The First Match

Chapter 140: vision


Chen Xuan came over, actually she had something she wanted to trouble Madam Wen with, but she didn't know how to start the conversation.

Mrs. Wen saw through it, but Mr. Wen spoke first, "Mrs. Wei, if you have any difficulties, please feel free to speak up."

Chen Xuan blushed a little. She took out a stack of documents she had written from her bag and put them in a big iron file clip. She blushed and said, "It's like this. Our store was very small before, and the factory was also very small. This year is the first time we are recruiting a senior manager. Alas, we have never recruited such a senior position before. At first, I didn't know what to do. It was Mr. Rong who told us that if there is no suitable person, we should train the right person. This is the employee training plan I wrote before recruiting a senior manager. Later, we recruited people and I made many revisions based on their situations. Brother Anian also helped me to make a lot of changes, and Yin also gave many suggestions. I put in all the suitable ones. I thought, we are not just recruiting this time, and we may have to recruit more in the future. Our knowledge is limited, and Madam, you are both knowledgeable and knowledgeable, You treat me very well, so I just want to ask Madam to help me. But I feel that you are so busy, but I bother you with such a small matter. You treat me well, but I don’t understand you. Oh, I don’t know what to say. I shouldn’t have said it, but Mr. Wen saw it. Oh, I’m not blaming you, Mr. Wen. Oh, what did I say in such a mess? "At the end of the words, Chen Xuan really wished there was a crack in the ground for her to crawl into.

Mrs. Wen smiled at first, took the plan from Chen Xuan's hand, and seeing that her face was about to burn, she comforted her, "What's the matter? If I were so busy, I wouldn't have time to invite you to have afternoon tea. This is just a small matter, you think too much. Besides, you came to let me see it because you regard me as an elder and a friend, and I am so happy. If you knew I could help but didn't come to tell me, I would not like it."

Chen Xuan rubbed her face, smiled, and tried her best to calm down. "Then thank you very much. If there is anything wrong with me, you must tell me. Only if you tell me, I can make progress."

Mr. Wen couldn't help laughing and asked Chen Xuan, "Do you really want to improve?"

It was strange that Chen Xuan always felt that Mr. Wen had an indescribable authority, but now she felt that Mr. Wen was quite approachable and not afraid of people. Chen Xuan thought that the more important people were, the more approachable they were. Chen Xuan nodded and said seriously, "I started much later than others, I didn't learn faster than others, and I wasn't very smart, so I had to ask for advice from learned gentlemen or elders like you and your wife."

Mr. Wen was happy again.

Chen Xuan is actually very good at talking. Her simple, straightforward, hardworking and persevering personality makes her particularly likable. After Chen Xuan left, Mr. Wen couldn't help but say, "Mrs. Wei has a really good temper."

"Yes, Sister Wen likes her very much. Sister Wen mentioned her when I went to her salon. Axuan's ambition is to become a first-class professor. She said this three years ago, and many people laughed at her then. Now she has learned junior high school courses, speaks fluent English, and is still learning Japanese. Now when people in the salon mention this about her again, no one laughs." Mrs. Wen picked an apple from the glass fruit plate on the coffee table and slowly peeled the skin with a fruit knife.

Mr. Wen said, "How did Mrs. Wei start a business? I see she likes studying very much. If she studies now and goes to college in a few years, it won't delay her for a few years."

"She is saving money. She wants to go to university abroad in the future." Mrs. Wen handed the peeled apple to her husband. "The Wei family is a small business family. They don't have to worry about food and drink, but they don't have a lot of money. She is a daughter-in-law and has no money. Should she ask her husband's family to support her education?"

"I think Mrs. Wei has great ambitions. If she is willing, it would be fine if we contributed some money."

"Let's put it this way. Mrs. Wei is doing well in business. Even though it's a small business, it's not difficult for her to earn enough money to study abroad." Mrs. Wen put the fruit knife back into the fruit plate and said, "Let her earn it herself. Life is a one-step process and no one can replace anyone else. It's a little difficult now, but it's also a rare life experience. Besides, the most difficult time is over."

Mr. Wen said with emotion, "Many people lack only an environment. Like Mrs. Wei, she was able to break out of her cocoon and become a butterfly immediately after arriving in Beijing, and she had her own ideals. China's new women should be like Mrs. Wei. For example, Yaying, the educational environment is so good, but I am really distressed. She did not do well in the exam at the end of last year. This time when I came to have dinner with President Jiang, I did not dare to mention that she was studying at Peking University."

Thinking of Wen Yaying's situation, Mrs. Wen was helpless. She shook her head and said, "I originally wanted to let Yaying and Axuan be friends. Yaying has never suffered since she was a child. She doesn't know how precious everything she has now is. Axuan has always liked to interact with people who studied abroad. Yaying is fashionable and has a broad vision. They both have things that the other lacks. If they can influence each other, it's not a bad thing. But you also know that Yaying has always been hostile to me. When she saw me interacting with Axuan, she believed that I had bad intentions and was also hostile to Axuan. It's not easy for me to interfere in her affairs. However, I heard that Uncle Tian's family is still hanging around her. She really hasn't suffered enough."

Speaking of his first wife's family, Mr. Wen began to have a headache and didn't want to mention his eldest daughter anymore.

When Chen Xuan returned home, it was already evening. Wei Jin was taking care of the strawberries in the yard. When she heard the sound of the car, she quickly washed her hands in the basin beside her and came out to pick up Chen Xuan. In the past, Wei Jin would not be so attentive. As the eldest sister-in-law, why did she want to pick up her younger brother's wife? But Chen Xuan was pregnant, and her body became heavier after she became pregnant. It was three years after her second brother got married that Chen Xuan's belly started to move. As the eldest aunt in the family, Wei Jin was born to be extremely concerned about the prosperity of her natal family. As an old-fashioned aunt, Wei Jin firmly believed that only if her natal family was prosperous could she have a position in her husband's family.

So, even though Wei Jin seems mean on weekdays, he has been very concerned about Chen Xuan since she became pregnant.

Wei Jin helped Chen Xuan get out of the car, and invited the driver to come in for some tea, but the driver politely declined, saying he had something else to do. Wei Jin asked the driver to wait, and then he ran back to the car, took out a pack of Hardmen and stuffed it into the driver's hand, smiling, "Driver, keep it for the road."

The driver thanked me and drove away.

As Wei Jin and Chen Xuan walked towards home, Wei Jin criticized Chen Xuan's behavior. "Even though you know the wives of officials from wealthy families, you still have to take care of the subordinates. They came from so far away to send us gifts. We Beijingers are very particular about etiquette. We can't let people say that we Beijingers are ignorant."

Chen Xuan smiled and said, "Big sister is right, I have to remember this in the future." If Wei Jin hadn't said that, Chen Xuan really wouldn't have prepared anything. Because she didn't expect Madam Wen to send a car to pick her up, so she didn't prepare anything.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was willing to learn, Wei Jin said with satisfaction, "Let me make it clear first, I bought that Hardman for your brother-in-law, so you have to pay for it."

"Yeah, I remember it." Chen Xuan said, "Brother Anian just bought one a few days ago, also of this brand. Now I don't know why, I can't smell the smell of cigarettes."

Wei Jin curled his lips, "You are too delicate." Then he heard Chen Xuan say, "Eldest sister left me two packs, I will use them when we have guests at home, and give the rest to eldest brother-in-law. The newspaper said that smoking is bad for the body, eldest brother-in-law should smoke less."

Wei Jin immediately changed his words, "You're right, you should smoke less. When you're pregnant, you have all kinds of strange symptoms. I usually like to eat mutton, but when I was pregnant with Feng Ge'er, the smell of mutton made me sick. You can't stand the smell of cigarettes, so you should ask Anian to smoke less, and give me the Hardmen cigarettes. Your brother-in-law usually has social engagements outside, and our old man smoked dry tobacco, but your brother-in-law usually smokes rolled cigarettes, but you can't roll up cigarettes to entertain guests outside, it doesn't look decent."

Wei Jin kept mumbling as he followed Chen Xuan into the house. Chen Xuan took out a half-pack of Hardman cigarettes from the closet and gave them to Wei Jin. Wei Jin happily put the cigarette under his armpit and said to Chen Xuan, "You take a rest. I still have to go check on our strawberries. I used a folk medicine made with green onion leaves before, and it really worked. Second sister-in-law, did you learn this method from the countryside as well?"

"No, who in the countryside would be willing to use green onion leaves to make traditional Chinese medicine? Green onions are kept for cooking, but other methods don't work for red spider mites. I learned this method from a book." Chen Xuan held the edge of the kang with one hand, slowly sat on it, and said to Wei Jin, "Sister, you have to keep it a secret. I read it in a farming book. Anyway, I've never seen anyone use it in my hometown before. Strawberries are most likely to attract red spider mites, especially those grown indoors. They are particularly susceptible to the harm of red spider mites."

"I'm not stupid, how can I tell others?" Wei Jin thought to himself, it seems that learning is indeed useful. Even a dumb person like his second brother's wife can become much smarter after reading a few books.

Mrs. An, who was helping to cook at home, brought in warm water and asked Chen Xuan if she was hungry.

Wei Jin first secretly memorized this method of preventing insects, and then went out to tend the strawberry garden. After the strawberry garden was done, Wei Jin raised his voice to call Chen Xuan in the yard, and then went to the old house to take care of the old house's strawberry garden with half a pack of Hardman cigarettes. Although Wei Jin used to look down on Chen Xuan for coming from the countryside, now he is learning to grow strawberries from Chen Xuan, and he is very serious, without asking anyone else for help. Every day, he runs between the old house and Wangfucang Hutong, showing a spirit of not fearing hardship or fatigue. Wei Jin had already calculated that this strawberry technique would be a lifelong skill. In the future, not to mention her, even her son and grandson will not starve to death if they have this skill.

When Wei Nian returned home and didn't smell the aroma of mutton patties, he knew that his elder sister would not be having dinner at his house that night.

Chen Xuan was clumsy, so she sat on the kang and poured a cup of warm water from the teapot for Wei Nian. Tea was cold in nature, so she didn't drink tea anymore. Drinking tea at night could easily cause insomnia, so Wei Nian usually didn't drink tea at night, and the family would just have warm water.

Wei Nian washed his hands and face first, then drank the warm water that Chen Xuan poured. Then he listened to Chen Xuan talking about going to Madam Wen's place. "I met Mr. Wen today. Mr. Wen is also a very kind person, not at all arrogant. Brother Anian, do you think that the more prestigious a person is, the less likely he is to put on airs?"

Wei Nian smiled, "People with status and position don't need to put on airs, and no one dares to look down on them. People with ordinary status and position are afraid of being looked down upon, so they will put on airs. However, nothing is absolute, it depends on each person's temperament."

Chen Xuan nodded. "That's true. Professor Chu is not arrogant, but Professor Jin is very arrogant."

Professor Jin is a professor at Peking University Business School whom Chen Xuan met through Professor Chu. Chen Xuan is very fond of Peking University because she is familiar with Professor Chu. When recruiting senior managers, Chen Xuan heard that Peking University has a business school and wanted to recruit people from the business school. As a result, Professor Jin was not interested when he heard that it was just a cosmetics store. Chen Xuan did not recruit people from the university, but directly recruited from the society. The people he recruited were also capable Qi San and Miss Bai.

However, Chen Xuan also realized that not all university professors are as elegant, amiable and approachable as Professor Chu.

Chen Xuan told Wei Nian that she had shown the plan to Madam Wen. Chen Xuan said, "Madam is always knowledgeable. If she can give us some pointers, it will be of great help in training our store staff in the future."

Wei Nian didn't know that Chen Xuan had asked Madam Wen for advice on the plan. When it came to Madam Wen, Wei Nian would always be more cautious. "Will it bother Madam Wen too much? I originally wanted to ask Mr. Rong to take a look after him when he came to Beijing."

"It's okay. Madam Wen is very nice. She said she considers me a friend. She also said that if I didn't come to her for help, she would be unhappy." Chen Xuan raised the corners of her lips. "Of course I know that Madam Wen is being polite, but as soon as I mentioned it, Madam Wen agreed without any embarrassment. Madam Wen has a good heart. I heard that many virtuous elders will help the younger generation. Brother Anian, do you think that Madam Wen thinks I'm a good person, so she helps me."

Wei Nian himself had always been somewhat intimidated by Madam Wen for no reason, but unlike Wei Nian, Chen Xuan and Madam Wen got along very well. Wei Nian did not stop Chen Xuan from interacting with Madam Wen just because of his feelings, but said, "But you do catch Madam Wen's eye."

"Maybe Madam Wen had a hard time in the past."

Wei Nian put his hand on Chen Xuan's belly and asked, "Is the baby moving?"

"Hey, don't put your hand on my belly, if you do, it will move." At four months, there were fetal movements. At first, it felt like someone was blowing bubbles in the belly, and Chen Xuan was not sure. Now it is really moving, but not strong. But every time Wei Nian puts his hand on Chen Xuan's belly, oh, the baby moves happily. Chen Xuan always lets Wei Nian touch her belly. Wei Nian doesn't know if it's because he's the first time to be a father or because he's encouraged by the baby's fetal movement, but he especially likes to touch Chen Xuan's belly. Wei Nian often says, "This is our baby saying hello to me." Moreover, Wei Nian firmly believes that the child will definitely be close to him when he is born. Just think about it and you will know that the child will respond to him now.

"Didn't I tell you this morning?" Chen Xuan staggered against the quilt and limited the time to five minutes. "You should also let the child rest for a while."

Wei Nian then reluctantly let go of his hand.

Mrs. Wen was probably not as busy as Chen Xuan thought. Three days after Chen Xuan asked Mrs. Wen to do something, Mrs. Wen invited Chen Xuan to the Wen Mansion and talked to her about the plan. The housekeeper Aman served warm milk, and Mrs. Wen got back to the point, "It can be seen that it must have taken a lot of effort. From the beginning when I was a clerk in the store to familiarize myself with the products, to the processing procedures when I visited the factory, the advantages and disadvantages of various products, the suitable groups, and the unsuitable groups are all recorded. Even if I were to do it, I would not be able to be more detailed than you."

Chen Xuan said honestly, "I have been writing for a long time, since the end of last year. At first, I really didn't know how to write, so I could only write down what I was familiar with. Later, when I recruited people and really guided them to do training, some of these plan regulations were good, so I kept them. I deleted some redundant ones. Madam, do you think there is anything else that needs to be improved?"

Madam Wen thought for a moment and said, "The framework is all there. If you ask me, there is still one link missing."

"What is it?" Chen Xuan asked impatiently.

"The soul of your brand." Madam Wen asked Chen Xuan, "Why was your brand established? What do the two words 'Siqing' mean? What ideals have you infused into your brand?"


Chen Xuan's questioning made Mrs. Wen speechless. After a long while, she whispered, "Mr. Rong didn't say anything specific. Last year, when a reporter interviewed him, I made up a story for him, saying that 'Si Qing' was because he missed his motherland when he was abroad, so he named the brand Si Qing. In fact, Mr. Rong didn't mention what the connotation of 'Si Qing' is."

Madam Wen made Chen Xuan laugh, "It seems that there is no special meaning. The annotation you gave Rong Yang is very good. Just explain the brand of 'Si Qing' in this way. Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, this country has been in decline. Now the whole country is full of patriotic enthusiasm for strengthening the country. This explanation is very appropriate."

"But I just made this up to fool the reporters. It's fake."

"There is no difference between your employees and reporters." Mrs. Wen said seriously, "You have a gentle temperament and treat people kindly, but if you want to do things, you must have a boss, a shopkeeper, a clerk, and an apprentice. Ah Xuan, you must remember that people have different identities. When you are the boss, you must have the awareness of the boss. You are the one who leads them. When your subordinates ask you how our brand came about, you can't say, I made it up. You must tell the meaning of the brand in a truthful tone, just like when you dealt with that reporter. This is the meaning of your brand. As long as you are firm and confident, that's enough."

"But what if someone finds out later?"

"Who would expose it? The brand was established by Rong Yang. If Rong Yang is dissatisfied, let him come up with a meaningful meaning to explain his own brand."

Chen Xuan said, "I'd better ask Mr. Rong. If he has another explanation, I'll use his. If he doesn't, and he agrees to use mine, then I'll use mine."

"That's great." Mrs. Wen said, "Think of an origin for your brand, and then the brand positioning. Your products are mid-to-high-end priced among domestic brands. Why is the price like this? What are your advantages and what makes you outstanding? Let your employees know all of this. I see it's all written in your plan. Also, what is your ideal? This is not mentioned."

Chen Xuan quickly replied, "We want to become a time-honored brand like Xie Fuchun and Kong Fengchun, and in the future we want to surpass those foreign brands and become our own national brand. Although cosmetics is a very small industry and somewhat insignificant, we also want to become a brand that can truly compete with foreign brands."

Mrs. Wen praised, "You said it so well, why don't you write it into the plan?"

“Do you want to write this too?”

"Of course I have to write." Mrs. Wen said seriously, "People need ideals, Axuan, money can make our life worry-free, but if we want to reach a higher level, then we must have some ideals. Like the Westernization Movement promoted by many people with lofty ideals in the past, including the current banks and factories, many of them were founded at that time. Like the theory of strengthening the country promoted in newspapers now, it is also an ideal. These are big ideals for the country. When it comes to individuals, you want to be a first-class professor, which is also an ideal. If you don't have such ideals to support you, how can you systematically self-study until you reach junior high school courses? If you want to realize your ideals, you will read more books in the future. Although this process is very hard, it is also a process of fulfilling you. From a country to an individual, everyone needs ideals. The same is true for factories. I want to remind you not to think that cosmetics are insignificant industries. Women is the one who understands beauty the most. Although the current situation is turbulent, in Shanghai, even female factory workers will buy a lipstick to decorate themselves. Some women with low incomes will even save money to buy cosmetics. The war will always end one day. If you have read "Records of the Grand Historian", you can calculate whether the war lasts longer or the peace lasts longer. When the era of peace comes, the first thing besides filling the stomach is people's pursuit of beauty. As long as the economy is slightly better, every woman will have at least a box of facial oil on her dressing table. Beauty is the first pursuit of mankind besides food and clothing. Therefore, never underestimate your career, and don't underestimate your career. You have to know that what you are doing is a career about beauty. No one can see whether the soul is beautiful at a glance. However, whether the appearance is beautiful or not can be seen at a glance. You must have such awareness and ideals to have a longer-term vision. "

After hearing the wife's advice, Chen Xuan went back to discuss with Wei Yin and added two beauty chairs on the second floor of the store. They invited a female master from a beauty salon they had worked with before to come and teach everyone the tricks of washing their faces. Usually, whenever they come to the store, Chen Xuan, Wei Yin, and Zhao Daya will practice with each other when they have time, so that if customers want to buy their own facial cleansers, they can help them try them first. Even if they don't buy, Chen Xuan has printed a lot of face-washing coupons and makeup coupons as a lottery. The winning customers can come to wash their faces or put on makeup. Of course, there are also those who like to take advantage of small bargains and come to experience it. They will never let her spend money to buy things. Although such people are speechless, there is nothing they can do. However, many women will not forget their beauty after putting on makeup for a period of time.

Chen Xuan also asked Wei Yin and Qin Shu to discuss and design a booklet about beauty, which teaches everyone the process of putting on makeup. Both of them can draw, so in addition to the notes and instructions, they drew the makeup steps step by step and made them into small folding pages. They are actually very thin, but when customers come to buy cosmetics, they will give one as a gift.

On the day when Mrs. Wen returned to Nanjing, the booklet with the smell of ink had just been printed, and Chen Xuan went to give it to Mrs. Wen. In addition to strawberries, this was also a gift. Chen Xuan was a little shy, "When you do business for a long time, it's easy to forget your original intention. When I first trimmed my eyebrows, cut my hair, and put on makeup in the beauty salon, I actually still remember the joy and anxiety in my heart. If you always think about selling things to make money, your thinking will be a little narrow. I've been a little busy lately, thanks to Mrs. for reminding me."

Wen Yaying suddenly interrupted, "What did the Madam remind you of?"

Chen Xuan then saw Wen Yaying walking down the stairs behind Mr. Wen. The hem of her peacock blue dress dragged across the shiny floor. Wen Yaying wore a diamond-studded sapphire necklace, which made her look three times more beautiful than the peacock. Chen Xuan hurriedly stood up to greet Mr. Wen, ignoring Wen Yaying. She smiled and said to Mr. Wen, "Last time, Madam told me that we should have ideals when doing things. I think Madam is right."

Mr. Wen smiled, and Wen Yaying raised her pointed chin slightly and said sarcastically, "Oh, I've heard about Mrs. Wei's ideal. Is it to become a first-class professor?"

Chen Xuan is no longer the Amon of the past. He nodded generously and said, "Yes."

She was frank. Wen Yaying snorted in displeasure, which made Chen Xuan say that such a temper really reduced Wen Yaying's points. Mr. Wen frowned slightly, but finally saved face for his eldest daughter. Mr. Wen glanced at the exquisite bamboo basket on the table with strawberries, and asked Chen Xuan in a friendly manner, "Hey, do I have a share of these strawberries?"

Chen Xuan didn't expect Mr. Wen to joke, and quickly said, "Yes, yes, I am sending my wife off, not you. You are husband and wife, husband and wife are one, just like one person."

Mr. Wen and his wife both smiled, but Wen Yaying's face turned pale, but no one paid any attention to her. Mr. Wen was glad that he didn't get angry with her. Seeing his eldest daughter being so petty, he was inevitably disappointed and told Aman, "Have the driver take Mrs. Wei home later." He couldn't help but remind his eldest daughter, "Focus on your studies."

Wen Yaying said nothing.

When Mr. and Mrs. Wen left, Wen Yaying didn't know if she was angry, so she didn't go out to see them off. Chen Xuan politely sent them out. Mrs. Wen gently reminded her, "Although it's summer, it's still a little cold in the morning. Take care of yourself. You are getting sicker, so don't go out alone in the future."

"I'm not alone. Brother Nian is waiting for me outside." Chen Xuan smiled, and her face, which was a little round due to pregnancy, glowed with a faint pink glow.

Madam Wen looked at Chen Xuan's face with a smile, "Why don't you let him in?"

"He is too embarrassed to come over." In fact, for some unknown reason, Wei Nian has always kept his distance from Madam Wen. So, when Chen Xuan interacted with Madam Wen, Wei Nian did not even come over to build a relationship with her. This can be regarded as an unsolved mystery in Wei Nian's versatile life.

Mrs. Wen laughed and said, "Next time we meet, introduce him to me."


The driver drove over and opened the door. Chen Xuan hurriedly said, "Madam and sir, please get in the car. Don't miss the plane."

Chen Xuan waited until the Wen family's car drove away before she put down her waving hand and prepared to go home. Wen Yaying said sarcastically, "You are so attentive to her flattery."

Chen Xuan didn't know when she came out, and didn't intend to pay attention to her. Fortunately, Wen Yaying didn't intend to pay attention to Chen Xuan, she snorted coldly, got into the car and left. Chen Xuan declined Aman's suggestion to call a taxi, and smiled, "My husband is waiting for me outside, we just called a taxi."

A'mun still sent Chen Xuan to Wei Nian, and then turned back to Wen Mansion.

Chen Xuan was not ready to tell Wei Nian about Wen Yaying's stinginess, but Wei Nian said, "I just saw Miss Wen leave in a car. I hope she didn't cause any trouble for you."

Chen Xuan found a comfortable position and said, "With Mr. Wen here, I don't bother to pay attention to her."

In the car, Mrs. Wen flipped through the booklet printed by Chen Xuan. On one side was the signboard advertisement of her own store and Siqing's brand advertisement, and on the other side was detailed makeup steps. Although it was just a small gift booklet, it was printed quite beautifully. The beginning and the end were both written with the sentence: Beautiful mind and beautiful appearance are both necessary.

Madam Wen glanced through it, closed the booklet and held it in her palm. She wanted to say something, but finally she just said, "Rong Yang has always had a unique vision."

The author has something to say: ps: Well, two updates are combined into one, good afternoon everyone! ! ! !