The First Match

Chapter 141: Ideal frame


After Madam Wen left, Chen Xuan and Wei Nian had a conversation.

Chen Xuan said to Wei Nian, "I used to think that Brother Anian was a little lazy and not very hardworking. Sometimes, when I saw that you didn't study at night, I was worried about you."

"Are you worried that I'm wasting my time?"

"I do feel it's a pity." Chen Xuan broke open a large yellow apricot the size of a child's fist. The moment the apricot was broken open, the plump flesh exuded a rich fragrance. She handed half to Wei Nian and took a bite herself. Her eyes curved with sweetness. Chen Xuan said truthfully, "At that time, I felt that I didn't have enough time in the day. I felt sorry for you for not cherishing time. Now I don't think that way anymore."

"Brother Anian, ever since I was able to earn money and pay off the money I owed you, and I have some savings in the bank, I'm actually not as hardworking as before. Maybe it's because life is comfortable now, so sometimes I get lazy. Sometimes, when I think about myself now and compare it with the past, I feel a little proud." After taking another bite of apricot meat and sucking the pink and sweet juice into her stomach, Chen Xuan said seriously, "I've only had a few years of good life, but I'm already complacent and not making progress. What's more, Brother Anian, you were born to live a good life? You were born to have such a good life, and you can also take the initiative to learn English, Japanese and French. In this comparison, Brother Anian, you are better than me."

Chen Xuan said with deep emotion, "I studied hard because I had a hard time in the past and wanted to change my situation. Brother Anian, you are different. You have a good life and you are still so hardworking. It's rare."

Although Wei Nian enjoyed seeing Chen Xuan's eyes shining with admiration and boasting about him, he couldn't help but sneer. Wei Nian laughed so hard that his stomach hurt. He waved his hands and begged Chen Xuan, "I really beg you, do you have something else for me to do?" According to Wei Nian's observation, whenever Chen Xuan wanted him to do something, she was definitely good at speaking. The strange thing is that Chen Xuan is not a very good talker, but she can find a lot of your advantages, and then praise you from the bottom of her soul. What she said was absolutely sincere and from the bottom of her heart, without any flattery. Chen Xuan may not be aware of this ability, but Wei Nian has benefited from it many times, and everything is still as Chen Xuan wishes. It can be seen that Chen Xuan's ability is powerful.

Therefore, once Chen Xuan praised him, Wei Nian immediately became alert.

Chen Xuan didn't quite understand what Wei Nian said and shook her head. "No, I was just talking about my thoughts these days. I don't have anything for you to do, Brother Nian. If I had something, I would have told you directly."

"Then why are you praising me so much?"

"Brother Anian, you are just such a bad person. You have too many tricks on your mind and always misinterpret people's good intentions." Chen Xuan's eyes widened. "I am not saying these words to praise you. I really admire you. I think, Brother Anian, you are really amazing."

"Oh, I beg you. Although I am very happy that you praise me, I am not as great as you say. I learn foreign languages just to make money. There is no difference between me and you who study to change your situation. I am not much nobler. If you say so, then everyone who has a good family and is willing to study is a great man?"

"Of course, such people are rare. If the situation is difficult, people will have a strong desire to change themselves. If they are in a good situation and live a comfortable life, more people may not be willing to work hard. People with a good family background and willing to study are of course very good people." Chen Xuan said seriously, "I said, Brother Anian, you are better than me, and that's why you are better."

Wei Nian said, "You think my situation is good, but that is relative to your past. Have you ever thought that in front of those people who can come and go from the Six Nations Hotel at any time, in front of those high-ranking people, our situation is no different. I learned foreign languages, also to change my current situation. Let's talk about it in the future. You said that Mr. Rong is a man of great power in our eyes, and I think he is also a busy person every day. Is he so busy because he wants to change his situation? If we compare like this, is Mr. Rong more noble, or am I more noble?"

I have to say that Wei Nian is a first-rate eloquent person.

It has to be said that Rong Yang was able to see Wei Nian's talent at first sight, which really showed his keen vision.

Chen Xuan was stunned by Wei Nian's question, but she smiled. "If Madam Wen hadn't pointed it out to me, I would have been stumped by your question, Brother Nian. Now it's not difficult for me. I used to think that you, Brother Nian, were smart and good-looking, and I was always not very confident when I was with you. Even when I met generous gentlemen and elders like Mr. Rong, Madam Wen, Mr. Wen, and Professor Chu, I relied on my thick skin to talk to them, and I felt both admiration and inferiority in my heart. Now I have found a good feeling, as described in the newspaper, of equality."

"Brother Anian, people are born with different statuses. The newspapers say that everyone is equal. But, in my opinion, people are equal only in one situation, that is, when they pursue their own ideals." Chen Xuan said, "Brother Anian, you have your ideals, Mr. Rong must have his ideals, and so do I. Madam Wen is right, people must have ideals. Ideals can not only lead us to the farthest place, but also truly bring us equality in personality."

"Brother Anian, if our current efforts are all for the purpose of achieving a certain ideal, then you, Mr. Rong, and I should all be equal. Even if someone whose family is a thousand times richer than mine is studying hard, I would not think he is noble. He studies to fulfill his ideals, and so do I."

Therefore, Chen Xuan, who had re-examined her ideals, invited Wei Nian to do something that was extremely painful for her. Chen Xuan wrote a pair of large, square characters for herself: First-Class Professor.

Then, she invited Wei Nian to write down his ideals. Wei Nian's lips twitched again and again, and he asked Chen Xuan, "What to write?"

"Brother Anian, what kind of person do you want to be? That's your ideal?"

“Does it count to make a lot of money and get rich?”

"Of course, in this world, nothing can be accomplished without money. Brother Anian, your ideal is great." Chen Xuan is not the kind of person who dislikes money. She knows the importance of money. Chen Xuan encouraged Wei Nian, "Brother Anian, just write it, make a lot of money, and get rich. Then, we can frame it and hang it on the wall. From now on, you will never forget it for the rest of your life!"

"Do you want to hang it on the wall?" Wei Nian was a very proud person, so he advised Chen Xuan, "It would be embarrassing if others saw it."

"What's there to be embarrassed about? It's a good thing for people to have ideals, and they're not worth making fun of." Chen Xuan solemnly spread out the paper for Wei Nian and called out to him, "Brother Nian, write it yourself. When we have children in the future, I will point to the big words on the wall and tell them that this is your mother's ideal, and that is your father's ideal."

Wei Nian thought, your ideal is to become a first-class professor. Let's not talk about whether it can be realized, but it sounds good to say it out. My ideal is to make a fortune. If I tell others about it, people will laugh at me. Wei Nian didn't want to write it, let alone post it, but Chen Xuan looked at him with starry eyes full of expectation. Wei Nian was always smart, so he changed his words and wrote four words: Strengthen the country with business.

Chen Xuan praised Wei Nian again and again. Wei Nian was proud of his cleverness and said to Chen Xuan, "After the calligraphy is dry, I will take it out and put it in a frame and hang it on the wall of our house."

Chen Xuan nodded and pointed to the wall next to the two individual photos next to the wedding photo of the two of them hanging in the middle of the wall, and said to Wei Nian, "When the time comes, mine will be hung next to my photo, and yours will be hung next to your photo, Brother Nian. We'll look at it from time to time, don't forget, and don't slack off."

"Okay." Wei Nian liked the vitality in Chen Xuan. Every day when he saw his wife being so positive, Wei Nian had to put all his strength into it, otherwise he would be afraid of being left behind by his wife.

After Wei Nian framed the couple's ideals and hung them on the wall, all the guests who entered their room and viewed their ideals had expressions that were hard to describe. Wei Yin said very honestly, "Second brother and sister-in-law, you have such big ideals."

Wei Nian said calmly, "It can't be called an ideal. If I say that an ideal is to eat fried zucchini dumplings tomorrow morning, can that be called an ideal? An ideal! It has to be high and far-reaching!"

Chen Xuan thought what Anian said was very good. She said to Wei Yin, "Anian, ideals are things you want to do and goals you want to achieve in the future. Write down your ideal tomorrow and let Anian frame it for you and hang it on the wall!"

Including Qin Shu, Chen Xuan also asked Qin Shu about his ideal. Qin Shu was very straightforward, "Success and fame are my ideal."

"What does it mean to be successful and famous?" Chen Xuan asked, "What is success? What is fame? Ah Shu, your ideal is not specific enough."

Wei Yin also said, "Yes, I want to be a designer. I know what I want to do at first glance. It's so specific."

So, although Qin Shu had hung up the frame of her ideal, she had not yet figured out what the vague standard of success in her heart was.

Right now, Qin Shu can think slowly. Although this is an era of war, fortunately, it is also an era where one is not ashamed to talk about ideals.

The author has something to say: ps: The first update is here, good morning everyone! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !