The First Kindergarten in the Universe

Chapter 87


Although Xu Qiu is not a professional medical staff, she also knows a common sense. To deal with people with allergies, at least keep them away from allergens.

If you ingest allergic food by mistake, you should go to the hospital for gastric lavage if it is serious.

The thing that caused the white rabbit to be allergic is the sprayed powder, so it must be cleaned off all the things on his body first.

Under normal circumstances, there should be no problem with the shower gel soap they use, but fearing that the other party's allergy will worsen, Xu Qiu decided to wash the other party only with water.

She took off the showerhead hanging on the wall and turned the water to maximum.

Soon the bathtub was filled with water, Xu Qiu first plugged each other's nose with two cotton balls, then opened the shower head, aiming at the other party's upper body and rinsing hard.

The ears and cheeks of the rabbit should be more delicate, the water flow should not be opened too much, and it must be cleaned a little bit.

The parts of the lower body that cannot be described are all cleaned by the robot assistant.

If you just soak it in water, there may still be some foaming agent in the water.

Xu Qiu instructed the two little robot assistants to grab each other's hand one by one, and then the little robot assistants stretched upwards like a Transformer.

Two slender robot assistants were pulled, one left and one right, hung the rabbit the size of a rabbit, and washed it back and forth several times.

The big rabbit was thick, and all the hair became wet and hanging down. It seemed to have lost a lot of weight. I didn't expect the other party to be so round, but in fact they were all puffy.

Xu Qiu breathed a sigh of relief after several scans were carried out by the robot assistant to confirm that there was no foam on the other party's body.

After the simple treatment, Xu Qiu opened the other's mouth again, and then fed the allergy medicine in.

The allergy medicine purchased in the system mall was useful to people of his time, but for people after 3000, she didn't know if it would work.

Rabbit's hair is all wet, as thick as his hair, if it keeps sticking to the body so wet, it will definitely get sick.

When the water in the bathroom was drained, Xu Qiu asked the robot assistant to drag him out, lay it flat on the ground, and blow it to the maximum with a hairdryer.

Xu Qiu let the robot assistants blow back and forth. Compared with humans, these assistants are more mechanical. Because they are temporary instructions, their movements are relatively simple, only left, right, up and down, and the details are definitely not as human as meticulous.

Xu Qiu squatted on the side and stared, occasionally instructing the robot to turn the rabbit over or something.

It is like flipping pancakes. If the hair dryer lasts for a long time, the temperature will become relatively hot. You should also pay attention to the temperature not too high to avoid burning the other's hair. Low temperature burns are also very serious. You need to adjust the temperature from time to time. Adjust high temperature to low temperature.

The size of the rabbit is relatively large, and the floor area of the hair dryer is still too small.

There is no resource for the temperature control system that has been used all the time, and there is no electric fan or anything.

If you do it now, it is too late to have drawings.

Strong wind, what can blow the wind like that kind of exhaust fan,

By the way, there is a natural gale outside!

In the process of being tossed, Yan Dong finally opened his eyes.

His sluggish, paste-like brain finally realized that he was allergic now.

Seeing this, Xu Qiu breathed a sigh of relief: "How are you feeling now? Are you okay?"

"A little weightless..."

Big Rabbit made muffled noises, and the swelling on his face had subsided, but he had not fully recovered.

Severe allergies require infusion, but Xu Qiu didn't have the corresponding infusion equipment, so she didn't dare to act rashly.

"Ok… "

Big Rabbit felt a little strange in his state.

He found that he was looking at Xu Qiu condescendingly. Xu Qiu was not particularly tall, only about 1.6 meters. If he stood up in the shape of a big rabbit, it was not much different from Xu Qiu.

Yan Dong's eyes rolled down very sluggishly, and then he found that his feet were hanging in the air.

Yan Dong: What happened? Is he still dreaming? !

At this time, a gust of wind blew, and his whole rabbit swayed in the air.

The feeling of being blown on the face by the wind is too real, and there is a faint tingling sensation in the swollen area. If you are dreaming, you should not feel pain.

Yan Dong narrowed his eyes and looked hard at Xu Qiu's pupils. There was a small reflection in the latter's clear eyes.

In this reflection, he is hanging on a rack in the yard for drying clothes, with a thick rope tied in the middle. He is like the big padded jacket of the cubs. Blow on the clothesline.

Yan Dong: He felt that the woman in front of him must want to murder him and then take his property.

"Originally, this drying rack was placed outside the kindergarten, but the temperature there is too low. I'm afraid you catch a cold. The temperature in the kindergarten is just right. Although there is wind blowing, it won't be very cold. How are you feeling now?"

The AI elf Gun Gun also visited, and the other party checked Yan Dong's situation and agreed with Xu Qiu's series of actions.

Under the conditions, of course, this poor big rabbit would not be so embarrassed, but who made their kindergarten medical conditions relatively simple.

"medicine… "

"What do you want?"

Xu Qiu always has a very tolerant attitude towards furry and patients, especially the person who harms the other party like this, and is their kindergarten teacher.

Although this is what Jin Xingxing did, no matter what era it is, the person in charge also needs to shoulder certain responsibilities.

"I have medicine. It's in the third drawer of the lab. Bring it over and I'll make it myself."

Turning his head to the right and instructing the robot assistant, hurry up and take his things. The robot can run much faster than Xu Qiu, and their pace is very stable. A lot of medicines were taken out.

According to Yan Dong's request, Xu Qiu put him down from the clothesline, and then helped the other party to get the medicine and test tube,

Because the allergy has not completely disappeared, the other party is still in a very serious condition.

Not only did Yan Dong's face turn into a big round face, but his fingers also changed from that slender state to that kind of chubby radish, and his flexibility plummeted.

Looking at the trembling movements of the other party, Xu Qiu bravely took the reagent: "You can just say it directly, and I will help you prepare it."

Yan Dong cast a distrustful look, but at this time his arms couldn't hold the thin test tube at all, and his fingers were still shaking uncontrollably, so he could only rely on Xu Qiu at this time.

The prepared medicinal liquid quickly flowed into Yan Dong's body along the other party's veins, and the other party's allergy symptoms quickly subsided at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Very good!

Seeing this, Jin Xingxing, who had been watching secretly from a distance, breathed a sigh of relief.

She was afraid that the other party would see her, and because of her emotional excitement, she would fall down again due to hypoxia, so she didn't dare to show her face at this time.

Fortunately, there is the director of the garden, and it is also fortunate that Yan Dong is able to self-medicate and save himself.

"You still need a good rest in this situation."

Xu Qiu made a decision at this time: "Send Mr. D to the dormitory."

The underground research institute has been cleaned very well now, but Xu Qiu felt that the other party would not want it, and he returned to that place at this time.

She didn't need to ask others, she made a decision directly: "Send him to the bedroom."

The patient needs adequate rest to recover the damaged body and the frightened mind.

"I do not want… "

Yan Dong refused, what did this cruel woman want to do to him? !

"It doesn't matter what you say, I have the final say. Your mind is unclear now, listen to me."

Xu Qiu got a chair, which was her office chair.

There are four wheels below, which can be rotated to lift and level.

Xu Qiu tucked the big rabbit into his chair, adjusted the back of the chair downward, and pushed the chair to the elevator entrance.

Although their student dormitory currently has only three floors, the elevator was installed from the beginning, and this time is the perfect time to push patients.

While Xu Qiu was pushing this humiliated big rabbit all the way forward, were the cubs still hiding in the dark to watch secretly

Xu Qiu turned his back and put his finger on his lips, signaling the cubs to be quiet, don't keep up, the patient will always be particularly vulnerable, and there will be an inexplicable self-esteem coming out.

Anyway, he has seen the most humiliating scene of this big rabbit, so he doesn't want others to stimulate his sensitive and fragile rabbit heart.

Xu Qiu pushed the other party to the room on the 3rd floor. Out of the mentality of compensation, the original bare rabbit room was remodeled by her to a certain extent, which was originally regarded as an apology from the other party.

But after Yan Dong came back, he hid under it, and never came back to see it.

Xu Qiu is also very fortunate now. Fortunately, she has remodeled this place before, at least it can make the patient lie down more comfortably.

She pulled up the curtains, and with the help of the little robot assistant, pressed the big rabbit, who was still a little slow, on the big soft bed, then covered the other party with a quilt and stuffed a red carrot pillow on the bed. Big rabbit in hand.

The other party's bed was custom-made by Xu Qiu. Considering that the other party had two shapes, the human shape and the rabbit shape, he sent the other party a large bed that was two meters long and two meters wide.

What Xu Qiu did in this room was a simple style, and the walls were all painted white.

Creating the corresponding small parts really took a lot of effort. At that time, there was not enough time for Xu Qiu to put the furniture she picked up here, and the whole set of custom furniture purchased from the system store was placed in the house.

The suit is the wind of dawn, with blue and white as the basic main colors, giving a very clean and comfortable feeling.

The four-piece set on the bed is cute, all of them are rabbits holding carrots and carrots floating.

The color of the four-piece set is bright yellow, and the quilt is fluffy, which looks very warm and soft.

The patterned rabbit also has quite cute big teeth, and the carrot in his hand has been bitten a few times, very much like the big white rabbit who was caught by Xu Qiu that day.

Yan Dong, who was tucked into the quilt, looked at the pattern of the four-piece set on the bed, and then looked at the carrot doll tucked into his arms: This woman must be humiliating him, he will never eat carrots in his life!

The author has something to say: Today's state is a little bad, the second watch is about 10:30. You are a genius, remember in a second:, URL..