The First Interstellar Energy Gambler

Chapter 95: Think hard


In just a few days, this energy company named Pengcheng has been known to everyone in the empire. With Lin Luo, a talented stone gambling expert and mid-level energy engineer in charge, Pengcheng Energy Company has changed the situation where no one cares about it before, and has received many job application information for energy engineers. Lin Luo wanted to get in touch and see if he could learn some useful skills and experiences. Coupled with Yanxing's help, they quickly recruited two mid-level energy engineers with both strength and character. They think they will be on the right track soon after joining the company.

However, everything has two sides. Lin Luo brought fame and popularity to Pengcheng, but at the same time attracted the hostility of many people.

Capital Star, the Xing family's mansion, the living room.

"Master, both masters declined our invitation, saying that they have already signed a contract with Pengcheng." A middle-aged man spoke to the person sitting on the sofa and reported.

"What?!" Xing Shang, who was sitting on the sofa, was furious when he heard the words, and swept all the snacks and drinks on the coffee table in front of him to the ground.

"Shang'er." Xing Yuan, who was sitting on the other side of the sofa with gray hair, frowned slightly.

Xing Yuan is Xing Shang's father, with thick eyebrows and wide forehead, deep wrinkles between the brows and the corners of the mouth, making him look very stern and unapproachable. Xing Shang was most afraid of his father's expression, and the anger on his face suddenly subsided a lot.

"What is the origin of this Pengcheng? Have you checked its background?" Xing Zhengyuan asked in a deep voice.

"After investigation, the biggest funder is Yin Ye, the chief stone betting expert and chief energy engineer is Lin Luo, and besides..." the middle-aged man hesitated to speak.

"What are you talking about? What news?"

"In addition, Pengcheng has another shareholder, Xing Mo..."

"What did you say?!" The name Xing Mo ignited Xing Shang's anger again, he kicked over the coffee table in front of him, and stared at the middle-aged man fiercely, "That damned guy, why isn't he dead yet?" ?!"

"Xing Shang!" Xing Zhengyuan called Xing Shang's name with his first and last names, and the meaning of warning in it was beyond words.

"Father! Our company was just starting out, and this Xing Mo chose to start an energy company at this time. He must be deliberately against us! Father, our family has invested so much this time, we must not sit still. !” Xing Shang said excitedly.

Hearing this, Xing Zhengyuan frowned again. He had to admit that what Xing Shang said was reasonable. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Now is the critical period for the company to start. If it is suppressed by Xingmo's company, it may become a For the laughing stock among the aristocratic family.

"Yin Ye is standing behind Pengcheng. It's not easy to strike." After all, Xing Zhengyuan was worried about the Yin family and was unwilling to confront Yin Ye head-on.

"Then don't confront Pengcheng directly. Let's start with that Lin Luo. Xue Ning has already helped me find out. That Lin Luo has no background at all. He is an orphan raised by the state and is awakening his spiritual powers. I used to be an ordinary miner, and I don’t know what kind of shit luck it is!" Xing Shang said angrily, "It would be great if they died in the 11th three-star region!"

"Oh?" Xing Zhengyuan heard that Xing Shang mentioned the matter of the 10th three-star domain, and suddenly his heart moved, "You ask Xue Ning to inquire about the matter of the 10th three-star domain last time, didn't she say that those star thieves The choice of the civilian shuttle ship for robbery might be aimed at the piece of glass jade that Lin Luo gambled on? You ask her family to go around and see if you can get some conclusive evidence. "

Xing Shang and Xue Ning are unmarried couples in a family marriage. Xue Ning's family members basically work in the military. She is also very beautiful, so Xing Zhengyuan is still very satisfied with this future daughter-in-law.

"Father, are you planning to...?"

Xing Zhengyuan smiled without saying a word.

Since Pengcheng's current good momentum was brought about by Lin Luo, wouldn't it be a good idea to start with Lin Luo and completely suppress their accumulated good reputation

At this time, Xing Mo and Lin Luo didn't know that the Xing family had started to plot against them again, and they were busy preparing for the arrival of Xingfu and Xingmu.

After Xingfu retired from the position of the head of the Xing family, he was going to come to Kippola to find his son, and he also took a look at their 'daughter-in-law'. After all, the age is different now. It doesn't matter whether the person you are looking for is a man or a woman. As long as your son likes it, there is nothing wrong with it.

When meeting her parents for the first time, Lin Luo was extremely nervous, and got up early in the morning to clean up the house, trying to make a good impression on the parents. It's just that there are housekeeping robots and cleaning robots at home, so there is really nothing for him to play.

"Okay, Xiao Luo, stop busy, let's go to Xinggang to pick up parents."

"Okay, okay."

Seeing Lin Luo's rarely nervous appearance, Xing Mo pulled him out amusedly.

"Don't be nervous, my parents like you very much." Lin Luo comforted in a low voice.

"Hmm..." Having said that, he still couldn't relax. The situation became more and more serious after the hover vehicle arrived at the star port. Lin Luo even felt that he could hardly breathe.

They arrived at the appointed place very quickly, and after standing for a short time, they heard someone calling Xing Mo's name.

"Son!" My son's size is quite conspicuous even in the crowd, so Mother Xing saw them at a glance, and took Father Xing to walk over quickly.

"Mom." Seeing his mother, Xing Mo couldn't help but stepped forward to give her a hug.

"Good son, you are strong!" Xing Mu happily patted her son on the back, and then turned to Lin Luo, "This is Xiao Luo, right? She looks really good, and she looks very cute. You picked him up Treasure!"

"Hello, Uncle, Uncle, Auntie..." Lin Luo's face flushed red, and he stuttered a little when he spoke nervously.

"What kind of aunt do you call me? Just call me the same as Xiao Mo!" Xing Mu looks very similar to Xing Mo in terms of facial features. She is a real beauty. Some people believed that the younger one was Xing Mo's sister.

"I, I..." Lin Luo blushed like a tomato.

Xing Mo pulled Lin Luo back, and said in a doting tone, "Mom, Xiao Luo is shy, so take your time."

"Okay, take your time! What a good boy!" Mother Xing couldn't help reaching out and pinching Lin Luo's face.

"Cough." Father Xing, who had been neglected all this time, coughed twice in a low voice, reminding them of his own existence. Father Xing, who had been the head of the clan for many years, had the majesty of a superior person, and his unsmiling appearance seemed difficult to get close to.

"Dad, are you tired? The car is waiting outside, let's go."

"Yeah." Father Xing nodded slightly, glanced at Lin Luo, took out a small box from the space button, handed it to Xing Mo, and said, "Be nice to him."

"Understood." Xing Mo took the small box with a smile, and then stuffed it into Lin Luo's hand, "This is a gift from Dad."

"Thank you, thank you..." Lin Luo blushed and thanked in a low voice.

In any case, the atmosphere of the first meeting was very good, and the family of four quickly got on the suspension car.

Lin Luo and Xing Mo sat in the back row, Lin Luo was holding a small box in his hand, very curious about what was in it, but he was embarrassed to open it now.

"It's okay, just take it apart if you want." Xing Mo naturally understood what his little lover was thinking, and whispered in his ear.

Lin Luo endured it, did not overcome the curiosity in his heart, unpacked it, opened the small box, and then...

Lin Luo's cheeks blushed when he looked at the exquisitely packaged snacks in the small box.

"This is the most famous brand of Capital Star, and it tastes very good." Xing Mo said with a light smile.

Lin Luo glared at Xing Mo in shame, what did this guy tell his parents about him? Why did you send food when you first met? Could it be that he is a foodie in Xing Mo's parents' mind? QQ

The speed of the suspension car was very fast. In less than half an hour, they returned home. Xing Mo took his parents upstairs to their room.

Although this house is large in size, there are not many rooms. There are only two upper and lower floors, and there are only two bedrooms. Therefore, Lin Luo vacated his own bedroom and replaced it with new sheets and furniture for the criminal father and his wife. The criminal mother lives. And he himself moved to Xing Mo's room. Anyway, even if Xingfu and Xingmu didn't come, they would often sleep together.

Both Xingfu and Xingmu's luggage were packed in the space buttons, and they were all taken out and placed on the bed at this time, ready to be tidied up slowly.

"I, I'm here to help..."

"Okay, Xiao Luo is so good." Xingmu has a very talkative personality. She pulled Lin Luo to pack up her things, and at the same time, she didn't forget to drive her husband and son outside, "What are you going to do, don't Get in the way here!"

Father Xing and Xing Mo both smiled helplessly, and went downstairs to the living room together. They happened to have some things about the company that they needed to talk about.

Although Father Xing has stepped back from the position of patriarch, he is only in his fifties or sixties. According to Xingji's age, he is still in his prime, and he has not yet reached the age of staying at home all day to enjoy his life, so This time he came here to help Xing Mo with the company's affairs. After all, Xing Mo's company has just started and is in great need of manpower.