The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 59


The place where Xu Qiu stood was the database of this underground research institution.

The database is made of a 4D design similar to her memory, the entire ceiling is round,

After she came in, the sleeping intelligent AI started to run automatically.

She was startled and was about to leave, but after the scan. The AI Genie has a sweet and melodious voice: the purity of genetic testing is higher than 90%, the priority is sss, and the database is all open to you.

The good and evil value detected by 008 is displayed as 0 on this emotionless AI, and then this 0 starts to soar rapidly, and the pure white background becomes pink with a 90 favorability degree.

Although Xingwang is very convenient, on the one hand, it consumes a lot of mental energy, on the other hand, it pays for knowledge, and Xu Qiu is reluctant to spend money to buy many things.

The system 008 that accompanies her is just an infrastructure/farming game after all, and the inventory is very limited.

It was rare to encounter so many books and materials that she took with her. Xu Qiu picked up one and was immediately attracted.

Because this data records nothing but the kindergarten cubs.

Perhaps the secret to unlocking the cubs' necks is hidden in this book.

With this in mind, Xu Qiu stayed to read the book.

She stood there for over an hour unknowingly.

When he regained his senses, Xu Qiu's feet were numb.

This place may be because of the excellent airtightness, there is no unpleasant smell, and there is no dust.

Anyway, it can be cleaned if it gets dusty. Xu Qiu is not so particular about it, so he just sits on the ground and rests and rubs his legs for a while.

At this time, she was still thinking, after a while, the cubs are almost going to eat, and she has to go out.

At this time, the sky above her began to change shape.

Xu Qiu seemed to be in the vast universe and saw the blue star she once lived in.

The star that was three thousand years away from Xu Qiu's hometown.

She had never felt so far from her hometown, and the blue planet on the curtain seemed to be within reach.

This place began to demonstrate the evolution of human beings, because Xu Qiu was particularly interested in the content, she was also worried that she would not be able to see after the demonstration, so she sat on the ground and looked up with her neck up.

When people see a particularly exciting movie, they often immerse themselves in it and forget the passage of time outside.

Xu Qiu had to read the pages of the book by himself, but this way of viewing was completely unnecessary.

During this period, the originally open door was blocked because the AI was activated.

Xu Qiu had no idea that he was trapped here at this time.

After untold hardships, the cubs finally made a gap with difficulty.

And at this time, 008, who had been silent, made a sound.

[Those cubs are looking for you crazy! 】

Xu Qiu looked at the watch in her hand, good guy, she has been in for almost seven or eight hours.

Usually they eat very early, it's 9 o'clock in the evening, and it's dark outside.

Xu Qiu immediately left the incomparably beautiful AI elf and went out.

She blamed her for being so oblivious to her reading that she didn't even notice when she was hungry.

Just as the cubs were about to open the door, the door suddenly opened from the inside.

A group of cubs lying on the top didn't pay attention and fell directly.

Although these cubs were very skilled, Xu Qiu saw this situation and subconsciously took three steps and two steps, and ran to the front to reach out to pick it up.

A kitten fell into her arms, a small green snake wrapped around her hand, and the wooden weave fell onto Xu Qiu's head.

Because Muzhi's body is special, when she fell, she was held up by an invisible film and then thrown aside.

Muzhi's body is very light, and she doesn't run very fast. The light body makes it easier for her to crawl on the spider web quickly, and it also makes it easier for her to migrate to another place with the strong wind.

"The gardener, the gardener..."

The cubs surrounded Xu Qiu with joy in their eyes.

It's only been a few hours since they hadn't seen Xu Qiu for decades.

The cubs surrounded Xu Qiu, Xu Qiu held one in his arms, wrapped around his arms, and Mulan also gently wrapped Xu Qiu's legs with her own vine, as if she was afraid that her feet would grow wings and fly away. .

Xu Qiu hurriedly gave this one Shun Shun Mao, that one rubbed his head, and this one scratched his chin.

"what happened?"

"We've been looking for you and haven't been able to find you, and I couldn't even call you. I thought you were going to leave us and don't want us anymore."

Maybe it was because she was too excited, and Yuyu's voice also brought a little cry.

It sounds very pitiful, especially pitiful.

"That's right, principal, please don't leave us behind. We will be obedient and try our best to get good grades."

Maybe it's because you feel that Yuyu's weight is not heavy enough, and the other cubs are talking about saving.

Xu Qiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and she had no plans to leave. It seemed like a farewell.

"Okay, I have no plans to leave. If I really want to leave, you must leave this kindergarten after graduation."

The sight she saw in that sky made Xu Qiu miss her planet more and more, even though there were cubs on this planet, there were existences that made her nostalgic.

But to Xu Qiu, she was like those migrant workers who went out and struggled. The fallen leaves returned to their roots, and in their bones, they still had to return to their hometown and their relatives.

After the cubs grow up, they will leave sooner or later and build their own little home, and she will have her own home.

This time the cubs didn't say that they would not leave the kindergarten. After all, no matter who wanted to leave this place and have a wider world, the only one they depended on was Xu Qiu.

"Then you can go with us, director, there are many, many good things on our planet."

Lily the little fox also said: "My mother said that she is very rich, and she also bought a big house in her hometown. She can grow a lot of beautiful flowers and plants, and she will buy a lot of delicious food. Well, you gardener. If he likes some kittens and puppies, he will also buy them for you, and then you will live with us, the principal."

When Jin Xingxing, who was following, heard this, she had a feeling she couldn't tell. Her daughter was really cute and silly. She envied Xu Qiu being liked by the cubs.

Xu Qiu laughed dumbly: "That's not good, your mother's money belongs to your mother, it's your home, and what's the matter with me."

She's not so cheeky, going to rub other people's places and letting Jin Xingxing take care of her.

It's always uncomfortable to be under someone else's guard. If you think about it this way, this kindergarten is quite suitable for Xu Qiu. After all, those people gave up the kindergarten, and now the industry belongs to her name.

"If you don't listen to Lily, she is called borrowing flowers to offer Buddha. She is petty. When we grow up, we can buy a big house for the principal with our own money."

It was the two brothers Ding Ding Dong Dong who said this: "Actually, the two of us are very rich, but they were taken away by others. When we grab it back, we will invite the principal to live there."

"The principal won't go with you, the principal wants to go with me."

The cubs quarreled again, and the chattering made others' brains aching.

"Okay, okay, if that day really happens, you all try to live a good life, and then I will be a guest for two days."

Cubs are the cutest creatures in the world, but when they grow up, they may become adults that they themselves find disgusting, but that is all in the future.

Maybe that day, these cubs will feel that she, the kindergarten principal who witnessed their troubled time in the past, is not likable at all, and it is possible for her to disappear.

Xu Qiu still has some confidence in the cubs she taught, but she can never bet on humanity.

But at this time, Xu Qiu should not pour cold water on the cubs.

After all, at this time, every word of these cubs came from their own hearts.

Qing Sha, who is not pure and unpretentious at all, is very coquettish and cheap again.

"I'm different from you, I'll just stay here with the principal."

Qingsha has no impression of his parents at all. This place is the slow yellow sand. For the sand-type Qingsha, it is actually very suitable for life.

Where to go to the outside world, there is no existence he loves, if that's the case, why don't you stay by the head of the garden

"If I find my family, I'll let them move to this place together like Teacher Kim."

The books they have learned cover migration. Many animals will travel long distances from the place where they live to live in another place in order to find a more suitable environment.

This sandy place is a good new home.

Kiori said triumphantly, "At that time, I will let them come here to build a new house."

As soon as Qing Sha's words came out, the other cubs gasped because the idea was simply too good!

The cubs cast their admiring glances at Qingsha: Qingsha, it is you!

The little fox Lily also showed an annoyed expression, and she grabbed her mother's skirt: "Or we can build a house here too."

At this time, Muzhi also said softly: "I also want to stay with the principal, I think this place is very good."

What she said was sincere, the Muzhi race was destined to have no family relationship, and she was very young, and the person who impressed her the most was Xu Qiu.

For Muzhi, the place where Xu Qiu lives is its home. She can be considered an adult when she grows up, and she doesn't want to leave this home.

"Good good."

At this time, the sound of belly rumbling and drums broke the fiery atmosphere.

Xu Qiu said: "Let's go to dinner first, it's so late. I remember there are some snacks and the like. Take them out to pad your stomach first, and wash your hands before eating."

A group of cubs surrounded Xu Qiu and were about to go out. At this moment, a sweet-sounding, particularly cute voice came out.

"Master, are you going to leave me?"

The cubs looked at the place where the sound came from. They looked at the projection and then at Xu Qiu.

This time, the cubs looked at Xu Qiu with very consistent eyes and wrote the following big characters: Head of Huaxin Da radish, is 10 cubs not enough? Who did this provoke outside? !

The author has something to say: The update is late! Ten thousand compensation tomorrow

It's all because of my pre-received copywriting, I changed the previous copywriting (if there is no accident, this book will be opened at the end of December, at that time this book is almost finished, so please collect it!)

I will try to make another update, it will be around 12 o'clock

"Everybody Loves the Princess"

The eldest princess, Yan Huai, has an unparalleled appearance, a well-known talent, and she has won the favor. She is the daughter of the eldest Yan Erlang.

It's a pity that Tian was jealous of Yingcai. She was told to die at the hands of the paranoid prince before she was married at such a young age.

The Ruyi Langjun in the hearts of thousands of young girls dragged her to be buried, and kept saying that she had no heart.

Yan Huai was wronged and wronged, she was kind, and she had a problem that could not be publicized. She was blind and had intermittent amnesia. She couldn't remember which beauty she had provoked in front of her.

But the curtain hangs from the sky, and let her live one more life

In this life, she has learned the lesson of being too indifferent, and laughs when she sees people, but she doesn't know why the men around her are getting more and more wrong.


Ji Zhi, an aristocratic noble family, was born intelligent, ruthless and ruthless, but he had a strong moral character.

In the winter, when the snow falls, the eldest princess in a red dress passed by with an umbrella, and took a glimpse in the nine-curved corridor. Yan Huai, who was usually indifferent on weekdays, smiled at him, and even the exiled immortal was moved.

Later, Yan Huai died at a young age, and Ji Zhi was in a state of confusion, almost ruining the country's fortune.

He gave up his own cultivation and a life, in exchange for Yan Huai's rebirth

But Ji Zhi found out that in the past life, this woman never smiled when she saw anyone, but in this life, she smiled at everyone, like that painting-skinned ghost, seduced the hearts of thousands of pretty girls.

Ji Zhi: This woman has no heart! He wants to feed "ghosts" with his body. You are a genius, remember in a second:, URL..