The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 131


In the video, rabbits were mercilessly killed, beaten on the head with a stick, hung up and burped, and even some cruel methods.

Of course, the cruel methods in the back are all made by editing, using the props of fluffy rabbits.

The rhythm of the music is just right on the point, and it has the taste of violent aesthetics.

As an arctic rabbit, Yan Dong is influenced by genetics and loves vegetarian food more than meat. Even if you eat meat, you won't touch those snow-white bunnies.

After all, they look a lot like their own prototypes. If it's rabbit meat that can't tell what kind of meat it is after it's done, he doesn't mind eating it.

But this video is obviously a warning hint, Yan Dong looked indifferent: Oh, arrogant woman.

Today's assistant was not able to keep up, because he was dealing with Yan Dong's personal affairs, and the young man stood alone at the door, with a somewhat peerless and independent beauty.

Xu Qiu tugged at the ears of the rabbit doll in his arms. This was made by him in the workshop. It is a one-to-one body, an arctic rabbit doll, and a special long-legged hidden design.

How could such a face grow on this person.

Yan Dong began to lower his head.

The defense system of this house is the result of the cooperation between 008 and Xu Baibai. Even if it is like Yan Dong, without adequate equipment, it is not easy to easily crack it in a while.

So he directly cut off the external power supply, and the power transmission device in the nearby area had a problem, and all the lights went out all at once.

Including this house, there was a sudden power outage.

The generator inside is already working, making that roaring sound, but it will take some time until the house is powered up.

But when Yan Dong raised his head, the screen was still playing in a loop.

The installation circuit at the door is separated from the house. Otherwise, if the power is cut off, there will be a warning about the danger of electricity, and it will become a decoration.

Yan Dong's face darkened, and Xu Qiu in the door also darkened.

What kind of person is this? It's winter now, and it's enough to persecute her house. There are problems in the surrounding area.

Although it is said that it is daytime, the weather today is gloomy, and it looks no different from the evening in summer.

Even if the door is closed and the warm materials are used, the room is still very cold. The energy used on this planet is still relatively simple primary energy, and electricity is one of the most important energy sources.

Although the slum area next door has long been used to the life where the supply is often cut off, the residents of this area like Xu Qiu still rely heavily on the existence of electricity.

She adjusted the screen, and the screen began to be ghostly, constantly playing the picture of the rabbit being knocked on the head in a loop, and it was accompanied by sound.

It is the title of the song of the little crocodile, which is constantly looping and doubling the excitement.

Since the power outage was useless, Yan Dong quickly changed the abnormal data again.

The surrounding lights came on again, and some people didn't even notice that there was a problem with the power supply.

"Let him in."

Xu Qiu issued an instruction, the music was cut off, and the particularly obvious synthetic mechanical sound on the screen said in a sharp tone: "Welcome to visit"

It looks like a horror movie, not warm at all.

The door opened, but no one stayed in the yard, whether it was a robot assistant or a cub, they all stayed in the house.

When it comes to adults, sometimes it's better for children not to interfere. The group of cubs were all driven by Xu Qiu to the sports field to exercise, so that they would make a fuss and would not notice Xu Qiu and the uninvited people. guest.

This level is nothing to Yan Dong. He put down the small machine in his hand and walked in the door with his long legs.

The yard with this house is not very big, and it took only one minute to walk from the trail to the door.

Xu Qiu was in the reception room on the first floor, on the sofa in the living room.

The power supply in the hall has just been restored, and the bright lights above the head have become dim due to insufficient voltage.

In the fireplace opposite, the fire was crackling and burning, and the orange sofa cover seemed to have a very warm feeling.

On the table is a set of tea sets, a small pot made of purple sand, two tea cups of matching size, and a small mini one.

Xu Qiu poured water, washed the cup, and poured tea.

The clear tea flowed down the spout, filling the small cup in an instant.

In the cold weather, the teacup was steaming hot.

Although Xu Qiu put up a video that seemed to be intimidating when she was at the door, she was very generous at this moment: "Please sit down, if you have something to talk about."

She tilted her head and smiled especially tenderly: "Or, you are too scared to sit."

This trick is very low-level, but it works.

Of course Yan Dong couldn't say that he was afraid, so he sat opposite her with kindness.

"What do you mean by the video outside?"

This time, Yan Dong didn't twist and turn around, he simply played a straight ball. After all, he was a straight man who was even straighter than a steel pipe.

"It's not interesting. We just had the whole rabbit feast. The meat is very fresh and delicious. Because it is an activity that everyone participated in, I will take pictures and keep it as a souvenir."

"By the way, the door system reported an error just now. It may be because of the voltage disorder, which caused a certain segment to get stuck, and it continued to play in a loop."

Yan Dong is not angry: "That should be because the producer is too rubbish, such a low-level mistake can't happen in my hands."

Isn't it just yin and yang, and he will too.

Xu Qiu sat up straighter, and she looked at him calmly: "How do you think the video is done?"

Yan Dong looked at the arctic rabbit doll that Xu Qiu had used as a pillow: "It's not very good, the technique is too bad, it's unsightly, I don't know what it is, it's like sitting on pins and needles."

"I also think it feels bad to people. Looking at it, I feel like that rabbit. No matter how fast I run, I can only be slaughtered on other people's territory."

Yan Dong accused her: "I'm thinking of you. If I really did experiments on you, I would have exposed your identity long ago, so I don't have to wait until this time."

"At that time, are you sure you can be the project person who dissects me?"

"I didn't say I was going to dissect you."

Xu Qiu continued to smile, but the smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes, and it looked cold: "It's not an anatomy, it's like Bai Sa and the others wearing a collar that can't be undone at all. Locked up in a small house, doing experiments?"

Humans are actually very fragile creatures. The cubs may not have come into contact with those bright and beautiful worlds, or it may be because they are strong enough. Although they have suffered a lot of injuries, they still survived strong.

But she couldn't. Just thinking about that scene made Xu Qiu feel suffocated.

She would die in those captive conditions. Even if there is food and drink to offer, if the spirit is not satisfied, he will die of depression.

Xu Qiu stared at Yan Dong: "If you want to lie in the laboratory, imprison your freedom, and let your colleagues slaughter you, would you like it?"

There was no need for Yan Dong to speak, she knew that the other party was unwilling.

Yan Dong's tone was firm: "There is no such thing."

"There is nothing impossible in this world. When you encountered that kind of meteorite rain, it is impossible for you to survive, but now you are sitting here."

Xu Qiu's expression was slightly mocking: "If you can't do it yourself, what qualifications do you need to ask me?"

Yan Dong had a headache: "I don't mean that, and letting you leave is also for your safety."

"It's for the sake of precious specimens."

Xu Qiu is not a fool, she has also thought about what it would be like to be targeted by such a so-called regular researcher if her identity was exposed.

Humans who came from 3,000 years ago must have a very precious identity. After all, she is the only one of this special sample, and it must be more valuable to be alive than dead.

But why let her cooperate and let her sacrifice. Self-giving people are of course great and great heroes.

But all these sacrifices and devotions must be based on the willingness of this person. What is it to force others to sacrifice? She has not even eaten a single piece of rice from these people, nor has she enjoyed the benefits brought by each other.

Of course, the person in front of her can also force it, then she is more qualified to hate him, or even hate him.

"You figure out the cause and effect. If you didn't secretly do the experiment without the permission of others, I wouldn't have to leave at all."

Xu Qiu was ruthless and straightforward: "Your sudden arrival directly broke my peaceful life, doing irrelevant monitoring against the wishes of others, and doing this hateful behavior."

She paused, and her originally peaceful mood fluctuated obviously: "We have left that place, so far away from you, and even ran to such a backcountry. But after others left, we used various means to chase after us. For a perverted and shameless person like you, it would be too ridiculous for you to ask me to think of you in the direction of truth, goodness and beauty."

They are all grown ups, don't say such naive words.

If the other party is really a kind and beautiful person, how could Bai Sa, his nephew, fall to that level.

This kind of person doesn't even care about his own family, such a cute cub can be ruthless, Xu Qiu has not been narcissistic to the point, he feels that he is a fascination, and the other person who can be fascinated is dizzy. Give up the great temptation/temptation.

Yan Dong has done all the bad things, why should she trust him unconditionally, just relying on his face and his fluffy fur? I just wanted to make her dizzy and lose her mind.

Their kindergarten cubs have more fluff that feels better than him!

Xu Qiu didn't even expect the other party's apology, he only hoped that this person would stay away from her and the cub, for her kindness for saving him and for Bai Sa's sake, not to disturb their peacefulness. Life.

Yan Dong was silent for a while, and finally said, "The person who first discovered this place was not me, but Yu Yu's father."

"I know the information of all of them, and I can tell you everything you want.". You are a genius, remember for a second:, URL..