The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 142


Make sure it's the parent of the cub and not someone else in a mess, Xu Qiu is a little bit safe

Xu Qiu asked him, "Would you like to come and see me?"

Yan Dong looked at her: "?"

Xu Qiu said, "I mean, all of you are parents of students, so maybe you can have a common language."

"What language can I have in common with that bat?"

Yan Dong was very disgusted with Duke Oran, he had nothing to say to a bat with a brain the size of a walnut.

Xu Qiu smiled: "I think you can set an example for him. After all, this gentleman came uninvited, and it's a little dangerous. If you are here, everyone will feel very safe."

Her words sounded like compliments, and Yan Dong was inexplicably very useful.

"You are too weak."

Seeing Xu Qiu coming over in confusion, Yan Dong coughed lightly: "It's nothing, the blood race is really troublesome, and it's too impulsive and mindless. I'd better go out with you?"

 When Xu Qiu came out, the vampire standing at the door took his feet back.

It took him a lot of effort to find the real location of the two little cubs. If possible, he still hopes to solve it in a peaceful way.

That war that year had a huge impact.

The blood race was in decline, and both were lost to their old enemies, but it was those cunning humans and mixed races who took a lot of advantage.

After so many years of deep sleep, a certain vampire who woke up discovered that this world has long been different.

The double blow of love and career back then was so great that the current Duke of Oran couldn't afford to fight.

He just wanted to live a peaceful and stable life and raise cubs.

But the premise of raising cubs is to see the cubs first. This kindergarten does not know what special method is used to isolate the breath of the cubs, so that he can't find anyone at all.

Xu Qiu's eyes on the ground outside the kindergarten. Although they have special cleaning robots, there will be a lot of dust on sunny days. It is impossible for the ground outside the kindergarten to be spotless all the time.

There is an obvious piece of land at the door, and the dust is much less than in other places. Obviously, this parent who is not very patient has rubbed it out.

But the traces are only left on the outer surface, even if the other party is anxious, they still obey the rules.

If the other party is not in a hurry at all, Xu Qiu will also feel that he is not good at Ding Ding Dong Dong

The door opened in the direction of the interior. Before Xu Qiu spoke, it was judged that she was letting go. The tall and handsome man walked in, staring at Xu Qiu with crimson eyes: "Where are they?"

He couldn't hold back and used hypnotism.

Then His Excellency the Duke of Oran was beaten.

The one who hit him was none other than Yan Dong who got up with Xu Qiu. The other party held a gun with silver bullets in it.

The speed of the gun was so fast that the Duke of Oran barely escaped.

The man finally did not hide his dangerous face, and pointed fangs appeared at the corners of his mouth.

No matter who this guy who suddenly appeared, dared to do anything to him, he would have to pay the price in blood.

Yan Dong didn't take him seriously, he played with the gun in his hand: "Put away your restless eyes, if you still want something."

Even if it is a blood race, it is only a creature with harder skin than ordinary humans. There are no real undead creatures in this world, and the blood race will be wiped out and die.

As a researcher who studies multiple biological projects, the gun beside Yan Dong, in addition to ordinary bullets, also has annihilation bullets that can destroy blood races.

It's not that Olan's appearance was the result of Yan Dong's calculations? He was just used to planning ahead. Before the other party had woken up, Yan Dong had constructed the current situation.

Aolan, who was particularly sensitive to danger, smelled the danger, but Xu Qiu, who was confused by him, did not stand up to speak for him, let alone block the gun for him.

Xu Qiu asked, "What did he do to me just now?"

According to the results of Yan Dong's research, if it is a special ability of this race, it will basically be ineffective when used on Xu Qiu.

There is?  physical attack, of course it is still useful to Xu Qiu.

But usually, this race is reluctant to physically attack Xu Qiu.

In the calculation of the system, Duke Oran's favorability for Xu Qiu was still a positive number.

Because the blood clan likes sweet blood, Xu Qiu's blood is very attractive to him.

However, the degree of favorability calculated by this system cannot be too trustworthy.

Because human beings are very complex creatures, especially for some people, no matter how high their favorability is, it will not affect them in the slightest to do things that are very excessive in normal ethics.

To be more precise, it is precisely because they care that they do such things to specific candidates, such as closing a small dark room, robbing them or something.

In the eyes of most people, if the person they like opens up, they open up, but some people are different, they love themselves the most and are paranoid and morbid.

Immune to this ability is a good thing most of the time, especially when taking care of this special cub, but this also led to the fact that Duke Oran did something bad, and Xu Qiu didn't know it.

Yan Dong's words were hard to hear: "What else could it be? Spring is here, and the low-level creatures like them who can't control themselves are going to have sex everywhere."

When he said such words, it reminded Xu Qiu of Teacher Zhao from the animal world. It was obviously the kind of word with a little color, and it was a very academic and pure tone, which would not make people think of any serious content.

The opponent's attacks were basically indistinguishable. Standing beside Xu Qiu, Yan Dong was of course affected.

He was affected at the first time, but he recovered quickly and shot back directly at the opponent.

Compared with the sudden appearance of the parents of the students, Xu Qiu is of course more trustworthy.

Her attitude towards the Duke of Oran was obviously more indifferent than when they first met.

Today is not the cubs' opening ceremony, tomorrow is.

Of course, if there is an accident, they can also postpone the time.

Nothing is more important in this place than the cubs. Although the construction plan of the city is also very important, other itinerary plans can be changed for the sake of the cubs.

However, Xu Qiu is a person who likes to be lawful. It is not easy to come here like other guests on Black Star. Of course, it is better if there is no trouble.

She asked directly: "Did you come here today to make a mess?"

Oran showed a surprised expression: "Dear principal, why do you think so?"

Xu Qiu's expression became more subtle, it was a feeling of being greasy.

"If? If there is no problem with my memory, today is our first time meeting. We are not familiar with each other. Please don't add all kinds of strange names in front."

This? Oran is really sure that this lovely girl whose blood smells very delicious is immune to his charm.

The man beside her was also tricky.

The Duke of Oran was a very proud man, but he was not a fool with only pride.

"Sorry, this is the habit of our species, it's just the conditioned reflex of seeing too beautiful creatures."

Yan Dongkai sneered: "The reason why people are human is because they can control their so-called primitive instincts. If they can't control even this, they are different from ordinary animals."

This kind of unpleasant talk about yourself and the cubs you have a good impression of will have a feeling of anger and brain congestion, but it sounds good when used on people who hate and dislike it.

Especially someone like Xu Qiu, who doesn't speak trash at all, is quite comfortable.

"If you are here to make trouble, please leave, or we will enforce local laws and arrest you on the spot."

The advantage of being a planetary owner is that the laws on this planet are drawn up by Xu Qiu. On the basis of not violating human nature and federal laws, the planetary owner has considerable freedom.

Xu Qiu's voice was gentle, but her tone was firm, and anyone could tell that she wasn't joking.

"I have no ill will."

The Duke of Oran said: "For some reason, I haven't seen those two children for many years. They are the heirs of the blood family and should have a better life. I apologize for the previous offense."

In front of Xu Qiu, this kind of apology seems to be easy to say.

The beginning of everything is difficult. After the first sentence is said, there is nothing that cannot be said in the following words.

"In fact, the two of them are still very young, and our blood family has a long lifespan. I want to take advantage of this time after the kindergarten graduates to pick them up."

Oran said: "As their father, I think I have this right, I'm sorry to bother you so much, and thank you for taking care of them before."

A dissenting voice suddenly sounded from behind: "Director, don't listen to him. If he really said it so well, why would he have to rob my spaceship before getting down."

Jin Xingxing is very vengeful. The account of her fright in the spaceship before has not yet been accounted for by the guy in front of her.

Although this man does have Zhang Yingjun's face, and when she looks at each other, her mind is also not clear.

But just when she was alone in the room, Jin Xingxing's sanity returned, and she couldn't help but get annoyed.

This strange man came with her. If she didn't know this, she would have thought that she brought this guy here on purpose.

Never let the principal mistakenly think that he is with him!

At this critical moment, the cubs emerged from the graduation rehearsal.

They had heard the movement outside before, just in order not to affect the graduation ceremony, although they were very curious, they still stayed in the room and did not come out.

Knot? After hearing the words behind, the eyes of the cubs turned to the brothers Ding Ding and Dong Dong.

Lily came to her mother, and most of the other cubs here mentioned and missed her mother. This was the first father of the kindergarten cubs.

Compared with the sweet, soft, gentle and lovely mother, the creature like father is really annoying.

All the men in the world are so self-righteous. Although most of the cubs in the kindergarten are boys, they don't feel that it has something to do with them when they speak ill of men. After all, everyone is a child, and none of them are men.

The two little bats probed their brains and said loudly, "We won't go with you!"

The author has something to say: Jiyou's article, you can read it if you are interested

"Simulated Lord [Infrastructure]" - Li Jiuge

"Simulation Lord", an infrastructure game with an oriental fantasy background, starts with a wasteland full of wild monsters, with nothing left, even the land and rivers are polluted, and the difficulty is called hell mode. But Lan Yao not only survived, but also built twenty huts with empty hands, and obtained a piece of purified land and river. The only thing that is not so good is that after cheating marriage and money with five NPCs in a row, he got the title of "Famous Scum".

You can't blame yourself, you can only blame the game for being too perverted! Any primitive accumulation of capital is full of sin! Lan invites to think so.

However, when she was about to recruit people, she entered the game world. At this time, three years later, the built huts were deserted, and the land and rivers were polluted by wild monsters.

Lan invites to pick up the big sword, and to his sorrow, I want to be the big lord!


It is rumored that the big scumbag Lan Yao will disappear from the world after cheating marriage and money every time. The arrogant and indifferent noble son Chi Yishu hates this kind of scumbag the most. He yearns for pure and sincere feelings.

Until he met Lan Yao, it was all right, the rumor was wrong, he and Lan Yao would definitely be the best home for each other.

Then one day he found his diary.

Oh, it turns out that the five idiots who were cheated on marriage and fortune were himself. .You are a genius, remember for a second:, URL..