The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 139


At this time, the door of the kindergarten opened from the inside.

Xu Qiu held a lot of clothes in his hands. These clothes were all brand-new, but they had to be tried first. If they were too big or too small, they had to be modified to a certain extent.

The cubs grew up really fast. Compared to when Xu Qiu first met, their stature had changed a lot. Like bamboo shoots after the rain, they grew very fast.

Seeing the cubs waiting outside, a bright smile rose on Xu Qiu's face.

"Exactly, you haven't eaten yet, let's try on new clothes first."

With new clothes to wear and new toys to play with, this group of pups will be happy every time.

But this time was different. When the cubs saw Xu Qiu, their expressions were not happy at all, but rather sad.

What's going on here

She glanced at the clothes on her hands. Could it be that the clothes were too ugly

When he was at Black Star, because there were ready-made stores, Xu Qiu also wanted to allow the cubs to better integrate into the outside world. Many of their subsequent items were bought directly from the malls run by wealthy people in the Upper East Side. , many of which are popular elements of the season. The cubs acted like they were.

This time, the clothes he designed were not particularly bold and unrestrained. They used classic styles, which were very fancy, but the bright colors could attract the cubs' eyes.

It has been more than half a year since the last time she designed clothes for the cubs. Has her aesthetic been so bad? !

"If you really don't like it, you can wear the old kindergarten uniform, but you must wear the new hat."

For example, when they graduated, some classes were relatively rich, so they would customize special class uniforms, and some would just wear simple school uniforms, and the results were not bad.

"Chief, don't go!"


Some cubs cried on the spot, snot and tears.

One by one, they hugged Xu Qiu's thigh and hugged Xu Qiu's arm. The little green snake also circled around Xu Qiu's arm several times, with an expression that would never let go if she didn't agree.

"What's the matter? Who said I was leaving?"

Xu Qiu was confused, she looked at Bai Sa and Zhuniang, who were relatively calm, "Bai Sa, Zhuniang, what did you two tell me?"

Zhu Niang's eyes were also red: "Didn't the principal say that he will leave us after graduation. If that's the case, we don't want to graduate at all!"

What's so good about new clothes, they don't want to wear graduation clothes for the rest of their lives.

Xu Qiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and it wasn't because the graduation uniform was too ugly to cry.

"You graduated from kindergarten, but you will soon go to primary school. I will be the principal of the primary school for a while."

"What about our original kindergarten?"

Xu Qiu said: "In the original kindergarten, new teachers and students will be arranged."

If a planet wants to develop, it must have a steady stream of fresh blood. If it is a strong worker, other planets will generally hold back and refuse to let people go. Xu Qiu is willing to accept immigrants, and there should be many people coming.

Xu Qiu had communicated with the people on Black Star before. Those who have some skills and are relatively strong can take their wives and children out of that dark place, but there are still many people who are stuck in that kind of hard work all day long. among.

Even thousands of years ago, in some poor and backward countries, there were still a lot of child laborers. When they were born, they could not have the opportunity to receive any education. When they grew to a certain level, they would be sold by their parents. For those big capitalists, do some complicated work.

Their pay is just one meal, and it's the unhealthy and nutritious kind.

Except like captive monkeys and gorillas.

The gap between the rich and the poor has always existed. Thousands of years later, human beings have evolved in different directions and some civilizations have been lost. Instead of weakening, the division between classes has increased.

Xu Qiu can take away many of these children at a small cost. Her biggest cost should be transportation.

If you open your eyes to look at the world, poverty, backwardness, ignorance, and inequality have never disappeared.

Every time Xu Qiu sees relevant news reports, he will feel shocking and can't bear to think about it.

She was very lucky to be born in a fairly wealthy family, with loving parents, a harmonious life, and a lot of love.

Even in a completely unfamiliar world, 008 is still with me, so I have always been full of hope in life and willing to live firmly.

Three thousand years ago, she couldn't do much. At that time, she could only make donations and volunteer during holidays.

There are some children who have had a worse and worse life. Because they are separated from the country, they can only say sorry in their hearts.

I'm sorry, she can't help a little, and even to live a better life, she can't be in a bad mood all the time.

Now that Xu Qiu is capable, she still can't help all, but she can only help some people.

Of course, when these children grow up, some of them grow crooked and embark on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes, and the robot responsible for enforcing the law will never be soft-hearted.

"Then do you still care about those students?"

Xu Qiu shook his head: "I won't take them personally."

If he was like the cubs and spent time with those children every day, Xu Qiu would definitely be soft-hearted.

Even if she did something bad, she couldn't help but excuse the other person. People's hearts are inherently biased. Xu Qiu wanted to be as upright as possible, so it's better not to get involved with too many people.

"Very good!"

Hearing this, the cubs were very happy.

Muzhi reacted as if he shouldn't be so happy. After all, the principal said that love is to be shared with each other, so that everyone will have a lot of love and can't be a selfish person.

But now, she is happy that the principal did not teach others, which is really shameful.

She said in a thin voice, "Chief, am I going too far?"

Xu Qiu smiled and shook his head: "Some loves are very broad, but some loves can't be given to too many people. If you love other people as you love me, I will be a little sad. This is human nature, not a shameful thing. ."

Xu Qiu has always taught the cubs to grow in a better direction, unity, friendship, kindness, and sharing.

"Have you read the story of the little gray cat?"

The cubs shook their heads.

"There was a little gray cat who pushed a cart to sell kebabs. He tasted it and ate it by himself. People around him also thought it was delicious, and then asked the little gray cat, "Will you hurry up?" Order the roast, we'll buy it."

Xu Qiu's voice was very gentle, like gurgling water: "The little gray cat was roasted, but he didn't sell it, he ate it all by himself, and he was very happy to see others angry but couldn't eat. When the cat came out to sell skewers again, no one paid him any attention. He thought, if no one eats such delicious skewers, he will eat them himself. He thinks the skewers are not tasty anymore."

"This little gray cat is so stingy!"

"That's right, he came out to sell skewers, but he deliberately made a mess."

Everyone criticized the little gray cat one after another. Someone in the distance listened to this story and dismissed it.

The ending of this story must be that the little gray cat grilled a lot of skewers, and then selflessly shared it with those people, and everyone happily ate it together.

It's a falsely shared story, and if it were him, he wouldn't be happy to share it.

Xu Qiu smiled and shook his head: "I told this story, not to tell everyone this. Sometimes sharing can make people happy, but monopoly is also very happy."

The little gray cat is unhappy behind, is it because no one shares it, of course not. It is clearly because no one is watching him eat and cannot provide that kind of envy and jealousy.

What others don't have, you have, which in itself is a thing that makes people feel happy.

The good things that I have, I want to hide them carefully, just like the dragon guarding the treasures. The dragon guards the shiny treasures and is very happy. If someone dares to steal his things, the evil dragon will Woooooo spit fire and burn the opponent to ashes.

"Even if it is me, after becoming an adult, I will have such emotions. This is a normal thing, and there is no need to feel ashamed and sorry for it."

Xu Qiu blinked: "In this world, some things are not necessarily shared. Like Lily, her mother is her mother alone. If her mother has other children, then Teacher Jin is two people. My mother, but apart from Jin Xingxing, no one is qualified to ask Lily to share her mother. If Lily is unwilling, she can also express her wishes and thoughts to her mother.”

Lily is now six or seven years old. Jin Xingxing, as a parent, of course has the right to have children by herself, but the older children who are already sensible should be patiently comforted and guided.

Facing up to your own flaws, imperfection, is also a sign of growing up.

Yan Dong in the distance: A bunch of false ideas, but they seem to make sense.

Xu Qiu smiled: "My energy is also limited, although I can share some love out, but it's like taking care of everyone. Taking care of other cubs will also be very hard. Occasionally, I must be allowed to be lazy, yes. ?"

Of course, when these cubs grow up, she is still here, maybe she will take care of a new batch of cubs, and then she will be gentle, careful and considerate like Yuan Jiu.

Treat new pups.

But this fact, don't tell the cubs before they grow up.

The cubs said in unison, "Of course!"

Xu Qiu stretched out his clothes: "Now, let's try on the clothes."

The author has something to say: I want to take a break. Continue are a genius, remember for a second:, url..