The First Match

Chapter 143: Wei Xin


Wei Nian leaned over to take a closer look at his daughter. Although she was just a small baby, she kept opening her mouth and howling. With her light eyebrows and eyes, she really looked a bit like Wei Jin. Wei Nian never liked his elder sister, but this little girl who looked like his elder sister made Wei Nian feel a warm feeling of blood connection. Silly dad Wei Nian's eyes had a filter, and he said happily, "She's much prettier than the elder sister." Hearing this, Wei Jin rolled his eyes and glared at his speechless brother.

Li brought in a bowl of chicken soup. Wei Nian wanted to feed Chen Xuan, but he was not used to doing this, so he had to trouble Li.

Chen Xuan drank chicken soup, ate two pieces of chicken, and fell asleep from exhaustion. The little girl was fed a few mouthfuls of warm goat milk, and she stopped crying. She was wrapped in a small blanket, and looked around with her round eyes open. When Wei Nian got closer, her eyes would follow the silly father in front of her. Wei Nian felt that his little girl with light eyebrows and eyes was extremely beautiful and lovable.

When Old Master Wei came home and heard that he had a granddaughter, he was also very happy. Old Master Wei did not lack grandchildren. He used to worry that his second wife would not have children. As long as the two of them were healthy, they would have as many children as they wanted. Old Master Wei even made an exception and drank two cups of wine. He smiled and said, "First the flowers bloom, then the fruits bear fruit. It makes a good word." He hoped that his second wife's second child would be a boy.

Old Mrs. Wei said with a smile, "This child looks especially like her aunt. She looks blessed at first glance."

Wei Nian was in high spirits when he was happy, and he became more talkative. "It is said that adopted daughters take after their aunts. Sister Yun looks like the second aunt, and our sister Xin looks like the eldest aunt."

Wei Jin was also very happy to have another niece, and asked his brother, "Have you chosen a name?"

"I had already thought of it. I'll name my daughter Xin Jie'er, which means my sweetheart." Wei Nian announced his daughter's name at the dinner table.

Wei Jinzhi smiled and said to her mother, "My second brother really likes girls."

"What should I not like? Ask my elder brother-in-law. Doesn't he like daughters? He doesn't have any." Wei Nian was happier to have a daughter than to have a son. In her joy, she was even more excited and joked with her elder brother-in-law Zhao.

Brother-in-law Zhao has a good temper. Moreover, ever since Wei Jin learned how to put on makeup and dress up, Brother-in-law Zhao can't leave Wei Jin. Brother-in-law Zhao smiled at his wife and nodded, "I like it."

Wei Jin glared at her husband and her cheeks turned red.

Wei Yin and Qin Shu also joined in the fun, although they both thought that the baby looked ordinary. However, adding a new baby to the family is always a happy event.

After eating, Wei Nian went back to his room to look after his wife and children. Chen Xuan woke up in the evening and had just eaten a confinement meal of boiled eggs dipped in sesame salt. She was looking at her little girl who was sleeping soundly beside her. Seeing Wei Nian coming over, Chen Xuan squinted her eyes and looked carefully, "Why is our daughter's skin so red?"

Wei Nian is quite experienced. "If a child's skin is red when he is born, he will grow white in the future. All our children are like this when they are born. Brother Jie and his two siblings all had red skin when they were young. When the milk skin faded, they turned snow-white."

Chen Xuan finally felt a little comforted, "A white child will be good-looking." Although the eldest sister-in-law was born a little strong, her skin was the snow-white skin inherited from the Wei family.

"That's right!" Wei Nian looked at the little baby, as if he couldn't get enough of it. "Look at our daughter's eyebrows and eyes, she's so pretty."

Although Chen Xuan loves her child very much, she is not as lenient as Wei Nian. She whispered, "People say that daughters look more like their fathers. If our daughter looks like you, brother Nian, she will be so beautiful."

Wei Nian snickered, "Don't say that my daughter is not pretty. My eldest sister and our mother are extremely happy. They both think that my daughter looks like them and they love her so much. I'm not bragging. My eldest sister is fat now. Before she got married, she was also a famous beauty in our alley. Among the four of us brothers and sisters, only my eldest sister looks like our mother. You can see how much our mother favors her. My daughter is the president. She looks like my eldest aunt and grandmother."

The couple was talking in private when the eldest aunt came over. When they saw the little girl, they praised her, saying things like "pretty", "lucky", "beautiful eyes and eyebrows", and anyway, they used all the nice words. Wei Jin said to Chen Xuan with envy, "Hey, I was hoping for a daughter, but after giving birth to the two brothers, there was no news. Although you gave birth to a daughter, you are lucky to have our sister Xin. You can just wait to enjoy the blessing of our sister Xin in the future! Look at our little girl, how can she be so pretty! Mom, I think our little girl looks like me, even if I give birth to a daughter, she won't look more like me than my little girl."

"Yes, yes, it's obvious that this girl is destined to be with you." Old Mrs. Wei was also very pleased that her granddaughter looked like her.

Wei Jin rubbed his hands. If the child was not too young, he really wanted to hold her in his arms. Finally, Wei Jin said with pride, "Finally, I have a niece who looks like me. Yun Jie'er should look like me, but Ah Yin got there first! It turns out that the little girl was waiting for her aunt!" After kissing the little girl, Wei Jin said, "I will go back with your brother-in-law now. We can't leave Wangfu Cang Hutong alone. I will come to see our little girl tomorrow." Wei Nian and his wife, as well as Qin Shu, all moved to the old house, and Wei Jin and his wife moved to Wangfu Cang Hutong to help look after the strawberries.

Seeing that the old lady and the eldest sister-in-law liked her daughter so much, Chen Xuan was very happy and said hurriedly, "It's dark outside, Brother Anian, please send the old lady and the eldest sister off."

"No need to see me off. I can support mom. Anian, you take care of our little girl." Wei Jin smiled and helped the old lady away. Although Wei Jin also longed for a nephew, she was very happy that her niece looked like her, and she believed that her niece would be as blessed as she was.

Wei Nian couldn't get enough of looking at his daughter. He had a lot of sweet things to say to Chen Xuan, such as how beautiful their daughter was, how happy he was, and that he had already planned to save a dowry for his daughter. At first, Chen Xuan tried to listen, but it was the first day after giving birth, and she was exhausted. She fell asleep without knowing when.

Although he only said the beginning of what he had to say, Wei Nian kissed the corner of his wife's lips tenderly, then kissed his little daughter, and carefully lay down beside the mother and daughter.

The next day, Wei Nian was unable to go to the shop. He had to tell all his relatives and friends the good news that he had a daughter! Of course, Wei Nian did not forget to send a telegram to Rong Yang. The telegram read: I had a daughter in early July. Both mother and daughter are safe. Very beautiful.

Rong Yang’s reply was still concise: Congratulations.

When Rong Yang reported the arrival, the Wei family was already busy preparing to receive the relatives and friends who came to visit the new mother and the little girl for three days. Mrs. Cheng also came with her own child. Cheng's Dagen was just seven months old and crawled very smoothly. As soon as he saw the baby, he stretched out his hand to touch it. As a result, before his little claws touched Wei Xin, Wei Xin opened her mouth and howled. Cheng Dagen's little hand trembled, and he turned around to look at his mother. His mother had already pressed his hand back and whispered to her son, "Sister is still young, you can't touch her now."

Chen Xuan quickly turned sideways to coax the little girl. The little girl howled loudly, but was easy to coax. After she gently patted her through the quilt a few times, she stopped whimpering.

Wei Jin's mother-in-law, Mrs. Zhao, said bluntly, "This is a very capable girl."

Wei Jin was proud, "It's better to be stronger, so that you won't be bullied in the future."

Chen Xuan is now very good at flattering Wei Jin, especially in front of Mrs. Zhao, she would especially praise Wei Jin, "I just hope to be like her aunt, sensible and capable."

Wei Jin felt that Chen Xuan had become particularly clever since she gave birth to a child. He glanced at his second brother's wife with satisfaction, raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Don't worry, if you are like me, you will be blessed."

Everybody started laughing.

The women talked quietly for a while, mainly asking about the new mother and praising the child. Old Mrs. Zhao saw a book beside Chen Xuan's pillow and reminded her carefully, "Anian, you can't read during the confinement period. It hurts your eyes. If you damage your eyes, it will be a lifelong problem."

Chen Xuan was shocked. "Really? I said I would read a book if I had nothing to do."

Mrs. Zhao thought that since it was Chen Xuan's first time to have confinement after childbirth, she might not have much experience, so she said to her in a gentle voice, "Don't read books, and don't catch a cold. You have confinement at a good time, so it won't be hot in autumn. Also, don't touch cold water or eat cold food. If you want to read a book, just ask someone to read two chapters to you. You must take good care of yourself during this month. If you do a good job of confinement after childbirth, many diseases can be cured. If you don't do a good job, you will suffer from many diseases and you will suffer for the rest of your life."

"That's right. Our old lady is right." Wei Jin said hurriedly, "If you don't read books, I wouldn't know this before. Our old lady told you not to read it, or you'll damage your eyes."

Chen Xuan quickly agreed.

After looking after the child, the women went to Old Lady Wei's room to talk, allowing the mother and child to rest for a while.

During the confinement period, one cannot read books, and of course, one cannot do needlework. Chen Xuan spent her confinement on the kang every day. When she was fully rested, she would sit for a while on the quilt, looking at the baby's soft and chubby face. She could look at it all day without feeling bored.

Especially after watching for a long time, Chen Xuan also felt like Wei Nian that her daughter was not ugly at all. Even if she looked like her elder sister-in-law, she was not ugly! Look at those light eyebrows, they look stylish no matter how you look at them. Look at those not-too-big eyes, they look lively no matter how you look at them. Look at that not-too-high nose bridge, it seems to be just the right height no matter how you look at it, and the pink little mouth and the snow-white little face, they are even more likable no matter how you look at them!

Chen Xuan even believed what Anian said, "Before my eldest sister got married, she was also a famous beauty in the alley." Chen Xuan thought that when her daughter grew up, she would definitely be a famous beauty in their Ganyu Hutong.

Looking down at her daughter who was sleeping soundly, the warmth of blood connection and the closeness of bones and blood made Chen Xuan's heart soften into a pool of water and she wanted to cry.

This is the closest child to her in terms of bloodline.

Bone of her bones, blood of her blood.

Her own flesh and blood.

Her daughter.

Wei Xin.

The author has something to say: ps: The third update is here, sorry for the long wait, good night everyone!! Thank you Qingxian for the long review~~~