The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 65


On the barren star, the wind stopped and the snow finally stopped.

Xu Qiu opened the window and looked at it, and the sky was bright again.

Although it was pitch-dark outside before, as if it were night, it is actually still daytime.

The snow has become brighter, and it is too early to go to bed.

When the wind was very small, and after about half an hour, the outside world was completely quiet, and Xu Qiu began to greet the cub: "The sky is fine, everyone, let's go out and enjoy the snow."

Now their kindergarten extends out to a lot of land. The dormitory has been upgraded by one level during this period of time. Although it has not become taller and has more empty rooms, it has a yard.

Fruit trees were planted in the yard, and Xu Qiu planted cherry trees and osmanthus trees.

Those delicate flowers, she moved in, there is no way for these trees to move.

When Xu Qiu looked out the window, the ground in the yard was full of fallen leaves.

It was not the dead leaves that fell off naturally, but was blown down by the wind, and it also brought some fresh green leaves.

Xu Qiu was very distressed: "Let's go build a shed for these trees and put away all the branches."

Plants are very precious on this planet, and most of the seeds obtained from the Diamond Star cannot survive.

It was she who exchanged gold coins for seeds of the same variety from the system mall to feed them.

Others may not feel much, but as the current owner of Desolate Star, Xu Qiu knows how important the environment is to the development of the planet.

With a variety of plants, there will be species diversity.

A person or a kindergarten cub has a limited amount of power, and they need more people and other species to make this planet more prosperous and beautiful.

The cubs jumped out immediately. The snowstorm this time was so heavy that it flooded the yard.

Yuan Jiu flew up to the tree, then fanned his wings and used his wings to sweep down all the snow that had accumulated on the leaves.

The fluffy snow fluttered down, and then buried the little green snake that swam under the snow.

Also covered up was Hualan, a vine, which skillfully dug out the little green snake from the snow, then threw it hard and threw it into the house.

"Qingsha, you stay in the house at this time, don't come out and cause trouble."

As a cub, Qingsha also has the habit of hibernating. The cold weather makes his movements slow, and he is prone to sleepiness.

Ice and snow are so cold, if hidden inside, Qingsha may fall asleep accidentally and turn into a frozen snake.

There were several trees, Yuan Jiu could only take care of one Bai Sa, jumped on the tree very flexibly, and then climbed the crown of the larger fruit tree, shaking the branches from above.

He carefully controlled his strength to avoid the second damage to the fruit tree that had already suffered the crit.

There are also cubs like the little fox. As a fire attribute, she is actually a little afraid of cold, but this is the first time she has seen such thick snow - before, everyone could only lie in the kindergarten and look out.

Lily was quite excited at this moment and began to step on the ground, stepping out a lot of cute paw prints.

His daughter was so unsatisfactory, the big fox took over Lily's job and helped the others to clean up the litter.

Not only the inside of the yard, the pavilion outside, but also the bamboo must be taken care of.

Xu Qiu came out with a bucket from outside the kindergarten.

She walked out of the gate and there was snow in the yard and thicker outside.

She chose carefully, not the snow on the top, nor the snow next to the yellow sand below. She took the relatively clean snow in the middle, and then carefully poured it into the big bucket.

If the snow is compacted, it will turn into ice cubes, so Xu Qiu's movements are light and meticulous.

After a while, she brought what she needed to the pavilion.

Both the pavilion and the new dormitory are within the confines of the kindergarten. Although there is not such a powerful constant temperature system, the temperature is relatively much higher than the outside world.

Xu Qiu immediately called for the little robot assistants and asked them to help put the big bucket of snow into the underground research institute.

Before she was exploring underground, she found a cold storage.

It also consumes a lot of things when the spaceship comes. This barren planet does not produce any food locally, and those people store the food in the underground cold storage.

The cold storage has a separate energy supply system, which is always in operation.

If the original nurse can find it, these foods are what he relies on to survive.

After all, the group of people at the beginning had no plans to starve these cubs to death.

Xu Qiu found refrigerated meat, refrigerated vegetables, and quite a few compressed foods in the warehouse. He compared the prices sold online, and the prices of these items were quite expensive.

But whether it was refrigerated meat or refrigerated vegetables, Snowball didn't touch these foods, he disposed of them all.

I don't eat fresh food, why do I eat these things that have been left for more than a year and I don't know if they have deteriorated.

After all, when she was there, the cold storage was running, but before she opened the basement, the ice might have melted here.

There are some differences between artificial ice and natural snow.

The snow water can be used to make tea when the spring comes next year.

She instructed the robot to put away a large bucket of snow, and then asked the other party to take out the frozen oranges and frozen persimmons from it.

People eat watermelon while holding the stove. They want to eat iced oranges, iced persimmons, and iced grapes.

Thanks for the existence of this cold storage, because Xu Qiu first discovered it alone, she secretly stuffed a lot of stored things from the system, and then planted all the sources of food on the previous people.

It was almost time for dinner, Xu Qiu rolled up his sleeves and planned to go to the kitchen to prepare food.

Since he was not very worried about the cub, Xu Qiu went out and warned again: "Be careful when you play in the snow, don't freeze yourself."

Jin Xingxing looked at the little fox and the others with a smile: "Don't worry, I will take good care of them."

Xu Qiu then began to greet the robot assistant, saying that the pickled sauerkraut some time ago was ready to eat.

Simply eat a steaming hot pot of sauerkraut today.

Since they didn't have such a big pot of ceramics, Xu Qiu asked the robot to dig a few in the mountains.

Most of them are connected together. She directs the robot to use that kind of chisel to cut a large piece of the complete stone, drill a big hole in the middle, and then there is a stone jar.

In the big jar, you can continue to make small jars to make a series, and then they will move the stone jars over.

Not only stone jars, but also large and small stone pots, stone pestles and stone mills.

The stone pot is used to make bibimbap, the stone mill is used to grind the beans, the stone pestle is used for various seasonings and some herbs are produced in the system.

The stones have been washed many times with water to ensure that they are clean and very easy to use.

At this moment, the cubs in the yard suddenly screamed.

"Look over there, look over there, the sky is on fire!"

Xu Qiu hurriedly left his work and ran out. Sure enough, at a place that was dozens of kilometers away from them, a fiery meteor suddenly appeared in the sky, and then hit the ground heavily.

It was clear that the foreign object was so far away from them that day, when the object fell, it made a vibrating sound, as if the whole kindergarten was shaken.

Is it an extraterrestrial meteorite? Does this thing have radiation

Xu Qiu was already thinking about whether to fully charge the robots and throw this thing away.

Now they also have a certain amount of savings in their accounts, and it is not convenient for Xu Qiu to go out. Next time, just let Donald and the others bring a solar car that can drive.

Anyway, they lack everything here, that is, there is no shortage of sun, sand and stones.

In this way, robot assistants can also travel farther.

"Another mass has fallen!"

Xu Qiu raised his head following the exclamations of the cubs. Sure enough, this time a very familiar flame appeared in the sky, but this time the flame was much smaller than the last time.

Because of the snow, after the flame hit the snow, the ice and snow began to melt rapidly.

Then slowly, these fires were doused by the snow and water. After the flames were gradually extinguished, Xu Qiu discovered that what fell was not an extraterrestrial meteorite, but the wreckage of two spaceships.

One is big and one is small, just like Donald and the others.

If the wreckage burns, there should still be a lot of things that can be used!

Xu Qiu became excited: "008, do you have the spaceship blueprint?"

Who doesn't have a spaceship dream, the feeling of owning your own spaceship is different.

[Yes, yes, but you have to check first to determine if these materials are enough to make a low-level small spaceship]

What wrecks, spaceships, always seem to be linked to treasure.

Especially when they told stories around the fireplace, Hua Lan told the story of the treasure of the sunken ship.

The cubs were also a little excited: "Let's go find the treasure!"

After the excitement was over, Yuan Jiu poured cold water on everyone: "What are you looking for, we can't get out of such a far place."

As soon as I went out, the electricity was crackling. Isn't that causing trouble for the principal.

At this time, Xu Qiu came out to speak. She was actually quite excited about her work, but safety was the priority no matter what.

"Number one, you all come here."

Xu Qiu called the robots together, then dispatched six robot assistants, three attacked three defenses, and arranged for them to check the situation ahead.

"If you encounter danger, evacuate in time, and your own safety is more important."

Having been with the little robot assistants for so long, they have also developed some feelings with each other. If there is no problem with broken arms or legs, they are afraid that the chips will burn accidentally.

The robot assistants formed a temporary team: "We are ready."

Under the watchful eyes of Xu Qiu and the cubs, they advanced at a high speed and soon reached the ruins that were closer to them.

"crack clap"

The robots took pictures of the above scene, and then transmitted it to Xu Qiu's kindergarten in real time.

The cubs all gathered around Xu Qiu, poking their heads to see the scene passed by the little robot assistant.

The cubs sighed in succession: "Wow, the burning is so fierce."

"It looks dark and dirty."

"Is there really a treasure here?"

The two robots aimed at the huge wreckage of the spacecraft and began to shoot video.

There is only a little signal inside the kindergarten. Xu Qiu and the robot team are so far away that they can't receive anything, but they use a Bluetooth-like setting, and even if there is no network, they can transfer files to each other. .

However, because the distance is relatively far, the signal is not very good, and the picture often has a delay and lag.

The wreckage of the spaceship was quickly pulled away, and the thing that suddenly fell out startled the cubs: "What is this thing?"

Kiori, who was particularly keen on taking biology classes, widened his eyes: "Looks like a dead mouse?!"

The cubs looked at Bai Sa in unison. After all, the existence of the white race in those popular sciences seems to like eating mice.

The kitten's face was cold, and the knife in his eyes was swish, as if he could poke the **: "Looking at what **, I won't eat that thing."

"Don't eat this dirty stuff."

There shouldn't be any mice on the spaceship, right? That's how bad the environment is.

The thing around the robot looks so big, and a normal mouse shouldn't be so big.

The little assistant No. 1 rudely opened the hatch, and then a lot of big mice rolled out from inside.

Except for the rat next to the door, which burned fiercely and looked like coke, the rest of them had relatively intact hair, and at a glance, you could tell what species the other party was.

No, it's not a mouse, it's a hamster!

Xu Qiu herself has never raised such a small thing, but she has a friend who raises it. There are often hawkers in the streets and alleys who take cages and sell hamsters outside the school.

They usually use a small transparent cage made of plastic, with some sawdust in it, and some are more luxurious, and a roller is installed in it.

These hamsters are fluffy and fleshy, the two black mung bean eyes are closed, and the two pink claws are placed on the chest as if they were stiff.

In that case, even if they were lucky enough to survive, they would have suffered a concussion after being dropped so hard, and they would be in a coma.

"1, 2, 3... 11, 12... 39, 40!"

The sharp-eyed cubs began to count the number of hamsters, and when they finished, they exclaimed: "40, rat thief!"

"The rat thief, where have I heard of it?"

Venus, who knows the outside world best, scratched his ears.

She poked at the communication device she was carrying, then searched for keywords, and sure enough, she found it.

"It's this, these people are the Red Gold and White Bandit! Notorious interstellar bandits."

The hamsters are not very good at naming, so they named the team after the hair color of most of the members in their original state.

"Wow, it's really forty thieves!"

The cubs looked at Xu Qiu: "The principal!"

The story Xu Qiu told before was about Forty Thieves and Treasures.

Do these dark mice really have treasures

Facing the curious eyes of the cubs, Xu Qiu couldn't give a positive answer.

Ask her, she doesn't know, it's impossible for this group of people to put all the treasures on their spaceships.

But this is not necessarily, after all, this spaceship looks so big, there should be a lot of good things hidden in it.

"Are they all still alive? Or are they all **?"

Xu Qiu passed the information to the robot through the equipment in his hand.

Those defensive robot assistants, with certain medical assistance functions, all bent over to check the situation of the group of hamster thieves.

[None of these creatures have completely lost their vital signs]

That is, they are still alive.

Xu Qiu thought for a while: "You guys wait first, I'll arrange for someone to come over."

She took out a lot of hemp rope from the warehouse.

These are the little things that the system rewards when doing tasks.

The second unit of the robot walked over according to the route of the vanguard, and then tied the ropes to the big hamster one after another.

They bundled them up like zongzi, and dragged them in strands on large metal plates ripped from the ship.

As these robots dragged the bundled storage avenues toward the kindergarten, the smaller wreckage of the spaceship in the distance suddenly moved by itself.

A small robot pushed open the hatch, and then used its tiny robotic arm to try to pull something out.

The walking robot troops stopped at Xu Qiu's order, and the camera was aimed at the hard-working little intelligent robot.

Like Xu Qiu, the cubs stared at the small wreckage without blinking.

Two long soft ears appeared, which were snow-white long ears, just like the color of the ice and snow covered with yellow sand.

The little robot pulled its long ears and tried to get out, and then it got stuck.

The opening of the hatch was still a little smaller, and the little robot pushed the already damaged hatch to the side.

Boom, a big snow-white dumpling fell.

These days, I have also seen a lot of cubs in the animal world exclaiming: "It's a rabbit!"

"Baba Ali is a rabbit!"

Xu Qiu was talking about the adapted version of Alibaba. Since she changed the protagonist who lived a very comfortable and glorious life into a hapless and failed boy, she simply dropped the names of the protagonists, so as not to fall into the famous name of Alibaba.

She twitched the corners of her mouth: "This isn't Baba Ali either."

The hamsters' hair was burned to a mess, and their bodies were smoked black.

But the rabbit is a white ball, and it is estimated that the degree of injury is much lighter.

Although the little robot looked cute and cute, Xu Qiu wasn't sure if the other party had strong aggressiveness.

Robots are not as flexible as humans. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, the two groups of people were temporarily stalemate.

This round-headed robot dragged its master's entire body out.

Its size is really small, although it is not small as a robot, but to take care of such a big snow rabbit, this little robot is still a little careless.

"Rahm Rahm"

It turned its head and seemed to notice Xu Qiu who was watching them.

I don't know what the robot was thinking, it dragged such a big group towards them.

During the difficult walk, the little robot's energy is rapidly being consumed.

Xu Qiu's army also began to move again.

The little robot followed at a slow pace.

Compared with these robots made by Xu Qiu, this little robot is like a cub in the robot family.

Xu Qiuyou noticed the robot she made and looked back frequently along the way.

Finally, the large group came to the door of the kindergarten, and all the excited cubs rushed over.

Xu Qiu asked them to drag these guys to the kindergarten yard.

The little robot also followed. It was too small, and it was walking in a big group. It looked like it was invisible.

After traveling such a long distance, the robot finally ran out of energy.


The big snow-white rabbit also fell along with the little robot.

Its round head shell smashed into the stone mortar in the yard.

The stone pestle for pounding the rice cake was placed in the big stone mortar, and when it was hit like this, it fell to the head of this chubby snow rabbit.


Xu Qiu heard the pain in his head.

Good guy, even if the ship crashed, the poor big rabbit must have been beaten into a fool's egg.

Whether it's a big rabbit or a hamster. Xu Qiu threw a bundle of hemp rope out in time, and then pointed at the big lonely rabbit.

"Everyone tie him up!"

What Ali Baba, the forty thieves, whether he is a hamster or a rabbit, when he enters the kindergarten's territory, he has to listen to her!

The author has something to say: Two in one, 9000 words have been updated today, see you tomorrow. I'm going to deposit pre-received manuscripts. .You are a genius, remember for a second:, URL..