The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 127


Routine examinations were nothing unusual, and Adonis' blood was as stable as ever.

After all, it was an experimental product with genetic defects, and the other party quickly restrained his emotions, as if the previous hysteria was just Yan Dong's illusion.

Yan Dong said, "Copy the information in your hand to me."

Adonis is not a fool, he vaguely guessed something from Yan Dong's words.

Yan Dong continued: "In exchange, I can give you the latest information about the mermaid family."

After Adonis left the institute to concentrate on being his big star, things on the institute's side were completely cut off from him.

"You took over that project?"

Yan Dong sorted out the information on hand: "I'm not interested in seafood."

Research projects related to mermaids are not controlled by Yan Dong, nor are they favored by him.

There are many researchers in the institute, and each research direction is different. Even if they study the same goal, there are often differences.

As an arctic rabbit born in an icy and snowy environment, Yan Dong has little interest in marine life.

But what he said, he did what he said.

This institute has existed for quite a long time, it can be said that the institute has existed since the establishment of the Federation.

When the war did not subside in those years, the Institute also contributed a lot to it.

To deal with those very ferocious Zerg, in addition to physical weapons, biochemistry has also made a lot of contributions.

Before Yan Dong, there was a very powerful figure in the School of Biology, and that was the founding father who also left a strong mark in the history of the Federation.

However, after the death of the other party, the Institute of Biology fell into decline for a time, and it was only in the hands of Yan Dong that it gained attention again.

An ordinary researcher might not have this right. As the most likely candidate for the future director of the institute, Yan Dong has much more power than Dunis.

"You can also choose not to."

I already know about Black Star, and I also know the reason for Adonis' malfunction. It just takes a little more time to investigate. Anyway, that guy ran away with this kindergarten cub for a long time. He can afford it. .

"Okay, I'll give it to you. But if you can get the news, can you send me a copy?"

Yan Dong looked up at him: "Don't go too far."

The initiative is in his hands, and the other party is not qualified to bargain with him.

The latter smiled bitterly: "I didn't say what I said just now."

After Yan Dong got the relevant video data, he soon discovered that the content had been deleted. This was a copy of several hand data, and he could not restore it without the original equipment.

But he filtered out all those insignificant sounds, and then multiplied all the details, and finally found Xu Qiu's reflection in the eyes of a bird.

The other party didn't look much different from before. The upper body was wearing a white dress, and the lower body was a waist-length dress, made of gauze like stars, which looked like a flowing galaxy.

Dressed in a very gentle style, and the smile on his face is as gentle and sweet as usual.

The young man's eyes were fixed on the enlarged picture, revealing a slightly smug smile: I found you.

After doing these things, he deleted the relevant information and erased all relevant traces.

He also found the little girl who leaked the information to Adonis.

For researchers like them, it is too easy to find a person's information.

Soon, the information of the eighteenth generation of Yun Duoduo's ancestors fell into his hands.

The parents of the other party were just ordinary small businessmen in the beginning. With their smart minds, they seized the opportunity and made a lot of money. When Yun Duoduo was three or four years old, his net worth increased nearly a hundred times.

For a more important project, the other party went to Black Star.

Going to that kind of place is undoubtedly a gamble.

But the other party made the business a star after leaving Black Star, indicating that Yun Duoduo's father was the winner of the gamble.

Who Yun Duoduo's father did business with, and what the content was, was not important to Yan Dong.

He looked at what was written on the document, Changed Black Star's local Cosmic No. 2 Kindergarten, and the corners of his lips moved, revealing a bit of ridicule.

This stupid woman doesn't even know how to change her name.

No. 2 in the universe and No. 1 in the universe, everyone can see the relationship between the two, and Xu Qiu only added a radical.

However, compared to Qiu, the other party is indeed more suitable for the name Chiu, Chiu Chiu Chiu is especially noisy.

Cloud Duoduo came home. When continuing to play the video, the screen suddenly turned into a snowflake state. When it recovered again, she found that the videos that the principal gave her had all disappeared.

Fortunately, she had a backup. The little girl immediately logged into her cloud network and found that all the devices were infected with viruses.

She spent her own pocket money and spent huge sums of money to find the kind of relevant personnel, which was of no use at all. After reading it, she just shook her head and said that it was completely destroyed. Recovery is not possible.

The little girl cried fiercely, and because the matter was relatively big, she even disturbed the adults in the family.

Fortunately, after checking it, all that was left were some less important discarded files.

On the side of Adonis, the data copied by the other party also suffered the same end as the little girl.

Adonis is so gaffe, people who are careful enough will inevitably go back to the source.

Although the possibility of those people knowing is very low, Yan Dong did not want to leave any hidden dangers behind.

The battle in the empire is now lively. The emperor's sons are more ruthless than each other, killing one after another. Bai Sa, the kitten, has nothing, even if it has such a little ability, it is just a cub. In the empire, the powerful Under the weapon, it will only be reduced to cannon fodder.

If you let others know that he not only escaped, but also arrived at Black Star, where danger and opportunity coexist, there is only one fate waiting for him, and that is death.

He did such a small thing casually, and it was considered a little bit of his uncle's intentions, and it had nothing to do with that guy who didn't know what to do.

Half a month later, the research institute approved Yan Dongda's application.

Looking at the destination above, the person in charge of the review rubbed his eyes: "Did you make a mistake?"

He specifically asked the little assistant beside Yan Dong to inquire about the situation.

The latter nodded: "Yes, the doctor heard that there is the largest trading market there, and said that he wanted to go there and look for the direction of research. He is not satisfied with the content of his research."

"Then you can also find a special person, and the doctor will direct it from the air."

"The internal market is definitely not allowed to take pictures secretly, and some things look different through the camera."

Hearing this, the former was awe-inspiring: "The doctor is really amazing, but I want to report this matter to the above. Black Star is more dangerous, and it may be necessary to arrange enough protection personnel."

"The doctor has long thought of it, saying that if there are not so many people, he will be an ordinary seller. If there are too many people, it will attract the attention of others."

If it is so obvious, it will become a target. If you really want to be safe, you should act low-key.

If it weren't for the fear of causing unnecessary trouble, Yan Dong wouldn't even want to go through this procedure at all.

"Okay, I can't make the decision on this matter. I'll talk about it after the above has discussed it."

From Yan Dong's research to the present, yes, the contribution made by the Federation, the Empire, and the entire credibility of the people, is not something that can be overshadowed by the slightest bit.

Yan Dong's request, as long as it is not too crazy, the research institute will try its best to satisfy it.

In Universe No. 2 Kindergarten, Xu Qiu sneezed several times in a row.

"Ah chirp... chirp"

"Headmaster, are you alright?"

"It's okay, maybe a little cold."

The winter on this planet is really too long, she is a little uncomfortable, but the situation is not serious.

"The weather outside today is also very good. Let's go get some sunshine."

Several of the cubs were transformed into their original form, lying on the floor by the window.

The sun in winter is not very strong, and with a layer of glass, it is still a little cold when it comes in.

But it's better to have the sun than no sun, and with so many days of snow, the cubs rarely get sunlight.

Xu Qiu took out a small mirror from his small bag, and the small round mirror with a very cute pattern focused the light.

This is a small round rabbit mirror, with a yellow shell, a round face, and two equally round and lovely ears.

The bright little round spots shone on the ground and looked particularly dazzling.

The kitten lying there originally used its paws to cover the small light spot, and then the refracted beam of light illuminated the place of his paws particularly bright.

A round spot moved on the ground, and the kitten's paws moved quickly.

Jumping up and down, running around.

Xu Qiu teased the kitten with the mirror for a while, then put the mirror away.

When she collected the mirror, she saw a tearful face in the mirror, and Xu Qiu was taken aback.

She reopened the mirror and the face was still crying.

Xu Qiu looked in the direction of the mirror, and there was more than one cub crying silently there.

This kind of bad winter is not so good for the cubs to go out and work hard.

But the kindergarten doesn't have a lot of homework, so that this group of cubs is in a state of doing nothing every day.

In addition to eating and drinking, it is to have fun, and then to sleep.

The new house has a very large home theater, especially in that cyberpunk style.

In addition to the cubs lounging in the sun, there are also cubs sitting on the soft sofa with snacks in one hand and drinks in the other, their eyes fixed on the screen.

It just so happens that what is currently being broadcast is a very popular bitterness drama. The protagonists of the story are a little girl and a little boy. But the story of the little boy and the little girl when they grow up, these cubs basically don't read it. They are only very interested in children who are similar to themselves.

"Wipe your tears."

Xu Qiu put the soft handkerchief on the ground very intimately.

"It's too miserable." The cubs' tears were like a broken faucet that kept falling out, like the kind of people with particularly developed tear ducts, who soon wet their handkerchiefs.

The little girl said, "Qiqi's parents are simply not human. Why are they so mean? They are so mean to their own children."

"Some parents are like that."

Xu Qiu thought about what lessons she could teach the cubs. .

The author has something to say: I am adjusting my schedule. You are a genius, remember for a second:, URL..