The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 158: 158. Extra Story (3)


On the ground where Guangjian was pleasant, there were people who fell to the ground.

Blood gushed out from under these fallen people, and the air was filled with the smell of blood and gunpowder.

No matter what era, any struggle for power is basically accompanied by bloodshed and sacrifice.

Especially in the palace, to fight for the highest position, there must be death.

Obviously, those who fell to the ground were the losers of the coup.

"You, you, you will be punished sooner or later!"

The man who fell down later opened his eyes extremely unwillingly and looked at the soldier in front of him with bloodshot eyes.

The extremely rhythmic footsteps were getting closer, and the man behind the soldier showed a face that was very familiar to the man.

"It's you?!"

The facial features are sharp and angular, and the whole body is filled with a stern youth. He lowered his head slightly, and looked down at the person who fell on the ground, as if he had been shivering in front of the other party for many years.

At that time, the trembling of the body was not because of fear, but because of the injury, forcibly suppressing the excitement of anger.

Feng shui turns around, and no one would have thought that the poor little one who was abandoned in the past would become the big winner behind the scenes today.

"it's me."

The person who has always been taciturn rarely said a few more words: "When will my retribution come, did you see it?? See you, but your retribution seems to have arrived."

The leather boots stepped on the opponent's spine, and the foot did not use too much strength, but people could faintly hear the sound of bones breaking.

Back then, ? was also trampled on like this, and this is just a little tribute to those things back then.

After all, cats are very vengeful, and they all blame him for having a good memory. Bai Sa knows what's good and bad for him.

The latter person also completely passed out. The young man took his feet and didn't put too much thought on the losers.

 ?'s emotional ups and downs are very few, ?? is a disguised calm, but a real letting go.

"Clear the field."

too is a prodigal dog, no need to hang on.

When seeing these people, the young man thought that he would hold grudges very much, but when he saw those ugly and embarrassed faces, the hurts of the past were like those tiny grains of sand that were blown away by the wind, and since then Disappear.

If ? had been miserable after that, he would have looked at it all with hatred in his heart, but there was another person who healed such wounds.

For the enemies who used to look very tall and invincible, they have become so weak and so vulnerable.

Bai Sa put his mother's fur on the throne that symbolized power.

? It was only after I grew up that I learned that the woman at the time did not deceive ?, she really wanted to accompany him home, just because some people abused the power in their hands. Obliterated the life of ?'s mother.

It was to protect him that she didn't go home.

But now, ? brought her in front of those people, and let those who have committed crimes in the past make amends for her.

Due to civil strife and many scandals, the royal family, for example, seized innocent people for illegal experiments, ignored the lives of civilians, smuggled slaves in private, embezzled huge amounts of property, and even embezzled too much in the military. The defeat of a relatively large battle.

Peach scandals, political darkness, and even involving that famous celebrity?? The online world is full of uproar every day, and people protest at every turn.

But time is the cure for everything, and the eighteenth king, who was the victim, appeared in public as the new spokesperson for the royal family.

This new king who appeared out of nowhere is like the difference between an angel and a devil compared to the fat-headed, big-eared, chubby guy before.

Eighteen Kings came from a commoner. For the sake of his mother, he worked hard to get better. Under the circumstances of many repressions in his childhood, he was admitted to the first military academy by virtue of his excellent ability. It is a model of inspiration for the common people.

Immediately after, the Eighteen Kings led several battles and won back all the territories they had lost.

In the media, the influential Time Magazine commented: "His Royal Highness is like a sharp sword wielding the darkness, full of courage and without any scruples, severing the words called cowardice and greed. , and the thorns of power and color, ? the real jewel in the crown of the empire."

Of course, in an article congratulating heroes and praising heroes, there are still sour voices.

[God knows if this is a show, it's just a means for the royal family to wash and gild themselves]

[Yeah, have you forgotten the scandals that broke out before? None of these sinister felines are good things]

[The speech represented by this account violates the laws and regulations of Xingwang and has been blocked]

According to the information gathered by Leeuwenhoek's average netizens, before this handsome king returned to the royal family, he had already been involved in the war, and he had changed from an ordinary soldier to a very special one. Excellent general.

Of course, because of the special promotion channel, kittens without any background have been subjected to a lot of difficulties in the army, and the promotion speed is also much slower.

After the infighting launched by the royal family, the eighteen kings who led the army officially returned to the royal battlefield.

The old emperor, who was rescued by the eighteen kings, investigated his life-saving benefactor clearly, and then unexpectedly discovered that the other party turned out to be one of his sons, an emperor who had been abandoned.

The legendary insider also secretly obtained a video, which is a video of the Eighteen Kings when he was a child.

【My God! This is too cute, it is impossible to associate such a cute kitten with the majestic Emperor?? His Royal Highness, I feel that His Royal Highness is closer to us]

[Suck, lick, lick, my screen was sent for repair because of water ingress]

[A group of sour chickens, besides talking about soldiers, what else would they say? It seems that it is the most powerful mecha for these people. It is estimated that they will fall down within two steps.]

The video that was released later stabbed the viewers with knife after knife.

[The voice in the video is really worrying, and when I heard the scream, my tears came down on the spot]

[It's really too easy, if I put it on me, I will definitely fall down, I will become a terrible person, and ?? is like His Royal Highness, still clear and bright, full of sunshine, making people able to see hope in life

[I said before that it was the brocade clothes and jade food that cultivated such clear eyes. Now I apologize for my previous remarks. From today onwards, His Royal Highness the Eighteenth King is my idol]

The tragic childhood experience, the legendary life, the absolutely strong attitude and the powerful ability, fit the three elements of beauty, misery and strong, Bai Sa, with an unstoppable attitude, became the spokesperson of the royal family.

What the audience can see is something they like to see.

But the struggle in the palace is still surging, full of danger and murderous intent.

An old-fashioned aristocrat, like an antique, still maintains his arrogance.

? We took advantage of this young upstart to fool this seemingly innocent idealist.

The entire empire is like a fallen tree, and the inside is obviously empty, but because the underground roots are intricate, people can easily move?? These are the nobles that are intricate roots.

The arrogant nobles did not take the Eighteen Kings seriously. In their opinion, this young and energetic Eighteen Kings, because he was young enough, was very lucky to have survived to those older Kings. The demise of the snipe, ??? It was just because the snipe and mussels competed, and the fisherman who profited from it was because he was young and was a little bit luckier than others.

There is a saying that as long as you live long enough, you can witness anything.

But what we didn't expect was that this poor looking very young man had an unusually strong way of acting.

This seemingly too young His Royal Highness, quite tough, has carried out drastic reforms on the already decaying empire.

The nobles tried to put pressure on the old emperor, and as a result, surrounded by many people, the eighteenth king took over the power from the trembling old emperor and became the crown prince of the empire.

The emperor who used to have great power is finally getting old.

? They didn't even figure out who the guy behind Bai Sa was, because he exposed one scandal after another, and then hit the iron plate and went to prison.

Either go to jail or be sentenced to the most brutal death sentence.

His Royal Highness, the crown prince with this snow-like fur, has become the true spokesperson and ruler of the royal family.

The New Year's bell rang in the palace, and the spokesperson spoke eloquently on the news channel.

However, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who was supposed to be in the palace, did not welcome the New Year in the very famous building of Star A.

Bai Sa's footsteps stopped in front of a small six-storey house.

Compared with the splendid palace, this small house is really small and pitiful.

But in the midst of ice and snow, the hut looks very cozy.

And Bai Sa knew that there was a warm bonfire burning in this house, and no matter how cold the wind was, there was no way to blow in.

"What are you doing standing here, come over and make dumplings, ?? Then the principal will be back! How old are you, and you still want to let the principal cook for you!?? No matter what you become Eight kings??, the crown prince is still the emperor, in front of the garden director, you are just a kitten!"

The beautiful girl with flour on her nose pointed at ? with a dissatisfied expression, the little girl who only cried and called her mother back then has

She has become a famous star in the interstellar space, but in this small house, she seems to have returned to the past.

With a smile on Bai Sa's face, he strode in and skillfully rolled up his sleeves.

Compared with the assembly line products made by machines, the dumplings made by hand are full of the taste of home.

The firewood in the house was burning quietly, and a familiar face appeared behind the passageway that had been opened for a long time.

People who had turned into young girls and young people gathered around one after another, and surrounded the woman in the middle.

"The principal is back, come and see, whose dumplings are we made?? They look good."

"Chief gardener, I'm finally blooming! Look at me, look at me..."

The little house was noisy, and Bai Sa seemed to see himself back then in the rising mist.

"?? Be afraid, you now have family members who will always be by your side."

The image of the poor kitten dissipated in the fog, and the icy Royal Highness squeezed away.

"What I did recently was wrong, and many people praised me."

In the new year, everyone will be better and better

The author has something to say: see you tomorrow! .You are a genius, remember for a second:, URL..