The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 157: 157. Extra Story (2)



"Useless things."

"We don't welcome you here!"

"Get this traitor out!"

The kitten lying on the ground was just the size of a slap. When he heard such a cry, the hair all over his body exploded, like a ball of hair that had been electrocuted.

It bared its teeth, arched its back, and made a fierce enough gesture.

But such a small mass, in the eyes of its enemies, is as ridiculous as an ant trying to shake an elephant.

"Look, it dares to stare at people, this nasty son of a bitch."

Another, more immature voice corrected: "Boss, it's not a puppy, it's a puppy."

The boss's voice paused for a while, and then there was a painful cry from the previous voice.

"Ah, boss, how did you hit me!"

"You're the boss and I'm the boss. I said that a puppy is a puppy. What kind of swearing is a cat."

Taking advantage of these people's infighting, the grinning kitten ran away quickly.

"Still stunned, what are you doing to catch it?"

A group of teenagers bent down and suddenly turned into a large rabbit.

They have long legs and are at least dozens of times bigger than kittens. They brushed a few long legs and surrounded the kittens at once.

Immediately afterwards, dense stones smashed over.

Although the kitten hides quickly, it is inevitably smashed.

"What are you doing."

A beautiful-looking woman rushed over and instantly turned into a white rabbit the size of a huge snowball. Adult rabbits are much larger than these juveniles.

And in order to protect their children, the posture is very fierce.

The kitten was caught in the mouth by the snow rabbit, and then threw on its back.

Very dense thick fluff, burying the same little white balls in it all at once.


These children were bullying the weak. Seeing this scene, they casually threw a few stones at the big rabbit, and then ran away in a swish.

The woman has changed back from the form of a rabbit to a human form. Unlike when she was facing the naughty children before, she actually has a gentle face, which looks like the kind that is easy to bully.

She combed the hair on her son's body with her fingers in distress. Although there was no bleeding wound, there were small bumps caused by stones in several places.

The woman took a few breaths and said, "Does it hurt?"

The kitten turned her head away and ignored her.

"I'm sorry, it's my mother's fault. It won't happen again next time."

"I bought your favorite dried fish, let's go home."

When he heard the small fish dried, the kitten's eyes suddenly lit up.

Then crawled into the woman's arms and made a soft voice: "Go back."

The woman suddenly turned into a big rabbit: "Sit tight."

The kitten scrambled skillfully to her back, claws gripping the long fluff.

In the midst of the ice and snow, the big rabbit with long legs flew out like an arrow from the string.

The house owned by Big Rabbit is a hut made of stone.

Every brick was brought by the big rabbit from the mountain, and there were some dried pickles and some dried salted fish hanging on the house.

But fresh fish is much more delicious than salted fish.

It's just that in this city, which is covered with ice and snow all the year round, there are often severe weather such as blizzards.

Even a big rabbit with thick fur is no match for the powerful blizzard, not to mention that the life of the cub is always very weak and needs the careful care of its mother.

The firewood in the house was burning quietly, and a little cat and a big rabbit squatted in front of the fire, making the dried fish very crispy.

Although in this city, too many people don't like them, but for kittens, the days when their mother is by their side are ordinary and warm.

No expensive stuff, colorful food, but this cabin is warm?? dry and sheltered from the wind and rain.

As the days passed, the weather gradually warmed up, and the white hair of the big rabbit faded and turned into a light gray.

The ice and snow melted, and the kitten grew up quickly, from the size of one slap to the size of three slaps.

But in the second winter, the figure of the woman who would always protect him and beside him disappeared from the house.

The kitten digs holes in the ice, then grabs the fish with its claws, inserts a sharp-pointed wooden stick into the middle of the fish, and bakes it directly on the fire.

The dried fish was not salted and the guts were not disposed of. Compared to a woman's craftsmanship, it's simply terrible.

And when the fish was grilled, because the speed was not fast enough, the fur was burnt off by sparks accidentally.

A scorched yellow patch appeared on the snow-white fur, but no big rabbit would gently lick its fur.

Liar, big liar!

Tears flowed quietly out of the kitten sleeping quietly in front of the fire.

Because he lived alone, the kitten had a fever. In the dream, he dreamed of the woman, but when he woke up, the house was empty and quiet.

Later, someone followed the trail left by the woman and came over.

They said that the woman had died, and the wish before her death was to take good care of him.

Although the kitten's claws have become very sharp at this time, in the face of so many adults with powerful weapons, he was still caught, and he was taken to another place in a spaceship that he had never been in before. .

A very large, very gorgeous place, with many sparkling gems, and all kinds of delicious milk that can't be eaten and drunk.

There, Kitty saw a lot of people, many with strange ears and tails, not just a single rabbit, but all kinds of people.

Many are cats, with sharp claws like him, great night vision, long tails like rabbits, and all kinds of patterned fur.

There are long-haired short-haired, white, black, black-and-white, yellow, and striped and spotted.

Some people here call him: "His Royal Highness the Eighteenth Prince."

Because he is the eighteenth child of his father.

Here, the kitten also met his father, an imperial ruler, a big cat who looked very imposing.

The big cat has many children, is usually busy with work, and is very dignified and does not like to talk.

When seeing each other, the image of the father in the kitten's heart was like a shattered photo frame, instantly shattered.

Unlike before in that remote city, at the new residence, many people would laugh at him, and of course many people hated him.

It's just that those who laughed at him would say bad things about him in the end.

"I don't understand why this experimental species was brought back."

"The wild child whose mother died, has no education at all."

"Look at his snow-white skin, he doesn't look like Father at all."

The kitten covered her ears, and after suffering several losses, she slowly erected a wall around her heart.

The place where he lives has become bigger and he has better living conditions, but for the kitten, he feels that he is not happy at all.

But life taught him that things could get worse.

The princes were all getting older, and the particularly majestic big cat fell ill, and a bunch of people started fighting inexplicably.

As a useless little pity, it stands to reason that it will not be affected.

But among the wives of big cats, some people just can't stand it.

Because of his status as an experimenter, Kitty was luckier than some dead princes, but he was also unlucky.

Someone squeezed its claws and signed an agreement.

Then put it on a collar, and when it got on the spaceship, it was thrown into a small place.

When the kitten was carried by the neck into the new residence, he once raised his head and glanced at the door, and there were cold words on the door - Genetic Research Institute.

The new place is small and doesn't have any freedom yet.

Every day I see some cold faces, wearing white clothes, throwing unpalatable nutrients to them, and then drawing blood.

Bai Sa lost his name in this place and got a cold number.

At first, he struggled, screamed, and attacked indiscriminately.

Then they were suppressed, electrocuted, and injected with all kinds of liquids that would make people drowsy.

"I advise you to give up, it's useless."

A wooden stake in this place suddenly spoke.

Bai Sa widened his eyes in surprise, and then saw a vine beside him.

A vine can speak!

I have seen many worldly Bai Sa in the palace, and this is the first time I have seen a talking plant.

The other party advised him old-fashioned: "I've been in this place for a long time, you see how weak you are. You are asking for trouble for those machines. It's better to be obedient. It's good for everyone."

The vines, who couldn't see the facial features at all, said, "Actually, I don't want to bother about your business, but you are too noisy. As a human being, you must have a sense of public morality. We are neighbors after all."

The kitten, who was only two and a half years old at the time, waved its claws at the noisy vine, and was then slapped to the ground by the other side.

"Why are you so disobedient, you really deserve to be beaten."

Because one person and one cat did not like each other, the two fought, and were finally forcibly separated by the researcher who came over.

It was also from that day that there was a huge shortage of places where Bai Sa could move.

Almost a month after Bai Sa came, a beautiful little fox was brought here.

The one who sent the fox in was a beautiful woman, a completely different type from Bai Sa's mother.

This little fox about the age of Bai Sa reminded him of his mother.

Women are big liars. They promised that they would always grow up with their children, but just like that woman, they abandoned their children ruthlessly in the blink of an eye.

Of course, men are not a good thing, and most of the people who do these studies on them are men.

Female researchers are more or less gentle in their movements, while men are basically ruthless.

The adults in the world are so annoying.

The little fox woke up and was clamoring for his mother all day long.

Her arrival added a little bit of life to the kindergarten, and Bai Sa gradually became silent.

The appearance of the other party crying and making trouble is really ugly, and he wastes so much energy, and all he gets is electric shocks and criticism.

As soon as he thought that he had such an image back then, Bai Sa's face slowly stiffened, and his words became less and less.

He didn't like the man he called his father in his memory, but before he knew it, Bai Sa became more and more like that man.

Because that person has a majestic face, all people will fear him, fear him, and praise him without speaking.

Although those who praised him might not necessarily think so, and would even speak ill of him secretly, when the man appeared, everyone surrendered to it.

He doesn't need so many people to like him sincerely. After all, as a kitten, no one loves him except his mother.

Even the mother who said she would always be by his side, her love was so short-lived.

The kitten sniffed, throwing the image of the big liar out of her mind.

In fact, after such a year, the image of that woman became more and more blurred in her mind.

In a short period of time, the institute has added a lot of new companions, including a thin and short green snake, a fish that only looks half delicious, a large shell that is tightly closed, and a noisy bird. , two identical black bats.

Everyone, like her, had to be blood drawn and electrocuted.

Everyone's personality is different, and the reasons for being sent to this place are different.

But in Bai Sa's view, they have a lot in common - everyone is an unwanted child, and they are all abandoned poor people.

The days in the institute are very unconceptual, because the sky is covered by a special cover, and the weather changes are not very obvious.

And every time the blood was drawn, everyone became weak, and the eyes closed in the blink of an eye, as if a day had passed.

After a while, even the guys who drew their blood every day disappeared.

But it didn't get any better for everyone because those who walked away didn't take off that pesky collar they wore around their necks.

The days before were miserable, but the days after were even worse.

Because there was no food, everyone started to go hungry.

The cubs in the kindergarten are full of aggression, but every time they attack, they will be electrocuted.

Even Bai Sa, who became stronger and stronger, barely managed to walk out of the door of the kindergarten, and fell to the ground unsupported.

The world outside the door is full of yellow sand, and there is no trace of food.

Until later, another woman appeared.

This human who seems to be able to kill with just one claws has a special power.

No matter how much she screamed in her heart to kill her, when the claws were stretched out, they would droop down softly.

"Do you want to shake my hand?"

The human, white, soft hand gripped the kitten's paw and squeezed it lightly.

Bai Sa: Who wants to shake hands with you!

But Bai Sa, who became more and more cold and unwilling to speak, didn't want to speak at all.

The woman brought delicious goat milk and delicious food.

These are some sugar-coated cannons/bombs, definitely with ulterior motives!

Bai Sa coldly looked at the cubs who were quickly bought, and felt that these stupid guys were completely hopeless.

Waiting and waiting, Bai Sa didn't wait for the young woman to show her hideous face, and everyone's life got better and better.

There are new plants in the kindergarten, bleating sheep and chirping chickens.

Bai Sa ate delicious food that he had never eaten before.

He touched his round belly and hiccupped.

The fragrant dried fish is really delicious, like a memory, the smell of roasting in a log cabin in a icy and snowy environment.

Continue to work hard, study hard, learn everything that woman knows, and then run away secretly.

The kitten lay lazily on the ground, wanting to sleep when it was full.

The woman's gentle voice sounded in her ears: "Everyone has eaten too much today. Get up and digest your food. Don't go too fast, or it will be bad for your stomach. Bai Sa, you are the leader and go ahead."

Hearing this sound, the kitten's four legs stood up uncontrollably.

Bai Sa suddenly felt that something didn't seem right, how could he be so obedient

The woman looked at him with a smile, her curved eyes were gentle and clear, like lake water gently rippling in spring.

Bai Sa blew the same type of whistle as the principal obtained in the competition: "All stand up, start, go!"

The serious-looking kitten led the team with graceful steps.

Next time, definitely next time!

The author has something to say: Kitty's story is relatively long, and it is temporarily divided into two chapters. You are a genius, remember for a second:, URL..