The First Match

Chapter 138: New staff!


Wei Nian has always been smart. He has been learning business from Old Master Wei since he was 13 or 14. Although he is young now, Wei Nian knows all the tricks of the trade. Shopkeeper Fu has been increasingly ineffective in handling the business outside the Great Wall in recent years. There is no need to guess. If Shopkeeper Fu was not a good businessman, he would not have been able to gain a foothold outside the Great Wall. Although the world is a bit chaotic now, there is still a way for businessmen. If others can do business, there is no reason why Shopkeeper Fu cannot do it well.

Business is not doing well nowadays. It is obvious that it is not due to talent but to human factors.

What can a man do

It's nothing more than a matter of money, because, whether it's smoking, gambling or women, everything requires money.

However, gambling is unlikely. Wei Nian knows that if he gets into someone's game, he will lose everything in a few rounds. It is definitely not gambling that has allowed Manager Fu to survive outside the Great Wall for so many years. Then it must be women or smoking opium...

Wei Nian pondered for a while. If Wei Shi was not lured by Manager Fu into a life of debauchery, then he was instigated by someone and had an affair. But this was basically unlikely. Wei Nian knew his elder brother's character. If Wei Shi was the kind of person who would have an affair, he should have bought some private property in Beijing during his years. In this regard, Wei Nian still admired his elder brother. Because, in comparison, Wei Nian had always had his own little calculations.

Thinking about his elder brother being plotted against, Wei Nian's face couldn't help but darken.

Wei Nian thought that it would be better to get his elder brother home first, but Wei Shi was also an adult, ten years older than Wei Nian. If he didn't want to come back, Wei Nian couldn't do anything. As long as he knew about Wei Shi's situation outside the pass, he wouldn't worry.

Yes, if it were someone else, knowing that his brother was calculating and not doing well in business, they would be extremely anxious and worried.

Wei Nian is different. He is unhappy, but not in a hurry.

Wei Nian's blood is colder than that of ordinary people.

Wei Nian has always believed that one should handle his own affairs by himself. Wei Shi is already in his thirties. Does he still need others to teach him? Even in the previous life, Chen Xuan had been in his house for many years. If he was soft-hearted, he would probably agree to the family's marriage just by seeing Chen Xuan's pitiful waiting. Wei Nian is different. Wei Nian will never agree. You can live here if you want. I won't touch you or pay attention to you anyway. As a result, Chen Xuan finally returned to her hometown. Now that he is here with Wei Shi, Wei Nian really doesn't care about the trivial matters outside the pass. At present, his father is still in charge of the family business. Wei Nian has his own business. He prefers to deal with new-style businessmen like Rong Yang. What's more, Wei Nian has to keep an eye on the soap production from time to time.

But, apart from being cold-blooded, Wei Nian does have other advantages.

As long as you understand people who are willing to learn and make progress, Wei Nian is really willing to teach. For example, when Chen Xuan first started learning foreign languages, of course, Chen Xuan flattered Wei Nian a lot, but Wei Nian was busy with business in the shop during the day and taught Chen Xuan half a night at night. For ordinary men, let alone the two of them were not married at that time, even if they were real husband and wife, which husband would be willing to teach his wife like this

Wei Nian is such a person, he is more rational than emotional, so he does not like the old-fashioned submissive women, he likes the type like Chen Xuan who is tenacious and hardworking. Wei Nian himself is strong, and he has the same requirements for his partner.

As for his relatives, Wei Nian felt that it was enough for him to fulfill his duties as a son and brother.

The matter of Wei Shi was put aside for the time being, because after discussing with his father, Wei Nian sent a telegram to ask his elder brother to go home, but Wei Shi still said that he was busy with business outside the Great Wall and would go back later. Wei Nian did not force him. At present, the new workers recruited by the soap factory had just arrived. Wei Nian did not bother two masters for one thing, and still asked Uncle Wang to find workers in his hometown. Uncle Wang often helped the Wei family recruit workers and send labor outside, and his prestige in the village was increasing day by day.

In addition, at the beginning of the year, Uncle Wang sent his daughter, Sister Wang, and other female workers back to Beijing, and brought with them the soap-making workers that Wei Nian wanted to recruit.

Wei Nian asked Wang Damei to bring the people to the factory and arrange for them to stay at home with Uncle Wang Er.

Chen Xuan was busy recruiting senior managers. This time, whether it was the advertisement or the salary, Chen Xuan and Wei Yin were prepared to offer a high price. Therefore, as soon as the eighth day of the New Year, many people came to apply for the job, including college students and even international students.

Chen Xuan and Wei Yin are both busy with interviews.

When Chen Xuan first saw the international students, she was quite surprised, especially when they showed her colorful diplomas and academic qualifications. Chen Xuan felt a little dizzy. Wei Yin quietly asked Chen Xuan, "Second sister-in-law, how do we interview these international students?"

Chen Xuan was a little confused at first, but after calming down and thinking about it, she had an idea. Chen Xuan couldn't understand these diplomas. Chen Xuan had always admired people with knowledge, especially international students. After all, Chen Xuan had always wanted to study abroad. Now she was saving money for going abroad in the future.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan has been doing business for several years, so she doesn't get dizzy when she sees an international student. Moreover, she has to attend the salons of Mr. Wen and Professor Chu every month, and she has met quite a few learned scholars. For example, Mr. Wen and Professor Chu have both studied abroad, and are now very famous in China. Chen Xuan can interact with them, and when facing ordinary international students, Chen Xuan can calm down. Chen Xuan used a very direct method, that is, for European and American international students, she directly interviewed them in English. If they are Japanese international students, she will interview them in Japanese, and if they are fluent in French, let Wei Yin communicate in French. After such an interview, Wei Yin said, "I used to think that international students were so great, but now it seems that it is not entirely true. Of course, there are knowledgeable gentlemen like Mr. Wen and Professor Chu, but there are also those who eat and drink for free. After studying abroad, they speak foreign languages in pieces. I really don't know what they are doing abroad!"

In short, these interviews from time to time also opened the eyes of Chen Xuan and Wei Yin.

Of course, because Chen Xuan and Wei Yin were willing to spend money, some good people also came for the interview.

One of them is a relative of Professor Chu's wife at Peking University. This young man is the cousin of Mrs. Chu's uncle. Mrs. Chu and Professor Chu are an old-fashioned marriage. Professor Chu has always been famous for his demeanor and knowledge in the academic world. In addition, he is handsome. When he got his doctorate from Columbia University, he was only 27 years old. He was directly promoted to the head of the department when he taught at Peking University. It can be seen that he is outstandingly talented. Mrs. Chu is a traditional bound-foot wife. When young talents nowadays abandon their wives and children for old-fashioned marriages, Mrs. Chu married Professor Chu at the age of 18. Then, when Professor Chu was studying abroad for several years, he exchanged letters with Mrs. Chu. After returning to China, the couple reunited in Beijing and were quite affectionate. It can be seen that Professor Chu is certainly not the kind of unscrupulous man who first obeys the old marriage and then abandons his wife and children. At the same time, it must be said that even though Mrs. Chu is an old-fashioned bound-foot wife, Mrs. Chu is definitely worthy of Professor Chu in terms of character and character.

Mrs. Chu's maiden name was Qi, and they were considered a wealthy family in the local area. When Uncle Qi was alive, he was also a well-known industrialist in the local area, and his family had quite a few industries. Of course, there were many industries, and there were many children in the family. His wife alone had remarried twice. It is conceivable that Uncle Qi's children were not born to the same mother. Then, as soon as Uncle Qi passed away, things started to happen. This Qi San was born to Uncle Qi's first second wife. This second wife gave birth to a son, Qi San, and did not even have a daughter, and she died early. In Uncle Qi's family, the first wife gave birth to two sons and one daughter, and the second second wife gave birth to four sons and three daughters. The second wife in the middle had few children, especially because the second second wife was young and had been in charge of the family affairs with Uncle Qi for many years. She was smart and capable, and ordinary people could not compare. This lady knew the family affairs best, and her children would naturally not suffer any losses. The children of the first wife were the oldest and had been in charge of the family factory for a long time, so they would naturally not suffer any losses. As a result, Qi San was really not loved by his grandma and uncle. He was in the middle. He had to do a lot of things at home, but he was the one who did the thankless work. As a result, when his father died, he got a little bit, but he was still not angry enough.

Qi San and Mrs. Chu are cousins. When they were in their hometown, Mrs. Chu learned to read from this third cousin, and they have a good relationship.

Qi San came to Beijing to relax and told Mrs. Chu about all the troubles at home. "I regret not listening to you, elder sister. I shouldn't have returned to my hometown. If I had stayed in Shanghai, I would have had to eat coarse food and struggle hard. After all, it was my own career. Now I have wasted several years at home, and I haven't won the family business, and I have also failed myself."

Thinking of the mess in her second uncle's family, what could Mrs. Chu say? She advised her cousin, "It's not too late to understand now. You are not yet thirty, still young, and there is still time for you to do anything. I have said before that the third wife is powerful. You have no support from either side, and there are many brothers and sisters in your family. It will not be easy for you to stand out. Do you have any rules for the future?"

Qi San originally went to university in Shanghai. He wanted to return to Shanghai to find some work to support himself.

It was just a coincidence that Professor Chu knew about the recruitment of senior managers in Weiyin Store. After thinking about the situation of this cousin's brother-in-law, it was said that Qi San was also a top student of Aurora University in the past. He was a good person and did good things. The main reason for the failure of the inheritance dispute this time was that Qi San had no support from both inside and outside. He was alone. It was really no match for four hands with two fists, and a hero could not stand up to a large number of people... Professor Chu mentioned the recruitment of senior managers in Weiyin Store to his wife, and showed her the advertisement in the Peking Daily. Mrs. Chu said, "One hundred dollars is definitely not a small amount, but you have to ask about the details. Mrs. Wei and Miss Wei are not bad to our family. The children are not used to the climate in Peking, so the skin and lip balms they made for them are particularly useful. In my opinion, let's not talk about our relationship with the third brother first, and let the third brother go for an interview. If he can be hired, Mrs. Wei and Miss Wei are both people who know the background, and the third brother can also have a job. If he can't be hired, don't mention it again."

Why Professor Chu is so devoted to Mrs. Chu? It is inseparable from Mrs. Chu's sensible character. Professor Chu smiled, "Okay, let the third brother find a job based on his ability, and keep the public and private affairs separate!"

Mrs. Chu told Qi San about this job the next day. Qi San thought about it and said, "I don't have much experience in cosmetics, but no one is born knowing everything. I trust your vision, sister, so I'll go for an interview."

So Qi San went to the store for an interview.

Aurora University has always been famous for its French. Although Qi San has been managing his business in his hometown in recent years, his French has not fallen behind. Qi San and Wei Yin spoke in French for half a day, and they both had a good impression of each other. In particular, Qi San was not familiar with cosmetics, so he proposed to get familiar with cosmetics in the store before going to Shanghai to develop the market. This was very much to Wei Yin's liking. Among the applicants these days, there are many who don't know what they are talking about. They don't know anything about the products, but they just talk about their ideal construction in a flowery way. You don't know anything about our own brand, how can you realize your ideal construction!

Wei Yin has been running her own shop for a few years, and her family has been in business for generations, so she knows all about business. If you don't even know the quality of the goods, and you're talking about business, that's not an ideal, that's just dreaming!

Wei Yin was very satisfied with Qi San's down-to-earth spirit. After discussing with Chen Xuan, he decided to let Qi San help sell things in the store first to increase his understanding of the products. In addition, Chen Xuan had made a training plan for new employees. The first step of this plan was to have new employees work as clerks in the store for a period of time to deepen their understanding of the brand.

The aunt and sister-in-law have been doing business for the past few years and have met many different kinds of people. Qi San is a down-to-earth person who is willing to work hard.

However, the salary during the probation period still needs to be made clear to Qi San.

Qi San was born in a wealthy family, so he didn't really care about the few dozen dollars. He was more concerned about the development of the Shanghai market. Because Xu Ning was also a student of Peking University, Chen Xuan and Wei Yin showed Qi San the contract they signed for Xu Ning. Qi San asked his sister and brother-in-law about Wei Yin and Chen Xuan's character and learned that they were not stingy with people who could do things and were willing to keep their promises.

After establishing trust between each other, Qi San started working in the store.

As for the second employee, even Wei Yin never dreamed that it was Miss Bai who came to apply for the job.

Miss Bai has always been a customer that Wei Yin loves and hates. Miss Bai often brings friends here to buy clothes and bags. However, every time she brings people here, Miss Bai will come back to ask Wei Yin for kickbacks. Moreover, unlike the kickbacks given to others, the kickback Miss Bai wants is 10% more than other companies. If you don't give it to her, then wait for her to nag you. She can really nag you from your character to every corner of your store. Wei Yin often can't stand her noise, so he has to let her do what she wants.

Chen Xuan is good-tempered and smiles as if nothing happened.

Miss Bai especially loves dealing with Chen Xuan. Whenever she sees Chen Xuan, she always calls her "Second Sister-in-law". In Wei Yin's words, it's as if she is Second Sister-in-law's biological sister-in-law.

Miss Bai sat down and complained. After drinking a sip of tea, she started talking to her aunt and sister-in-law, "You also know that my old man is a man who only knows how to spend but not earn, and he favors boys over girls. Although my mother is the eldest wife, I don't have any brothers. My old man's heart and money are all in the hands of the second wife. My mother is an honest woman, what can my mother and I get in the future? I have to make plans early."

"Originally I wanted to get married early and get my dowry, but I have never found a man I like. Besides, my concubine always complains about the financial difficulties. Even if I get married, I am afraid I won't have much dowry. I have to save some money for the future. Buying things with those concubines is nothing more than earning some pocket money. If I opened a shop in Beijing, I would be angry enough. I didn't know you were willing to spend so much money to recruit people. If I knew you were willing to spend a lot of money on talents, I would have come earlier." Miss Bai said, "Look at me, I am familiar with cosmetics on weekdays. Although I have never done business, I think that business is nothing more than buying and selling. If it was someone else's business, I would not dare to recommend myself. People are not as good as they used to be. There are many cases of fraud and deception. If I were not familiar with your family, I would not dare to ask for a job easily."

After talking about this conversation, Miss Bai asked, "Second sister-in-law, Ah Yin, do you think I am okay?"

Miss Bai is a smart person, and she is also good at eating, drinking and dressing. She told Chen Xuan that she would be suitable for the cosmetics industry. Chen Xuan was a little worried, "Will your family agree?"

Miss Bai smiled with bright eyes, "Don't worry, I dare to come here to find a job. Everything at home has been arranged."

Since Miss Bai and Qi San came to the store for a trial period, Chen Xuan and Wei Yin put the recruitment process on hold.

What made Chen Xuan more proud was that when Wei Nian saw Miss Bai and Qi San, who were hired by their store, he also said that Chen Xuan and Wei Yin had good taste, which made the two of them very proud!

The author has something to say: ps: The first update is here, good afternoon everyone! ! ! !