The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 159: 159. Extra Story (4)


"You have the right to remain silent, and if you do not keep silent, every word you say will be used as evidence against you in court."

This sentence was repeated in the courtroom over and over again, treating every criminal suspect equally.

In the hope star who promotes the truth, the good and the beautiful, and pays attention to peace and friendship, there are various lawsuits every day.

Some are disputes between neighbors, broken relationships between husband and wife, and trivial matters, but behind others are the lives that have passed away, and the cruelty of human nature is outrageous.

Today's case is a public indictment. The suspect killed one of Hope Star's fame in a brutal way.

The suspects come from richer planets, and they are more noble and have huge wealth.

He had a whole corps of lawyers at his service, as a crafty criminal.

He is high above and does not want to repent.

The victim's family is still alive in this world, and they have accepted the money and are willing to issue a letter of forgiveness for the criminal.

This makes people feel very uncomfortable, but the truth is that the dead have passed away, and the living will continue to live.

For this matter, a family was broken, ? Some people advised the victim's mother.

Forget it, what is the meaning of the investigation? If the victim knew about it, he would definitely hope that his parents would live well.

The living are always more important than the dead.

The victim's mother is very poor, and in the case of Hope Star, she is at the bottom of the society.

In today's Hope Star, as long as you are willing to work, life will always get better and better.

But the victim's mother arrived on this planet with her daughter about half a month ago.

A person who has not become an official citizen of Hope Star, a person who cannot bring much development to Hope Star.

Even if a judgment is made in her favor, the desperate mother who has achieved her wish is likely to give up her life because of this.

In terms of interests, the possibility of this poor woman losing is too great.

Her lawyer, a free aid lawyer, is said to have just graduated this year and has a very childish face.

His eyes are clean and clear, and he is the kind of child who will feel well-born at first glance.

Such a young child is like a rising sun, but in court, his youth is no longer an advantage, but a disadvantage.

Compared to the suspect's entire gold-medal defense team, he was too weak.

The young judge was handsome, with jet-black hair and black clothes that made him look like a messenger from the night.

The red eyes are like the finest gems, very majestic.

The arrogant criminal lowered his arrogant head in front of such a judge who seemed to be very distinguished.

The atmosphere of the entire court was very serious. In order to avoid accidents, there were no other observers in the court except judges, prosecutors, and lawyers.

But the video of the court session is broadcast at the same time, whether it is on the edge of the forest or above the sky, as long as anyone who pays attention to this case can watch the live broadcast of the trial through the Internet at any time.

There are professionals in the chat group talking about relevant laws and regulations, speculating on the possible sentences that the judge may impose.

Some people analyze it from the point of view of interests, and tell the cruelty of society with a cold adult tone.

In the end is to take it lightly, or severely punish it.

For the general public, the process of the trial is not so important.

One second, the victim's mother's tears fell from time to time, and the verbal accusations made people worry. The next second, the gold medal lawyer's tongue was like a lotus flower, which made people feel as if the matter was just a misunderstanding.

The court hearing lasted for two hours, during which there were voices arranging materials.

The judge finally gave the final judgment.

The text version of the trial book was quickly sorted out, the key points were circled, and it was spread in the media of Hope Star with the attitude of sparking a prairie fire.

[A large chunk of people's hearts, death penalty, and an additional seven days in prison! 】

[See that, the attitude of the perpetrator is extremely bad! Deserving a thousand cuts]

With the continuous advancement of science and technology and the continuous improvement of human rights, the top ten tortures of the year have disappeared from the law.

However, the invention of new technology has created a criminal law that makes people feel that life is worse than death.

Using holographic technology to stimulate the human brain.

It's as if people can dream for decades in a dream state, but only one day has passed since they actually woke up.

The same is true of this kind of criminal law, which takes advantage of this special time difference to impose punishments on people, and no one who imposes additional punishments on extremely vicious criminals can really survive seven days.

Usually on the first day of the toss, the criminals will usually cry bitterly and demand the execution of the death sentence immediately.

But precisely because this penalty is so severe, in order to avoid wrongful people, only those who have committed heinous crimes will be sentenced to additional sentences.

After the binge, some people started to worry.

[Will there be a prison robbery]

This one will soon be explained by someone.

[The prison design of our planet was made by that mysterious man himself, and he couldn't even fly out of the real prison.]

A group of people chatted and discussed, and then inexplicably turned to the aspect of advocating how good their own infrastructure is.

[Speaking of the rapid development of so many planets, only we hope that the stars are the first one]

[It is the credit of the planet master, and also the credit of the man of the planet master]

There is no absolute freedom in this world, especially in Hope Star.

Although Xu Qiu was approachable and didn't like to put on high airs, but as the owner of this planet, she couldn't really integrate into the later residents.

For the good development of the entire planet, even she needs a little air. If you show yourself as a little sheep, then there will be wolves that will rush up.

At the beginning of the construction, the image ambassador of Hope Star, one of the greatest artists of this century, was partnered by Yu and the behind-the-scenes publicity worker Zhu Niang, who contributed a lot to the promotion of Xu Qiu's image.

The residents in the back basically felt that the Planet Lord was a very great and kind-hearted person, but he absolutely did not tolerate crime.

Being kind doesn't mean being weak.

It can be seen from the death penalty that Hope Star has never abolished in law.

Because it involves the top leader of Hope Star, if you talk about it in detail, you will be banned from your account or even closed in a small dark room. Everyone quickly talks about the topic again

[The criminal's expression is so hideous, it looks like he wants to kill the judge]

[Does it really matter if the judge offends people like this? 】

Some career fans are worried.

[Will it affect the economy of our Hope Star]

Someone in the know is coming.

[Photo of the Blood Clan Presbyterian Church]

【This pale and beautiful feeling】

【I can see the badge on it】

[This is the blood clan, and it is the group that is particularly difficult to mess with the blood clan]

[Are they doing this? Coronation? 】

The blood race is notoriously difficult to mess with in the interstellar space, because they are small-minded, and they are particularly protective of their shortcomings, and their unity is relatively strong.

With the powerful force value, it is the object of many people's headaches.

Under normal circumstances, if you don't mess with them, the vampire will not go crazy and fight with others like a lunatic.

They are not the same as the Zerg, the real enemies of human beings. They are actually a relatively Buddhist race. Because of their long lifespan and low fertility, if they think about going out to invade all day long, the blood race must have killed themselves long ago. .

But these vampires have very contradictory tempers, so ordinary people won't provoke them easily.

[You don't even know if the young vampire you met is your grandfather or a good friend of your great-grandfather]

If you provoke the blood clan, you may be beaten by your grandfather or even great-grandfather.

【Doesn't anyone see something? 】

[The person in the middle looks a little like our judge]

someone exclaimed

[Could it be that our judge is a member of the Blood Clan Presbyterian Church]

Mysterious insider broke the news again

[Accurately speaking, the head of the Presbyterian Church, I know why these two people look so similar, they are brothers]

After knowing that the judge has such a strong background, many people's hearts are relieved. Of course, there are some gamblers who have lost, and they are still very complaining.

This time, the assistance lawyer who filed a free lawsuit for the victim was Yuan Jiu.

As the youngest of the cubs, it is not easy for him to achieve such results after so many years.

After all, when Xu Qiu taught him, he discovered that among the 10 cubs, Yuan Jiu was an out-and-out scumbag.

But sparrows become phoenixes, and scumbags become masters.

Yuan Jiu's learning progress from parrot state to phoenix state has been much faster.

The Xiaoying family who was on Black Star also moved here, classmate Xiaoying. Like her brother, she was a valiant police officer.

When he was old, Yuan Jiu, who had a crush on the beautiful little girl, originally planned to chase after him.

In the end, referring to the suggestion of the principal, he still chose a lawyer who was difficult to do in the early stage and relatively more profitable in the later stage.

Of the three flying cubs, one became a military officer, the other went to the blood clan elders meeting, and he was the only one left, of course, he had to live up to his expectations.

Yuan Jiu was worried that he would kill the suspect directly because of his excitement, so he changed his job to relying on his mouth to eat.

And there are people in the industry like Bat Brothers present, and he can get a lot of free valuable experience.

"Thanks for your hard work"

Bat judge after adjournment: "You did well the first time"

Yuan Jiu hurriedly replied: "It's not hard, it's not hard"

Compared with the early years, he is really mature and sensible.

But the good times didn't last long, and the two parties hadn't chatted for a long time.

Yuan Jiu got bad news. His opponent in the next match was none other than Dong Dong, a part-time elder and a gold medal lawyer in his own job.

The author has something to say: there will be another tomorrow. You are a genius, remember for a second:, URL..