The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 137


After the Desolate Star was transferred to Xu Qiu, she re-named the star, hope.

Hope Star: I hope the cubs can grow up healthy and healthy, I hope this planet will become prosperous and strong, I hope she and 008 can save enough energy to go home.

She rearranged the identities of the cubs, and after the ownership of the Hope Star fell into her hands, it took about a month to record the names of the cubs.

Although for her, the real worry was that Yan Dong leaked their news, but Xu Qiu still had to deal with the details.

She always told herself that she could give some people proper trust, but she couldn't rely too much on others.

After getting the initial foundation, the cubs, accompanied by Xu Qiu, took the spaceship to their future home.

When they saw the ruins of the city from the sky, the cubs let out a cry of amazement.

The sharp-eyed cub saw the bright color in the middle of the ruins: "Little Red Flag!"

The kindergarten also has such a small red flag, which is hung on a high pole every day, fluttering in the wind, full of vitality.

After leaving the place where they had lived for more than a year, the cubs were a little empty when they came to an unfamiliar place, but when they saw the familiar little red flag, they suddenly felt the environment below was kinder.

The aircraft got closer and closer to the ground, and soon stopped on the ground, and then opened the hatch.

No matter how small the spaceship is, it will bring relatively large air waves when it lands.

Therefore, the place where Xu Qiu and the others landed was the spaceship base originally used for transportation in this city.

Xu Qiu walked out of the hatch first, then stretched out his arms to the cubs, and the little fox rushed directly into Xu Qiu's arms like a small cannonball.

She hugged the cubs one by one and put them down one by one.

After all, this is the first time for these future residents to come to this place, so Yan Dong is also there. Seeing this scene, Yan Dong can't help but whisper, "Childish."

Just kidding, these are real cubs. Of course they are naive. If they are old-fashioned at a young age, it will be a headache.

But after all, she was someone who had just helped Xu Qiu, so she was not good at crossing the river and demolishing the bridge.

Xu Qiuquan pretended not to hear, and took the cubs one by one.

A group of cute little radishes followed behind her, taking a fully autonomous vehicle and driving to the kindergarten in the center of the city.

Most of the city is in ruins but you can still see the glory that once happened in the city.

In the tall building, the cubs looked up hard with their necks raised, but they couldn't see the top.

"How tall are these buildings?"

"It looks like there are dozens of layers."

"You're bad at arithmetic, it looks like there are hundreds of layers."

The cubs quarreled, and Bai Sa said, "I think it should be around the 100th floor."

"It's the one hundred and twenty-eighth floor." No one else said this, and it was suitable for Yan Dong, who was escorting them but was crammed into another car to stay with the little robot assistants.

"Now there are only one hundred and twenty-six floors, with a total height of four hundred and eighty-eight meters."

This time, it was Xu Bai who spoke in vain. As far as knowledge is concerned, no one else knows more information than him, a real artificial intelligence.

For the first time, all the cubs gave Xu Baibai their approval.

After all, Xu Baibai was on their side, and it was a fight for their face.

008 was a little annoyed. This kind of data can also be calculated quickly, and it can also tell Xu Qiu.

Xu Qiu is very open about this kind of thing, everyone has their own strengths, and she doesn't want to become a decathlon superman, who wants to be the first everywhere.

A person has to work hard to keep getting better, keep learning, but also allow himself to fail in certain aspects.

It's a good thing for the cubs to learn a little more skills and knowledge, but Xu Qiu doesn't want them to follow her "example", who is too hard on themselves and pushes themselves too hard.

If you really want to compare it, it can be compared to cooking. As far as that rabbit's craftsmanship is concerned, it is definitely not as delicious as Xu Qiu's cooking.

In painting and some arts, Yan Dong is not as good as her.

It's not about skills. People like Yan Dong who have strong operational skills can use their very strong learning and operational skills to play music with very strong skills.

But he lacks emotion, and without contagious music, it cannot be called art.

It is a fool to use one's own weaknesses to compare others' strengths.

In addition to tall buildings, there are many dilapidated buildings on this street, wind-blown signboards, deeply sunken vehicles, broken windows, and neon lights covered in thick dust.

Even after so many years, humans still like colorful lights, but these lights can no longer shine because no one has repaired them.

If you look closely, you will find a dark layer above these lamps, some of which are actually the corpses of those little moths.

Compared to humans, these little bugs can live much longer.

Looking at these pictures, you can imagine that there used to be a very prosperous city here, feasting and feasting, these little moths yearning for the light, doing things like their predecessors.

The city after the loss of human beings is actually very beautiful. All kinds of plants climb up those tall buildings, and their vitality appears to be incomparably tenacious.

When they passed by on the road, some strangely-looking little animals ran out.

This is a barren planet, but unlike the barren planet where the cubs were originally, humans have evacuated this small planet, and it still has all kinds of life.

They can't speak, and they can't use tools like humans, but in those clear eyes, clear and bright colors shine, vivid and beautiful under the sun.

Due to the changes in the streets, some places have accumulated water, sparkling in the sunlight, shining with colorful lights.

"Colorful deer! Director, we saw the deer fairy!"

A cub screamed excitedly. Xu Qiu followed her voice and looked over, and sure enough, he saw a deer by the edge of the puddle.

Of course, the other party is not a colorful deer, but a very ordinary little deer, but after the change of time, the size of the little deer is much larger than Xu Qiu's memory.

The deer has a cute face and looks innocent and innocent.

It may be because it has not seen humans for too long, it is not afraid of people at all, and it still lowered its head and took a sip of water leisurely.

Xu Qiu was also a little nervous and calmed down like this little deer: "Yes, it's a little deer, anyone who sees a little deer in the legend will have good luck, and we will have good luck in the future. "

"I love this place."

Yuan Jiu heard the chirping of birds.

On a tall tree, there are two chubby little birds who are very loving at first sight.

It flew up and circled three times on Xu Qiu and the others' heads.

As a bird who likes to build nests in trees, Yuan Jiu is very happy: "We won't leave here in the future."

They have all moved several times. Although it is said that birds yearn for freedom, Yuan Jiu is not just a bird, he is still a cub with human blood.

Xu Qiu looked at Yan Dong, Yan Dong looked at her at first, and then avoided her gaze.

Xu Qiu smiled and brushed off the super-fine fluff on the cubs' bodies: "If you like it, just stay."

This planet has a vast sky, a variety of jungles, and a blue sea about a few hundred kilometers away from the city.

They have ports, ruined roads, schools, and libraries.

When human beings left, these traces that once belonged to human civilization were all abandoned here.

After all, the products of these industries are not so important relative to the cost of transportation.

But with her here, the city will surely renew its glory at the fastest speed.

When signing the agreement with Yan Dong, Xu Qiu also signed a related arms agreement with him.

They must not only develop the economy, but also develop their own weapons. This weapon will not be easily shot against innocents, but a powerful weapon will be their best defense.

When they were still far away, the cubs were excited. Among the gray buildings and the green, the existence of the kindergarten was just a little bit of red in the green.

"Little red flag, our little red flag!"

Today is a very good weather, the sun is shining, the breeze is stretching, the little red flag raised early, fluttering in the wind, as if waiting for the arrival of the cubs.

In front of the gate of the kindergarten, there is a signboard familiar to the cubs.

The first kindergarten in the universe, on the signboard, are the paw prints that the cubs are very familiar with, the familiar pink building and the familiar notice board.

According to the model in Black Star, Xu Qiu separated the kindergarten from the dormitory building, which was separated by a road.

The cubs open the door of the house and they can see the opposite side!

The kindergarten is still in the style of the second kindergarten in the universe, avoiding the cubs thinking about the past that made them sad.

But Xu Qiu didn't want to lose the good memories that everyone created in the first kindergarten.

Those signs that were a little gray from the wind were carefully cleaned and polished by her, and then they were nailed to the new gate according to their original positions.

The cubs cheered: The principal brought back the first work they made by themselves!

The group of silly cubs ran out, Xu Qiu looked at the cubs, and the whole person seemed to glisten in the sun.

Yan Dong glanced at the cubs, and then at Xu Qiu.

Before that, he always felt that Xu Qiu was doing useless work. After all, the things she brought were not very powerful things, and they could even be called garbage.

But these people are very happy.

The cubs don't care, Xu Qiu, a special adult, is also like this, which makes Yan Dong a little bit incomprehensible.

If the evolutionary direction he wants to study is Xu Qiu's, then humans are still in a degenerate state.

But looking at it, Yan Dong felt again. There was a warm feeling between them, which made him feel a very special and unfamiliar feeling in his heart watching this scene.

He had never experienced this kind of feeling, and he carried an emotion analyzer with him and said: This is called envy, and yearning.

Yan Dong turned off the emotion analysis machine expressionlessly. This machine needs to be improved, so he wouldn't feel envious. .You are a genius, remember for a second:, URL..