The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 143


The first time he saw the twins, the Duke of Oran recognized that they were his own children, and the power of blood was very special. 's blood seemed to be boiling, and those ruby-like eyes shone with quite moving colors.

"My dear baby, I am your father."

The vampire is a powerful but willful race. As a very noble duke, Oran has almost been a pure blood and high-status existence among vampires since he was born.

The blood clan no longer has a king. The fall of the emperor and the eternal sleep have caused the blood clan to be greatly damaged. A level like Oran has never tasted the taste of bowing his head to the emperor.

This also caused him to be willful when he started the war, and then he was forced to fall into a deep sleep because of the injury, and has not woken up until now.

It can be said that he is worthy of himself, worthy of others and blasphemy, and the only ones who are sorry are his two children.

Ding Ding Dong Dong showed that subtle expression, and retreated back in disgust. The little bat as the older brother hid behind his younger brother, and then the younger brother hid behind his older brother, just like playing a game. past.

"Hey... he speaks so nauseously."

"Probably the greasy middle-aged man"

Since the cubs started taking film criticism classes, they also began to watch some Tucao programs.

Xu Qiu will not only play those classic and good movies, but also some trashy movies.

If you have only seen the good things and have not seen the bad things, you will never know how good the former is and where it is.

Contrast is more tragic, and cognition can be more profound.

Xu Qiu said that people should look at problems dialectically. If they only search for and recognize themselves, they will easily become stubborn, and they will not be able to see the whole picture of things.

In order to explain this truth to the cubs more vividly, Xu Qiu specially bought several starfruits from the system mall.

A star fruit, what is the cross-section when it is cut

When viewed from one side, the star fruit is flat, but when viewed from above, the half-section of the star fruit is pentagon.

This story is a text that Xu Qiu learned in a Chinese class before. She was as shocked as the protagonist in the text at that time.

Later, she thought about it for a long time, and saw that the star fruit was specially bought to eat, and did the test in the text, but the star fruit is much more unpalatable than other fruits.

The props that shocked Xu Qiu at the beginning also shocked the cubs.

Xu Qiu also performed a trick for the cubs, not only starfruit, but also small stars hidden in the round apples.

Each pup was given two and a half apples and two and a half starfruits cut open.

After that, when the cubs are looking at something, in addition to positive reviews, negative reviews, they will go to see.

If you think it makes sense, just write it down, and skip the comments that are obviously rambunctious.

Of course, these are just one of the reasons why they watch commentary programs. The cubs are so excited to complain about it, mainly because the performance of complaining is too good, the expressions and language are very happy, and everyone can learn to scold people without swearing.

The previous cub was angry, and when he wanted to scold someone, he would only go over and over again, and he would only say a grunt, and his momentum was weaker than others.

The cub after reading it: learning is abolished, learning is abolished.

After all, such things as poisonous tongues also require talent.

Like some gentle and gentle cubs, even if they look cool, when they go into battle, they can only do: Aba Aba Aba.

The two little bats are considered to be the strong learners among them. They used to be able to sing double reeds when they sang together, but now they are even more powerful than before.

After slamming their father, the two little bats pushed and shoved, giving each other humility.

"Dong Dong, you go and talk to ."

"No?, brother or you go!"

"It's your father."

"No no no, it's your father."

The two little bats gave each other humility. Although they didn't say a single bad word, their disgust was beyond words, which greatly pierced the heart of Duke Oran.

In front of Xu Qiu, you can show a tough attitude, what are you talking about? Trash talk to take the cubs away.

But when he really came to his own children, he looked like a good father who couldn't do anything about his own children.

Seeing him like this, Jin Xingxing couldn't help but feel a little affectionate, but she thought of how she was treated on the spaceship before. , she immediately shook the idea out of her head, trash men deserve to be disliked.

In the end, Xu Qiu made a rescue: "Although Ding Ding Dong Dong is your child in terms of blood relationship, according to the law, you are not qualified to take them both away."

Duke Oran was too nervous at the moment, so he could only forcefully divert his attention, and put all his energy into fighting Xu Qiu: "Which law stipulates that I am not qualified for this."

The other party asked this question, and Xu Qiu answered quite confidently: "We hope that the laws of Xing will stipulate it."

Xu Qiu said: "You threw them away at the beginning and committed the crime of abandonment. On our planet, anyone who commits the crime of abandonment will be put in a large prison, but those serving sentences in prisons are not qualified to take care of children. cub."

"You want to lock me up?!"

The human girl in front of her is really bold.

As a father, the Duke of Oran certainly couldn't be angry with his own children, but it was different for Xu Qiu.

Although according to the information he investigated, Xu Qiu has taken good care of the cubs, but you can't expect a blood clan duke who has been served by blood servants since childhood to know gratitude.

It's not a matter of course that the noble duke is served.

Duke Oran's tone and eyes became very dangerous, and his fingernails skyrocketed.

Then, after only three seconds, he fell to the ground with a plop.

Standing beside Xu Qiu, Yan Dong silently put away the gun: "It's too noisy, noisy."

Xu Qiu glanced at the two little bats, but the two brothers had a happy expression on their faces, and they didn't care about their father at all.

Xu Qiu didn't go over to check the situation, but asked Yan Dong, "Isn't he dead?"

The originally handsome vampire turned into a big bat that looked several times bigger than the cubs.

"It's just anesthesia, it's fine."

Yan Dong is disdainful of lying, let alone lying about such a boring thing.

As long as he doesn't die, Xu Qiu will never abuse his emotions in the face of the guy who came to find fault, and he might even be a dangerous person.

She breathed a sigh of relief and began to summon her little robot assistant.

"This Mr. Oran has violated the city's public security management regulations. According to the law, he should be detained for seven days, 001, 002. You two arrest him and put him in the detention center."

That's right, the city that Xu Qiu owns now has a special place built as a detention center.

In the cities of paper people, police stations are usually set up, because the places that are not covered by the police force will frequently commit crimes.

Of course Xu Qiu hopes that everyone living on her planet is a good person, but people can change.

Where there is light, there is darkness. She will try her best to maintain good social order and strengthen the popularization of laws and regulations. If everyone is a citizen of law-abiding order, it is of course the ideal result, but there must be a place to maintain law and order.

Two tall robots grabbed each other from left to right, and then put silver handcuffs and silver anklets on each other.

The two of them rudely took the unconscious Duke into the car and put him in the detention center.

What does the Duke of the Blood Race have to do with her? If you commit crimes on their territory, you will have to pay the price.

There are detention centers for violations of public security management, and prisons for long-term sentences.

In the process of designing the prison, Xu Qiu was especially humble to Yan

Winter please?, made an absolutely safe prison.

If a prison simply locks people up, it will not have the effect of deterring crimes.

Even because prisons have free medical care, free food, free rooms, and some people come in on purpose to commit crimes.

In order not to be taken advantage of by these lazy people who can endure loneliness, Xu Qiu also made relevant regulations that criminals can not be tortured in every way like the eighteen layers of hell, but they can also pay labor, such as work. one day. Get up early? Get an early rest.

All the time can be squeezed, very tight, and laborious, and you will feel very tired after a long day of work.

This is called labor reform.

The prison was built in a relatively remote area, and it was converted from a house on the edge of the city.

Detention centers are better. They are built in police stations. There is no need to engage in hard work, and they only lose freedom for a short time.

After the other party is released, the cubs must have successfully graduated.

After the big bat was dragged away, the cubs immediately gathered around.

"It really scares people to death, that person is fierce and bad."

The two little bats approached Xu Qiu and sang in harmony: "Chief, you must protect us, don't you let us be taken away."

"That is, who knows if it is a liar who kidnapped children."

Xu Qiu touched the cub's head and solemnly promised: "Okay, as long as you don't want to, no one wants to take you away."

Another little bat said: "We will try to grow up, like the headmaster protects us today, and protect the headmaster when danger comes."

The other cubs jumped up and said, "And me and me!"

Xu Qiu, who was in a bad mood because of the uninvited guests, smiled again, as if eating a freshly baked dessert, soft, sweet and warm: "Okay, then I will wait for you to grow up."

One more thing: "To protect everyone today, and Mr. D, what should you say."

Two little bats flew over and said in a milky voice, "Thank you, Mr. Rabbit."

Although the other cubs would not be taken away, Yan Dong's behavior not only prevented Ding Ding Dong Dong from being taken away, but also protected Xu Qiu.

The other cubs also lined up one by one, and said obediently, "Thank you Mr. D/Mr. Rabbit."

The latter's face collapsed tightly, and he didn't speak, so he couldn't tell if he was nervous.

But Xu Qiu thought that even a hard-hearted guy would be touched by such a scene.

Xu Qiu lightly patted Bai Sa, who turned into a cat-eared boy: "Okay, everyone, go and change your clothes, we are going to take a graduation photo."

The camera lens clicked, and the warm picture was frozen into a photo.

Kazha, at the other end of the city, a bat that looked unlucky at first sight was also recorded under a high-definition lens without any filters. The photo of the first criminal in the new city was also hung in the police station. on the wall.

Today is also a great day.

The author has something to say: I fell asleep yesterday when I was too tired, and I will make up for it tomorrow. You are a genius, remember in a second:, URL..