The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 45


Although it was guaranteed that the cubs would be able to change to a new dormitory, Xu Qiu still took the time to correct the papers for the cubs.

The five assignments added up to a total of fifty test papers, and she and Jin Xingxing completed half of it in less than twenty minutes.

The little green snake was in poor physical condition because of its molting, and some subjects were passable.

Originally, he was an honor student, so he would definitely not be happy to hear this kind of achievement.

Taking this into consideration, Xu Qiu simply did not read the results.

"Lily, if you pass the test this time, you can move into room 1."

"Oh!" The little fox cheered and happily threw himself into the arms of the big fox.

The two big foxes who look very similar hug each other excitedly. It is clear that Jin Xingxing is also the one who corrects the test papers, and he is as happy as the little fox cub.

"Yuyu, qualified!"

The place where Xu Qiu read was the dormitory for the cubs. After she finished reading, the cubs could pick up what they thought was important, line up aside, and move into the dormitory collectively.

Yuyu jumped up from his residence, completed a 720-degree spin in the air, and returned to his seat perfectly.

His movement into the water was perfect, only splashing a small splash in the pool.


When the national diving team saw that You Yu would definitely rush over to take it away, the two stunned "tourists" couldn't help applauding for this wonderful performance.

Number three is Bai Sa.

Xu Qiu glanced at it, and of course the answer was the same: "Bai Sa, qualified."

Although the results are not announced, the first place still needs to be pointed out: "You are the first in both the comprehensive score and the test score this time. You have done a good job. Continue to work hard next time."

Bai Sa is very elegant and picks up the long-packed luggage, which is the cat's paw pad and the molar stick.

No. 4 Pearl Niang naturally passed. His movements were very low-key, but because the luggage on his back was relatively large, even if it was quiet, it still attracted the attention of others, because he usually kept the big clam shell in the dormitory, All carried away.

The few remaining cubs, after Xu Qiu completed the application, quickly lined up, and under the leadership of Xu Qiu and Jin Xing Xing, they were divided into two teams and entered the dormitory together.

Considering that the cubs might feel lonely living separately, Xu Qiu opened up the original rooms and divided them into three large rooms according to the cubs' usual performance.

The cubs' student numbers remain the same, but the beds have changed to some extent.

In Room 1, the cubs that lived were Lily, Bai Sa, and Yuan Jiu, all three of which were furry.

Considering that they would lose their hair, Xu Qiu put the three cubs together for the convenience of cleaning.

When the three of them entered the room, the other cubs also poked their heads to join in the fun.

Seeing the decoration of the new room, the cubs let out a wow.

The fluffy room is decorated with warm colors as a whole, like the orange-red beating flames, the light gold, and the clean white, which are exactly the main colors of the hair on the three cubs.

The room is about 30 square meters, with a small balcony, a bathroom, and three windows. The shapes of the windows are cat paw prints, fox paw prints, and bird paw prints. Of course, the lines are very round and cute. Cartoon version.

For each cub, Xu Qiu prepared a bed.

It is a bed, it is better to say that it is a lazy sofa.

It's the kind of round sofa that sinks in like a doughnut in the middle.

These sofas are all custom-made according to the size of the cubs, Lily's is the largest, followed by Bai Sa, and then Yuan Jiu.

These three sofas are printed in the freshly baked workshop.

The crafting workshop is built behind this house, a small squat house, and like this dormitory, it is a growing building.

But at the moment it only unlocks some very simple uses, and the materials are limited.

The sofa looks fluffy, and each sofa is also made of felt dolls, which are the i version of the little fox, the kitten and the little parrot.

"Ah, I like it so much!"

Lily plunged into the soft sofa.

The color and size of each sofa are different, as long as the eyes are not damaged, you can see clearly

Because there is a unified bathroom on the first floor, there is no other place for excretion in the room.

Cubs generally don't like to take a bath, especially kittens and foxes. They are clean all year round, so there is only one small single room with a sink installed.

The washbasin of the washbasin is large enough. For Yuanjiu, it does not need a large flow of water, and the size can be adjusted through the faucet.

This room has a manual faucet, not an induction type like the one downstairs.

The mirror of the sink is facing the shelf, on which are neatly hung towels with a uniform style.

The towel was purchased from the system mall, and Xu Qiu asked Jin Xingxing to embroider the pattern of three cubs on it.

She does too much manual work by herself, and she is too busy to be busy.

The room of the three cubs faces the sun and is particularly well-lit. For the cubs who like sunshine, this room can't be more perfect.

"Thank you, principal!"

Next is the room for the four cubs, the two aquatic cubs, and the room for the twin brothers, put together.

Compared to the warm tones next door, this room is much quieter.

The overall color is cool tones such as blue and green, because it is a light color, it will not be depressing to look at.

Clear water and green mountains, blue sea and blue sky, Zhuniang and Youyu's two pools are side by side. In fact, whether seawater or fresh water, are colorless and transparent, but considering the environment of the cubs, the pools are still Some sea water plants and shallow water plants are planted. The tiles on the pool wall are also light blue and light green. The blue water waves and the faint green water waves ripple, which is a thrilling beauty.

It is not easy to build a pool in a high-rise building. Fortunately, this is a dormitory produced by the system, so there is no need to consider problems such as water leakage.

Because the house had been renovated a long time ago, it was impossible to knock a piece down, so Xu Qiu chose to stack the room high and then do a sunken design.

To enter the room, there is a slope, a gentle slope with ten steps on one side.

After going up the steps, there are two pools piled up, and the depth of the pools is about one meter.

Fortunately, the height of the room is high enough, and there are three or four meters above the two pools, which will not make the cub feel depressed.

The nest of two little bats is built on the wall.

Xu Qiu built an additional cave for the two of them with the same material as the house above, and there were also two small bat figures above the cave.

Unlike Bai Sa and the others, the furry figures are made of their own hair, while the two little bats are made of metal, which will not get wet by water.

This room has a special anti-penetration design as a whole, and a special waterproof coating is also used to prevent the walls from becoming moldy due to humidity.

The orientation of this room is opposite to that of Room 1. It can get a little sunshine during the day, but it can't get sun at noon and afternoon.

Otherwise, too much sunlight is actually a torment for those who like dark and damp.

There is only one window in this room, and the window is on this side of the two aquatic cubs, so that if they want to bask in the sun, open the window and the water waves can hit the cubs' side.

"Our room was fine too."

Bai Sa's room looks great, but whether it's Yu Yu, Zhu Niang, or the two little bats, they all prefer their own room.

Zhuniang put her big clam shell into her own pool, and stepped into the pool with her thin white ankles. The cool pool water was the temperature he liked.


Xiaozhuniang let out a small exclamation, he bent down, and took out a little man made of seashells from the pool with both hands.

Although it is not very similar, it can still be seen that this should be him.

Originally, he saw that the three cubs had felts, and the little bats also had cave "statues", but they didn't, and he was a little lost.

But now it seems that the director has not ignored him, he also has a shell figure.

Seeing what Zhu Niang was holding, Yu Yu jumped into the water impatiently.

What the little mermaid held in her hands was a mermaid made of shells and conch shells.

What did he say, there seemed to be a few less conch shells in the pool before, because it was not a particularly important thing, and Yuyu was not sad.

Unexpectedly, they did not disappear, but returned to him in this way through the skillful hand of the head of the garden.

Yuyu's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and tears fell.

Xu Qiu was anxious, she asked in a gentle voice: "Why are you crying, don't you like it?"

"No, I'm so happy, I like the new dormitory very much." Yu Yu wiped her tears, "I will definitely keep the principal's gift."

This room also has a small single room of 1 square meter, which is the exact same sink, towels, as well as labeled toothbrushes and cups.

The last room belongs to Hualan, Qingsha, and Muzhi.

Their three cubs are the three most unattractive in kindergarten, but all three have good temperaments, and they get along just fine together.

The second room is water, and the third is sand and rocks.

The source of the sand is the inexhaustible yellow sand outside the kindergarten. Like the second room, the third room has the same steps, which are also one meter high.

Below the steps is a large sand pit. The thickness of the sand is about half a meter. It is very dry sand, filtered by the robot assistants, and it is clean and white.

The little green snake was quietly wrapped around Xu Qiu's arm. Seeing this, it plunged its head into the sand. It burrowed into the sand pit, and then a small head emerged, shaking off a pile of sand.

In the corner of the room, near the balcony, there are two large flower pots. The flower pots are about two square meters in size, similar to the kindergarten room. The flower pots contain the soil dug from the kindergarten, and the wooden stakes that Hualan likes. Right next to Hualan.

In the other corner, a hollowed-out shelf was built with branches and rocks, and a small black spider doll was placed on the shelf.

It is a fluffy wood weave made of white hair dyed with fuel.

This kind of complicated shelf, Muzhi can weave the net on it as he wants.

"Thank you, principal!"

"Mr. Jin and the little assistants also helped."

"Thank you, Teacher Jin!" "Thank you little assistant 12, 3... 11, 12"

After the cubs thanked Xu Qiu, the little spider flexibly climbed up with his own small package, and started spinning silk and weaving webs attentively.

And Qingsha rolled in the sandpit, trying to find his figurine.

Donald, who came to visit, said: "Please, look at us, let's solve our curse problem first, Joan has passed out."

Ahem, if he didn't speak up, Xu Qiu would have already forgotten about him.

"Qingsha, come with me."

"Wait a moment!"

Qingsha swam around in the sandpit, and finally found the little green snake figure that Xu Qiu hid in the sandpit.

This little green snake is made of cloth. It looks dull and clumsy, and it doesn't look as good as it at all.

However, Qingsha was still very satisfied with wrapping the little doll with its tail, and then hung it on the cactus decoration in the sandpit.

These cacti are not real plants, and the thorns are soft.

Qingsha hung the snake doll on the thick thorns. The doll did not have the strength of Qingsha. After hanging it, it fell off.

Qingsha was not satisfied, it grabbed the doll's head with its mouth, and then wrapped the little snake doll around the thorn a few times.

As a result, the doll turned his head down, and his brain was congested when he looked at Qingsha.

He thought for a while, then leaned his head against the other thorn. Although it still looked crooked, it was barely pleasing to the eye.

With a flick of his tail, he skillfully wrapped his body around Xu Qiu's wrist.

Now Qingsha is going to lift the curse for their kindergarten coolies!

The author has something to say: At 10:30 in the second update, you changed the website, and then again and again, everyone re-collected the new website, the new mobile version of the new computer version of the website. The website will not open, please keep in mind:,,,. You are a genius, remember for a second:, URL..