The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 135


Xu Qiu gave Yan Dong the simple questionnaire she had made. The questionnaire was divided into three items.

One is about Yan Dong’s overall impression. This overall impression Xu Qiu subdivided into several indicators, and then each indicator was followed by 5 small stars, ranging from 1 star to 5 stars, 1 star means very dissatisfied, 2 stars is generally dissatisfied , 3 stars means nothing, 4 stars means generally satisfied, 5 stars means very satisfied.

One is the evaluation of his ability to work, which is also unintentional, and the other is that he does not want Yan Dong to stay. There are only yes and no options.

If you want him to stay, you don't need to answer the fourth item, if you don't want him to stay, you must write the reason for refusal.

Most of the cubs affirmed Yan Dong's appearance and figure, the taste of clothes, and his smart brains, but they basically expressed their dissatisfaction with his work attitude more or less.

"The minority obeys the majority, everyone doesn't like you, and there's no need for you to stay in this place and make each other unhappy."

Xu Qiu said: "In the research institute, the hatred of others is not important to you because as long as your work can be recognized."

Comparing the research institute to a company, some people may have a rubbish temper, and their work attitude is not serious, but if they can bring high enough value to the company, then the company is willing to spend a lot of money to support him.

The value created by Yan Dong alone is much higher than that of others. Even if those colleagues dislike him, as long as his business ability is very strong, he can still have a good position in the research institute.

But for the kindergarten, Yan Dong is not so important, because the happiness of the cubs and whether they can grow up healthily and happily are important indicators for the kindergarten.

One is the secondary industry, as long as the technology is good, other aspects can be sidelined, and the other is the tertiary industry, and the service attitude has become an important indicator.

"I didn't mean that you can't do it, it's just that you don't fit in with the kindergarten. Some things become rubbish in the wrong place, and some rubbish become treasures in the right place."

Of course Xu Qiu didn't mean to say that the winter was trash, but he also hoped that the other party could examine himself.

Yan Dong asked Xu Qiu in return, "Did I do a bad job as a school doctor before?"

"People may prefer a gentle and amiable young lady more than a fierce doctor."

Xu Qiu did not deny his ability, but if Yan Dong had been serving as the kindergarten's school doctor, it would be a waste of resources.

"You said before that you wanted me to give up the cub, and said that it would attract attention, but you are very attractive yourself. Kindergarten is a place that needs quietness. It is too high-profile and inappropriate."

She doesn't hate Yan Dong so much now, so she can look at the problem calmly and rationally.

If you don't choose from personal feelings, even if it is based on the existing conditions, it is not suitable for Yan Dong to stay.

Yan Dong looked at those comments.

His nephew Bai Sa wrote: Disagree, the reason for disagreement is: Mr. D's expression is not good-looking, as if others owe him a lot of money.

Lily the fox is a smart child, she chose a more tactful way: as a fox, rabbits are her favorite food, and Mr. D's staying will always make her want to eat rabbits, for Mr. D's food For the sake of safety, she felt that it was better for the other party to leave the kindergarten.

This is of course just an excuse. After all, the fox not only eats rabbits, she also loves chickens, and as a human being, Yandong is very different from ordinary rabbits.

Yu Yu is even more tactful: I am allergic to rabbit fur, and when I see Mr. D, my chest is tight and uncomfortable.

Allergies, rashes, chest tightness, shortness of breath and shortness of breath.

The chest tightness and shortness of breath cannot be detected, and it is not what Yu Yu said.

Yuan Jiu said: Mr. D is too indifferent and seriously hurt his fragile heart

There is also the type of kicking the ball, Ding Ding Dong Dong.

Ding Ding: Because Dong Dong said he didn't like it, I didn't like it either.

Dong Dong: Because Ding Ding said he didn't like it, I didn't like it either.

Little Green Snake said: Because he hurt the principal even harder. The head of the garden had to cook an extra dish for him, and he had to think about his recipes every day, which killed many of the head's brain cells.

As for Hua Lan: Mr. D makes me feel very insecure. I heard that rabbits like to eat grass roots.

Muzhi is a little weaker: Actually, I think it's okay, but everyone doesn't like it, so I also vote against it. After all, everyone's ideas are more important than Mr. D.

When he saw this, Yan Dong was a little disgusted, and he didn't even have his own thoughts.

Xu Qiu felt that it was normal. As a race that lived in groups, people were conformist.

Everyone buys things, and others will buy them. Most people hate it, and some people will hate it even if they don't understand it.

Especially cubs, because they have less knowledge, and they have not established a complete world view so quickly, it is difficult to have the ability to think independently, and they are easily influenced by adults.

When you grow up, you will become the person you hate the most. That's what you say, you obviously don't like it, but it is still subtly influenced.

This is also one of the important reasons why Xu Qiu gave up on letting Yan Dong teach the cubs. Although Jin Xingxing is a big star, he does not have the air of a big star. He is careful and gentle when dealing with the cubs.

Those little robot assistants who don't have many feelings all have a very cute face, and they all smile in class, and then try their best to be gentle and considerate to the cubs according to the set program.

Kindergarten teachers are different from high school teachers or college professors. The latter only need to be strong in business, have a sense of responsibility, be humorous and talkative, or be cold and serious. They can even take the technical route, as long as they talk about their majors. Knowledge, can instruct students on the line.

This stage of the cubs is the most important stage of character building. She opened the second kindergarten in the universe. When recruiting human kindergarten employees, gentleness, care, enthusiasm and patience are very important indicators.

Yan Dong is very patient with his research work, but is impatient with the cubs who often chatter and even make people feel noisy.

Well, it's not good if you don't do it well. Yan Dong doesn't intend to reverse black and white, but he has a way to achieve his goal.

He asked Xu Qiu, "Are you planning to find another planet like the desolate star before?"

As long as you have enough money, you can buy a planet of your own. On your own planet, on the premise of not violating federal laws, planet owners can formulate and implement their own laws.

Residents who choose to leave their original household registration and enter this planet are governed by the laws of this planet.

The assets of the planet master are protected by federal laws. Without the permission of the planet master, no one else is allowed to enter the planet of the planet master.

This also means that if no one else reports, Xu Qiu can indeed stay with the cubs for a long time on that undeveloped planet.

Xu Qiu said in a low voice: "We originally lived like this, but because of your arrival, it became like this."

"It's not you, it's them."

Yan Dong met Xu Qiu's surprised look, and explained later, "If you want to blame, you can only blame the forty thieves."

That's right, the 40 hamsters are obviously to blame. If they hadn't watched his planet loot first, he wouldn't have ended up in this place, and Xu Qiu might have been working in the barren star for a long time.

"But aren't they all in jail?"

Xu Qiu has paid attention to relevant news reports. The hamster thieves were sentenced to a full 50 years in prison. If they did not escape, or if the escape was unsuccessful, they should stay in prison until they grow old.

"That's also because they broke the law, they deserved it, and they can't sympathize with him just because they're in jail."

Yan Dong has an indifferent expression on your face.

Xu Qiu took a deep breath: Sure enough, this rabbit is easy to make people angry.

"Do you still want to say that if you want to blame it, it's the meteor shower."

If there are so many idiots like this, do you have to blame the little robot for dragging the other party to the kindergarten, or to blame them for saving this group of troublesome spirits, if they don't save it, there is nothing wrong.

They don't have satellite monitoring in this place. Yan Dong died because of nature. Could the alliance still blow up this planet into fireworks

Yan Dong didn't say anything, but his expression said it all.

"They're wrong, but that doesn't mean you're wrong."

"But the mistakes they made can't be made up, and I can."

Xu Qiu said: "Is there no one to care about the barren star now?"

Before she left, she took all the things that belonged to the system. Without the system, the house built according to the materials in this era will not upgrade itself.

"If your remedy is to let us return to the barren star now, then I refuse."

Who knows if that place is still under federal surveillance, although she has thought of returning to that place one day, but that will have to wait until the cubs grow up and have their own power.

"I can help you get ownership of that star."

"The right to communicate with the outside world is in the hands of the kindergarten, and it is actually under the name of the research institute."

Xu Qiu can use the name of the kindergarten to purchase goods for external exchanges, and she can also use artificial AI to transform relevant identities.

But the status represented by the star is very special: "Even if you use AI to change the information, the people above will come down to inspect any event they find."

These are all made by 008, and Xu Baibai has carried a solid black pot for the system.

Xu Qiu's expression froze.

Yan Dong went on to say: "In your case, I remember that you were a black household. I remember that your information was modified to replace someone else's identity, and then you went to the kindergarten."

It's just a black household with no criminal record at all, so he won't be sentenced to death.

Even on the planet where Xu Qiu appeared, there were many ways to deal with stowaways.

After identifying the other party's aboriginal people, they will be repatriated. If they can't find the identity of the other party, they will be sent to some poor and backward places.

Yan Dong felt a little wrong: "Did you change your data yourself?"

Xu Qiu shook his head: "No."

It was just an accident that she came to this kindergarten. After all, she was unfamiliar with everyone, and there was only a little bit of energy left in the system, and that little bit had to be used to protect her, like the complicated and vast interstellar law. At that time, 008 did not have the energy to download and read.

"Wait, let me see."

Yan Dong hadn't thought about this before, he thought it was Xu Qiu who changed it himself.

Using his own authority, after inquiring about the relevant information on Skynet, the result came out.

It was a case to replace an unjust case, an old man with power, in order to help his lover get out of the crime, according to the relevant information, Xu Qiu replaced another woman, the other party committed the crime of human trafficking and smuggling.

In the relevant report above, Xu Qiu's current state is a state of death, and he was a black household before his death.

The death of the black household will not affect the lives of others and will not attract public attention.

Xu Qiu was actually not the first scapegoat the other party looked for, and certainly not the last.

Yan Dong reported anonymously to the relevant personnel who participated in this line, and the criminal records were all clear and clear.

He didn't ask Xu Qiu for credit. After doing this, he continued the previous topic.

"It doesn't matter if they don't like me, I don't have to stay in the kindergarten or participate in any kindergarten-related work."

Yan Dong said: "You can choose to go back to the previous planet and continue what you want to do, there is another way, to another small planet, I will sign an asset transfer certificate and transfer the similar asteroid to you. ."

The property handling fee of the institute is more troublesome, but the property under his name is at his disposal.

"There are twenty-eight idle small planets under my name. You can choose the most suitable one. The only requirement is to leave me a piece of land and build a private research institute on it."

Xu Qiu didn't speak because he was too shocked.

Yan Dong thought she was dissatisfied with this condition, and added: "It will be more troublesome to go through the formalities of the research institute, and it is not impossible if you insist on the original planet."

"Private research institute, does it have to be large in size? I may not be able to afford the equipment inside."

Yan Dong looked at her in surprise: "Of course I provided the funds for the research institute myself."

He has so much money that he has nowhere to spend it. Before, he would chase the top 40 thieves out, but he just didn't like others robbing him.

Checked the assets under his name: "Correct, you can now choose from 30 small planets."

The federal funds are limited, so the unknown planets that are too lazy to spend money to develop are awarded to him as project rewards.

The author has something to say: Yan Dong: These planets have been contracted for you (you have already bought them). You are a genius, remember for a second:, URL..