididi—the energy is less than 40%, and the use of weapons of mass destruction may lead to energy depletion. Are you sure to use it?]

"What?!" Nelson yelled angrily after hearing the low-energy alarm issued by the mecha brain, but it was useless for him to get angry again. Too much energy.

"Quick! Call me! Don't let them escape!"

Although the star thieves reacted quickly, after receiving Nelson's order, they immediately chased after them and launched an attack on Ling Wenhua and others.

Ling Wenhua and the others passed through the wormhole in a thrilling manner under the attack of the cannon fire filled with light energy.

"TMD!" Seeing the prey in his mouth escape, Nelson was so angry that he slammed the console, "Stop chasing, come back to me!"

He knew exactly where the other side of the wormhole was, and if he followed through, he might encounter the imperial army, and they would not be able to please with such a small force.

The mechs of the star thieves stopped in front of the wormhole, turned around and flew back.

The wormhole began to shrink slowly, and Ling Wenhua and his mechs stopped after passing through the wormhole. Ling Wenhua turned around and looked at the fire-flaming escape pod on the screen, feeling extremely heavy.

"Team Lin...look at that escape seems to be open..." There was an exclamation from the communicator.

"What?" How could the escape pod that had been blown up be opened

Ling Wenhua couldn't believe it and zoomed in, only to see a layer of smooth metal appearing in the escape pod that was supposed to be full of holes, sealing the interior of the escape pod like a cocoon. At this moment, the metal cocoon is slowly opening, and Xing Mo, Lin Luo, and a survivor wearing combat protective suits get out of it, then turn on the flight function of the protective suit, and fly towards the wormhole come over.

"They're still alive!" Ling Wenhua showed shock.

"They started flying in the direction of the wormhole!" Cheers came from the communicator.

However, the wormhole has already begun to close, and there is not much time left for Xing Mo and the others. The flying ability of the combat protective suit is not comparable to that of the escape pod. It may be difficult for them to pass through the wormhole in time.

"I'll pick them up!" Ling Wenhua immediately wanted to go back through the wormhole to pick up Xing Mo and the others, but was blocked by his companions.

"Team Lin, the mecha is too big. If you go over there, you won't be able to come back...Let them come over by themselves... There is still a glimmer of hope..."

Ling Wenhua looked impatiently at the three figures on the screen, his heart was full of anxiety, he could only keep praying that they could pass through this damn wormhole in time.

But things obviously didn't go so smoothly. Nelson, who had been staring in the direction of the wormhole because of anger, also found Xing Mo and others who survived.

"These boys are still alive?! Call me! Never let them escape again!" Nelson ordered.

"Yes! Boss!"

The mech that hadn't flew away immediately turned around, aimed at the direction of the three of them, and launched an attack.

"Hurry up! I'll stop them!" Xing Mo pushed Lin Luo and another person towards the wormhole. He turned around and activated the ice and fire abilities at the same time, making everyone around A vast mist of water appeared out of thin air, covering their figures, making it impossible for the star thief's mecha to lock their positions with the naked eye. They can turn on the thermal induction mode to scan, but it takes time, and Xing Mo took advantage of this short time difference to quickly rush towards the nearest mecha.

He nimbly avoided the attack of the two photon cannons, and successfully touched the mecha, and then an incredible thing happened—I saw Xing Mo stretched out his hand, grabbed one arm of the mecha, and with one force, he Unloaded it.

" is it possible?!" Nelson couldn't believe his eyes.

The mechs are all made of superalloy, so strong, how could it be broken by a single person with bare hands

But the reality is so cruel.

Xing Mo quickly removed the two arms of the mecha carrying the photon cannon, then flew to the cockpit of the mecha, and forcibly tore off the door of the cockpit.

ripped off...

This is probably the real shredded mecha, right

"Multiple abilities..." Nelson murmured in disbelief.

However, Xing Mo's movements did not stop at all, and he directly pulled out the star thief in the cockpit, punched him to kill him, and then quickly flew towards the next mecha.

Naturally, the other mecha will not sit still and attack Xing Mo desperately, but it is like an elephant fighting with ants, all the strength in its body is useless. If Xing Mo gets close to him, he will inevitably face the end of being torn by hand .

"Boss, Alpha sent a message. The imperials are too cunning. Our target has been evacuated under the cover of the imperials for a long time. What should we do now?"

"Damn it! All retreat!" Knowing that his plan could not be achieved this time, Nelson didn't want to continue to entangle with this damned superhuman, so he had to order to retreat.

"Yes, boss!"

After opening the space crack with the space jump device, the Star Thief Group began to transfer.

But before leaving, he has a gift to give this damned ability user!

After the star thieves left, the universe regained its tranquility. Xing Mo let himself float in the air. He managed to attract the attention of those star thieves with his own power, allowing Lin Luo and another surviving Those who escaped successfully.

Xing Mo looked in the direction of the wormhole before, and now there is only darkness left.

A low-energy alarm sound came from the combat protective suit, and more than half of the energy that could support an hour of combat time has been consumed, and even the oxygen is only half left. Fortunately, the optical brain can still be used, and can send out a signal for help, but I don't know if he can support it until the arrival of rescue...

At this moment, he suddenly saw a bright light burst open.

The next moment, a wormhole suddenly appeared behind him, engulfing him completely.

Damn it... got fucked...

However, as long as Lin Luo is safe.

Before losing consciousness, Xing Mo thought like this.


Xing Mo vaguely heard someone calling him in a low voice.

"Brother Xing..."

It seems to be Lin Luo's voice

The memory before he lost consciousness began to slowly emerge. Those despicable and shameless star thieves gave him a hard time before leaving. They dropped a negative ion emitter, opened a huge wormhole, and sucked him in. I don't know whether the other party has set up directional teleportation or random teleportation, and I don't know where he will be teleported.

As for Lin Luo, he should have gone through the wormhole and returned to Vermi, it is impossible to be here...

Is it because he missed Lin Luo too much, so he had auditory hallucinations

"Brother Xing..."

Xing Mo's hand was held by someone, and Lin Luo's voice was right next to his ears.

Is it really Xiao Luo...

Could it be that the location of the black hole is very close to the empire, and the army sent people to rescue him

"Brother wake up..."

With a crying voice, a trembling voice, and the moist touch on his cheeks, Xing Mo's heart trembled slightly. He opened his heavy eyelids with difficulty, and then his eyes were stung by the too bright light.

"Brother! You're awake!" After Xing Mo opened his eyes, he met a pair of red eyes.

"Xiao Luo... where are we?" Xing Mo asked in a hoarse voice.

"We are on the starship, and we are going to the Federation soon."

"Federation?" Did he hear correctly? It should be almost to the empire, right

"Yes, Federation..."

Lin Luo glanced at Xing Mo with some guilt, and then began to explain in a low voice.

It turned out that Xing Mo pushed him and another survivor at that time, wanting to protect them through the wormhole, and stayed alone to fight against the numerous star robbers. But how could Lin Luo leave his lover and escape alone

So instead of going through the wormhole, he turned back while no one was paying attention.

The star thief's attention was attracted by Xing Mo, who showed great power, so no one found him.

After Xing Mo destroyed three mechas in a row, those star thieves seemed to feel scared and chose to retreat. Seeing Xing Mo floating in the air, Lin Luo wanted to fly over immediately, but he was afraid that he would be scolded by Xing Mo. After hesitating, the negative ion emitter was activated, and both of them were sucked in.

This wormhole does not seem to be directional. They were randomly sent to the starless domain. Their optical brains could not search for the star network signal of the empire, and they could not send a message for help. Lin Luo can only send short-wave help signals to the surroundings through the optical brain, hoping that passing starships can find them.

The oxygen in their protective clothing can only last for one hour. If rescue is not available within an hour, all that awaits them is death.

Fortunately, they were lucky enough to wait for a passing Federation starship.

He didn't know until he boarded the starship that they were actually teleported to the Federation star field.