The First Match

Chapter 139: Mature


After Qi San and Miss Bai were arranged in the store, the atmosphere of the whole store was completely changed. Both of them were highly educated and intelligent. Yes, although Miss Bai was always calculating, it did not mean that she was stingy. Miss Bai graduated from Beijing Women's Normal University. According to Miss Bai, she was also an outstanding graduate who received scholarships every year when she was in school. Originally, with Miss Bai's education, it was not difficult to find a job as a teacher. As a result, when she wanted to work, her concubine wanted to arrange a marriage for her. This marriage made Miss Bai sick. Since then, Miss Bai has become famous in the social circle. She does not work, but only buys clothes and bags, eats and drinks every day. If she has no money, she just puts it on the account at home. If the concubine whispers bad things in Mr. Bai's ear, Miss Bai will pinch her father's face and spit directly in the concubine's face. After all, this is just a concubine, as Miss Bai said, "a thing". After Miss Bai had fallen out with her husband twice and caused unrest in the family, her concubine regretted it so much that she wished she could turn back time and let Miss Bai go to work.

Miss Bai has been playing around for several years. Now she is more mature. The men in the social world are unreliable. Her father is biased and favors boys over girls. In the future, the family business can only be passed on to those who have xx in their □□. Her mother is also extremely incompetent. Miss Bai is thinking that she has to rely on herself in this world. She often accompanies some ladies and grandmothers to go shopping. Receiving kickbacks is one of her income. In addition, Miss Bai will submit articles to newspapers under a pseudonym to make money. In fact, seeing how successful Miss Bai is in the social world, she will not be short of money. However, Miss Bai thinks long-term. In Miss Bai's words, who would complain about having too much money? She wants to make more money and then piss off her concubines.

Back to the point, Miss Bai sought this job of market development in Chen Xuan and Wei Yin's store because she saw that Chen Xuan and Wei Yin were willing to give dividends. Moreover, according to Miss Bai's observation, the two sisters-in-law were kind and not stingy. Miss Bai wanted to get rich, but it was basically impossible to rely on kickbacks and writing articles, so when Miss Bai saw that their store was recruiting a senior manager, she came over immediately.

Miss Bai was working, and it was impossible for Sun Yan to wear the shop uniform and greet the customers politely. Miss Bai changed the blue and white cheongsam shop uniform to fit her better. It was rare that she had a solemn makeup, which did not give people a frivolous feeling, but a beautiful and gentle appearance of a good wife and mother. Miss Bai's sales method was so sharp and clever that the sales of the newcomers Qi San and Zhao Daya combined were not as good as Miss Bai's.

Miss Bai spoke with her achievements and immediately became the leader of the two. She was able to make money among the ladies and grandmothers, which showed her flexibility. Miss Bai was good at selling things, but she was not proud at all. Instead, she would subtly guide the two. Qi San, who had received a university education and had the handsome appearance of a Jiangnan man, was the most popular among the older ladies and grandmothers. As for Zhao Daya, she was a simple and capable girl with quick hands. Although she had not yet learned the skills of makeup, Miss Bai taught her a few compliments. She just had to flatter the customers with a simple face, and she could gain experience by flattering them.

Miss Bai displayed such social skills that not only Zhao Daya, but even Qi San felt that although Miss Bai had a rather fierce temper, she was still a good person.

As for the fact that Shopkeeper Li was about to leave, Wei Yin and Chen Xuan discussed it and learned that Shopkeeper Li had a second son, who was now seventeen years old and worked as a clerk in the shop. The two sisters-in-law asked Wei Nian about the temperament of Shopkeeper Li's second son and learned that he was also honest and smart. So they discussed with Shopkeeper Li and poached Li Er to continue to manage the accounts in the shop. It would be easy for the two brothers to hand over the business.

This is how people are hired nowadays. First, they look for relatives. If there is no one among relatives, they will choose from acquaintances. Especially since the account is not different from others, they must use trustworthy people. Shopkeeper Li and his wife were very happy. Mrs. Li even bought some things to visit Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan was pregnant for three months, and the Wei family did not hide it. In fact, Mrs. Li knew it a long time ago, but she pretended not to know until the Wei family officially announced it. Now that the eldest son is going to Tianjin with Sun Yan, the second young lady and the second daughter have taken a fancy to her second son. Mrs. Li is really happy and very grateful to the two sisters-in-law. She bought lotus seeds and longans for blood supplement and came to visit the second young lady. At the same time, she also wanted to get closer to the second young lady. After all, Mrs. Li admires the second young lady for her ability. Otherwise, the marriage between Sun Yan and the eldest son, the Sun family is now penniless, even if she is a native of Beijing, the family business is ruined after all. Mrs. Li is a mother, and when she is looking for a daughter-in-law for her son, she naturally wants to find a daughter-in-law who knows her background well and has a dowry. However, since she has seen the changes in Chen Xuan in the past few years, Mrs. Li has also figured it out. No matter how much dowry there is, it is not as good as a capable daughter-in-law. Therefore, when she saw that Sun Yan was a sensible person and did not want to endlessly subsidize her parents' family, Mrs. Li immediately agreed to the marriage. Now that Mrs. Li came here, she really admired Chen Xuan's ability. She was willing to come over more often when she had nothing to do at home.

Mrs. Li was a woman who had given birth to three sons and two daughters, and she was very experienced in childbirth. She thought that the uncle and aunt of the Chen family were useless and mean, and how much teaching could the second young lady get at home? Mrs. Li felt that although she had some old experience, it might be useful. She was worried about Chen Xuan's pregnancy, so she came over to talk about it. Chen Xuan was always gentle to others, and she told Mrs. Li about Sun Yan's life in Tianjin. Chen Xuan smiled, "Ayan lives in her aunt's house in Tianjin. She is really capable. She has only been there for a few days, and more than a thousand yuan of soap and perfume were sent to her, and a box of cosmetics were also sent to her."

Mrs. Li said, "She's a girl, and I was a little worried before. Now that I know she lives with her aunt, I can finally put my mind at ease."

"Ayan has always been steady, so just rest assured. Once Shopkeeper Li has handed over the accounts, let him go. After all, the two of them have something to discuss."


Mrs. Li and Chen Xuan talked about some private things. When Wei Nian went home in the evening, Mrs. Li said goodbye. Chen Xuan wanted to keep Mrs. Li for dinner, but Mrs. Li smiled and said, "I will come to congratulate you when you give birth to the young master. You have to be careful now that you are in good health. It doesn't matter when you eat." She refused to let Chen Xuan see her off, and went happily.

Wei Nian took a glance at the things on the table and saw that the lotus seeds and longans were all of excellent quality. He took off his coat and said with a smile, "Mrs. Li has to thank you very much. If you and Ah Yin hadn't hired Miss Sun to come to the store, Xiao Li would not have found such a good daughter-in-law."

Chen Xuan stood up and poured Wei Nian a glass of warm water. She knew that he had a reason for saying this, so she smiled and understood his meaning. "Ayan wrote to ask for goods again?"

"I don't know how she found the distributor. She wired for 2,000 bars of soap. Although there isn't much, she has only been in Tianjin for a few days. This girl is really capable. Now there is no trouble in the family. From now on, she will be the one to support the family." Wei Nian took a few sips of the warm water to moisten his throat, then smiled and said, "Little Li is so lucky."

Chen Xuan also said, "Mrs. Li is also reasonable. If some people are stingy and short-sighted, they will not see how much money Ayan can make, but will just say that her younger siblings are underage and are a burden. Mrs. Li is not like that. When Ayan is not at home, I heard that Mrs. Li often asks the shopkeeper Xiao Li to deliver things. Ayan is also a sensible person. She said that she would support her younger siblings until they graduate from high school, when they will be adults. After all, you can't always subsidize your family after you get married."

Wei Nian didn't know what he was thinking about, and suddenly smiled, "If Miss Sun didn't understand this, no matter how capable she was, Mrs. Li would not agree to this marriage."

Chen Xuan thought about it and had to admit that what Wei Nian said made a lot of sense.

Talking about other people's family gossip, Wei Nian finally decided on his daughter's name. Wei Nian said that if it was a son, his father would name him, and if it was a girl, he had already thought of a name for her, Wei Xin, which means sweetheart.

Chen Xuan was annoyed by the name, but felt happy inside. She said, "It's a good name. Although I hope the first child can be a son, if it's a girl, I also hope that she won't be influenced by the many families that favor boys over girls nowadays. She needs to know that her parents have always treated her like their sweetheart since she was a child."

Wei Nian smiled and touched Chen Xuan's belly, which was beginning to show, and nodded, "That's what I mean."

After receiving the red dates and longans from Mrs. Li, Chen Xuan received walnuts and hazelnuts from Mrs. Zhao. Chen Xuan was actually quite touched. In her previous life, she was also the second young lady, and Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Li treated her normally, but now they are so warm. If others judge this, they will definitely say that Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Li are snobbish, but Chen Xuan doesn't think so. Even Chen Xuan herself likes herself better now. This is not just snobbery, but also a kind of human yearning for the strong.

Compared to the two shopkeepers’ wives, Zhao and Li, she is now considered the strong one.

As for Madam Wen, she wanted to get close to her just as Madams Zhao and Li were close to her.

Chen Xuan likes to write letters very much. She usually sends ordinary letters for non-urgent ones. Especially now that she is fluent in both foreign and Japanese, Chen Xuan would write in both languages on the card when sending strawberries to Mrs. Wen to improve her writing skills. Since she met Mrs. Wen, Mrs. Wen generously let her borrow books from the study at home, and Chen Xuan has been keeping in touch with Mrs. Wen through letters.

Every time she wrote a letter, whether in English or Japanese, Mrs. Wen would patiently write back to her, correct her grammatical errors, ask about her learning progress, etc. Therefore, Chen Xuan knew about Mrs. Wen's coming to Beijing early. This time, Mr. Wen and Mrs. Wen came to Beijing together. Chen Xuan calculated the time, picked strawberries in the morning, and sent Li Er, the shopkeeper, to deliver them to Mrs. Wen early, and also wrote a greeting card.

Shopkeeper Li Er looked at the cursive foreign words on the envelope outside the card and felt even more that he had to hurry up and learn the foreign words that the young lady was teaching him.

Chen Xuan had obviously established a good relationship with Mrs. Wen. Mrs. Wen invited Chen Xuan to have afternoon tea and said she had a new book from Nanjing for her. Knowing that Chen Xuan was pregnant, Mrs. Wen sent her driver to pick her up. After Chen Xuan arrived at the Wen family, she said Mrs. Wen was too polite, "It would be the same if I called a car myself."

Mrs. Wen smiled and asked her to sit on the sofa, "Since we have a car, why bother?" Because Chen Xuan was pregnant, she did not ask the servant to make milk tea for her, but heated a cup of milk and said to Chen Xuan, "You need to supplement nutrition during pregnancy, but you can't take too much. A glass of milk every morning and evening is good."

Chen Xuan smiled, "Brother Anian has decided. I read in a book that many foreigners drink milk every day. I told Brother Anian that although milk is not cheap, it is not too expensive. We will drink it every day from now on. Brother Anian and I will drink it together."

"That's great." Mrs. Wen knew that Chen Xuan had already hired a servant and handed over the strawberry business, and could focus more on business and study. She was very pleased. "The first priority in doing business is to have a strong body. Otherwise, even if you have a thousand wisdom and plans, you can't accomplish anything without a healthy body. I heard from your letter that you have recruited some good people for your store."

"Yes! Brother Qi San and Miss Bai went to Shanghai last month. They both like Shanghai, and they can be companions and discuss everything together." Chen Xuan smiled. "At the beginning of recruiting, I was very unsure, but later when I really started interviewing, I felt more confident. Our R&D center is also recruiting. Master Wu, Master Zhang and the two masters in Shanghai are too busy, and now we want to develop new varieties, so we think we should recruit people from universities."

Just as they were talking about this, Mr. Wen came down from upstairs. Chen Xuan quickly stood up to greet him. Mr. Wen smiled and waved his hand, "Mrs. Wei, please sit down. I ate the strawberries you sent me these past two days. They tasted very good. You often communicate with my wife. You are our friend."

Mr. Wen was not the busy man that Chen Xuan had imagined. He sat down naturally and elegantly and asked casually, "What are you talking about?"

Mrs. Wen smiled, "I heard from Xuan that their factory is looking for R&D personnel and is planning to recruit people from the university."

Mr. Wen was a little surprised. He took the coffee from Amun and said, "As far as I know, most of the domestic enterprises are family-owned. Whether it is a factory or a company, they all employ their own people. Even if they are not their own people, they are friends from the village. They rarely recruit people directly from outside."

Mr. Wen is a government official after all, with a distinguished status. There is always a hint of majesty in his gestures. Chen Xuan unconsciously straightened her body and said seriously, "Our factory is almost the same, but the R&D center is different. We want to develop new cosmetics and improve them, so we need professional talents. If we don't have such people at home, we have to recruit them from outside. The previous Master Wu and Master Zhang were introduced by Professor Chu of Peking University. They are very capable. Now we are too busy to handle it, so we are going to recruit more people, and we are recruiting from Peking University."

"It's not easy for college students to find jobs nowadays. If everyone in your factory is willing to hire college students, why would there be so many people who are unemployed after graduating?" Mr. Wen asked Chen Xuan, "What do you think of the current work level of college students?"

Chen Xuan is not a person who talks nonsense. She said, "How should I put this? I only know a limited number of college students."

"Just talk about the people you know. Don't be too objective. Just say what you think."

Chen Xuan is honest and straightforward. She says what she means. "Then I'll tell you the truth. If I have to say good things, it's really good. For example, the masters Zhang and Wu we invited are both capable people. The contracts we signed are all for them to invest with their knowledge. As long as the cosmetics they develop, they will get a share of the dividends for every unit sold. I don't know how other people do business, but anyway, as long as they are capable, I will not be reluctant to spend money. Even our cosmetics sales, the best seller in Beijing is a female college student from Peking University who is our agent. In the past three months, she earned enough money to buy a small courtyard house in Beijing. Although the location is not particularly good, it is worth five or six hundred dollars. Later, we wanted to recruit senior managers from Tianjin and Shanghai. Two of them were shop assistants and shopkeepers who had worked in our store for a long time. They were both experienced and willing to go to Tianjin to try their luck, so we let them go. The other two were recruited from newspapers. One graduated from Aurora University and the other graduated from Beijing Normal University. They are both upright, smart and capable people. But in the process of recruiting senior managers, we also encountered many people who did not live up to their reputation. Not to mention college students, even some overseas students who had been studying in Europe and the United States for four years did not speak English as fluently as I did. "

"How should I put it? For people with real talent and knowledge, I think they won't have any worries about their future. The ones who really have worries about their future are those half-baked people who are not well-educated but want to put on airs. In the current market, the salary of college students is not less than 60 yuan. Once it is lower than this price, they feel it is an insult to them. But to be honest, you have to create at least 120 yuan of value for me before I am willing to pay you 60 yuan." Chen Xuan smiled embarrassedly, "I just feel this way, I don't know if it's right."

Mr. Wen praised, "Well said."

Chen Xuan was a little shy.

Mr. Wen asked gently, "I heard that Mrs. Wei is studying on her own. How far has she progressed so far?"

Chen Xuan said, "I'm studying the textbook for the second year of junior high school. I didn't do well in the physics test last year, and only scored 80 points. I hired a physics teacher from a middle school to help me with tutoring."

Mr. Wen laughed and said, "Eighty points is already excellent."

"How can that be? I am several years older than the kids in the school, so I should be able to learn better. A score of 90 or above is considered excellent. If I can only get 80 points now, I am worried that I will not be able to get even 80 points in the future as I study more and more." When it comes to studying, Chen Xuan's eyes are bright and she talks a lot. "I didn't know what the point of learning physics was when I started, but now I have just started to learn it. Apart from other things, since I have learned some physics courses, I can understand what a flashlight is. Chemistry is also amazing. I didn't know that the world is so big and there are so many amazing things. Although I am determined to study agriculture in the future, I really feel that there are so many interesting things in the world, and there are so many outstanding people in all walks of life. With my current vision and knowledge, I find it so interesting. For those who can stand on the world's horizon, what kind of scenery should the world be in their eyes?"

Chen Xuan thought, she really wanted to become that kind of person and see the world through that person’s eyes.

It must be said that Chen Xuan has matured, because even though she has such an ambition, she is unwilling to speak it out loud to make people laugh. However, the Wen couple are very discerning people. They have already seen the sparkling eyes and the longing look on Chen Xuan's face. They couldn't help but smile and change the topic.

The author has something to say: ps: The second update is here, good evening everyone!!!