The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 126


Adonis took a deep breath, raised the smile that has been praised countless times by the world, and walked calmly towards the road that he was familiar with and unfamiliar with.

But when he saw the familiar face, Adonis's hand was shaking uncontrollably.


His voice and smile are alluring, but this transgender beauty is of no use to the person in front of him.

"What are you doing here with me?"

The arrogant star lowered his head in front of the world, and asked the man in front of him carefully in a tone that his fans would never believe.

The man with frost and snow-colored hair turned his head: "Do a routine check."

The new health robot "Ping An No. 0" comes with a needle and a test tube in its hand.

Hearing such a simple answer, the latter was still a little dazed, opened his eyes slightly, and asked in an unbelievable tone: "Just this simple?"

The latter lowered his head to record, his tone very casual: "What do you want? Cut a piece of meat, or contribute your tail?"

"It hurts so much, I don't want it anymore."

"There are safe and painless anaesthetics, which will only produce mild sequelae. You can't use your brain anyway."

The fact that the other party can speak in such a relaxed tone shows that he really doesn't need to pay any price this time.

Before coming here, he almost scared himself to death, but he did not expect to do a routine check.

"That's not necessarily true. After all, I'm allergic. If I break my voice, I'll cry to death."

These days, even actors have to diversify, they can sing and dance, but Adonis has never shown his graceful singing voice in front of the public. Change the voice over again.

Because the mermaid's voice is very special, and the charm of Adonis itself may cause some relatively bad reactions.

The robot's technique of puncturing the needle is very stable and precise, and there is basically no feeling. The needle is pierced, and the blood with a special color is slowly drawn out. Soon the blood in the tube is full, and the little robot retreats, and it does nothing superfluous.

Adonis's tone also became relaxed: "I just don't think I'm that important to you."

If it's just an ordinary routine inspection, as long as the relevant personnel come to the door to draw blood, there is no need for the doctor's knife.

Yan Dong rarely explained: "To me, you are really not important. But to some people, you have done a good job in the past few years."

Compared to other test items, Adonis is indeed a lucky one.

Excellent people can always attract attention from many aspects, and the special identity of the other party has also made her many more powerful fans.

Times are constantly changing, and the existence of those people makes Adonis' status a bit more detached than other test subjects.

This was originally a compliment, especially when it came out of Yan Dong's mouth, it was even more precious, but the obedient person didn't know what was in his brain, and his face became very ugly.

"you can go now."

The five very short words were like a pardon to Adonis.

The latter was relieved and walked out.

But when he came to the door, he turned back.

"That child, why are you at Black Star now?"

After asking this sentence, the charismatic male mermaid had a little regret.

The things of the past are all over, and he should let himself forget and not care about the person who should not be cared by him.

But he just received news that the girl in the same lounge as him came from the famous Black Star.

Thinking of the meaning behind that planet, his heart couldn't help but violently fluctuate.

There are basically only two types of people on Black Star, one is the strong and the other is the weak.

The strong are unscrupulous and can even commit maddening crimes, because they are strong enough to be well protected.

And the weak are exploited in all directions, even if they have good looks or a beautiful voice, it will only make them a more expensive commodity.

Beautiful goods of higher value tend to slip into a more terrifying abyss than those mediocre but blind people.

There is a paradise for the mean and a hell for the weak.

Yan Dong suddenly raised his head: "What did you just say?"

"Nothing... I didn't say anything just now."

He should cherish the peaceful life he has now. He is much luckier than that child, but even he is just a so-called tool person who sells dreams, an existence used by those at the top to rule ordinary people.

He couldn't change anything, and it was impossible for a cold-blooded monster like Dong to do anything for them.

"What you said before, say it again."

The tone of this simple and rude command was a tone that Adonis hated but could not refuse.

He shouted in a bit of a breakdown: "I said why that child is in Black Star, you don't know where it is? Who did you give it to, the pervert in the military, or the betrayer of the night. !"

To the surprise of this adult mermaid, even though he was so rude, Yan Dong did not show an angry expression because of his yelling: "You said he was at Black Star?"

It's already like this anyway, and Adonis simply broke the jar and smashed: "What are you trying to find an excuse to perfunctory me, you can say it straight for any purpose, I can bear it. Anyway, except for yelling like I'm here to greet you. Yelling, I can't do anything. There's absolutely no way I could have mistaken that kid's voice."

When Yu Yu was sent away, he was already in his teens. Although his facial features hadn't fully grown, they were already very beautiful.

For a mermaid family like them who can live for three or four hundred years, the teenage Youyu is still a cub who only needs to be cared for, and his gender is not even really differentiated.

But this cub, who was supposed to grow up happily and healthily by the clan, was sent to kindergarten because of him.

In front of the public, his image is positive and sunny, but only Adonis himself knows that he is actually a terrible person, cowardly and dark.

Nothing but a good-looking face, his insides are rotting.

But he did not regret making that choice.

The story is actually very simple. A group of lunatics produced a batch of experimental products, one of which was a mermaid.

The experiment was created and has no memory. He was thrown into an ordinary orphanage when he was very young. Because he was very good-looking and had no defects, he was quickly picked up by a couple and raised. grow up.

During his upbringing he discovered that his race was a particularly rare being, the merfolk.

Rare races in this era may not necessarily be able to be happy, and some will be monitored, locked up like rare animals, and allowed to be watched by many people.

Mermaids are free by nature, and they must never imagine themselves falling into that scene.

After discovering that he is a mermaid, he has been guarding the secret with trepidation.

But in fact, his every move is in the set procedures, including his adoption, what kind of environment he grew up in, what kind of people he will encounter, and what kind of bad things he will encounter.

The person who made him counted every step, and then added fuel to the flames at the right time, sending him, who was in the differentiation period, to the realm of the real mermaid.

The number of people in this family of mermaids is very rare. They live in the dark and gloomy seabed abyss all the year round, and do not have contact with other humans.

Adonis, who has an incomparable beauty, met his lover in this place.

It was a particularly beautiful female mermaid. Because of her love at first sight, he chose to differentiate into a male.

The artificial mermaid and the real mermaid have a child, Yuyu.

Mermaids are born to sing, and so does Adonis. He sings romantic songs of praise to his lover day and night, until the men of the madman show up.

Only then did Adonis realize that his life was pathetic and ridiculous. Mermaid.

Because of his existence, the place where the mermaids lived was exposed, some mermaids were taken away, and his lover was also in the middle.

People with wild nature are not so easy to tame, which also leads to casualties and sacrifices in the process of fighting.

That is, from that day on, Adonis's life seemed to fall into darkness.

He loves the child, but also hates the child.

His wife gave birth to Yuyu, and the child grew up in the false sea until it was near adulthood, and was brought out, and together with other cubs, was repeatedly experimented.

Adonis didn't live with those mermen, they really hated him and would bite him with sharp claws and teeth whenever they saw him.

But they were very kind to the child. The mermaid family took great care of the cub, and they have been working hard to make the child grow up.

His wife, because the environment has changed. The overreaction was too severe and died after giving birth to this child.

This child is the only bloodline she has left behind, a gift from God that she longs for.

Although he couldn't live with the child, the advanced technology allowed Adonis to see the trajectory of the child's life through the screen and listen to his voice over and over again.

He loves the child and hates the child.

This child was born with a shackle, which firmly locked the free-born mermaid.

Even though he knew it wasn't the kid's fault, Adonis often fell into hatred.

He often thinks of his dead wife, the merfolk who glared at him. A selfish, shameful, and despicable existence like him clearly shouldn't live in the world, but he still lives shamelessly and strong.

He was a genetically defective test subject, and of course the child with half of his blood.

"I'm sorry, Doctor, I lost my temper in front of you as a failure."

The mermaid's tears rolled down the ground and turned into round pearls.

"Today, you don't think you heard anything."

After all, when he sent the child away, he had already made the choice to give up the other party, so no matter how the child fell, he would not care about it, nor was he qualified to care about it.

After all, to have a father like him, for that child, it is better not to have.

The author has something to say: Since entering the middle and late stage, it is a bit brain-intensive, so I adjusted the update frequency, and there are two updates every other day. There is only one update today.

I'm going to use a few days to adjust my somewhat chaotic schedule, good night. You are a genius, remember for a second:, URL..