The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 7


Renovating the kindergarten is a big project. Although he really wanted to give the cubs a comfortable living environment right away, after a few hours of physical work, Xu Qiu felt like he was going to be exhausted and paralyzed.

Xu Qiu rested for a while, took the kitten back to the small house where the nurses lived, opened the window, spread out a notebook on the clean table, and wrote a few words on the snow-white paper with a pen. Beautiful and beautiful characters: Kindergarten renovation plan.

The kindergarten looks shabby, but it doesn't need much repairs, just too messy.

The key parts are gates and walls.

All the tools that can be used in kindergarten are: a wok for cooking, a stove, a kitchen knife that is a little dull.

The smoking machine is broken and cannot be used. I don't know if it is made of iron or not. There are five large and small metal washbasins.

On top of that, there are 5 knee-high vats, some rusted but barely usable wrenches.

The nursery's room has a flashlight, pen and paper, and ten sets of tattered desks and chairs fixed to the ground in the classroom.

There were no tools for sweeping the floor, and the broom was made by Xu Qiu, who tied a ball of wool with a branch.

Near the "student dormitory", there is a pile of scrap metal in the shape of a hill, which seems to be a robot made by the Federation.

All available energy was absorbed by 008.

The door must be locked, and the broken place must be blocked with stones. If you don't have the right rocks, get those tattered robots.

She didn't see other wild star creatures in the two days she lived here, but that didn't mean that there was no danger on this strange planet.

In an emergency, the energy shield of the system can protect her safety, but there is no way to protect all the cubs.

In addition to this, she had to clean the rust on the door and replace the faded plaque.

The name of Huangxing Kindergarten is not good, and there is no vitality.

The current Shiri Young Grass Garden is even worse. It is simply called Sunflower Kindergarten.

I hope that these cubs can grow up smoothly, like sunflowers, always face the sun and be full of vigor.

Xu Qiu added a few words after the plan.

1. Repair the gate, new name, Sunflower Kindergarten.

2. Wash the dormitories of the cubs, and clean all the dirt.

3. Develop a school start schedule


To be determined, will be added later.

The high-tech part belongs to the system management. What Xu Qiu can do at present, the maintenance is nothing more than the most basic tapping and repairing, and does not require too much technical content.

The mission is all about team formation, with at least 5 cubs involved.

When feeding, she found out that these cubs may have been abused by the previous nurses, and they had a little hatred for her.

Xu Qiu pity these cubs very much, can understand their rejection mentality, she has the time and patience to wait, and can slowly make the cubs change their minds about it.

I know to eat when I'm hungry, but it doesn't matter if I don't work.

Mainly for these fluffy cubs, it is really difficult for her to be cruel and force them to work.


Let the kids do some basic cleaning.

Yesterday, she swept out a few dirty rags from under the nursery's bed. After washing them, they could use them as rags.

It's time to distribute them.

But at that time, it may also be due to the uncooperative cubs, such as getting fur and feathers all over the place, and instead of helping, it will cause trouble.

In this case, the system might not calculate the task progress.

At least the work of the cubs has had a positive effect on repairs.

If it really doesn't work...

Xu Qiu glanced at a certain kitten lying on the table. In a state of drowsiness, the cat's pink pads were exposed unscrupulously.

There was a mysterious smile on the girl's face: she figured out what to do to make sure the cubs could get involved.

When Bai Sa woke up from his sleep, it was already the dusk of the barren star.

He has been in a tense state for the past year that he was imprisoned in Desolate Star, and he hadn't slept so soundly for a long time.

In the sweet dream, he dreamed of a mother with a blurred face, a tender embrace, as if it was still in her mother's belly.

The orange rays of sunshine came in from the window, dyeing Bai Sa's snow-white fur into a beautiful golden orange.

The colors of the sunset are bright, but not dazzling.

Bai Sa lay on the soft clouds, sat up, and stared blankly at the beautiful sunset

If he can, he really wants to stay in this warm and comfortable dream and not wake up.

The cat sits on the wool-pinched nest, watching the sunset quietly on the wooden table beside the bed. The sunset outside the window is beautiful, but the picture it and the sunset make up is a beautiful scenery in the eyes of the people behind.

Xu Qiu's hands were itchy, but unfortunately she didn't have a mobile phone for taking pictures.

"Did the system take a picture?"

[The current screen has been captured for you and set as the system startup screen saver. 】

The system created a game page for Xu Qiu's construction of a barren star, and the background was the endless wasteland outside the barren star.

Stones, loess and raised ash look desolate and desolate.

Now the background of the page is switched to a prosperous and beautiful kitten sitting in front of the window watching the sunset, adding several times the passion for Xu Qiu to open the "game".

"You only drank some milk in the morning, now you're hungry, try this, it's cabbage and tomato, everyone ate it."

Now that the materials are limited, Xu Qiu originally wanted to make a bowl for each cub, but she didn't have the tools at hand.

Fresh cabbage and tomatoes were chopped up and sent to each cub.

They didn't say it, and Xu Qiu didn't know whether the cub liked raw or cooked food.

In addition to the raw ones, small portions of fried cabbage and tomato soup were also prepared. The portions were very small, after all, the food was precious.

To cultivate the virtue of thrift and thrift in the cubs.

Bai Sa also kept an identical copy here.

Her portion was fried separately, with a little more oil and salt.

The salt and cooking oil for cooking were purchased in the system mall with gold coins, and a small jar, 100g of salt, cost her 100 gold coins, and the small pot of vegetable oil cost her a full 500 gold coins.

When cooking, Xu Qiu carefully poked a few holes with a glass bottle, and was reluctant to put more oil.

The cubs' sinks had been cleaned by her one by one, and while she was working, the cubs were still vigilantly retreating three feet away.

But according to the images monitored by the system, they actually liked the clean water tank. Because of the goat milk and mashed potatoes, the cubs ate by themselves after she left this time.

Of course, the act of eating is unsightly.

Thinking of the aliens on the spaceship that were not much different from human behavior except for their appearance, Xu Qiu decided to wait for the cubs to drop their guard and start teaching the cubs etiquette.

As for diet, what Xu Qiu eats, the cub can eat.

The cubs were too hungry. Xu Qiu planned to feed a little less at the beginning, and when there was more inventory later, their stomachs could adapt, and then increase the amount of food to raise these pitifully thin cubs. Get fat.

Chubby plush is cute!

Seeing Xu Qiu's face, Bai Sa realized that this was not the dream he thought, the wool from the nurseryman was under his butt, and this was the nurseryman's hut.

The nightmare-like collar was still hanging around his neck.

Strange, is this thing broken.

Bai Sa showed his claws toward Xu Qiu, this action awakened the "broken" collar, and a familiar tingling sensation came from his neck.

Bai Sa ignored her and jumped off the table vigorously.

Because of his fullness, Bai Sa regained some of his previous speed.

The white figure instantly disappeared in front of Xu Qiu's eyes, like a passing meteor.

The system monitors the data of the cubs all the time.

[Just now his speed reached 100km/h]

In this world, the fastest cat is the forest cat. In the case of capturing prey, they are extremely explosive and can reach a high speed of 60km/h.

And Bai Sa is a real cub in the Bai people.

It is probably that the cats in the interstellar space have undergone a special mutation, and these children cannot be judged completely according to conventional data.

Before going to bed, Xu Qiugu finally tinkered with her props.

After they were full, the system detected that the cubs were more lively than before.

Lily said: "Goat's milk is delicious"

The little mermaid, who doesn't like drinking milk very much, said in a gentle and gentle voice, "I think tomato soup is delicious."

"Tomato soup is pretty!"

“The mashed potatoes are delicious!”

“Bok cabbage is better!”

After a short day of getting along, the cubs found that Xu Qiu didn't do anything bad, but brought delicious food that they had never eaten before.

But after wrapping up the debate about which food is tastier, the eldest, Hualan, said it's called sugar-coated cannonballs.

She just wanted to deceive their trust and deceive their secrets.

Several cubs muttered and discussed in private.

Bad things or not, they're not that stupid.

It's not a good feeling to be hungry. Let's cheat the food first. As long as they are vigilant and united, they will not suffer.

"Shh, she's here!"

The closed door was opened, and Yun Jiu, who was standing guard at a high place, issued a warning immediately.

The cubs shut up immediately.

As a result, it was not Xu Qiu who came, but Bai Sa.

"Bai Sa is back!"

"So Bai Sa is not dead!"

"Bai Sa, did the nursery staff give you a small stove?"

"Bai Sa, why don't you start with that childcare worker first? We said we would lie to her for food together."

What is this called in the adult world, and some are called sustainable development.


After Bai Sa came back to his place, he lay down in his own nest, ignoring these noisy cubs. He wanted to get himself used to the hard ground, instead of being corroded by the soft cloud-like nest that was extremely hard. .

"She is coming!"

This time it was really Xu Qiu who came here.

The clothes on her body were stained with large patches of color, against the rays of the sun, holding several boards and a pot of bright red, strange liquid like blood.

When Bai Sa came back, he was wilted, and there were red marks on the position of his claws, which looked very similar to the thin things in the washbasin. Could it be the blood released from his body.

Yun Jiu fluttered his wings: [All alert! 】

After feeding them, the new nurse finally showed her true face, and at night, she was going to kill the cubs!