The First Match

Chapter 127: Dance


Whenever Wei Nian saw Rong Yang being so concise and frugal with words, he couldn't help but twitch his lips. However, Wei Nian also understood that Rong Yang was about to come to Beijing. Indeed, it would be best if these things could be discussed in person.

Chen Xuan had heard Wei Nian talk about the future development of the cosmetics factory recently. Chen Xuan felt that the cosmetics factory had to recruit some people. Apart from other things, the sales of lipsticks were increasing. Moreover, with more types of daily necessities, the current few people, who were both masters and long-term workers, were too busy to handle it. Therefore, Chen Xuan agreed with Wei Nian's plan to expand the scale.

Chen Xuan was always meticulous in business matters, following the rules and rarely making mistakes. Even in the second year of growing strawberries, things were going much more smoothly than the first year. Chen Xuan still insisted on keeping a record of the strawberries every day, and making a summary every ten days. She also reported the expenses of the old house once a month, and the accounts were clear and distinct. Although Old Master Wei didn't say it, he recognized Chen Xuan's character in his heart. It can be said that Chen Xuan's life was going smoothly, except for -

Qin Shu, Wei Yin and Wen Yaying have become good friends.

Chen Xuan felt that Wen Yaying in this life had done nothing, and it was unfair to be prejudiced against her. In fact, even in her previous life, Chen Xuan had only heard of Wen Yaying's name, and she didn't really know who Wen Yaying was, including what happened between her and Wei Nian.

In this life, Chen Xuan thought that she and Wen Yaying were not the same kind of people anyway, so it would be better to have less contact with them, as their personalities were originally very different.

Therefore, when Wen Yaying came to the store several times, Chen Xuan just treated her as a guest and did not have a personal relationship with her. As a result, Qin Shu and Wei Yin became friends with Wen Yaying.

Wen Yaying is now a famous socialite in Beijing.

What made Chen Xuan feel even more incredible was that once she really dated him, she found that he was not just a high-class lady. For example, it was Wen Yaying who suggested Wei Yin make handbags. Moreover, Wen Yaying was very supportive of Wei Yin. Some of her clothes were made in Chen Xuan and Wei Yin's shop. Wen Yaying also admired some of Wei Yin's handbags and even promoted them.

Wen Yaying was born into a prominent family, her father was a high-ranking official, and she had many fans in Beijing. When she recommended Wei Yin, the business of Wei Yin and Chen Xuan's store also went up a level. Even Qin Shu said that Wen Yaying was a good person except for her bad temper. Wen Yaying often held dances at her residence and invited famous ladies in Beijing. Now, both Qin Shu and Wei Yin were frequent guests of Wen Yaying.

It was Chen Xuan who was also invited to Wen Yaying's dance party.

However, Chen Xuan only went there once or twice. It was not for any other reason. Chen Xuan had to study at night. She always attended dances and had no time to study. Moreover, she did her accounting at night. So, it was okay to go there once or twice occasionally.

Wei Yin and Qin Shu liked to go, however. Not only Wei Nian was worried about the two girls going there, but Chen Xuan was also worried. So, Wei Nian often went with them, and they would come back after playing for an hour or two.

Chen Xuan didn't really want Wei Nian to go, but she thought that Wei Yin and Qin Shu also had their own social lives. As the elder brother, Wei Nian would be worried if he didn't accompany Wei Yin. Chen Xuan simply didn't care. Anyway, it would rain and mothers would get married. If a man wanted to change his mind, it couldn't be stopped. It was impossible to tie a man as outstanding as Wei Nian to her side for the rest of his life. Chen Xuan simply let Wei Nian go to see what kind of person he was.

As for Chen Xuan herself, Wei Nian often had to accompany Wei Yin and Qin Shu out, so Chen Xuan had to delay teaching Japanese. Chen Xuan simply hired a Japanese teacher. Five dollars a month, she studied Japanese with the teacher for an hour every night. After learning Japanese well, Chen Xuan planned to start learning French.

Even Wei Nian admired Chen Xuan's determination in learning.

Wei Yin also asked Chen Xuan, "Second sister-in-law, we have to be busy in the store every day, so it's okay to relax a little at night."

Chen Xuan said, "I don't study every night. Sometimes I read novels to pass the time."

Wei Yin then realized that in her second sister-in-law's eyes, reading a large English original novel was a pastime. Qin Shu also said, "With the second sister-in-law's enthusiasm for learning, it will be difficult for her not to become a scholar in the future."

Chen Xuan thought about it and reminded them, "It's okay to relax a little, but don't relax all the time. After all, knowledge is a person's true foundation."

The two of them were willing to listen, but they had to go to Wen Yaying's dance party in a few days. Through Wen Yaying, the two of them also met many famous socialites in Beijing, and they attended more dances, which also expanded Wei Nian's social circle.

Chen Xuan was fortunate enough to meet Miss Han from the mayor's family of Peking.

Furthermore, as Wei Nian's social circle expanded, there were more occasions where Chen Xuan was needed. Although Chen Xuan always cherished her evening time, she would never shirk her responsibilities. Although Chen Xuan was not a smooth-talking person, she was polite when dealing with others. The key point was that compared with the current new-style women who wanted to show off, Chen Xuan was calm and low-key, and never stole the limelight. Therefore, Chen Xuan actually had a good reputation in the social scene. When some more picky ladies mentioned Chen Xuan, they all said that she was a gentleman.

This time when Rong Yang came to Beijing, Chen Xuan met Rong Yang at the Han family's dance party.

Rong Yang came here with Madam Wen.

Rong Yang was gentle and refined, and Madam Wen was elegant and beautiful. Although the two were slightly different in age and seniority, they had an incredible sense of harmony when standing together. When Rong Yang asked Madam Wen to dance, she stole the show.

Chen Xuan came with Wei Nian. After a song, they started dancing a new American ballroom dance. Wen Yaying smiled and said, "This is the new trend this year."

Wei Yin looked towards the dance floor. "Ah, it's something similar to the foxtrot and a bit like the two-step."

"Yes." Wen Yaying called, "Let's dance together."

Wen Yaying's dance partner today, Mr. Han, waved his hand and said, "I don't know how to dance this."

Wen Yaying said, "It's very simple."

Wei Yin and Qin Shu both had their dance positions and went to dance together. Wei Nian also wanted to take Chen Xuan with him, but Chen Xuan waved her hand and said, "I don't know how to do it either." Chen Xuan only knew the simple two-step, three-step, and four-step dances. This new American dance was her first time seeing it. Mr. Han simply said, "Mrs. Wei and I don't know how to do it either. Why don't you, Mr. Wei, dance with Miss Wen?"

Chen Xuan's eyes fell on Wen Yaying's face. Wen Yaying giggled, her slender and beautiful figure bowed slightly, and she stretched out her white arms to Wei Nian, making an invitation gesture. Wei Nian looked at Chen Xuan. In a dance, it is usually the man who invites the woman, but Wen Yaying did the opposite. If he refused, it would be too disrespectful to Wen Yaying. Chen Xuan nodded, and Wei Nian went to dance with Wen Yaying.

Mr. Han laughed, "Mrs. Wei is too strict with Mr. Wei."

Chen Xuan was a little confused and looked at Master Han. Master Han was not familiar with Chen Xuan, as he had other social connections, so he smiled and went somewhere else.

Chen Xuan sat alone and drank fruit wine.

"Why don't you go dance?" The voice was low and gentle. Chen Xuan turned around and saw Madam Wen walking over and sitting on the sofa opposite with a smile. Madam Wen was elegant with a hint of elder's concern, "I saw you danced well just now."

Chen Xuan was a little shy, "I'm not very good at this new popular ballroom dance."

"It doesn't matter if you can't dance. Dancing is just a way to pass the time. If you can dance, it's the icing on the cake. If you can't dance, it doesn't matter either." The diamond jewelry on Mrs. Wen's neck and ears was extremely dazzling under the dim light. Mrs. Wen said, "The most important thing is to make sure you are a piece of brocade. Otherwise, no matter how good you are at dancing, you will just be like a dancer. What value do you have except to be laughed at by others?"

This was so sarcastic that even Chen Xuan felt a chill in her bones. However, Mrs. Wen's eyes were still gentle and beautiful. She looked at Chen Xuan and changed the subject, "I heard Sister Wen talk about Mrs. Wei learning English. Is she still learning it now?"

Chen Xuan nodded, "I'm learning Japanese now."

Mrs. Wen smiled and said, "Why don't we talk in Japanese?"

"I only know a little."

"It doesn't matter. If you're not fluent in Japanese, you can switch to English. Learning a language requires more practice."

Chen Xuan was sitting there feeling bored, so Madam Wen came to practice English with her. In Chen Xuan's opinion, this was much more meaningful than just sitting there drinking fruit wine. Although Chen Xuan had only studied Japanese for a short time, she was very daring in speaking. Her focused expression made her speak with great enthusiasm, even though Madam Wen had to correct her pronunciation from time to time.

The two of them kept talking until the dance ended. Wei Nian, Qin Shu, Wei Yin, Wen Yaying and Miss Han came over, talking and laughing. Madam Wen was the elder, so everyone naturally greeted her. Even Wen Yaying called out indifferently, "Madam."

Mrs. Wen smiled and said to everyone, "Please sit down. I'm a little tired, so come and sit down. I heard that Yaying made many new friends in Peking, and her father and I are very pleased. I came here specially to visit Yaying. I am very happy that she is living so well. You are her friends, just like my juniors. The last time I came here, I didn't know that you, Ah Shu, were also in Peking. I haven't seen you for several years. You are a grown-up now. Come and sit here with me." The last sentence was said to Qin Shu.

Qin Shu walked over to her warmly and sat beside Mrs. Wen with a smile. "The last time I knew that you were coming to Beiping, you had already returned to Nanjing. I felt sorry for a long time. This time I finally met you. I wanted to go over and talk to you, but there were too many people around you and I couldn't squeeze in. Aunt Wen, when did you arrive in Beiping? I'll treat you to a meal."

Mrs. Wen smiled, "I just arrived. I wanted to come with Yaying's father, but he had something urgent to do, so I had to come to see Yaying by myself. Give me your current address later. I have some cakes and dumplings brought from Nanjing. I'll ask the driver to send them to you. I remember you loved eating this when you were a child. I think your taste has not changed in these years."

"I want to drool now." Qin Shu exaggeratedly made a saliva sucking motion, which made Mrs. Wen chuckle.

Madam Wen spoke to Wei Nian and Wei Yin again, her attitude polite but also intimate.

Mrs. Wen had this ability. Even when facing a group of juniors, she still did not have the slightest airs of an elder. Moreover, as Mrs. Wen's status, she did not neglect anyone. Everyone present felt like they were enjoying the spring breeze. When the third dance music started, Mrs. Wen smiled and said, "Young people, go dance. This is your good time."

Wei Yin and Qin Shu came here to have fun, and they danced happily. Miss Han said she was a little tired, so she stayed beside Madam Wen. Wen Yaying casually tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and the gold bracelet in her hand brushed across her fair wrist. She looked at Wei Nian, who replaced the sake with water for Chen Xuan, and smiled, "Today we are dancing new dances, why don't you dance with me again, Mr. Wei."

Wei Nian had always had a normal impression of Wen Yaying, but when Wen Yaying said it directly, Wei Nian winked at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan was not a pushover. Wei Nian was the one she slept with, so there was no way she would allow Wen Yaying to dance with him endlessly. Chen Xuan wanted to pretend to be uncomfortable so that Wei Nian could get away. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Wen smiled first, "Yaying, I have made an appointment with Mr. Rong for you."

Chen Xuan looked at Madam Wen, and Madam Wen's eyes fell on Wen Yaying's face. Her gentle expression was flawless. Her creamy hand gently covered the back of Wen Yaying's hand, and she said with a mother's love and tenderness, "Let's dance this dance with Mr. Rong."

The hairs on Wei Nian's body immediately stood up.

The author has something to say: ps: The first update is here, and the second update will be at night, don’t worry, it will be the same tomorrow morning~~~~~~