The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 2


Xu Qiu took a small step forward, and then took a big step back. She slammed the door shut, locked it, and pulled out the key.

Although the world on the side of the door is dilapidated, at least it looks like a normal building, and after opening the door, she seems to have stepped into another strange world of light.

The cub dormitory is different from her staff dormitory. It looks like a zoo behind the door, and each "dorm" is short and small.

To be more precise, it is more like placing the farms in the game. A small area is divided into ten small squares by a low wall stacked with black masonry.

No baffles, no cages.

The long and narrow road is in the middle. There are 5 squares on the left and 5 squares on the right. These small squares are next to each other and are closely connected. Very friendly to obsessive-compulsive patients.

The ten cubs stayed in their own compartment quite well-behaved, and when Xu Qiu showed up, they all looked at her.

The space behind the door is probably less than 20 square meters, and the road can be seen to the end at a glance.

Although he watched it for a short period of time, with his very good eyesight, Xu Qiu could see the whole picture behind the door.

From the door to the outer wall, except for a metal bucket and a washbasin. There is no one.

She was right in what she thought. In such a big kindergarten, she was really the only childcare worker!

It's really not that easy to get federal citizenship. Taking care of ten cubs by one person sounds like a lot of work.

Xu Qiu looked at the small keyhole where the key was inserted, and unconsciously let go of his thoughts, and his thoughts and consciousness gradually became sluggish.

Think about the interstellar people I saw after waking up. The intelligent creatures on each planet are not necessarily humanoids. Take the spaceship that sent her, only less than nine of the fifty-nine passengers are tall. Humanoid appearance, others are grotesque and bizarre.

The guy on the spaceship who tried to trip her up before was also a giant octopus. In this case, it is not unusual for the cubs that the Star Court sent her to take care of who are not human children.

But, but!

But looking at her cub behind the door, there is actually a super cute plush, maybe more than one!

It's just that she was attracted to the kitten like a kitten at first sight, and she didn't have the energy to pay attention to other things.

Thinking of a certain cute cub who looked at her before, Xu Qiu was so entangled that she could use her toes to dig out a super luxurious kindergarten underground!

If the cubs are the offspring of small octopuses, it doesn't matter. Every cub is similar. She will be able to treat it with a normal heart and work hard to be a mediocre and conscientious nurse.

But at that glance, Xu Qiu's normal heart was instantly shattered.

In fact, she had long known that taking care of the cubs would be very hard, but Xu Qiu really wanted to do her job well.

Her mother always wanted her to be able to engage in education, but Xu Qiu always refused, because taking care of children requires too much thought.

She feels that she may not be responsible enough and treats every child equally.

Xu Qiu is not the only child, but also has a younger sister, probably because her younger sister is more lively, she can always get more attention from her parents.

Of course, her parents loved her too, but Xu Qiu was still uncontrollable when she was a child and felt sorry for her parents' partiality.

Because she had such feelings, Xu Qiu decided that if she had children, she would only need one. If she wants to keep a pet, she will only keep one pet. She is afraid that there will be two people and she will not be fair.

Xu Qiu had thought about it during the trip, even if the principal and other colleagues didn't make things difficult for her, she would take the initiative to undertake some hard work such as shoveling shit, and leave the work of communicating with the cubs to her colleagues.

Now, she needs to worry that she will be embarrassed by the principal or colleagues, but Xu Qiu feels that the situation is worse than before!

Because she is the only one in the kindergarten, all the work is now left to her.

She has to cook, dress, bathe, and educate them!

That cub looks so cute, how can she show her not partiality? !

When we met just now, did the cubs think she looked like a lunatic? No, they still look so small, they probably don't know what neurosis is.

I'm really sorry for being so bad just now.

Xu Qiu tugged at her hair fiercely, thinking that her hair might be messy, and her body was still smelling of fumes from roasted potatoes in the kitchen, she turned her head and ran to the nursery's small room.

Take care of your own image first, and at least give these cubs a perfect first impression.

Looking at the closed door, the "cubs" looked at each other.

A fluffy "little yellow chicken" questioned the cub in the cell opposite it in a shrill voice: "Muzhi, is your ability failing, why did she run away?"

The little bat hanging upside down on the dry tree shelf patted his wings, his eyes sparkling like two flawless rubies: "I think it's because he sees that nurseryman is cute, and specially releases water to let him run away. took her."

They can't go out, but they can hear all the movement in the kindergarten.

Today was the first time Xu Qiu saw these cubs, and it was also the first time the cubs saw her.

Compared with the nursery staff who came before, Xu Qiu looked too weak and harmless. She was only as short as a door and a quarter of a door, and she looked like a human being in legends. A pup will keep this weak prey in the eye.

The "bed" in the third cell is a bifurcated log. If you look closely, you will find a large web knotted on the log, and a hairy spider slid down from the silk. Its eyes are angry because of anger. Staring roundly: "You stop talking nonsense, I didn't let her go. And she is so small, she looks like a bone, and there is not enough meat for everyone to eat."

When Xu Qiu looked over, he thought that there were only low walls between the dormitories, but in fact it was not. Every "dormitory" was a semi-enclosed cell, but the material for building the cells was a special transparent material.

And each cub has a special ring on its leg, wrist, or neck.

If they forcibly break into the cell, these rings will immediately emit high-voltage current, making them instantly incapacitated.

Desolate Star Kindergarten should be called Desolate Star Prison.

In this shabby place, the cubs must obey the nurses, but none of the cubs will listen to the lackeys.

After so many years, no childcare worker has ever left here alive.

**The wooden weave in the cell has the ability to confuse people, and those who see it will look at it at the cutest creature in the world, thus lowering their guard.

The previous few nurses, under the temptation of Muzhi, opened the door of the cell and died at the hands of other cubs.

Because Muzhi's saliva is poisonous and highly corrosive, if it spit, other residents would not be able to eat it.

The Federation has also sent some highly intelligent robots, which will not be fooled by the cubs' abilities.

It's a pity that no matter how intelligent those robots are, they will be beaten to pieces by No. 7 every time, and they will be scrapped faster than nurses.

What's more, for those who keep them here, caring for them with robots without any feelings or thoughts is simply impossible to achieve their purpose.

There are ten rooms, ten cubs, only a few are more active, and the others are very quiet, licking and licking, sleeping and sleeping, it seems that the new nurses are with them Nothing at all.

But after being neighbors for so long, everyone still has a little understanding.

At least in terms of taking action on childcare workers, no long-term resident will stop it.

After taking a battle bath at the fastest speed, Xu Qiu put on the only clothes she had left, tied her hair into a ball head, and put on a pair of transparent gloves. After mental preparation, she squeaked and pushed again. Open the locked door.

Like a soldier on an expedition, she held her head high, strutting her head high, showing the majesty that a childcare nurse should have, and walked in from the long and narrow path with a stern face.

However, because of his too young and cute face, even if Xu Qiu put on the most serious face in twenty years, he did not pose even the slightest threat to the weakest cub present.

She walked back and forth on the trail that was less than ten meters long, and unconsciously stopped in front of her favorite plush, then cleared her throat: "Hello, I'm a new nurse. Member, Xu Qiu. From today onwards, within a year, I will take care of you all."

In each cub dormitory there is a pot that appears to be the cub's rice bowl.

But these basins are empty, nothing.

She originally wanted to use her serious side to deter these little brats, but the next second, Xu Qiu's expression couldn't hold back.

When I was outside, I didn't feel anything, but when I walked in, every cub looked thin.

Some of the fluff on their bodies were knotted, looking wispy and dirty.

Interstellar's kindergarten still has very advanced places. In front of each room, there is a half-person-height display screen, which writes the cub's name, race, preference, and hunger status.

No matter which cub is in front of the signal board, it flashes a dazzling red light: hungry, hungry, extremely hungry!

The previous nurse at Huangxing Kindergarten has been gone for more than a month, which has also led to the disrepair of the kindergarten equipment and some minor problems.

These bugs are controlled by the cubs, but none of them can be reported to the Federation.

Behind Xu Qiu's invisible, there was a fluffy cub. Seizing the opportunity, it stretched out its wings from the gap in the cell and quietly stretched out to its prey—this one did not seem to be How much meat, but a babysitter that can fill your stomach.