The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 81: There are people outside


When the baron's men were about to rush forward, Xing Mo suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

"What?" The baron turned his head and looked at him coldly.

"He hasn't finished eating yet." Xing Mo looked at Lin Luo beside him with a bulging mouth with doting eyes and said indifferently.

The baron narrowed his eyes immediately, feeling that he was being tricked by the imperial man in front of him, and said coldly, "Catch it!"

Xing Mo immediately got up and stood in front of Lin Luo, the supernatural flame in his palm had already started to burn.

"Fire power?" The baron immediately looked at the big man with a blue nose and swollen face, and frowned slightly after seeing the same shocked expression on the other side.

This situation is more troublesome than he imagined, but it's not a big problem. If they fight for superpowers, the Toby people have never been afraid of anyone!

"Do it." His Excellency the baron ordered coldly.


Seeing that a fierce battle was about to break out, whoever said again, "Slow down!"

"Damn it! Is it over?!" The dignity of His Excellency the baron was repeatedly provoked, which made him unable to hold back his temper, "Give it to me!"

"Stop, Harris." The cold and gloomy voice sounded again, this time calling out the baron's name directly.

Baron Harris's hand holding the weapon suddenly froze. He turned around stiffly, and saw a tall and thin man also wearing a fine attire, surrounded by a group of people, walking slowly.

"Victor, Sir..." Harris, who was so proud just now, immediately became trembling when he saw the person coming.

Victor walked up to Harris with a domineering aura, "What's going on? What do you want to do?"

"I, I'm here to deal with these people's fights..."

"Gathering a crowd to fight? Do these trivial matters require a dignified baron to personally intervene? Are the people in the city guard vegetarian?" Victor asked disapprovingly.

"This, this..." Harris was sweating profusely on his forehead. He never imagined that such a trivial matter would attract the presence of Marquis Victor. He couldn't help being flustered and unable to answer.

Victor glanced at him coldly, then turned his gaze to Xing Mo and Lin Luo, looked them up and down, and asked, "Are you the friends Sisi said?"

It turned out that after Xing Mo and Lin Luo taught the group of aliens a lesson, they were worried that these people might not let it go, so they contacted Sisi with the terminal and told him the general situation. Sisi naturally knew the situation on the Trade Street. After listening to their description, he immediately understood who did it, and who was behind their backstage. Guessing that they might target Xing Mo and Lin Luo, he decided to He hurriedly contacted Victor.

As the marquis of Victor, he would not care about such trivial matters at all, but after Sisi said that Lin Luo and Xing Mo were the main stars who came with Andre, and they were his very valued guests. Victor reluctantly agreed. He knew Andre's attitude towards his friends. If Andre knew afterwards that he was doing nothing to his friends, he might cause him trouble... He didn't want to offend Andre at all...

"Yes, Your Excellency Victor." Lin Luo also heard about Victor from Andre, and when he saw this Lord Marquis, he inevitably had to look him up.

Victor looks thinner than Andre, but he is definitely not weak. His muscle lines still look very smooth, but his facial features are more refined than Andre. In the Toby family, he should belong to That kind of exquisite handsome man, but the temperament is too cold, especially when looking at people, there is a feeling of repelling people thousands of miles away.

"Then tell me what's going on."

"Your Excellency, they..." Baron Harris was taken aback, and immediately wanted to say something, but Victor gave him a warning look, and he didn't dare to intervene.

Lin Luo described the matter briefly, "These people have a booth that sells gambling stone wool. When I passed by, I took a look at it and found that there was something wrong with their wool, so I wanted to leave, but I When I was talking to my friend, I was probably overheard by the customers in the store. The customers also became suspicious and didn’t buy the materials from their store. We compensate them for their losses."

"Oh, that's how your so-called gang fight came about?" Victor looked at Harris contemptuously.

Harris heard that Marquis Victor did not actually know them, and he only made the move because of his friend's face, so he still took a chance, and quibbled, "This is their one-sided story, you can't believe it! Obviously It was they who beat Barry and the others, and even robbed them!"

The big alien man named Barry also had the courage to come up with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and echoed, "Yes, yes...Your Excellency Victor can't believe their words! They look weak, but in fact The hand is so black, my brother was beaten by that short man, he was injured all over his body, and he was hospitalized!"

"Oh?" Victor looked at Lin Luo with great interest. He didn't expect that this young, non-threatening kid would be quite powerful in combat

"Your Excellency, I have a video to prove it." Xing Mo said lightly.

Xing Mo is not stupid. As early as when they were blocked in the alley by these aliens, he had already turned on the video recording function of the terminal and recorded the whole process, including their unsavory swear words.

"Oh? Then let's take a look."

Hearing this, the alien named Barry suddenly changed his face, his eyes flickered and he looked around, as if he wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

Victor saw his guilty conscience at a glance, and winked at his subordinates, who surrounded him so that he could not escape.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, Barry could only stand there dejectedly.

The video started soon, because it adopted the holographic recording mode, which fully captured the arrogance and domineering of these aliens at 360 degrees without any dead angle. After hearing them say that the Toby people are stupid and rich Victor's eyes suddenly sharpened, and even Harris looked at Barry coldly.

After the video was played, Victor said lightly to Harris, "I see the matter is very clear, the people you should arrest are not them, but this group of daring Sithers!"

"Your Excellency, you are right. I know how to deal with this matter." Harris immediately had Barry arrested, and then sent to the hospital to arrest the rest. When the Ser people's wool shop was arrested and closed, Victor stopped him.

"I'll take care of that shop."

"Yes, Your Excellency..." Victor has always been in charge of the main star trading street. After Harris realized it, he immediately left with his people.

"You said just now... you saw that they were selling fakes?" Victor's gaze returned to Lin Luo.


"Take me to take a look." Victor's eyes flashed brightly, and he seemed to guess why Andre looked at these two imperial people differently.

Although Lin Luo didn't know why Victor suddenly became interested in that shop, he would never refute the marquis' face, so he led them towards the shop.

The bearded shop owner was still warmly greeting the customers, and there were quite a few people in the shop who were picking wool.

When he saw Lin Luo and Xing Mo going back and forth, a flash of astonishment first flashed in his eyes, and then turned into a fierce look. When he was about to step forward to say something, he suddenly noticed that they were wearing fancy clothes behind them. Victor and the others were stunned.

"Your Excellency, this is the place."

Victor strode into the store, looked around and said, "Someone reported that you sell fake wool here, do you have anything to say?"

"This is slander! This is absolutely slander! Your Excellency, you have learned! I have been setting up a stall here for a few days. I have always done business in a decent manner. How can I sell fake wool!" Victor knew when he looked at the clothes. It's the lord, of course the bearded man will not admit this, he pointed to a Toby guest and said, "This is an old customer of mine, he often buys wool from me, yesterday he even gambled a piece Woolen cloth!"

The guest who was suddenly brought in to testify also showed a shocked expression when he saw Victor, but he still said truthfully, "That's true."

The quality of the woolen fabrics here by Big Beard seems to be very good. He has bought woolen fabrics here several times, and he has won and lost. It should not be fake woolen fabrics.

"Oh?" Victor raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Luo again.

"There are so many wool fabrics in his store, so naturally they can't all be fake." Lin Luo smiled and looked at the customer who testified, "Mr. Did your boss recommend it to you?"

The man froze for a moment, then thought about it for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed the case, so he nodded.

"Stone betting is no different from gambling. If you keep losing, who would want to gamble again? Naturally, you have to gamble up a few times occasionally to catch the other party." Lin Luo slowly walked towards the direction of the wool pile, picked up the The piece of wool from the black Usha leather shell he had seen before, "Look, the foundry of this black Usha leather shell looks very good, and the emerald exposed through the window here is also full of color and water. Is it worth the gamble?"

The customer looked at it carefully and nodded again. This piece of wool is really good. If it was him, he would consider buying it for a gamble.

"But, this is a piece of fake wool." Lin Luo suddenly changed the subject.

"What?" The man couldn't believe it.

"Look carefully at the sand on the outer skin. If it is natural, the gravel should be more or less arranged in a certain direction, while the sand on the fake leather is glued on, and most of them are isolated particles without direction. If you don't Believe it, you can pour some water on it, if it is real leather, the gravel will slowly absorb the water, but because of the glue on the fake leather, it is difficult for water to penetrate.”