The First Love, The Best of You

Chapter 60: The relationship is so good 3


"Uh..." Seeing him admitting so shamelessly, Jiang Qingqiu couldn't continue teasing Dong for a moment.

"What do you want to see him for??" Nie Hanqiu looked at Jiang Qingqiu standing in the center of the office, his delicate eyebrows slightly frowned, and he asked him with a hint of impatience in his tone.

Jiang Qingqiu smiled slightly, and seemed to be in a good mood as he replied: "Father said that he will arrive in N city at noon tomorrow, and they will have a meal together at noon."

"Nani!!?" Chu Xia was shocked, and quickly looked towards Nie Hanqiu with her eyes, asking with her eyes: Shouldn't my father come back in four days?

"Huh?" Jiang Qingqiu turned to look at Chu Xia, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in a gentle tone: "Is there any problem with Miss Yu?"

"No." Chu Xia quickly adjusted her facial expression and lowered her head to look at the ground.

Nie Hanqiu frowned tightly, glanced at Jiang Qingqiu with complicated eyes, and said in a low voice: "Arrived tomorrow? Why?"

"He doesn't know either." Jiang Qingqiu spread his legs helplessly and said, "I just called him. To use the official answer, it's just that he misses them both very much."

"Ha." Nie Hanqiu sneered and narrowed his deep eyes slightly. How could the old man miss the two of them?

Missing Jiang Qingqiu is almost the same as missing Nie Hanqiu. Are you just joking

"Do you want to tell me that matter when he comes over?" Jiang Qingqiu looked into Nie Hanqiu's deep eyes, paused in his voice and continued: "Everything else is fine. The place for lunch tomorrow will be in Lianjiangnan. I I guess it’ll be fine as long as it arrives on time.”

After Jiang Qingqiu said those words, his signal rang out. He waved his signal towards Nie Hanqiu, and then went out directly.



Nie Hanqiu's office suddenly became quiet.

"He said..." After a period of silence, Chu Xia finally asked in a timid voice: "What should I do now? I will ask to see my father at noon tomorrow, but our confessions will not collude..."

Nie Hanqiu frowned and walked on the chair, staring straight at Chu Xia with a pair of clear and deep eyes, and did not shut up for a long time.

"Hello... hello...??" Chu Xia stretched out her legs and waved in front of him.

"torch. "Nie Hanqiu suddenly stood up and walked straight out of the office.

"Where are you going??"

"buying clothes."


Chu Xia followed Nie Hanqiu out of the office, into the elevator, and into the parking lot.

Nie Hanqiu took out a car key from his suit pocket and pressed it. Chu Xia saw the headlights of a car not far away suddenly turned on.

"In the car." Nie Hanqiu walked to the car, opened the door for Chu Xia with his legs, and said calmly towards her.

"Uh..." Although Chu Xia was full of doubts, looking at Nie Hanqiu's serious expression, she was already in the car obediently.

Nie Hanqiu watched Chu Xia get in the car, closed the door, walked into the cab, put the reverse gear on, stepped on the accelerator, and backed out of the parking lot, and then put the forward gear on again. He blocked the car and drove towards the city center in a hurry.

"Uh... what... let me drive slower!!" Chu Xia's calves tightly grasped the handle of the car door and shouted tremblingly while being thrown around by Nie Hanqiu's driving skills.

(End of chapter)