The First Match

Chapter 148: Donate now


Chen Xuan sincerely felt that although what Ms. Chen did had left people with no way out, it had to be said that at this time, when everything was increasing in price, Daxingsheng's move to launch a series of patriotic and affordable models for sale was a brilliant way of publicity.

However, Chen Xuan was puzzled by the fact that although the profit margin of cosmetics was not small, the current price increase was not the initiative of the merchants. In fact, the raw materials were all rising. If the merchants wanted to survive, they must not do business at a loss. Chen Xuan didn't know, was Ms. Chen doing business at a loss? Otherwise, where did her profit come from

Chen Xuan does not think that Ms. Chen is targeting "Si Qing". Ms. Chen's Daxingsheng is the agent for most of the domestic cosmetics brands in China. She is actually an agent. Chen Xuan's shop also has other domestic brands of cosmetics. Although Chen Xuan mainly promotes "Si Qing", there are actually some domestic brands of cosmetics that sell very well in their store. Chen Xuan has a good relationship with them. It doesn't make sense to only supply Ms. Chen's Daxingsheng with this kind of "patriotic style" and not their Juliet.

In fact, whether the price is rising or the price is the same, the business of domestic cosmetics brands is very slow now. Since the Japanese occupied the three northeastern provinces, various news about the Japanese entering the country has been flying everywhere. At this time, ordinary people have no time to pay attention to clothing. The most prosperous business now is rice, flour, grain and oil. Everyone is crazy about storing rice and flour. After all, we have to eat at any time. For industries like cosmetics, it is only after we have enough food and clothing that we should pay attention to them.

Of course, Beijing is still peaceful now, and there are many people who have enough food and clothing.

So, there is still business, just not as good as before.

Chen Xuan believes that Ms. Chen's promotional strategy is naturally good. However, Chen Xuan really doesn't understand where the profit from the sales of the patriotic products launched by Ms. Chen is.

Chen Xuan was puzzled and prepared to go back and ask other brand suppliers. Her Juliet (Chen Xuan Wei Yin's store name) also represented many domestic brands. Although it could not compare with Daxingsheng, its business was not bad. If the brand supplied patriotic styles, it made no sense that only Daxingsheng had them and their Juliet did not. However, there was no need to wait until home to inquire about this matter. Wei Yin was sharp-eyed and saw Miss Shao in gorgeous clothes at the ball, so he quietly told Chen Xuan.

The two sisters-in-law now have business cooperation with Miss Shao. Chen Xuan promoted Miss Shao's "Fenfang" brand at the beginning, and it did very well. But Miss Shao finally chose Ms. Chen as the general agent of the brand in Beijing, and Chen Xuan's store could only become an ordinary small agent under the general agent. However, the sales of the "Fenfang" brand in Chen Xuan's store have been very stable, and they can also communicate with Miss Shao. Chen Xuan went over to greet, "Every time I see Ms. Chen, she always makes me admire her. Setting up a separate "patriotic style" is really a great idea."

Miss Shao smiled, "Yes."

Chen Xuan naturally talked about the Patriotic cosmetics series. "Ms. Shao, is the Patriotic cosmetics a series produced by the factory alone, or is it supplied exclusively to Daxingsheng? If it is supplied exclusively to Daxingsheng, it will be difficult for a store like ours to do business."

Miss Shao was helpless, "You know, everything is going up now, including 'Fragrance'. For this Daxingsheng model, Ms. Chen insisted on selling it at a fair price after deducting the profit. She gave up the profit that Daxingsheng deserved. She is my general agent in Beijing, and she insisted on this. Besides, Northeast China fell into the hands of the Japanese, and the cosmetics business plummeted. I thought this was a good opportunity to promote cosmetics, so I agreed. But don't worry, Ms. Chen said that it will only last for one month, and the promotion is only limited to Daxingsheng. How is the cosmetics business in your store?"

Chen Xuan shook her head. “Now the prices are rising too fast. People are using their money to buy rice and flour.” The cosmetics business is not doing well for just one company.

"As long as the world is peaceful, things can't be so expensive forever. I think the price will come down sooner or later. If we slow down, it should be able to recover." Chen Xuan agreed with what Miss Shao said. What Chen Xuan was worried about was how long would it take to slow down? The workers in the store and the factory had to be paid monthly. Every time this happened, Chen Xuan felt that she had lived a life of blindness in her previous life. Chen Xuan was now thinking about how to improve the business of her store. However, Ms. Chen's promotion method made Chen Xuan's eyes light up.

The world is in chaos and the cosmetics business is not doing well. Ms. Chen actually came up with such a brilliant idea. Chen Xuan's admiration for her is not fake.

However, this was naturally a stroke of genius for Daxingsheng. For Chen Xuan and Wei Yin's shops, the domestic cosmetics business had already declined a lot. If they could not deal with it effectively, all customers would go to Daxingsheng.

Ms. Chen spent the whole evening hanging out with the celebrities at the party and had no time to greet the Wei family. Besides, they were not that familiar with each other. Ms. Wen and Ms. Han were the focus of the party, while the Wei family only greeted some of their more familiar friends, danced two rounds, and then prepared to leave.

When leaving, Miss Han handed a small brochure to Qin Shu and said softly, "Ah Shu, we have organized a women's relief association. If you are free, come and join us. Although we can't do much, but within our ability, if we can benefit the country, it is also our patriotism."

Qin Shu took it, said a few polite words, and then said goodbye and went home.

Qin Shu was originally very patriotic. As soon as the news about the three northeastern provinces reached Beijing, Qin Shu was the first to call on everyone to donate money. But now that Ms. Chen suddenly launched the affordable "Patriotic" series of affordable cosmetics, Qin Shu suddenly became indifferent. Generally, everyone would donate some money at a charity ball, and they all had this intention. However, Qin Shu did not want to donate a penny at this ball. She looked at Ms. Chen's exquisite face, which was set off by a set of diamond jewelry. Although her eyebrows and eyes were still as beautiful as a painting, Qin Shu had never felt so strongly that the era of Ms. Chen's socialite was over. It is common for Shanghai socialites to donate to charity, but socialites should have the attitude of socialites. No socialite would use the name of "patriotism" to promote her store at a charity ball. It is really too much of a waste.

In today's sluggish cosmetics business, launching affordable patriotic products is indeed a successful commercial promotion. Ms. Chen's move has a good advertising effect on Daxingsheng. However, in Qin Shu's opinion, Ms. Chen is really a little anxious. Whether it is affordable patriotic cosmetics or advertising for Daxingsheng, it is too petty to talk about these at this charity ball to donate money for refugees in Northeast China.

Because, as long as Ms. Chen can organize the charity ball well, there will be plenty of opportunities to promote her Daxingsheng and her patriotic affordable domestic brand cosmetics in the future. But she was eager to recommend her store at such a charity ball. I really don't know what Ms. Chen means? Is she calling on everyone to join her in not raising prices? Even a business novice like Qin Shu thinks this is wishful thinking. The price increase is not everyone's initiative, but is mostly driven by the situation. This is not something that Ms. Chen's call can change.

After a generation of celebrities fell into the world of fireworks, no matter how glamorous her makeup was, it couldn't hide the hideous face behind it. Qin Shu never regarded herself as a celebrity, and still thought that it was too ugly.

Qin Shu did not intend to donate money, but Wei Nian donated 40 yuan in the name of the four people, 10 yuan per person. So, although Qin Shu felt that Ms. Chen had lost her socialite demeanor, because Wei Nian's 40 yuan donation was not much for the Wei family, those who knew the details of the Wei family knew that this was a family of ordinary people who worked hard to rise up. But for Qin Shu, he could only hang out with such a family. The upper class of Beijing who knew Qin Shu's identity felt that Miss Qin was too down and out now.

Qin Shu didn't know that she made people feel pity for her. As soon as she left the house, she threw away the pamphlet of the Women's Relief Society. Although Qin Shu was willing to donate to refugees, she also had her own rules. She either donated to government organizations or to reliable charitable organizations, such as the Women's Relief Society organized by Ms. Chen, Ms. Wen, and Ms. Han. Qin Shu's current money was earned and saved by hard work. Qin Shu only looked at the organizers of the relief society and would never donate money to them. None of these three people made Qin Shu like them. Even Wei Nian's 40 yuan was for a dance party. It would be better not to donate a single dollar. It was just for the sake of face.

Besides, these days, if you have money, why worry about not being able to donate it

Whether it was Chen Xuan and Wei Yin's shop, or the lace factory and women's technical school managed by Qin Shu, relief societies, self-help societies, shelters, relief schools and other organizations would come to the door every now and then, hoping to get some donations for the refugees.

Even for Qin Shu, when he really had to deal with it, his previously ardent patriotic heart couldn't help but feel a little tired.

Chen Xuan and Wei Yin are actively preparing to deal with Daxingsheng's patriotic series of cosmetics. Their Juliet (Chen Xuan and Wei Yin's store) really can't compete with Daxingsheng, just take the patriotic series of affordable cosmetics as an example. If according to Ms. Shao's statement, according to normal calculations, then for Ms. Chen, the patriotic series of affordable cosmetics is made with her own money. I'm afraid that only Ms. Chen in the whole city of Beijing can afford this money. This is not to say that Ms. Chen is financially rich, but in fact, Ms. Chen has great magical powers. Her Daxingsheng is affiliated with the military, and there will be no taxes from now on, and even the rent is paid by the military. Therefore, Ms. Chen can afford it, because even if Ms. Chen subsidizes like this, she will not lose money. Relatively speaking, this publicity can also revitalize the cash flow of her own store in the currently cold cosmetics market.

This is why Chen Xuan said that Ms. Chen's actions left people with nowhere to go. Ms. Chen's advantage in cost control is much higher than others. In the past, each brand would consider the entire market and set its own price. Now the market is sluggish and each brand needs capital to flow back. Ms. Chen is only doing activities in the Beijing market for one month, which will not make the brands suffer losses and can also promote the entire cosmetics market.

At this time, no one will refuse.

Even someone like Chen Xuan would be happy to see Ms. Chen's patriotic advertisement for cosmetics at this time. Although it is not easy to deal with the patriotic series of Daxingsheng.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan and Wei Yin were not the Ah Meng of the past, and Qin Shu and Wei Nian came up with ideas together, and the two came up with a response plan the next day. The most direct solution was, didn't Ms. Chen want to sell it at a fair price? They all followed up!

This is not because they have the strength of Ms. Chen, but Chen Xuan's store also sells a lot of domestic cosmetics brands, and some stocks are from previous sales. The cosmetics business is difficult now, and prices are soaring. Other brands are rising, and Chen Xuan's store has also risen with them. But if you calculate carefully, the cost of these goods in the warehouse is still the same as before, and it is profitable even if they are sold at the previous price.

Of course, these stocks are limited in number and there is no follow-up.

But since Ms. Chen launched the patriotic series, they had no choice but to follow suit and wait until they sold out!

As for his own brand "Si Qing", the price of "Si Qing" has already gone up, so it will not be adjusted down. Fortunately, because of the price increase, under Wei Nian's suggestion, all the "Si Qing" after the price increase have been replaced with new packaging. Wei Nian did this in order to find a better-looking packaging for the price increase, so that customers can feel that the product has been upgraded. However, this has brought convenience to Chen Xuan and others.

"Siqing" is the old model participating in the patriotic affordable series, while the new model is an upgraded version and continues to increase in price.

As for other brands in the store, Wei Nian suggested that Chen Xuan and Wei Yin contact the Beijing general agents of these brands and suggested that they all change to new packaging after the price increase. Regardless of whether the products are updated or not, the packaging must be updated, so as to distinguish them from the products before the price increase and improve the quality of the products after the price increase. Wei Nian believes that although it is a cold winter for cosmetics, whoever can survive it will seize the future.

At the same time, Chen Xuan and Wei Yin planned to take advantage of the "patriotic style" to organize an event in the store. It was still a lottery, and each ticket had a prize, but this time it was not a discount ticket, but a rice and flour ticket. Chen Xuan proposed that the prize was very substantial, a half-pound portion of rice and flour. There were three types of rice, white flour, and millet, and each portion was half a pound. As long as the customer came to buy something, they could win a prize.

As for these grains, the family had stockpiled a lot of them before, and the cost was low. Compared with the working capital obtained by clearing out the store’s inventory, these were just small amounts of money.

Chen Xuan was just happy that the business in the store was getting better, but then a report like "The reputation of a business heroine is not up to the reality" appeared in the newspaper. The report said that Chen Xuan and Wei Yin's sister-in-law only donated 40 yuan to a charity ball. Then, the report also said that the store was busy with customers and business was booming, but the two owners were stingy and mean, and had no patriotic heart.

Qin Shu was so angry about this kind of report that he fell backwards. It was everyone's freedom to donate or not, or to donate more or less! How could this be justified in the world? Donating 40 yuan would lead to being criticized! They had already donated 500 yuan before! Qin Shu and Wei Yin were both very angry about this kind of slander, and Chen Xuan certainly would not be happy either. However, Chen Xuan really didn't take it to heart, not because she was broad-minded and didn't care about the slander in the newspaper. Chen Xuan was such a frugal person. She donated 500 yuan the first time and 40 yuan the second time. Although Chen Xuan felt sorry for the refugees, she actually felt sorry for the money. She just held back and didn't say anything at the time, but in the end, her kindness was not rewarded. She donated so much money, but people said she was stingy!

If this is still considered stingy, then there is no generous person in the world!

At least, that's what Chen Xuan herself thinks!

The reason why Chen Xuan was not very angry was that she was feeding the little girl when she found out about this. The little girl's head was arched under her mother's sweater, her mouth was sticking out, her fists were clenched, and she was eating with great enthusiasm. Chen Xuan touched her daughter's back through her cotton-padded jacket and told her not to be anxious. She also touched her chubby little butt wrapped in a dry diaper and felt that her daughter had become heavier. She was very happy and thought that she had raised her daughter well.

As for the bad things in the newspapers, Chen Xuan felt that they were nothing as long as she held this soft and fragrant little ball of flesh in her arms.

The author has something to say: ps: It’s hard to say much today, so this is the only update. Good night everyone! ! ! ! ! !