The First Match

Chapter 168: Hello Uncle Fox


This was an extremely peaceful time. After the ceasefire in Shanghai, Miss Bai Qi San took the train to Shanghai to continue her business. In the blink of an eye, the little girl was about to turn one year old. Chen Xuan had already discussed with Wei Nian and made an appointment with the photo studio in advance to take the little girl to take a one-year-old photo. Chen Xuan also bought a photo album separately to put family photos in the future. Chen Xuan had planned to change the little girl into a newly made little red skirt and red jacket. The little girl started to learn to walk when she was ten months old, which was strange. Generally speaking, children only walk a lot when they are one year old. Wei Jin was tidying up strawberry seedlings in the yard. The little girl could walk a few steps by holding on to a bench at that time, and she couldn't do it without holding on to something. Wei Jin put the little girl aside, put down a bench for her, and let the little girl turn around by herself holding on to the bench. Old Mrs. Wei went to the kitchen to see how the eldest sister's meal was cooked, and then asked her to make a bowl of steamed eggs for the little girl. Sister An was cooking the workers' big pot meals, Sister Liu was washing clothes, Wei Jin was packing strawberries, and the little girl just staggered over by herself.

At dinner that night, Wei Jin talked about this matter in a surprising way and repeatedly praised the little girl, "No one has more dexterous legs than our little girl! Our neighbor Xu's wife also gave birth to a boy, who is half a year younger than our little girl. He is more than three months old now. When our little girl was three months old, she could turn over very well, but his boy could only lie down and could not turn over at all. He is so stupid." He also said that the little girl was walking early just like her, as she also learned to walk early when she was a child.

Wei Jin was very proud of what he said. Wei Nian thought that his elder sister often helped take care of the children, so he smiled and complimented her, "That's right, I heard that you can talk very early, too."

Old Mrs. Wei testified, "Your eldest sister is very eloquent. She could speak at the age of eleven months old."

I don't know if it's true that "a girl follows her aunt", the little girl opened her mouth when she was eleven months old, and the first words she said were neither "Dad" nor "Mom". She was often with Wei Jin, who loved to talk, so the little girl's first word was "No", which meant she called her aunt. Alas, Wei Jin was so proud that he couldn't hold back. He bought three feet of silk cloth from his own shop and made a small cheongsam for the little girl. Although Wei Jin's needlework was not very good, it was rare for her to receive something from her elder sister-in-law, so Chen Xuan was quite satisfied.

That is, Wei Jin heard that a family was going to take a little girl to take a one-year-old photo, so she wanted to go with them. Not only that, she also wanted to take the old lady with her, so that she, the old lady, and the little girl could take a group photo. Wei Nian was so worried about his eldest sister that he said to Chen Xuan, "What kind of temper is this eldest sister? She is willing to join in any fun!"

Chen Xuan handed the bottle to the little girl and asked her to drink milk from the bottle with a screw cap. Chen Xuan's milk supply was not very sufficient. It was enough when the child was young, but when the child was five or six months old, her appetite became bigger and it was not enough. At first, the little girl was asked to drink fresh milk, but fresh milk did not work and she would have diarrhea. The family bought foreign milk powder and made it for the little girl. In addition, she also added complementary food, in addition to rice porridge, a steamed egg every morning and a steamed egg every evening. Chen Xuan did not have much milk herself, but she was unwilling to stop breastfeeding the little girl, and she would make milk powder for her every day. This child's appetite was like that of her eldest aunt. Everything she ate was delicious, and she drank it with a bottle of milk. When Chen Xuan heard Wei Nian say that her eldest aunt and the old lady also wanted to take pictures together, she said, "Then let's call Ah Yin to come together. The two aunts will take pictures together."

Wei Nian whispered to Chen Xuan, "I think it will be just the three of us."

"My eldest sister-in-law and the old lady often help to look after the little girl. They both like our little girl. In addition to group photos, we will also take a few photos of the three of us. I also want to take a group photo of the two of us with Brother Anian, and also take a single photo of each of us. I will also take a few more photos of my eldest sister-in-law and the old lady. Who doesn't like to take photos? Although I always feel a little embarrassed when taking photos, I actually like to take photos in my heart." Chen Xuan is very grateful to the old lady and the eldest sister-in-law for often helping to look after the child. She has to go to the store every day, although she has to remember to come back to feed the child. Later, the child started to eat complementary food and had milk powder to eat. Chen Xuan only breastfeeds in the morning and evening, and comes back to see the little girl at noon. The rest of the time, the old lady Liu Saoji takes care of the little girl. Wei Jin also likes to take care of the little girl whenever she is at her mother's house. Looking after a child is very tiring, not to mention that if it weren't for the old lady and Wei Jin helping to look after the child, Chen Xuan would not feel at ease to leave the little girl alone with Liu Saoji.

During this period, Wei Jin was in a very good mood, mainly because the children had an upgrade exam before the summer vacation. In this exam, Zhao Feng and Zhao Yu did not rank among the top, but also jumped from the last place to the middle of the class. Although they still couldn't compare with the good results of Wei Jie and Wei Mingyun, their progress was obvious compared to the last place. As for Wei Jie and Wei Mingyun, because of their outstanding performance, they also served as class cadres of some size in the school. In the words of Mrs. Wei, that was like being an official.

Wei Jin's expectation for his sons has now upgraded from not lagging behind to being at the top of the class. He hopes that they can become officials in the class like his nephews and nieces next year. Of course, they cannot be called officials now, they should be called class cadres, monitors, etc.

During the summer vacation, Qin Shu bought a train ticket to go back to Shanghai to visit her family. Although she was a transfer student, she did very well in the exams before the summer vacation and was one of the best in the class. Qin Shu felt that it was okay in terms of face. In addition, there was a war in Shanghai at the beginning of the year, and she was worried about her family. Originally, Qin Shu planned to go home to visit when the war in Shanghai just ended. Director Qin refused to agree. Director Qin said, "Everything is fine at home. It's useless for you to come back. It's a waste of time for your studies! With your current situation, you still plan to take a doctorate exam. You must be dreaming!" The father and daughter had a quarrel on the phone, and then Qin Shu didn't go home. She planned to go back during the summer vacation. When she got home, she didn't talk to her father, but only to her mother, eldest brother, and sister-in-law.

After seeing Qin Shu off, Wei Nian, Chen Xuan, and the little girl, along with the three of them, Old Lady Wei, Wei Jin, and Wei Yin, went to the photo studio to take photos of the little girl's first birthday. They took several photos of the little girl alone, and Madam Wen even asked about taking photos of the little girl's 100th day on the phone, and asked Chen Xuan to send her a set after taking the photos.

When Chen Xuan sent the little girl's photo to Mrs. Wen, Qin Shu and Rong Yang came to Beijing together. Qin Shu came back with a lot of bags, including many things she bought in Shanghai for the store, and gifts from her family to the Wei family. Mrs. Wei smiled from ear to ear and said that the Qin family was too polite.

Chen Xuan didn't know Qin Shu came by plane. When she heard that Rong Yang also came to Beijing, she said, "It seems like you and Mr. Rong have discussed it beforehand."

"It's not something we agreed on. I just took his plane. Oh, I'm so tired of taking the train. It takes four or five days to get to Shanghai. It's different if I take a plane. Although I have to go through Tianjin and Nanjing, I can get there in one day." Qin Shu smiled, "Rong Yang happened to come to Beijing. He was on business. I took up his assistant position and the air ticket can be reimbursed. Otherwise, I would not be willing to take a plane. The ticket is too expensive."

Chen Xuan poured Qin Shu a glass of water and said, "Mr. Rong is a very nice person."

"I also agreed to be his dance partner. Whenever he came to Beijing for social events, I was always there to accompany him. He's almost thirty years old and still hasn't settled down. I think he's going to be a bachelor." Qin Shu drank all the water in one gulp. Seeing how thirsty she was, Chen Xuan smiled and poured her another glass.

Because Qin Shu sent a lot of things to Old Lady Wei, she asked her eldest sister to cook two more dishes. She also went to the mutton bed and bought a big bowl of braised mutton for dinner, as a welcome for Qin Shu to come back.

In the evening, Chen Xuan told Wei Nian about Rong Yang's visit to Beijing. Wei Nian said, "It just so happens that I have to talk to Mr. Rong about the business in the past six months." Wei Nian asked casually, "Why did Miss Qin come here with Mr. Rong? It's a coincidence that they met by chance."

"It was Ah Shu who hitched a ride on Mr. Rong's plane." Chen Xuan casually mentioned that Rong Yang's air ticket could be reimbursed.

Wei Nian immediately thought of how Rong Yang had fooled him. He had also thought that when he first went to Shanghai, Rong Yang had paid for all three tickets from Beijing to Shanghai for him, his wife, and his sister. Wei Nian was amused and angry at the same time, and cursed, "Damn Rong the fox."

Wei Nian had mentioned Rong Fox once at home, and he didn't know how the little girl's ears were so sharp. When Rong Yang invited Wei Nian and Chen Xuan to his home, he also specially invited the little girl. The main reason was that Chen Xuan would always mention how smart her little girl was when she corresponded with Rong Yang. Anyway, according to Chen Xuan's modesty, she praised her daughter like a flower, which made Rong Yang curious. Because the two families had a very good personal relationship and it was at Rong Yang's house, Rong Yang invited the little girl to come along.

The little girl can walk and talk now, and Chen Xuan and Wei Nian like to take their daughter out. Ever since she learned to call her aunt, the little girl can call them "uncle aunt, auntie", and she is very smart. Wei Nian is still wearing a well-ironed suit, and his hair is slicked with greasy gel. As the old saying goes, a fly would have to split its legs when it flies on it. He also sprayed some thyme perfume when he went out. Speaking of which, his meticulousness is actually very similar to Rong Yang's habit of paying attention to appearance. Chen Xuan is still shy and graceful as before. Wei Nian formally introduced Rong Yang to his little girl, "Girl, this is Uncle Rong that your father mentioned to you. Call him Uncle Rong."

The little girl didn't know what she was thinking about. She looked at Rong Yang with the crescent eyes that she inherited from her grandmother and aunt. Suddenly, she opened her mouth and smiled. Then, she shouted in a crisp voice, "Hello, Uncle Fox!"

Wei Nian startled his daughter so much that she almost dropped from his arms. When Wei Nian hurriedly held his daughter, Rong Yang looked over with a meaningful look.

The author has something to say: ps: The first update is here, good morning everyone!!