The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 35


"Yeah, did I just hurt you?"

The little fox looked at the young woman whose tears kept falling, and panicked for a while.

She struggled for a while, but couldn't break free, and she didn't dare to move her claws directly.

The woman in front of her is so pretty, she looks so pretty even when she's crying, if she accidentally hurts her face, Lily will feel so guilty.

Xu Qiu stood on the podium and watched silently. Lily's wet eyes looked innocently at Xu Qiu who was on the podium, and defended herself aggrievedly: "Chief, I didn't mean it!"

She was in control when she came! Definitely jumping into Xu Qiu's arms won't hurt her strength.

The ghost knows why the guy holding her keeps crying.

She could easily jump out of Xu Qiu's arms, she just couldn't bear to jump, but now the man holding her was so powerful, Lily couldn't break free at all.

By the way, this is what, that is, "touching porcelain"!

In fact, the little fox especially likes good-looking people, but when he found out that the other party was touching porcelain, the little fox's cheeks were puffed up with anger.

Her fox fur is going to be wet with tears from this crackling!

"Okay, Ms. Jin Xingxing, didn't you see Lily being held very uncomfortable?"

After waiting for half a minute, Xu Qiu finally spoke.

The woman who was reminded looked down at the little fox and quickly let go: "I'm sorry, did my mother hurt you just now?"

When Jin Xingxing saw Lily, she was sure that the little fiery red fox in front of her was her daughter, because Lily looked almost exactly the same as when she was a child.

This is her daughter, a piece of meat that popped out of her belly.

This lively little fox is well taken care of, her hair looks shiny, and her eyes are big and energetic, reflecting her face clearly.

Bloodline is a very wonderful thing, and Venus feels like it is burning like a flame.

The little fox was frightened by the words she said. After Jin Xingxing let go, she jumped out of the opponent's arms, and then ran to Xu Qiu's side.

The little fox stretched out his paws to Xu Qiu: "Chief, hug."

At this time, I felt like being hugged by Xu Qiu, Lily had the courage and strength.

Xu Qiu bent down and hugged the little fox into his arms very gently.

The fiery red little fox's tail was rounded up. She put her claws away, put them on her upper body, covered her face, buried her head in the tail, and her whole body was rounded into a round fiery red hair ball.

The good smell on the principal's body made Lily calm down a little.

Her claws were left open, her eyes were gurgling, and she quietly looked at the woman standing in the distance from outside the gap.

Lily used to miss her mother very much. She remembered that her mother's embrace was very warm, with a big fluffy tail and fragrant milk.

If you want to ask her mother what she looks like, Lily doesn't remember it for a long time.

She raised her face and asked Xu Qiu, "Principal, is she my mother?"

Lily obviously believed in Xu Qiu who was super nice to her more than a strange woman.

The tears that the woman had stopped, suddenly she couldn't control it, and it fell even harder.

Lily looked at this woman with a bit of disgust. The adults should be brave. She didn't say anything, and the strange adults kept crying.

"Look, principal, principal, she cried by herself, and it has nothing to do with me."

Jin Xingxing wiped her tears with her sleeve, and then her voice was very sour, and her voice sounded hoarse and low in line with her appearance: "Yes, you are right, it's my own fault, and it has nothing to do with Lily. "

Hearing that this woman took all her faults on her own, Lily's favorability towards her increased a little bit.

Xu Qiu rua the little fox's big tail, very skillfully running her fingers along the fur, she glanced at Jin Xingxing, and then said: "We have to do another inspection, if there is no accident, she should be yours mother."

When Jin Lili heard this, she immediately let go of her claws, her hairy little head popped out at once, and the cub asked in a milky voice, "Since she is Lily's mother, why didn't she see it before? Is she coming?"

Lily now is like the devil who has been locked in a bottle in fairy tales. In the first 100 years, the devil said that as long as he let it out, he would grant that person a wish, but no one put the devil Release it.

In the second 100 years, the devil said that if someone released him at this time, he would grant that person's two wishes.

Wait, wait, after he waited so long, in the third 100 years, the devil swore that if someone let it out at this time, he would eat the person, and now the bottle has become the devil's home To release him from the bottle is to disturb the peace of the devil.

Lily looks so cute, of course she is not a devil. For a little fox, he couldn't live as long as the devil for three hundred years.

But when Lily was one year old, she was looking forward to her mother. When she was two years old, Lily still missed her mother. Just over a month ago, Lily was still looking forward to her mother falling from the sky, like a legendary hero. take her away.

However, Xu Qiu came first, and she fulfilled all Lily's expectations for her mother.

Gentle, beautiful, will prepare a lot of food for the cubs, and know a lot of knowledge.

After being in kindergarten for so long, Lily doesn't really need her mother anymore. She has a principal.

Thinking of this, Lily suddenly became nervous.

She clasped Xu Qiu's clothes tightly with her claws, and then looked at Xu Qiu without moving her eyes: "Principal, principal, if she comes, will you not want Lily?"

Xu Qiu touched the little fox's head: "If Lily wants to stay, she can stay forever."

Lily then looked at Jin Xingxing, and said innocently hurtful words in a tender language: "Did you hear, the principal won't want me, Lily doesn't need a mother, you can leave now."

The cub's world is simple and straightforward, and the logic is clear and easy to understand.

Back then, her mother lost Lily, and now Lily doesn't want this mother who was so late.

The big fox Jin Xingxing couldn't believe that he would hear such an answer.

She was mentally prepared to be rejected by the kindergarten, and she had already made up her mind to have a tug of war here and there.

Even if she wants to lose her dignity and become soft and hard, she must find a way to take Lily away,

But Jin Xingxing never imagined that Lily would be reluctant to leave with her.

Under the emotion, Jin Xingxing suddenly turned into a big fox.

She said in the language of a fox: "Lily, I'm mother."

The big fox's vertical pupils are the same as Lily's, the color is ruby. Their red is not like the dark color of the two brothers Ding Ding Dong Dong, but a bright red like a flame.

Now the flame seems to be wet with rain, and it looks very sad.

The little fox twisted in Xu Qiu's arms.

The little bat said in Xu Qiu's ear.

【Lily is so awkward】

[Lily said in her heart that she wants to go down now]

Xu Qiu glanced at the little fox and gently patted the little girl's tail: "Go."

The final decision must be made by Lily, but Xu Qiu did not intend to stop Lily from contacting her mother.

The world of cubs is often only simple black and white, but the world of adults has too much sadness.

This was promised by the principal, and the little fox jumped down and buried his head in the fur of the big fox.

Ah, this smell seems to be the smell that Lily remembered when she was a child.

The big fox licked the little fox very gently, and then explained it to her slowly.

"Mom didn't mean to leave you on purpose."

At that time three years ago, Jin Xingxing herself was a young girl who had just come of age. Because of an unprepared accident, she conceived a cub in the spring.

Jin Xingxing didn't know who the father fox was. She was completely controlled by her period at that time, and she just wanted a cub.

The fox father is a very handsome big fox, and he is also of the same race.

Unlike most of the people on the planet where she works now, in the poor, backward, and harsh environment of the Iceberg Snowfield, Jin Xingxing, a girl from the mountains, gave birth to her child in the most primitive way.

But she didn't expect that Lily had a special ability.

In this world, there are very few people with supernatural powers.

As a cub, Lily couldn't eat or sleep well, and then she caught fire because of her illness, burning down the place where Jin Xing lived.

You can't expect a cub who doesn't understand anything to be able to fully control the power in his body.

A cub with super destructive power, to Jin Xingxing, a poor girl from the deep mountains, like a disaster that fell from the sky.

It is impossible for her to take Lily to a more prosperous place, because once she burns all the other people's things, even if she sells herself, Jin Xingxing can't afford it.

At that time, Jin Xingxing's mother was also ill, and a heavy burden was placed on her, which made her feel very difficult, and she didn't know what to do.

When she heard this, Lily's mouth was already shriveled: "So you sold Lily! To the wicked bad guy!"

Mom is so annoying. Since she has already sold her, what are you doing here to find her? ! Do you want to sell her again

Now that she has a principal, she doesn't need Jin Xingxing, the bad mother.

"No, it's not like that. Mom didn't want to sell you!"

Jin Xingxing desperately shook his head in defense, but the little fox jumped back into Xu Qiu's arms.

The big fox's voice had a strong cry: "It's because, it's because my mother's mother was also sick at the time. Mom can't take care of you."

She has no money or power, so she has no way to take good care of the little fox.

More importantly, once the little fox's abilities are exposed, she can't protect her.

It was because Lily was ill at first that she took her for an injection, but the information from the hospital was handed over, and someone came to it later.

"This child, you won't survive if you keep it, and it will hurt the family. We will give you generous compensation and teach her to control her own powers."

In front of those powerful people, she is so weak.

On the one hand, Lily stayed, and the whole family was in a terrible predicament, and then she was dragged to death by this child, and the whole family was finished.

On the one hand, she cooperated with the experiment, she handed over the child, and she would receive generous compensation.

The people at the research institute gave very formal procedures to ensure that the children would not be abused, and they would be fed with delicious food.

It's just a regular blood draw, which is also for the needs of the experiment.

Children don't like injections, but in the eyes of Jin Xingxing, who was born in poverty, she would rather get injections if she can get enough to eat every once in a while and her stomach is comfortable.

As for other means, it is just to teach the cubs to control their own abilities.

After all, there are very few people with superpowers. According to the situation checked by the people in the research institute, Lily is a little fox with a genetic defect.

This may be because it was born in a primitive way, rather than genetically selected and bred in a cold way.

If you don't know how to control it, it will endanger the entire society.

Jin Xingxing was silent for a day and a night, followed the group of people to this "kindergarten", saw Bai Sa, Hua Lan and other cubs staying here, she made a difficult decision.

Everything went well, Jin Xingxing's mother was finally rescued, and the family had the money to build a new house.

Jin Xingxing entered the entertainment industry with her good looks. The other party only gave her one chance, and she seized this opportunity and became an instant hit.

During this period, she was not lost by the vanity, and she never forgot that she still has a daughter.

Jin Xing's original choice was to be worthy of her parents and herself, but Lily was the only one who was sorry.

So Jin Xing now earns a lot of money, has his own personal connections, and has the ability and courage to settle down as an adult.

She just wanted to compensate Lily. Now that the child is still young, the pain can be healed by time.

The little fox was silent for a while, and then said, "You were for mother's mother back then."

"Yes." The big fox nodded, "Mom's mother is also a very good person! Mom didn't do it on purpose."

"I forgive you." The little fox said seriously.

The big fox wept with joy.

In return, the little fox also licked the big fox's fur.

But Lily said, "I can't go with you."

Lily pointed to the collar around her neck with her paw.

"Lily can't go out."

She can understand that it is not easy for her mother, she is not thrown away because she is not liked by others.

But now it's not easy to understand Lily's mother now.

Shouldn't she endure hardship for giving up her mother for this

Xu Qiu said: "The collar around her neck will get an electric shock when she leaves the kindergarten. The farther away, the worse it will be."

She only thought about whether Lily wanted to or not, and almost forgot about it.

If the energy of the system is enough, Lily should be able to go out, but 008 doesn't have that ability right now.

The big fox suddenly widened his eyes.

Xu Qiu patted Lily and motioned her to go back first: "You go back to do your homework first, and I will call you out to eat later."

When Lily left, she took out the composition written by Lily and handed it to the big fox.

Waiting for the big fox to see tears, Xu Qiu said in a somewhat cold tone: "When I came, Lily and the others were already hungry for a long time. If I hadn't come in time, she might have starved to death long ago."

The big fox said in disbelief: "They said they would take good care of her."

Xu Qiu said sarcastically, "You don't care so much yourself, what do you expect others to care about your children?"

After Xu Qiu's accusation came out, Jin Xingxing shut up.

Regarding the kindergarten, Xu Qiu couldn't explain it clearly to Jin Xingxing before him.

In short, she is now the nursery and principal of the kindergarten, a person in charge who has no contact with the previous one.

Xu Qiu asked her, "Just ignore it like before, can't you? You left the child and suddenly appeared again."

In case of a second abandonment, how much damage will it do to the cubs.

Jin Xingxing covered her face, then shook her head: "I won't."

She is now just a mother who really wants to make amends for her child.

"But Lily will be electrocuted when she goes out, so you have to force her away?"

"Is there any way to release the restraint on her neck, I'll think of a way."

Jin Xing's eyes were firm.

Xu Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, and the little bats said that what Jin Xingxing was thinking and what she said were the same.

Since she is a good mother, the big fox can still be saved.

"If you really want to make amends, then stay."

Stay and prove yourself if you can't do it. After going out, the big fox will also give up Lily again for the sake of his career, for his family, and for the sake of others.

In that case, Xu Qiu would never let Lily follow her.

The author has something to say: This is the second update of today, don't miss it, and there is another update at eleven o'clock! You change the website, and you change the website again and again, everyone re-collects the new website, the new mobile version website w the new computer version website After everyone collects it, it will be opened at the new website, the old website will not be opened in the future, please keep in mind:,, ,. You are a genius, remember for a second:, URL..