The First Match

Chapter 111: Qin Shu


After hearing Wei Nian tell a joke, Chen Xuan went back to the store to get busy.

After the last bicycle raffle, their store has become famous. In addition to cosmetics, the second floor of the store also has clothes and hats. In addition, some fashionable sodas, pictorials, etc. are also purchased and sold. Therefore, business is very good now. Now that the event is over, Chen Xuan and Wei Yin still have a lot to do. The street police gave them a big red envelope afterwards. After all, they are willing to help. In addition, reporter Zhang was called by Mrs. Cheng to help. Not only did Chen Xuan and Wei Yin appear in the newspaper, but also the store and the cosmetics brand "Siqing" were promoted in the newspaper.

The aunt and the sister-in-law bought some nourishing products and went to the Cheng family to visit Mrs. Cheng. Mrs. Cheng was pregnant. Mrs. Cheng was living a comfortable life now. Her parents-in-law had always treated her well, and now that she was pregnant, they loved her even more. Mrs. Cheng smiled, "Come if you want to. Why buy anything? I'm happy that you come over."

Chen Xuan put the gift down and hurriedly helped Mrs. Cheng sit down. "Don't move. We didn't know you were pregnant before, otherwise we would have come here a long time ago."

Mrs. Cheng smiled, "My aunt said that the pregnancy was not serious at first, so she didn't tell anyone. I haven't been out for the past few months, otherwise I would have come to see you guys a long time ago. I heard that it was very lively a few days ago. I also read the newspaper, you two are really capable. If someone else interviewed me, I probably wouldn't be able to say a word."

Chen Xuan smiled, "We didn't know how to say anything. It was only when Brother Anian came over that we dared to say a few words."

Wei Yin wanted to laugh when he saw the pictures of fat babies all over the room, so he asked, "Sister-in-law, other families have pictures of fat sons, but why is it that half of your house is filled with fat sons and the other half are filled with fat daughters?"

Mrs. Cheng smiled and said, "Uncle and aunt are looking forward to a boy, and you, brother Su, are looking forward to a girl."

Mother Cheng brought some fruit with the servants. After hearing this, she smiled and said, "Both girls and boys are good. They are all our flesh and blood. Let's have more. We only have Ah Su in our family, which is very poor. If you ask me, it's better to have a family like Ah Nian's, with many brothers and sisters, and it's more lively."

Wei Yin agreed with what Cheng's mother said, "Yes, I used to think my family was quite lively with two brothers and one sister, but now that my eldest brother has gone to the border, it feels much quieter without him. Aunt Cheng, if you want a lively family, your sister-in-law must at least be like my family, with four children."

Mother Cheng smiled and said, "Yes, that's right."

The aunt and sister-in-law sat for half a day, and didn't want Mrs. Cheng to be tired, so they didn't stay for lunch. They said they had things to do in the store, and left. Because Wei Nian and Cheng Su were good friends, and Chen Xuan helped resolve the couple's conflicts, Cheng's mother always liked the Wei family. Cheng's mother also said, "Ayin, this girl, is she not young anymore?"

"Eighteen." Mrs. Cheng handed an apple to her mother-in-law and aunt. Mother Cheng didn't eat it, so Mrs. Cheng took a bite and said, "Ah Yin is really good looking."

"The Wei brothers and sisters are all good-looking," said Cheng's mother. "They are also very capable. At such a young age, they already know how to do business and make money."

"I heard from Xuan that Yin is still learning painting and French. Aunt, you said that the Wei family really loves their daughter. In the village, the rich families do have money, but they all support their sons to study and learn to read, but few people are willing to support their daughters to study."

Cheng's mother smiled, "It's said that the world is different now. In the past, we women couldn't go out casually. Now, although fewer women go out to work, it's not a rare thing." After the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talked, Mrs. Cheng thought that now that her pregnancy was stable, she would go to Chen Xuan Wei Yin's shop one day. When she showed her pregnancy in the future, she would also make some suitable clothes. If you say that Mrs. Cheng's biggest improvement after marrying in the city is in dressing. In the past, frugality and simplicity were always beautiful in the countryside. Only in the city did I understand that frugality is not a bad thing, but if a woman really believes that simplicity is beautiful, then she is stupid.

The two sisters-in-law saw Mrs. Cheng and invited the shopkeepers and several college students who had come to work odd jobs at Dongxinglou in the evening. The business of the store was getting better, and Chen Xuan and Wei Yin were thinking of hiring another female clerk to make sure that the shopkeepers Sun Yan and Xiao Li were too busy, but there was no suitable person for the time being. Therefore, they arranged for the time being that if the few people were willing to come and work during their free time, the store would pay them according to the time.

The dinner we had today was the same as the event we had last time. These college students were very dedicated and they managed the counter well, so we booked a date for Saturday evening and invited them to come over for dinner, and Qin Shu also came along.

Wei Nian had brought Chen Xuan and Wei Yin to Dongxinglou before. The Shandong cuisine there was very authentic. Chen Xuan was always honest when ordering dishes. Even though they were eating out, she never ordered anything like green vegetables or radish skins. The dishes she ordered were always either fish or meat, such as cloth bag chicken, sweet and sour fish, braised prawns, lotus chicken slices, scallion-fried sea cucumber, and shark's fin with three shreds. Anyway, the chicken, fish, and meat dishes she ordered were all very authentic. Wei Yin and Qin Shu preferred candied yam, honey-glazed pear balls, first-class tofu, and elephant-eye pigeon eggs. They ordered a lot of different things and were very lively. Finally, Chen Xuan asked the waiter to bring a small jar of rice wine, which the store owner warmed up and brought over. Everyone was poured a glass. Chen Xuan looked at Wei Yin, who smiled and said to everyone, "Last time our store held an event, everyone was busy for several days, and there were no mistakes. The boss and I thought that we should celebrate in the restaurant. You are all studying, so we booked a date on Saturday. Now we invite you to come over, just for a meal, and now we know each other, and we will be friends in the future."

Chen Xuan nodded, "Yes, that's what I mean. Come, let's have a drink."

Everyone clinked glasses, and Chen Xuan waved her hand, "Eat! The food here is delicious!"

Chen Xuan is a simple person. Although their store has a foreign name and sells fashionable goods, the store's atmosphere is very simple under Chen Xuan's leadership. Everyone is very honest when eating at the restaurant, and there is no embarrassment at all about eating out with the boss. Especially the college students, the food is so delicious. There is also a girl named Xu Ning who swiftly takes apart a chicken wing and puts it in the bowl, "Boss, if there is such a short-term job opportunity in the future, just tell us, we can find more people."

"Okay." Chen Xuan smiled. "I didn't think of it before, and I didn't dare to invite you, for fear that you wouldn't want to come. But after meeting and working with you, I feel that you are indeed college students. Not only are you smart, but you also work clearly. If you are willing, in addition to the short-term jobs in the store, there are also manual labor, which is also suitable for girls."

Xu Ning is the leader of these college students. This girl is quite brave. It is said that her family had prepared her dowry. Her brother was going to take the college entrance examination, and she pretended to say that she would give it a try. As a result, her brother failed the exam, but she did. But she couldn't go to college even if she passed the exam, because her husband's family was waiting for her to marry into the family. Without her family's persuasion, Xu Ning acted as if she would never go to college, and she was well-behaved and didn't let her family worry about her at all. Then, when her family was not prepared, she stole some valuable gold and silver from the dowry, as well as the private money she had saved on weekdays, and took the admission letter and ran to Beijing to go to college. It is said that when her husband's family heard about this, they immediately broke off the engagement, saying that they didn't dare to have such an uneasy daughter-in-law. According to Xu Ning herself, she didn't know that money was so hard to make before, and she spent all the money she brought from home without knowing what she was doing. Now the economy is difficult, otherwise she can't sign up as soon as Wei Yin recruits people. You know, most college students are very reserved. It's easy for them to write poems and lyrics and criticize society, but it's very rare for them to work part-time in a shop. Xu Ning was also very interested in the handicrafts that Chen Xuan mentioned, and asked, "Boss, what kind of work is that?"

"Knitting sweaters. The store needs sweaters in autumn and winter. We provide the labor and materials, and charge for each piece based on difficulty and size. A cheap and simple one is 50 cents, and a difficult one is one dollar." Chen Xuan said.

Xu Ning didn't care about eating the chicken wings when she heard this. She felt a little embarrassed. "I am interested in this job, but I am clumsy and can't knit."

Chen Xuan smiled and said, "It's okay. If you don't know how to knit, you can learn. A-Yan knows all kinds of patterns. You can learn from A-Yan. The second boss is also proficient in knitting."

Xu Ning immediately said, "Okay! Boss, how many people do you want for this job?"

"This does not count towards the number of people. You take the material for one piece of clothing, and we will charge you by the piece after it is woven. One piece is counted as one piece."

Qin Shu was very experienced in dealing with people. He rolled his eyes, interrupted Chen Xuan's words, and said with a smile, "Eat first, don't let the food get cold. There's no rush. We can talk about it in detail tomorrow." Then he talked about the dishes at Dongxinglou, "I never eat dishes with offal, but I can't stop eating the fried double crispy at Dongxinglou."

"This sweet and sour fish is good too. The carp meat is thick. If it's not sweet and sour, it has to be braised to be tasty."

Everyone talked about the food at Dongxinglou. In the end, it can be said that the guests and hosts were very happy with the meal, and Xu Ning said generously, "It's really a bit unrestrained."

Chen Xuan said seriously, "That's better. It would be such a waste if most of the food is left over." She called the waiter to settle the bill and asked him to pack up thirty Shandong meat buns. She handed twenty to Xu Ning and said, "You study hard. This is for you as a midnight snack. Don't be too tired at night. Please ask your classmates to try it as well. It's my gift to you." She carried the other ten herself. Sun Yan took them with great discernment. Chen Xuan was planning to deliver them to the old house.

Then, at the entrance of Dongxing Building, they called a rickshaw for Xu Ning and the others, paid the fare first, and sent them back to school in pairs. Afterwards, Chen Xuan asked Sun Yan and Xiao Li to go home as well. The three of them were not in a hurry, and walked back slowly with the meat biscuits. Qin Shu was a straightforward person, and said to Chen Xuan, "Second sister-in-law, I think this Xu Ning is good."

Chen Xuan smiled, "I also think she has a straightforward personality. She says whatever she thinks and does things very efficiently."

"Second sister-in-law, with Xu Ning's personality, it would be a pity to just let her knit sweaters. I'll give you an idea. You can use it if you think it works, and forget it if you think it doesn't work." In the evening, the streets were crowded with people. The setting sun slowly sank, but it still brought a hint of warmth. Qin Shu wrapped his scarf around his neck, looked at Chen Xuan and Wei Yin with bright eyes, and said, "Most college students nowadays are still shy. Some of them rely on their college status. Even if their tuition is borrowed and their living expenses are saved from their families, they still don't do hard work. They are afraid of losing face. It's rare to find a college student as easy to deal with as Xu Ning. Call her out alone tomorrow and tell her the specifics of knitting sweaters. Let her find someone. As long as the sweaters are sent out by her, give her a commission of 1 cent for each sweater. She will definitely agree."

This is to make Xu Ning a middleman. Chen Xuan and Wei Yin both praised this idea. Moreover, even if Xu Ning is given a commission of 1 cent, it is enough. After all, with such a person, Chen Xuan and Wei Yin can save a lot of trouble. Wei Yin also said, "I am worried about dealing with these college students. Xu Ning is okay, but the others are not talkative. For our sweaters, it is really impossible for family members to knit them all. If it is someone I don't know, I am worried. It is really my second sister-in-law who suddenly thought of college students. They are clean and a little noble, so it is just right for them to do this job. Just now when we were having dinner, I was worried that they would not be happy."

"Why are you unhappy? I am unhappy, but I am unhappy for the sake of face." Qin Shu said, "You may not know that although there are many universities now, there are state-owned and private universities, and there are also many college students. However, the employment of college students is not ideal every year. Newspapers always say that the employment rate of college students is low. The most ideal career for many college students after graduation is to become a teacher in a school. After all, teachers have high salaries. Therefore, college students become high school teachers after graduation, high school students become junior high school teachers after graduation, and junior high school students can teach elementary school students after graduation. But the number of teacher positions is also limited. How many vacancies can there be for other positions, such as government employees? Therefore, many international students and college students are unemployed. Newspapers often criticize the government for this matter."

Qin Shu sighed, "But this situation is not entirely the government's fault. Many college students are too arrogant, like Master Wu and Master Zhang in your factory. When they first came, they also put on airs because they were college students. They are unwilling to do any work that requires a little effort, and they think the salary is too low. There are also many college students who think that a salary below 50 yuan is a humiliation, but now, it is difficult to find a job that pays 50 yuan. They want to get a high salary and a high position as soon as they graduate. To be honest, unless you go to work for your own company or your family has a background, otherwise, if you go out to find a job for no reason, no boss is a fool. Who can give you such a high salary when they don't know you?"

Qin Shu published an article commenting on current college education. "My father used to say that today's college students are too aloof and have high expectations but low skills. This is not a good thing. There is only one person like Xu Ning in a hundred miles. If we were dealing with college students, it would be difficult to assign them tasks. With Xu Ning, it is not a difficult task. Even if there is a difficult task, just let Xu Ning worry about it, because she gets the commission."

Wei Yindu said, "Ashu, you are really knowledgeable."

Qin Shu smiled and said, "This is just my experience gained through trial and error. Actually, Ah Yin, if you want to have stable knitters, it would be best to find a few people and teach them how to knit. Every winter, hats, sweaters and gloves are assigned to them. This way, they will be experienced and won't have to worry about a shortage of manpower every year."

Wei Yin said, "My second sister-in-law and I have thought about it, but it's not easy to find such a person. After all, our job is only busy in autumn and winter. The annual quantity of sweaters is not large. You know, if there is a stable one, apart from family members, it's the neighbors. They only do it when they are free, because they are usually busy with housework."

Qin Shu said, "You can also weave some lace at ordinary times."

"What lace?"

"It's what you bought from Shanghai. There are many new styles of lace that can be used for tablecloths, clothes, curtains, bags, and hats. Didn't you say that you didn't buy enough lace last time? If you find someone to weave it yourself, the cost can be reduced a lot. It will definitely be cheaper than what you bought in Shanghai."

Wei Yin was surprised. "Is this lace woven by hand? Isn't it woven by a machine?"

"Machines can only weave very simple ones, and the complex and good ones are all woven by hand. Tailor shops in Shanghai can customize lace. When making clothes, tell them what style of lace you want, and they have skilled women who can weave it. You are so good at knitting sweaters, and lace is made by replacing the wool of sweaters with fine cotton or linen threads for lace." Qin Shu said, "There are foreign companies in Shanghai that specialize in the import and export of lace. The business is not big, but it should be enough to make a living. I had a classmate in college whose family did this."

Chen Xuan and Wei Yin looked at Qin Shu, and they instantly had a common idea: they should get Qin Shu (Ashu) to join in!

The author has something to say: ps: I didn't want to write at all, I didn't want to write at all, and then I wrote a chapter of more than 4,000 words. I feel so suspicious of being hypocritical, but I was still affected, otherwise I should have finished writing before 4 o'clock. I won't say much~~~~~The third update is here, good afternoon everyone~~~~When the weather is hot, the whole person is a little depressed~~~Thank you readers for the long comments, long comments will add more updates~~~~

Thank you for the mines and grenades~

The little bug threw a mine. The little bug threw a mine. A mine was thrown towards Mulan. No, it threw a mine. June6963 threw a mine. June6963 threw a mine. June6963 threw a mine. 26534246 threw a mine. 24642700 threw a mine. Yaya threw a mine. Teng Teng threw a grenade. Scarecrow's Masquerade threw a mine. Hua Xiaofei threw a mine. Why do we have to give it a name? It threw a mine. 24642700 threw a mine. Qi Lanruo threw a grenade. Mini threw a mine. The bottle girl threw a mine. Yaya threw a mine.